Launch host and target crosscompiling builds inside CMake - cmake

Is there a way to configure CMake such that a single make command will launch both host and target builds? I have a project that is meant to be run on a target platform but requires some generated data from a generator that needs to run on the host platform (PC). From CMake's documentation and looking around, I need a 2 pass build - first host to create the generator then the target crosscompiling build. My question is specifically how to launch the 2-pass build with a single make command through CMake configurations (not using an external bash or python script).
Things I know
CMake doesn't allow changing toolchain within a single build
Almost solutions like: How to instruct CMake to use the build architecture compiler? Which is fine except I need to skip the 2nd step of using an external script
How to separate what's run during crosscompiling or not cmake - compile natively and crosscompile the same code
It is supposedly possible to launch multiple CMake builds using CMake How to make CMake targeting multiple plattforms in a single build

Turning my comment into an answer
Let's say you have an buildTool sub-directory for the host build tools:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(genfoo genfoo.cpp)
Then you could have a main:
set(_genfoo "bin/genfoo${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}")
OUTPUT ${_genfoo}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build bin --config Release
set(_genfoo genfoo)
OUTPUT foo.h
COMMAND ${_genfoo}
DEPENDS ${_genfoo}
add_executable(bar bar.cpp foo.h)
target_include_directories(bar PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR})
How to instruct CMake to use the build architecture compiler?


CMake: FetchContent interferes with CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE [duplicate]

It can be a pain to refrence ExternalProjects when their install targets are messed up. So one may want to build and install ExternalProjects once before generating main project files for given project. Is it possible with CMake and how to do it?
You may use cmake call within execute_process for configure and build CMake project, which contains ExternalProject:
ExternalProject_Add(<project_name> <options...>)
# Configure external project
# Build external project
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/other_project
Such a way other_project will be configured and built in directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/other_project. If you do not disable installation in ExternalProject_Add call, then it will performed when building other_project.
Normally, you want some options to ExternalProject, like SOURCE_DIR, BINARY_DIR, INSTALL_DIR, to be deduced from variables in the main project. You have two ways for achive that:
Create CMakeLists.txt for other_project with configure_file, called from main project (before execute_process command).
Pass variables from main project as -D parameters to ${CMAKE_COMMAND}.
Having separated execute_process calls for sequential COMMANDS is important. Otherwise, if use single execute_process with several COMMANDS, these commands will be just "piped" (executed concurrently but with output of the first command being treated as input for the second).

Two subprojects A and B, A depends on B and checks for features present in B

I'm trying to create a CMake project that integrates 2 sub-projects, specifically botan and rnpgp. The build system of rnpgp is CMake-based, botan uses a Python configure script to generate a Makefile.
The problem is that during the CMake run rnpgp checks for features in botan, so it requires a compiled botan library. But, botan doesn't get built until I actually call make, which I can't do because rnpgp fails to configure because botan isn't built yet.
What's the right way to specify such a dependency in CMake?
You could use CMake's execute_process() to run the botan Python script and run make during the CMake configure stage. This way, the botan library will be built and available to reference when running the mpgp CMake:
# Run the Python script to configure the botan Makefile.
python ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/botan/
# Run 'make' from the botan directory where the 'Makefile' was created.
This is a rough example of what it could look like. You may have to modify the paths a bit to match where you have botan on your system, and where botan generates its build artifacts (i.e. location of the Makefile).

CMake: how to make execute_process wait for subdirectory to finish?

Part of my source code is generated by a tool which is also built under our main project with a add_subdirectory. We execute this tool with a execute_process command. Clearly, if the tool is not built before we reach the execute_process statement it will fail.
I use a GLOB (file(GLOB...)) to find the source files generated. I do this because it is not possible to know beforehand how many files are generated, neither their names.
How do I force cmake to wait for the subproject to be compiled before the execute process? I would need something like a DEPENDS property for the execute_process but this option is not available.
# This subproject will source generator the tool
# I need something like: wait_for(generator)
execute_process(COMMAND generator ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
file(GLOB GeneratedSources ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp)
add_executable(mainprject.exe ${ProcessorSourceFiles}
Command execute_process executes its COMMAND immediately, at configuration stage. So it cannot be arranged after the executable is created with add_executable command: that executable will be built only at build stage.
You need to build subproject at configuration stage too. E.g. with
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
-S ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/generator
-B ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generator
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
--build ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generator
The first command invokes cmake for configure the 'generator' project, located under ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/generator directory. With -G option we use for subproject the same CMake generator, as one used for the main project.
The second command builds that project, so it produces generator executable.
After generator executable is created, you may use it for your project:
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generator/<...>/generator ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
Here you need to pass absolute path to the generator executable as the first parameter to COMMAND: CMake no longer have generator executable target, so it won't substitute its path automatically.
You will need to model this with target dependencies. The tool "generator" should be a cmake target. In that case use add_custom_target instead of execute_process somthing like this:
add_custom_target(generate_sources ALL COMMAND generator ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src))
Then add a target dependency to "generator" using add_dependencies:
add_dependencies(generate_sources generator)
This will make sure your target "generate_sources", which runs the tool will only run during build after the target "generator" has been compiled.
The following is false, see the comments for more info:
Use add_dependencies to add a dependency from "mainproject.exe" to "generate_sources". Now this I have never tested, so take with a grain of salt: With CMake more recent than version 3.12, according to the entry on file, you should then be able to change your file command to:
file(GLOB GeneratedSources CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp)
Which I interpret as this will re-glob the files during build if the directory changes.

Detect CMake build target in CMakeLists.txt?

In CMake script CMakeLists.txt, how to detect the current build target, like the parameter passed to cmake command via -A option? There is variable WIN32 to detect Windows, but still not the parameter for -A option, like -A X64.
if (WIN32)
#do something
endif (WIN32)
The platform name that is provided with the -A flag is accessible in the CMakeLists.txt file via the CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable.
Regarding your wording, let me note that there is no such thing like "current build target" in CMake. Rather, the CMakeLists.txt file defines, which targets will be available in the generated Makefile (e.g. via add_executable or add_library) that is created by CMake. CMake itself does not perform builds for specific targets. Which target gets build depends on how you execute the generated Makefile, e.g. make <targetname>.

How to run Clang-based tool as a separate CMake target

I have written a Clang-based tool and I want to run it on existing CMake executable target. I want this to be a separate Makefile target, so I can run it without builiding exe target.
There is a solution to run it during exe target build (described in cmake clang-tidy (or other script) as custom target)
set(DO_CLANG_TIDY "${CLANG_TIDY_EXE}" " --my-additional-options")
my_exe_target PROPERTIES
CMake runs my tool during my_exe_target build. In build log I see:
cmake -E __run_co_compile --tidy=my_tool --source=main.cpp -- ..
But is it possible to create a separate target?
Maybe you could use add_custom_command, e.g. (adjust according to your vars and other needs):
edit (to address OP question):
A good starting point is to search for __run_co_compile and try to recreate the command from the Makefile rule (if your generator is make). There's no "automatic" propagation of the attributes, because a custom target or command can be anything. You could use the corresponding cmake variables (e.g. CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, etc) or target properties (e.g. COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) to emulate that.