Self-signed certificates and HTTPS Error - ssl

I'm creating a Certificate Authority with openssl, and signing my server & client certificate with it (they both are the same).
Installing CA as a Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA, server certificate - as a Personal one.
Adding server certificate in IIS6, adding bindings - and getting the right https connection via browser on server side.
But on the client side -
Installing CA as a Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA, client certificate as Personal, server certificate as External.
Checking all the certificates - they are in a working state, CA is connected to client, everything looks normal.
Trying to get via Chrome - I'm getting the connection, but it is unsecured (can't connect to https). (But I still can connect Chrome, and use all the requests in Google Rest Client.)
What am I doing wrong here?
SOLVED. Had the same serial_number for both client and server certificates

SOLVED. Had the same serial_number for both client and server certificates


Using SSL Certificate for WCF-BasicHttp Send Adapter in Biztalk

I have a business process which send messages to SAP via soap endpoint exposed by them.
I am using WCF-BasicHttp Send Adapter(In-Process).
As you can see below, earlier the url was http, now they have moved their system to cloud so now they have https endpoints.
I wanted to test this change from http->https, so I have modified the url to https, fill in the credentials for basic auth. it working fine in Test system without SSL Certificate, I need to make sure it wont cause any issue after moving to production system.
My Question is,
1/ Will it work in Production system too as its in TEST without SSL Certificate ?
2/ or Do I need to apply SSL for WCF-BasicHttp Adapter, if yes How can I do that ??
If you are moving to https URL, Certificate is must for SSL/TLS handshake. Many times, Certificate used by specific endpoint is signed by a third party Trusted Root CA e.g. Trustwave, DigiCert etc and these Root CA certs are already trusted on most of the systems. It’s possible in your test system, your endpoint certificate Root CA is already trusted and that’s why you did’t need to install the certificate. In order to check this, you can do following:
Browse your https service url in browser in chrome/IE
Look for Security/Lock sign to find it’s cert. Clicking the lock sign will open certificate.
Check the certificate root by going to Certification Path. You should see a chain of certificates in path. A cert can be by signed by just root CA Or by Intermediary CA first and then root CA. e.g.
—- Trustwave Root
—- Trustwave Intermediary
—- service cert
—- Some Root
—- service cert
Check if Root CA is in your Trusted Root store of system. And Intermediary Cert (if applicable) is in Intermediary Cert Store. You can check this by opening certificate mmc snap-in using mmc command in Windows->Run and adding Certificates snap in of local computer.
If Root CA Cert and Intermediary Certs are not in your system store. SSL/TLS handshake will not complete successfully and BizTalk send port will not work.
If these are installed, you should be good. Otherwise install these certificates in local computer stores.
Another way to verify if endpoint certificate is trusted on a BizTalk system is to login with service account under which your send host is running and then browse the URL in IE. If you don’t get any Cert error, and URL opens such as wsdl URL, then you are good. If you get a cert error, this means end point certificate is not trusted and you need to install the certs as described above.
Some references:
View Certificate
Working with Certificates

(Internal)CA signed certificate on WebLogic & same CA cert(public key) on my Weblogic Server. Browser still doesn't trust

I have the company CA signed certificate, intermediate and server certificate in the identity store ( .jks) but still the browser says , cannot be verified by a trusted authority error. Using weblogic -10.3.1 from the weblogic logs i also notice this -
Invalid/unknown SSL header was received from peer x.y.z.12 during SSL handshake
But when I install the root and intermediate certificates into certmgr.msc then when i access the url again in a new window it has no error on the browser and also no error log in the weblogic server.
What could be wrong ?
Global CA's have their root and intermediates recognised by all the modern browsers. However when browser encounter s a certificate whose intermediate and roots aka chain certificates & ca certificates are not a part of its trust store so it fails to chain the leaf certificate to its issuer. So in order to mitigate thi, the roots and intermediates of the company ca must be added so that the browser can verify the complete chain.
Agreed .but thats how the trust works. The company issues ca certificate is known only to your organization but browsers are accessed globally and if you want make the certificate trusted in all the browsers then either you switch to public ca issued certificates or get your root certificate cross signed by a global ca root.

Valid SSL Certificate , Local Host

I have a web page with apache, and it is hosted only in localhost, but all devices that are connected to my network can be entered using my ipv4 (192.168.1.x), I have installed a certificate using openssl, but the certificate is only valid For my pc where I am hosting the site, if I try to enter with another device it tells me that it is not valid.
That's expected since the Certificate Authority (who emitted your certificate) is not trusted by the browsers. You'd need to install your CA certificate in your clients in order to make them trust the certificates emitted by that CA.
If you own a valid domain, you may buy a certificate for it from a trusted CA, or even emit a certificate using Let's Encrypt, which emits free SSL certificates that are trusted by all major browsers currently. Remember that this won't work neither for invalid/local domains or domains that you don't own.

Secure Nifi with SSL

I secure successfully a Nifi Node (localhost) with SSL but I have always a yellow padlock in my browser as you can see in the pic here
Do you have any idea?
If you used an untrusted certificate then this is expected behavior. You would have to purchase a real certificate for a real domain name in order for the browser to not warn you.
I see the description below:
Standalone : generates the certificate authority, keystores, truststores, and files in one command
Client/Server mode : uses a Certificate Authority Server that accepts Certificate Signing Requests from clients, signs them, and sends the resulting certificates back. Both client and server validate the other’s identity through a shared secret.
Standalone and client, both generate the certificate authority, keystores, truststores.
Sorry, I don't see the difference.

Setting up 2-way SSL and trusting all certs from root issuer

I've got to put 2-way ssl on some laptops where each one has its own different cert. On the server, I've got to configure IIS7 to trust all client certs from the issuer, so that the different certs are all accepted. I've set my IIS7 site to 'require ssl' - 'require client certificates'. I've got the one-way SSL on the domain already configured to use a cert I obtained from GoDaddy, and that's working well. When I try to make it work with 2-way ssl, I can't get it working.
The issuer in question is the company themselves, so they issue their own certs.
So far I've been given the following by my client:
Root .cer for issuing company
Chained .p7b file that contains the ROOT, SUBONE and Test.cer Client
Test.cer that came from a CSR I generated on my development machine issued by SUBONE
My question is - Where do I put everything, and what settings do I need to configure this so it works?
(client: Win7, server: 2008Server, IIS7 - all bang up to date)