At-sign in haml class names - haml

I'm trying to make a webpage with UIkit (the front-end framework, not the iOS framework).
From v3, UIkit uses at-signs in its responsive class names (.uk-text-left#s affects small devices and up, .uk-text-left#l large devices and up...).
Using those classes directly causes haml to complain:
Illegal nesting: content can't be both given on the same line as %div
and nested within it. (Haml::SyntaxError)
Or, if the html element doesn't contain any other elements, to produce a wrong output, with the # in the html content:
<div class="uk-text-left">#s hello</div>
Using %div{ :class => "uk-text-left#s" } works fine, but this kind of frameworks rely so heavily on those classes that it makes a huge difference compared to just typing .uk-text-left#s.
Is there any other way to make haml accept the at-sign as part of the class name?

You'll probably need to use the long form methods for attributes.
Instead of the shorthand method
You'll need to do this
%h1{class: "#awesome-sauce"}
The shorthand is just syntactic sugar. You could always write a helper or decorator to handle the name generation if there is an obvious pattern.


Vue JSX bind to class name

I'm building a simple TodoMVC app using Vue + JSX, but the documentation seems to be seriously lacking. Thus, I'm writing down the points I need to address as part of a CR to the appropriate projects. The only document I've read as of yet is the guide, which doesn't cover much JSX at all. I don't know much about how the framework works yet, but I sure prefer using the render method over the string templates for performance/network reasons.
What's the proper way to create a class name binding in Vue + JSX? In my TodoItem component, creating either a class or className attribute makes Babel throw a compile error complaining the API is deprecated (and suggesting I add several seemingly unrelated dependencies to the mix). Plus, including the class property in the data object seems to change nothing.
secondary question
The lack of documentation, plus the wording on the guide gives the impression JSX is not the "proper" way to write Vue components. Is that so? What's the idiomatic way to do it, given I don't want to ship the compiler along with my app?
code on codepan
I sure prefer using the render method over the string templates for performance/network reasons.
If you're writing *.vue files and bundling them with vue-loader (Webpack), the HTML template gets compiled into a JavaScript render function anyway, so there isn't really any kind of performance issues in that sense.
On the other hand, if you're writing your Vue components with string templates like this:
new Vue({
template: '<div>Hello</div>'
then you'll need the Vue template compiler at runtime to convert the string into a render function.
Typically people would opt for writing render functions manually if they need to do something specific that would be difficult/impossible to do with the HTML template alone.
You've probably already read the docs, but just in case, the relevant sections are:
Render Functions & JSX
The Data Object In-Depth
babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx Usage
What's the proper way to create a class name binding in Vue + JSX?
You would just bind to the class attribute like you would any other attribute:
<div class={this.klass}>
data() {
return {
klass: 'foo'
The lack of documentation, plus the wording on the guide gives the impression JSX is not the "proper" way to write Vue components. Is that so? What's the idiomatic way to do it, given I don't want to ship the compiler along with my app?
JSX is definitely supported, but it is not the recommended approach. The recommended approach is to write *.vue files and load them with vue-loader (if using Webpack).
Vue comes in two versions, one with and one without the template compiler. The one with the compiler included is only for development and should not be used for production builds (unless you require string template to render function compilation at runtime, which is unlikely). See Explanation of Build Files for more info.
Typically you write HTML string templates, and they get compiled to render functions (by vue-loader) at build time.

Using TagHelpers vs ViewComponents in ASP.NET MVC6

I'm trying to understand the use case differences between TagHelpers and ViewComponents in 5 because the end result functionality seems very similar. We have TagHelpers that can create new HTML tags that get parsed by the Razor engine and then ViewComponents that get explicitly invoked. Both return some HTML content, both are backed by their respective base classes, both have async versions of methods they can implement to get their work done.
So when would one be used over another? Or am I missing some information?
There's definitely some conceptual overlap between TagHelpers and ViewComponents. TagHelpers are your utility to work with HTML where ViewComponents are your way to stick to C#, do isolated work and then spit out HTML. I'll go into each in detail:
Your conceptually equivalent mini-controller; you will see that many of the methods/properties that ViewComponents expose are very familiar to those that exist on a Controller. Now as for invoking ViewComponents, that's more equivalent to utilizing HTML helpers (one thing TagHelpers make better). To sum up ViewComponents: Their primary purpose is to feel like a controller, stay in C# land (there may be no need to add utility to HTML), do smaller/isolated work and then spit out stringified HTML.
A utility that enables you to work along side existing HTML or create new HTML elements that modify what happens on a page. Unlike ViewComponents TagHelpers can target any existing HTML and modify its behavior; example: you could add a conditional attribute to all HTML elements that would conditionally render the element server side. TagHelpers also allow you to intermingle common HTML terms, ex:
<myTagHelper class="btn">Some Content</myTagHElper>
As you can see we're adding a class attribute to our TagHelper just as if it were HTML. To do this in ViewComponents, you'd need to pass in a dictionary of attributes or something equivalent (unnatural). Lastly multiple TagHelpers can run over a single HTML element; each having their own stage at modifying output (allows entry for modular TagHelper toolkits). To sum TagHelpers up: They can do anything that ViewComponents can do and more BUT do not feel familiar to things like Controllers that ASP.NET developers are used to; also some projects may not want to intermingle server side HTML.
I recently did a video showcasing the benefits of TagHelpers. Basically a walk through of what they're good at and how to use them. You can watch it here.
When deciding which one to use I always consider how complex the HTML of the component will be.
If it's something simple like a tree view or a pager
<ul class="jstree">
<li>Node 1</li>
That is candidate for tag helper, because it's simple. Large HTML in a C# code would be hard to maintain.
On the other hand if it's complex HTML with many divs, images and configuration like a full blown menu where it can be vertical or horizontal that's your view component. Benefit of view component is that you can use multiple views so for menu so you can separate horizontal.cshtml & vertical.cshtml while reusing same backend code.
Turns out that in .Net Core 1.1, you can call a ViewComponent using the tagHelper syntax.
Regarding Taylor's comment "Their primary purpose is to feel like a controller", it is true, but since you cannot directly call this "micro-controller" directly, the "controller-like" behavior is limited in that you can only create a part of a page, you cannot call it again (say via an ajax call, an Edit Action, etc).
One primary difference between TagHelpers and ViewComponents relates to how much work needs to be done by the object. TagHelpers are fairly basic, requiring only a single class that overrides the Process method to produce the output of the TagHelper. The downside is that if you do any complex work to create inner HTML in the TagHelper, it has to all be done in code. In a ViewComponent, you have a mini-controller capable of doing a lot more work, plus it returns a view, where you have actual Razor syntax code that can be mapped to a model.
Another post mentioned that ViewComponents are more "HTML Helper"-y in how you call them. ASP.NET 1.1 addressed that issue, so that you can call it with
<vc:view-component-name param1="value1" param2="value2></vc:view-component-name>
For most purposes, a TagHelper has a definite advantage, because it's easier. But if you need a more robust solution, ViewComponent is the way to go.
And yet something that kind of defeats the purpose of View Components (IMHO) is that from the View Component class there seems to be no way to access the Inner Html of the VC if you use the tag helper syntax:
<vc:MyComponent id="1" att="something">
Some HTML markup you would not want to put in an attribute
There are however good applications of a VC such as the Bootstrap Navigation Bar View Component I saw in a TechieJourney blog post.

What is the point of getEl() in extjs4

I have a listener that is called when a tab is activated.
, listeners: {
activate: function(tab){
var first = tab.down('input'), // will be null
firstEl = tab.getEl().down('input'); // will contain first input element
I'm not having a lot of luck understanding the relationship between tab and tab.getEl(). If this was jquery, $(tab) would give me a jquery element which would largely expand on my set of options. extjs seems to be almost backwards in this regards, or at least more complicated.
I'm trying to understand when and why I need getEl() so that it is less of a development crapshoot about what will and won't work. In other places I do things like:
showFieldHelpOnBlur = function(ctrl) {
without the getEl(). In this case form is an element tag just like input (above), but I don't need the getEl() before I use it. In general the two sets of functionality that share the same names but don't work the same are frustrating, and the docs don't seem to give any clue as to why there are multiple methods with the same names that do different things, or do similar things in a different way.
Found some similar issues with focus(), but those might make more sense if I just understood why are there are 2 seemingly parallel sets of methods for what are essentially DOM elements wrapped in additional functionality.
I think at the core of your confusion is how you approach the development using ExtJS vs JQuery.
JQuery is all about DOM manipulation and low level API. ExtJS approach is very different, it wants you to think of your page structure as a hierarchy of ExtJS components that are responsible for rendering appropriate HTML. So ExtJS is essentially saying: "Don't worry about html, we'll take care of it - you focus on the larger components, layouts, events, etc. "
You will say "Whoa Nelly! What do you mean don't worry about html? I want control!" And ExtJS will respond OK - we have a wrapper object called Element (!/api/Ext.dom.Element) you can use it to do DOM manipulation just like you are used to with JQuery .. but be cautious. Because if you manage your own HTML we can't be responsible for what happens to your layouts and components that are not managed by the framework.
My advice is this - when in Rome do like Romans do :)
If you are going to be using ExtJS to build apps - embrace the way ExtJS is designed to work. Learn the different layout mechanics and numerous component types available to you out of the box. Use the MVC development pattern to beautifully organize your code. Use the examples to your advantage. Study the architecture and component guides - these are very useful. Understanding ComponentQuery class is a must (all those up/down methods and query).
At the end, when you have gained comfort using ExtJS components and their style of development you will be very efficient at building your UI compositions and can build much more complex applications than before.
Good Luck!
Pro Tip: Do yourself a favor and get Illuminations for Developers plugin for Firebug - it will open your eyes to see things using component structure rather than HTML elements.

Yii - Cactiveform, cform, form builder - confusion

Those are three concepts on Yii that I really don't get what should we use, on what scenarios?
Can anyone be kind enough to clarify those Yii elements, and on what situation should we use them?
In documentation of CForm one can read the following:
...we can divide a form
in two parts: those that specify each individual form inputs, and
those that decorate the form inputs. A CForm object represents the former part...
...and CActiveForm represents the latter.
In other words, CForm specifies elements of the form but CActiveForm (being a widget) renders it.
Looking at the source code we state that CForm can also render() itself and its rendering relies on and is wrapped by CActiveForm widget by introducing its configuration property activeForm, though rendering input elements and buttons is implemented by its own methods renderElements() and renderButtons() relatively. By default their implementations rely on classes using CHtml's static methods what is exactly the same (or almost exactly the same) what CActiveForm's rendering methods do. Of course, default behavior can be overriden by extending the class.
That's why it's the question of a taste which technique to use: CActiveForm widget alone combining form fields' and buttons' declaration with their representation in a view file by calling convenient (required) methods of CActiveForm instance or CForm class declaring form's input specifications in a separate configuration file and customizing its rendering by pointing at appropriate active form widget and/or by overriding default rendering methods. The latter technique allows to reuse a form in several actions easily and is no more than using form builder.
Check here for live examples of ActiveForm, CForm, et cetera. You can also see the live Model, View & Controller files.

Node.js/Express Partials problem: Can't be nested too deep?

I'm learning Node.js, Express, haml.js and liking it. I've run into a prety annoying problem though. I'm pretty new to this but have been getting nice results so far.
I'm writing a jquery heavy web app that relies on a table containing divs. The divs slide around, switch back and fourth and are resized etc to my hearts content.
What I'm looking for a way to switch (template?) the divs. Since I've been building in express and mimicking the chat example it would make sense to use partials. The rub is that I've been using inexplicit divs in haml, held within a td. The divs are cunstructed as follows:
Which has worked fine cross browser. Parsing the classes works great for the js code to pass arguments around, fetch values etc.
What I'd like to be able to do is something like:
!= this.partial('message.html.haml', { collection: messages })
Any combination I've tried with this has failed however. And I might have tried them all.
If I could put a partial into that div I'd probably be set. And you can nest them as long as you use #ids instead of .classes. But if you use more than one class it breaks! I think that's the most accurate way of summing it up.
How do you do this? I've checked out various templating solutions like mu.js and micro template like by John Resig. I earlier checked out this thread on templating engines. It's very possible I'm making some fundamental mistake here, I'm new to this.
What's a good way to do this?
%li= message
For the partial right?
Ensure you have the path to the partials folder in the view folder.
You might want to check messages is being passed. Ie get it working without the partial first.