Issue with Overriding Default Keybinding in Atom Text Editor - keyboard-shortcuts

I'm attempting to modify my keybindings in Atom.
So far I've been successful in adding a custom new keybindings via the keymap.cson file. However, I've encountered a problem when attempting to override a default one.
I'm trying to replace the default Ctrl + Shift + S, which is bound to Save as by default, to perform the Save all command instead. Of course, merely adding didn't work, so after a while I figured out I should unset! the key combination first. Now it looked way more promissing in the Key Binding Resolver.
This keymap produced following output in the Key Binding Resolver:
'unset!': 'core:save-as'
'ctrl-shift-S': 'core:save-all' # Key Binding Resolver claims this works fine
# but it doesn't do anything
'ctrl-shift-E': 'editor-stats:toggle' # works fine
'ctrl-shift-A': 'bracket-matcher:select-inside-brackets' # works fine
Despite that, however, the key binding Ctrl + Shift + S doesn't save anything at all. Accessing the command from the context menu works fine. I've searched the web, the core:save-all command seems to exist, it even has a default keybinding on Mac.
I am using the latest version of Atom on Windows 10, made sure no package conflicts with the keybind.
I'm really confused about this.

You can find commands by using the command palette.
Mac: CmdShiftP
Windows/Linux: CtrlShiftP
Looking for "save all" there, the only match for me is
Window: Save All
Ignore whatever key binding it may show next to it. What is important is the command name, "Window: Save All". You can convert that to a command selector with these steps:
Lowercase everything
Remove the space after :
Replace other spaces with -
This yields your selector: window:save-all.
So your key binding should be:
'ctrl-shift-s': 'window:save-all'
As the command's name suggests, this will save all tabs in all panes in the current window. It should not affect anything in other Atom windows.


Atom Override keybinding for PlatformIO

I'm using the PlatformIO package, and I want to override the shortcut that allows me to focus in and out of the embedded terminal. The default shortcut is ctrl + alt + f. I want to change it to esc.
I tried this in my keymap.cson:
'esc': 'Platformio Ide Terminal: Focus'
I also tried with "escape" instead of "esc", but neither was able to override the default shortcut.
How do I accomplish this?
The correct key for Esc is esc, but more importantly, you need to use the correct command to focus. The following works, given that the terminal is visible.
'escape': 'platformio-ide-terminal:focus'
To toggle and focus the terminal in one keystroke, you need to use "composed" commands. In that case, you can put something like the following into your
atom.commands.add "atom-workspace", "my-custom-toggle": ->
activeEditor = atom.views.getView atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
pioTerminal = document.querySelector(".platformio-ide-terminal.terminal-view")
parentNode = pioTerminal.parentNode if pioTerminal
if !parentNode or is "none"
atom.commands.dispatch(activeEditor, "platformio-ide-terminal:toggle")
atom.commands.dispatch(activeEditor, "platformio-ide-terminal:focus")
And then you use that command in your keymap.cson:
'escape': 'my-custom-toggle'

Change Integrated Terminal title in vscode

We can open command prompt in vscode by using the Integrated Terminal feature in View menu.
We can even open multiple terminals as shown below:
Is there any way I can change the title of the terminal ?
1: cmd.exe will be build terminal
2: cmd.exe will be watch terminal
I have gone through the integrated terminal documentation but I didn't find a way to do that.
Press in windows Ctrl + Shift + P and after type: Terminal: Rename, there you can change the terminal name/title
In v1.61 there is the ability to set the terminal names using variables. See terminal custom titles in release notes.
Terminal names are traditonally the name of the process they're
associated with. Thus, it can be difficult to distinguish between
We now support configuring both title and description to help with
this using variables described in terminal.integrated.tabs.title and
terminal.integrated.tabs.description settings.
The current default values are:
"terminal.integrated.tabs.title": "${process}",
"terminal.integrated.tabs.description": "${task}${separator}${local}${separator}${cwdFolder}"
Variables available are:
${cwd} - The terminal's current working directory
${cwdFolder} - The terminal's current working directory.
${workspaceFolder} - The workspace in which the terminal was launched.
${local} - Indicates a local terminal in a remote workspace.
${process} - The name of the terminal process.
${separator} - A conditional separator (" - ") that only shows when surrounded by variables with values or static text.
${sequence} - The name provided to xterm.js by the process.
${task} - Indicates this terminal is associated with a task.
It looks like the ${task} variable is what you are looking for.
Sometimes, plugins will remove default keyboard shortcut bindings.
Look for "terminal.rename" in keyboard shortcuts then edit the keyboard shortcut to your preferred shortcut.
To apply your shortcut, make sure your cursor is focus in edit part of the window before you key in. Not at the terminal part.
In v1.41 there is a new command which can be used like so:
"key": "ctrl+t",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg",
"args": {
"name": "remote"
if you have some frequently used name, like "remote" or "build" that you use often.
With VSCode 1.63 (Nov. 2021), entering "<blank>" (ie., empty string) as name will restore the default name for that terminal.
See issue 134020
For instance:
If my setting is ${cwd}${separator}${process} and I name a terminal "foo".
How do I reset "foo" back to the value of ${cwd}${separator}${process}?
My suggestion was that if you attempted to submit a blank name that would automatically reset to the value of your setting.

Renaming a Yakuake session from commandline

Yakuake provides a hotkey and a GUI way to rename commandline tabs/sessions.
I'd like to do the same via the command line, so I can script it and use it in an alias. (My goal is that if I use an alias which does an SSH to some server, then the tab is renamed according to this servers name...)
I tried the suggestions shown here Renaming a Konsole session from commandline after ssh so far no luck.
Since KDE4, one should use qdbus to control KDE apps (instead of deprecated and deleted DCOP).
For example, to change a title of the first session one may use:
qdbus org.kde.yakuake /Sessions/1 org.kde.konsole.Session.setTitle 1 "New title"
To explore available interfaces, methods and properties one may use qdbusviewer.
As a homework try to get a list of active sessions (before you going to change smth).
Like #fgysin pointed out, his command also works for me. BUT it needs the ` character and not " for the subcommand :
qdbus org.kde.yakuake /yakuake/sessions org.kde.yakuake.activeSessionId
It gives :
qdbus org.kde.yakuake /yakuake/tabs org.kde.yakuake.setTabTitle `qdbus org.kde.yakuake /yakuake/sessions org.kde.yakuake.activeSessionId` "NEW TAB TITLE";

How to auto-indent code in the Atom editor?

How do you auto-indent your code in the Atom editor? In other editors you can usually select some code and auto-indent it.
Is there a keyboard shortcut as well?
I found the option in the menu, under Edit > Lines > Auto Indent. It doesn't seem to have a default keymap bound.
You could try to add a key mapping (Atom > Open Your Keymap [on Windows: File > Settings > Keybindings > "your keymap file"]) like this one:
'cmd-alt-l': 'editor:auto-indent'
It worked for me :)
For Windows:
'ctrl-alt-l': 'editor:auto-indent'
The accepted answer works, but you have to do a "Select All" first -- every time -- and I'm way too lazy for that.
And it turns out, it's not super trivial -- I figured I'd post this here in an attempt to save like-minded individuals the 30 minutes it takes to track all this down. -- Also note: this approach restores the original selection when it's done (and it happens so fast, you don't even notice the selection was ever changed).
1.) First, add a custom command to your init script (File->Open Your Init Script, then paste this at the bottom):
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'custom:reformat', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor();
oldRanges = editor.getSelectedBufferRanges();
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'editor:auto-indent')
2.) Bind "custom:reformat" to a key (File->Open Your Keymap, then paste this at the bottom):
'ctrl-alt-d': 'custom:reformat'
3.) Restart Atom (the script only runs when atom is first launched).
Package auto-indent exists to apply auto-indent to entire file with this shortcuts :
Package url :
I prefer using atom-beautify, CTRL+ALT+B (in linux, may be in windows also) handles better al kind of formats and it is also customizable per file format.
more details here:
You can just quickly open up the command palette and do it there
Cmd + Shift + p and search for Editor: Auto Indent:
This works for me:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor':
'ctrl-alt-a': 'editor:auto-indent'
You have to select all with ctrl-a first.
This is the best help that I found:
This package can be installed in Atom and then CTRL+ALT+B solve the problem.
On Linux
(tested in Ununtu KDE)
There is the option in the menu, under Edit > Lines > Auto Indent or press Cmd + Shift + p, search for Editor: Auto Indent by entering just "ai"
Note: In KDE ctrl-alt-l is already globally set for "lock screen" so better use ctrl-alt-i instead.
You can add a key mapping in Atom:
Cmd + Shift + p, search for "Settings View: Show Keybindings"
click on "your keymap file"
Add a section there like this one:
'ctrl-alt-i': 'editor:auto-indent'
If the indention is not working, it can be a reason, that the file-ending is not recognized by Atom. Add the support for your language then, for example for "Lua" install the package "language-lua".
If a File is not recognized for your language:
open the ~/.atom/config.cson file (by CTRL+SHIFT+p: type ``open config'')
add/edit a customFileTypes section under core for example like the following:
"source.lua": [
"text.html.php": [
(You find the languages scope names ("source.lua", "text.html.php"...) in the language package settings see here)
If you have troubles with hotkeys, try to open Key Binding Resolver Window with Cmd + .. It will show you keys you're pressing in the realtime.
For example, Cmd + Shift + ' is actually Cmd + "
You could also try to add a key mapping witch auto select all the code in file and indent it:
'ctrl-alt-l': 'auto-indent:apply'
I was working on some groovy code, which doesn't auto-format on save. What I did was right-click on the code pane, then chose ESLint Fix. That fixed my indents.
If you are used to the Eclipse IDE or the Netbeans, you can use the package eclipse-keybindings (
This Atom package provides Eclipse IDE key mappings for Atom. Currently, the Eclipse shortcuts are directly mapped to existing Atom commands.
To format all lines from a file, just use: Ctrl+Shift+F.
Ctrl+Shift+i worked for me in PHP under Windows ... but some files did not react. Not being the brightest it took me a while to work out that it was the include files that were the problem. If you are using echo(' ... PHP ...') then the PHP does not get re-formatted. To get over this, create a temporary PHP file, say t.php, copy the PHP part into that, reindent it (Ctrl+Shift+i ... did I mention that?) and then copy the newly reformatted PHP back into the original file. Whilst this is a pain, it does give you correctly formatted PHP.

How to create a shortcut for user's build system in Sublime Text?

I've just created a build system named XeLaTeX by creating a file named XeLaTeX.sublime-build in the User directory of Sublime Text, whose content is:
"cmd": ["xelatex.exe","-synctex=1","-interaction=nonstopmode","$file_base_name"]
What should I do, if I want to bind my F1 key to this specific build system?
Note: Ctrl + B, the default build system should not be influenced. That is to say, I could use Ctrl + B to use the default one, and the key F1, the new system, is also available at the same time.
Maybe there is another way to achieve this. Add the following text to Default(Windows).sublime-keymap will execute the command:
{"keys": ["f1"], "command": "exec", "args": {"cmd": ["xelatex.exe","-synctex=1","-interaction=nonstopmode","$file_base_name"]}},
However, $file_base_name is not defined here. Is there any method to pass current file (base_)name to exec?
I nailed it by myself.
AFAIK, there is no such a way to pass current file name through key binding, and it's not possible to use key binding to specify a certain build system. Thus, writing a Python script is of necessity.
There are only three steps.
1. Save the following content to /Data/Package/User/
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class CompileWithXelatexCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.view.window().run_command('exec', {'cmd': ["xelatex.exe","-synctex=1","-interaction=nonstopmode", self.view.file_name()[:-4]]})
2. Add a line to /Data/Packages/User/Default(<your-plat>).sublime-keymap
{"keys": ["f1"], "command": "compile_with_xelatex"},
3. Open your LaTeX source file with Sublime Text, and then press F1 to compile it with XeLaTeX.
Indeed, it's a little tricky, but it works like a charm for me.
Build systems work by either selecting them specifically in the Tools -> Build System menu, or by using a selector to match a specific syntax. If you want to use a selector, add the following line to your XeLaTeX.sublime-build file (make sure to add a comma , after the first line, the file needs to be valid JSON):
"selector": "text.tex.latex"
The build command is already bound to CtrlB and F7, but if you also want it bound to F1, open Preferences -> Key Bindings-User and add the following line if you already have custom key bindings:
{ "keys": ["f1"], "command": "build" }
If the file is empty, just add opening and closing square brackets [ ] at the beginning and end of the file, respectively, as it also needs to be valid JSON.
Now, whenever you open a LaTeX file, you should be able to hit F1 to build it. If for some reason it doesn't work (if, for example, you have other build systems for LaTeX installed by plugins like LaTeXTools), then just select Tools -> Build Systems -> XeLaTeX, and everything should work properly.
Your example will work, if you give parameter "$file_basename" not "$file_base_name".