Delete all jobs in the terminal - jobs

I've created some jobs and I want to delete all the jobs together. Please, help me to delete all the jobs without using pid or job id. I want to delete all together not individual.
What I've tried:
Please, help me to delete all jobs.

work while(true); do kill -9 % ; done
this will help.


How to stop a SQL Agent job (running on an hourly schedule) to stop executing once it is successful

I have a SQL Agent job that runs on the 7th of each month on an hourly basis. I want to stop it from running further once it is successful.
For example, if the job is successful at 8:00 A.M, I dont want it to run any more untill the 7th of next month. Any scripts would be helpful for this.
I am working on trying to establish this rule through the use of MSDB and an idea that I have is to update the Enabled flag to a 0 once the run is complete. Once the 7th of next month hits, another job on the SQL Agent could go in an update the flag back to a 1 so it can be run. i
I suggest you create a new first job-step and, using the answer provided in the question sql-agent-job-last-run-status, you can check if the last execution succeeded.
You can then cancel the job from executing by using exec msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job
I use this method in an Availability group cluster (to check if SQL Agent is running on the primary for jobs the require it) and abort the job if not. It works well.
How about, create a table with a row for last successful run, populate it on a successful run.
Then first thing in the job, check that table, and if the last successful run is since the 7th, terminate.
Otherwise run the rest of the job.
The solution that I finally deployed was to add a step to the job that would disable it once all preceding steps succeeded. I added another job to the Agent that would go and enable this job on the 1st of each month so that they are ready to be executed. Just throwing this out so that someone else can benefit.

SQL Agent - Can I delete an intermediate job step without consequences?

Say I have a job in SQL Server with 8 steps.
If I run a script to delete an intermediate job step, like such:
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_jobstep #job_id=N'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', #step_id=5
What happens? Will the job run as scheduled, and just skip from step 4 to step 6? Will the job break?
Every Step in Steps tab have two property :
On success action
On failure action
check these, there is no problem with deleting steps if you handle that.

Run batch file in table trigger

I need to run a batch file on one of my database tables. The best solution for me is to run it in a trigger. I'd like to know whether it's a good idea or not. And in case it isnĀ“t what other solutions could I implement?
-I need to run it everytime there's an insert or update.
-My bat file takes 20-30 seconds to finish.
-The table has around 10 inserts a day.

Hive - killing job as end user

Is there a way to kill Hive job as end user (without admin rights)?
If no, is there a easy way to find a job run by specific user? Or add additional info to every query run by user in order to identify it and write some script to kill a specific job?
hadoop job -kill [job_id]
You can find the job ID once the job gets triggered in Hive or from the Job Tracker

Concurrent access problem in mysql database

Hi i'm coding a python script that will create a number child processes that fetch and execute tasks from the database.
The tasks are inserted on the database by a php website running on the same machine.
What's the good (need this to be fast) way to select and update those tasks as "in progress" to avoid to be selected by multiple times by the python scripts
edit: database is mysql
Thanks in advance
Use an InnoDB table Tasks, then:
select TaskId, ... from Tasks where State="New" limit 1;
update Tasks set State="In Progress" where TaskId=<from above> and State="New";
if the update succeeds, you can work on the task. Otherwise, try again.
You'll want an index on TaskId and State.
Without knowing more about your architecture, I suggest the following method.
1) Lock Process table
2) Select ... from Process table where State="New"
3) processlist = [list of process id''s from step 2]
4) Update Process table set State="In progress" where ProcessId in [processlist]
5) Unlock Process table.
A way to speed things up is to put the process into a stored procedure, and return the selected row from that procedure. That way, only one trip to the db server.