Drawer / hamburger menu in React Native - react-native

I need to create an app using react native in both android and iOS and i'm still a newbie. So,now i need to implement a drawer like shown in the image above.I've already searched for an example or project that meets with my needs but too badly, i couldn't find anything suitable for me.So can you help me and thank you

You could use this library:
I think it can solve your problem
This RN starter has an example as well:

You should not implement it from scratch yourself but instead you can use a starter project like this. If you want these animations on the drawer icon you can also check the Airbnb's Lottie.

How to implement the hamburger menu with react-native-paper:

At the time, this one worked for me (0.63.4). The others I found were from previous versions (0.45) and required a lot of adjustments regarding newer version implementations. No other extra files are needed except these ones after creating a unmanaged blank project:


Is there a way to turn an app into a website in React Native?

I built an application in React, is there a way that the same code will be used for a website?
I know Instagram is built on React and it also has a website, I wonder maybe you should add some link or something that it will open for me as a website?
Or maybe there is no such way and I have to build a website separately?
First off all, If you have written any code which is related to native functionality, then it can be challenging.
If you have only worked with views, images, and some of the basic functionality.
It can be done with react-native-web you can easily migrate your project to react-native-web.
If you project is created with expo they already provide react-native-web support.
Option 2: If you have some of the code you want to share and some is that you don't want to share or can't share.
You can use renderProp or customHooks pattern to reuse your logical code and seperate your view for react-native and react js apps.
If you want to reuse your views too, you can do those with primitives.
you can use styled-component primitives for that.
You can get some idea here as well.

React native turn by turn navigation

we working with expo and using mapview, however, there are many restrictions in react native maps, as we are planning to implement turn by turn navigation. Integrating Mapbox would have been the best option, however we do not think it’s best to eject the project as expo doesn’t still support Mapbox. Although, I came across a package, react native maps navigation, I would like to know if anyone has been able to successfully implement it in their project and it functioned properly, and also know if there are any drawbacks that comes along with it. I am asking this because the author says “Please note that this module is usable but still under heavy development. Some properties and/or component names might change without notice.”
Kindly give your suggestions and advice. Thanks
Mapbox works very well in a react-native projects and recommend to use this service for your project but effectively, it don't works with expo so for me, you should eject your project to use it.
I paste here some packages I used for a GPS project (The last one is to get the current position of an user)
Hope that could help you

Recommendation needed for drawer in react-native-navigation

This is my first attempt in react-native project, Does react-native-navigation have drawer inbuild? If so please share the documentation link please? Am confused to use react-navigation or react-native-navigation.
My requirement is all about navigation, drawer, tabber for screens.
Note: I need a native navigation to attract the users.
I used react-native-router-flux which have not much documentation but have quite good answers for all the workarounds. Also its not maintained now. SO indeed to select a new one.
For your first question, I should say that I always use react-Navigation and I like it. To hightlight one of my reasons I should say that "Being a JS-based navigator allows React Navigation to integrate smoothly with any of the third-party libraries, while RNN may suffer from libraries that are tightly coupled with native platforms or need to be wrapped around the whole app." You can check this link:
For the drawer, I highly recommended this one, because it give you any option that you want and it is working perfectly on both iOS and android for me, while others always make troubles for me in one of mentioned platforms.
Also if you want other elements and tools with a good performance, check this link:
I hope I could help you.

How do you enable Core Spotlight to index app content in React Native

What's the easiest way to go about indexing a React Native app so that content within the app appears in Spotlight searches?
If you're still interested in indexing your app content using React Native, I've written a plugin to do just that.
As you've figured out, there's no built-in react-native support for this. The only option for you to utilize the Core Spotlight framework capabilities is to create your own native module which will expose this functionality to your react-native code. You can also try to find someone who already wrote this module and made it open source, but I guess you've already tried that.
Since this is the only way, it is also the easiest... That said, it should be pretty easy to implement it yourself, assuming you have some experience with iOS development. If you run into problems you can post your code and I can point you in the right direction if necessary.

How to delete a ListItem by Swiping out the element?

I am trying to find a Component how to remove my ListItems in my ListView. Actually there is a Module working for iOS react-native-swipeout where you can swipeout the elements. I need the same for Android or atleast something similar.
Maybe someone has figured this out, and could tell me how they solved deleting Items from a ListView in a React Native Android App
The react native team removed their experimental implementation for the SwipeableFlatList component (which uses internally a FlatList instead really really deprecated ListView).
I rescued the original code from v0.59 which they removed on v.60 and its available as a npm module here
And theres a good how-to on medium here