How do I use SQL statements for BETWEEN? - sql

Please see my pictures. I have store.And i want search (filter) in my store . "Hrubka is in English "Thickness"
These code works for me:
using (SqlDataAdapter dr = new SqlDataAdapter(" select * from tab_sklad where SMENA LIKE '%" + txt_smena_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'and DATUM LIKE '%" + txt_datum_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'and DODAVATEL LIKE '%" + cmb_firma_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'and CISLO_PALETY LIKE '%" + txt_paleta_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'and HRUBKA LIKE '%" + txt_hrubka_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'and KVALITA LIKE '%" + cmb_kvalita_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'and DRUH LIKE '%" + cmb_druh_sklad_filter.Text +
"%'", cn))
but I want add search "from to" : column "H"
from 40 to 50
printscreen mycode

In general, when you are constructing queries, you should print out the query. Then the error is probably obvious.
Before even continuing, I also want to point out that you should be using parameterized queries. That has nothing to do with your issue, but it is the best practice.
Your last condition is:
HRUBKA BETWEEN VALUES'%" + txt_sklad_od.Text "%'AND'% " + txt_sklad_do.Text+"'"
You are using percent signs in the comparison values and have the keyword VALUES in an inappropriate place. I suspect that you intend some sort of wild-carding, such as with LIKE, but this is not how that works. For your current query structure you would remove the percent signs:
HRUBKA BETWEEN '" + txt_sklad_od.Text "' AND '" + txt_sklad_do.Text+"'"

Using #Gordon Linoff answer I wish to add some more edits to your code.
Your code isn't "injection safe" (check SQL Injection here). I also don't understand the use of BETWEEN here... Is HRUBKA a number field? (Int, float, numeric, etc)
If HRUBKA is a number it would be like:
double sklad_od = 0, sklad_do = 0;
using (SqlDataAdapter dr = new SqlDataAdapter(" select * from tab_sklad "
"where SMENA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_smena_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_smena_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and DATUM LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_datum_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_datum_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and DODAVATEL LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_firma_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (cmb_firma_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and CISLO_PALETY LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_paleta_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_paleta_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and HRUBKA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_hrubka_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_hrubka_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and KVALITA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_kvalita_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (cmb_kvalita_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and DRUH LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_druh_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (cmb_druh_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
(double.TryParse(txt_sklad_od.Text, out sklad_od) && double.TryParse(txt_sklad_do.Text, out sklad_do) ? (" and HRUBKA BETWEEN " + sklad_od + " AND " + sklad_do) : "") +
" ", cn))
Otherwise :
using (SqlDataAdapter dr = new SqlDataAdapter(" select * from tab_sklad "
"where SMENA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_smena_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_smena_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and DATUM LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_datum_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_datum_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and DODAVATEL LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_firma_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (cmb_firma_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and CISLO_PALETY LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_paleta_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_paleta_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and HRUBKA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_hrubka_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (txt_hrubka_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and KVALITA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_kvalita_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (cmb_kvalita_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and DRUH LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_druh_sklad_filter.Text) ? "'" : (cmb_druh_sklad_filter.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" and HRUBKA LIKE '%" + String.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_sklad_do.Text) ? "'" : (txt_sklad_do.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "%'") +
" ", cn))


Search database and project results to datagridview

I have an sql database with about 100 different variables. What I basically want is to be able to search the database based on some of the variables either as one by one or as a multiple search.
For this purpose I have created a search form in VS 2010 with the desired number of comboboxes (each combobox represents one variable and takes distinct values from the database).
Based on which variables the user chose i want the results to be shown on a datagridview table.
The code for some reason is wrong and I can't figure it out. The problem is located da.Fill(datatable1) with an unexpected error.
Is there any alternatives and provide some guidelines to complete the idea?
Private Sub display_datagrid()
con2.ConnectionString = "Server= DESKTOP-KQG48T5\SQL2021; Database = Fotilas2021; Integrated Security = True;"
Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand("select Name,IdentityNumber,FatherSurname,LocalCelebDay,BirthNomos,NumofChilds,MilitaryService,CurrentCountry,CurrentCity,CellNumber,DateAdd,Occupation,OccupPosition,ElectWeight,ElectContact,ElectCategory,ElectCollege,DeleteGroup,ElectPeriphery,Sex,FatherName,MotherName,Birthday,FamilyStatus,BirthDimos,Adreess,CurrentNomos,Landline,OccupSpeciality,ElectImportance,ElectMechanism,ElectPeriphery,ElectDimotikiEnotita,ElectNumber,EduLanguages,SuggestSurname,SuggestPhone,ElectDimos,EduUniversity,Surname,FatherSurname,WifeName,NameDay,BirthCountry,BirthCity,HealthStatus,Postcode,CurrentDimos,HomeLine,Fax,OccupStatus,OccupFirm,ElectType,ElectCategory,ElectDiamerisma,EduLevel,EduPC,ElectEterodimotis,EduQualifications from Fotilas2021 where Name like '%" + ComboBox2.Text + "%', IdentityNumber like '%" + ComboBox3.Text + "%', FatherSurname like '%" + ComboBox4.Text + "%', LocalCelebDay like '%" + ComboBox5.Text + "%', BirthNomos like '%" + ComboBox6.Text + "%', NumofChilds like '%" + ComboBox7.Text + "%', MilitaryService like '%" + ComboBox8.Text + "%' CurrentCountry like '%" + ComboBox9.Text + "%', CurrentCity like '%" + ComboBox10.Text + "%', CellNumber like '%" + ComboBox11.Text + "%', DateAdd like '%" + ComboBox13.Text + "%', Occupation like '%" + ComboBox14.Text + "%', OccupPosition like '%" + ComboBox15.Text + "%', ElectWeight like '%" + ComboBox16.Text + "%', ElectContact like '%" + ComboBox17.Text + "%', ElectCategory like '%" + ComboBox19.Text + "%', ElectCollege like '%" + ComboBox20.Text + "%', DeleteGroup like '%" + ComboBox21.Text + "%', ElectPeriphery like '%" + ComboBox22.Text + "%', Sex like '%" + ComboBox30.Text + "%', FatherName like '%" + ComboBox31.Text + "%', MotherName like '%" + ComboBox32.Text + "%', Birthday like '%" + ComboBox33.Text + "%', FamilyStatus like '%" + ComboBox34.Text + "%', BirthDimos like '%" + ComboBox35.Text + "%', Adreess like '%" + ComboBox37.Text + "%', CurrentNomos like '%" + ComboBox38.Text + "%', Landline like '%" + ComboBox39.Text + "%', OccupSpeciality like '%" + ComboBox43.Text + "%', ElectImportance like '%" + ComboBox45.Text + "%', ElectMechanism like '%" + ComboBox50.Text + "%', ElectPeriphery like '%" + ComboBox51.Text + "%', ElectDimotikiEnotita like '%" + ComboBox52.Text + "%', ElectNumber like '%" + ComboBox53.Text + "%', EduLanguages like '%" + ComboBox56.Text + "%', SuggestSurname like '%" + ComboBox57.Text + "%', SuggestPhone like '%" + ComboBox29.Text + "%', ElectDimos like '%" + ComboBox23.Text + "%', EduUniversity like '%" + ComboBox27.Text + "%', Surname like '%" + ComboBox59.Text + "%', FatherSurname like '%" + ComboBox60.Text + "%', WifeName like '%" + ComboBox61.Text + "%', NameDay like '%" + ComboBox62.Text + "%', BirthCountry like '%" + ComboBox63.Text + "%', BirthCity like '%" + ComboBox64.Text + "%', HealthStatus like '%" + ComboBox65.Text + "%', Postcode like '%" + ComboBox66.Text + "%', CurrentDimos like '%" + ComboBox67.Text + "%', HomeLine like '%" + ComboBox68.Text + "%', Fax like '%" + ComboBox69.Text + "%', OccupStatus like '%" + ComboBox71.Text + "%', OccupFirm like '%" + ComboBox72.Text + "%', ElectType like '%" + ComboBox74.Text + "%', ElectCategory like '%" + ComboBox76.Text + "%', ElectDiamerisma like '%" + ComboBox81.Text + "%', EduLevel like '%" + ComboBox84.Text + "%', EduPC like '%" + ComboBox85.Text + "%', ElectEterodimotis like '%" + ComboBox25.Text + "%', EduQualifications like '%" + ComboBox28.Text + "%'", con1)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim datatable1 As New DataTable
da.SelectCommand = command
DtGrid_Search.DataSource = datatable1
End Sub
You should use parameters for a start, and you should construct your SQL so that each parameter is effectively optional, e.g.
Dim sql = <sql>
FROM SomeTable
WHERE (#Column1 IS NULL OR Column1 = #Column1)
AND (#Column2 IS NULL OR Column2 = #Column2)
AND (#Column3 IS NULL OR Column3 = #Column3)
There are a number of things to note here.
Firstly, this code uses an XML literal. Before multiline String literals were introduced in (I think) 2015, that is the best way to write long inline SQL, because it allows you to break it over multiple lines without clutter making it hard to read.
Secondly, the SQL code uses parameters. If you think of the SQL code as being like a VB method, each of the things prefixed with # is basically a method parameter. When you execute the SQL code, you provide a value for each of those parameters, just like when you call a VB method. Parameters make your code easier to read, not subject to formatting issues and, most importantly, not subject to SQL injection attacks. You can do some research to find out more if you want.
Finally, the way each parameter is used makes them effectively optional by allowing you to set a parameter to NULL to make it effectively ignored. For example, if you set the #Column1 to NULL then the first criterion in the WHERE clause will be true for every record, so it's like not having that criterion at all. If, on the other hand, you set #Columnn1 to a value then the first criterion will only be true for records that contain that value in Column1. The same goes for each of the other parameters, so you can have as many "optional" parameters as you like.
The way to make use of this in your VB code would be as follows:
Dim table As New DataTable
Using adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sql, "connection string here")
With adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters
.Add("#Column1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = ComboBox1.Text
.Add("#Column2", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = ComboBox2.Text
.Add("#Column3", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = ComboBox3.Text
End With
End Using
BindingSource1.DataSource = table
DataGridView1.DataSource = BindingSource1
Obviously the details may vary but the principle is fixed: create a data adapter with the SQL code, add the appropriate parameter to the SelectCommand and then call Fill to populate your DataTable. You can then do whatever you want with that, e.g. bind it to a DataGridView via a BindingSource. When you add a parameter, just specify the same name as you used in the SQL code and the appropriate database data type, then set the Value to the appropriate value from your app, casting or converting the data as appropriate.
For example, if you are using a parameter to compare to a column that is varchar(50) in the database then you specify SqlDbType.VarChar and 50 when adding the parameter and you set the Value using a String. If your database column is type int then you specify SqlDbType.Int and no size, then set the Value using an Integer.
If you want ignore a paramater then, as I said, you needs to set it to NULL in the SQL. That might look like this in the VB code:
.Add("#Column1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = If(ComboBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing, CObj(DBNull.Value), ComboBox1.Text)
.Add("#Column2", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = If(ComboBox2.SelectedItem Is Nothing, CObj(DBNull.Value), ComboBox2.Text)
.Add("#Column3", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = If(ComboBox3.SelectedItem Is Nothing, CObj(DBNull.Value), ComboBox3.Text)
In each case, the code first checks whether the user has selected an item in the appropriate ComboBox and, if not, the parameter's Value is set to DBNull.Value, which is the ADO.NET representation of a database NULL. If an item is selected, the selected value is used. You can modify the details of the code as required but, again, the principle is constant.
Note that the CObj is required because the If operator used here requires both possible return values to be the same type or one assignable to the other. DBNull and String are not the same type and neither inherits the other so you cannot use those two types. By casting one to type Object using CObj, you enable the other value to be any type, because every other type inherits Object.

Needs to handle the names which has a quotation inside

I have two queries which inserts and updates the DB-
insertSQL = "insert into LineManager(LINEMANAGERID,LINEMANAGERNAME,BUSINESSGROUPID,STATUS) VALUES('" + lineManager.getLineManagerID() + "','" + lineManager.getLineManagerName() + "','" + lineManager.getBusinessGroupID() + "','" + lineManager.getStatus() + "')";
updateSQL = "update LineManager set BUSINESSGROUPID ='" + lineManager.getBusinessGroupID() + "' , LINEMANAGERNAME ='" + lineManager.getLineManagerName() + "' , STATUS ='" + lineManager.getStatus() + "' where LINEMANAGERID='" + lineManager.getLineManagerID() + "'";
so far it was working fine for the regular names, but it is facing issues when the LineManager name is like -'Doko N'dah, Mr. Dominick'. It's throwing exceptions during execution.
Can anybody help to resolve this issue?
Use bind variables:
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("insert into LineManager(LINEMANAGERID,LINEMANAGERNAME,BUSINESSGROUPID,STATUS) VALUES(:id,:name,:groupid:status)");
query.bindValue( ":id", lineManager.getLineManagerID() );
query.bindValue( ":name", lineManager.getLineManagerName() );
query.bindValue( ":groupid", lineManager.getBusinessGroupID() );
query.bindValue( ":status", lineManager.getStatus() );

DataGridView sorts dates in wrong order

I have a DataGridView and a searchbox where I can search for different dates in a certain column. Now since the date is formated as string he will give me the wrong order:
I type in 20 and get:
and so on. I have read another thread here about this problem but the solutions didn't help me. My SQL statement looks like following:
DataTable datTable = new DataTable();
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT ["+form1.timeBox.Text+ "] FROM [" + form1.getTableName() + "] WHERE convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) >= '" + form1.getFromDate().Trim() + "' ORDER BY convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) ASC", connection);
sqlDatAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd.CommandText, connection);
form1.setDataGrid = datTable;
is the function which grabs the entered string from the Textbox to search for. I tried to cast and convert to datetime and so on but it gets still shown in the wrong order. Can anyone help?
you are ordering by the formatted column; there is no need to do so and that is the part creating your problem.
i'm against string concatenation to build sql commands but your code should be rewritten as follows:
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT ["+form1.timeBox.Text+ "] FROM [" + form1.getTableName() + "] WHERE convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) >= '" + form1.getFromDate().Trim() + "' ORDER BY " + form1.getTimeCol() + " ASC", connection);
nstead of using '>=' use 'Like' operator with '%' character at the end of your "form1.getFromDate().Trim()", which will give you the required result.
Using 'Like' your query will look like:
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT ["+form1.timeBox.Text+ "] FROM [" + form1.getTableName() + "] WHERE convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) Like '" + form1.getFromDate().Trim() + "%' ORDER BY convert(varchar(10),[" + form1.getTimeCol() + "],104) ASC", connection);

SQL unable to cast object of type 'system.string' to type 'system.iformatprovider' error in

I am trying to run this Query in my VB Application but receive an error saying:
unable to cast object of type 'system.string' to type 'system.iformatprovider'
SQL = "insert into billing_pdf_archive (reseller_sequence, invoice_number, pdf, worddoc, csv_cdr_file, csv_services_file, sub_total, vat_amount, grand_total, invoice_type, directdebit) values ('" + reseller.ToString + "','" + invoice_number.ToString + "', '" + Replace(reseller_company_name + "-" + invoice_number + ".pdf", " ", "_") + "', '" + Replace(reseller_company_name + "-" + invoice_number + ".doc", " ", "_") + "', '" + Replace(reseller_company_name + "-" + invoice_number.ToString + "_CDR.xlsx", " ", "_") + "', '" + Replace(reseller_company_name + "-" + invoice_number.ToString + "_Services.xlsx", " ", "_") + "', " + total.ToString("F2") + ", " + vat_amount.ToString("F2") + ", " + grand_total.ToString("F2") + ", 'Month End Reseller', '" + customer_direct_debit + "')"
conn3.ConnectionString = "server=" + global_variables.web_server_ip + "; user id=" + global_variables.web_server_username + "; password=" + global_variables.web_server_password + "; database=" + global_variables.web_server_database + "; "
myCommand3.Connection = conn3
myCommand3.CommandText = SQL
This is not a complete answer but I'll post it as an answer so that I can post formatted code. If you do as suggested in the comments and write clean, readable code then it will become obvious where the issue is and how to fix it. When you have one line that does lots of different things then working out what on that line is causing an issue is all but impossible. You should use an XML literal for your SQL code, parameters for your values and a connection string builder, e.g.
Dim sql = <sql>
command.CommandText = sql.Value
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Column1", value1)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Column2", value2)
Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder
builder.DataSource = server
builder.InitialCatalog = database
connection.ConnectionString = builder.ConnectionString
Now you'll be able to see exactly what part of your code is causing the issue and, if you still can't solve it yourself, will be able to point out where the issue is to us instead of expecting us to read that dog's breakfast.

eception Unclosed quotation mark after the character string . But i have no idea why

I seem to be getting an exception which reads "Incorrect syntax near '00'.
Un-closed quotation mark after the character string ',False )'." what am i doing wrong? It's so hard for me to spot small errors like this. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
A bit more detail: I'm using visual studio and SQL server if that helps to narrow down the problem?
SqlConnection conn = Database.GetConnection();
SqlCommand command ;
SqlDataAdapter adpter = new SqlDataAdapter();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
XmlReader xmlFile ;
string sql = null;
int PatientNo=0;
bool FurtherVisitRequired;
string AdvisoryNotes=null;
string Prescription=null;
string TreatmentProvided=null;
DateTime ActualVisitDateTime;
string Priority=null;
DateTime ScheduledDateTime;
string TreatmentInstructions=null;
int MedicalStaffID;
string VisitRefNo=null;
//conn = new SqlConnection(conn);
xmlFile = XmlReader.Create("\\HomeCareVisit.xml", new XmlReaderSettings());
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
PatientNo= Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[1]);
ScheduledDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[2]);
TreatmentInstructions = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[3].ToString();
MedicalStaffID= Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[4]);
Priority = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[5].ToString();
ActualVisitDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[6]);
TreatmentProvided = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[7].ToString();
Prescription = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[8].ToString();
AdvisoryNotes = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[9].ToString();
FurtherVisitRequired =Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[10]);
sql = "insert into HomeCareVisit values(" + VisitRefNo + ",'" + PatientNo + "'," + ScheduledDateTime + "" + TreatmentInstructions + ",'" + MedicalStaffID + "'," + Priority+ "'," + ActualVisitDateTime + ",'" + TreatmentProvided + "'," + Prescription+ "',"+AdvisoryNotes +"',"+FurtherVisitRequired+" )";
command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
adpter.InsertCommand = command;
MessageBox.Show("Done .. ");
Icemand answered the original question. But his answer has brought a new one. How do you turn the identity insert on and off in the SQL command?
You missed some quotation marks and commas in the following line:
sql = "insert into HomeCareVisit values(" + VisitRefNo + ",'" + PatientNo + "'," + cheduledDateTime + "" + TreatmentInstructions + ",'" + MedicalStaffID + "'," + Priority+ "'," + ActualVisitDateTime + ",'" + TreatmentProvided + "'," + Prescription+ "',"+AdvisoryNotes +"',"+FurtherVisitRequired+" )";
The missing quotation marks are around the ScheduledDateTime, Perescription, AdvisoryNotes, TreatmentInstructions, etc. values. You should put quotation marks around the string and datetime variables and you should not put for numbers. The correct code should be:
sql = "insert into HomeCareVisit values(" + VisitRefNo + ",'" + PatientNo + "','" + ScheduledDateTime + "','" + TreatmentInstructions + "','" + MedicalStaffID + "','" + Priority+ "','" + ActualVisitDateTime + "','" + TreatmentProvided + "','" + Prescription+ "','"+AdvisoryNotes +"',"+FurtherVisitRequired+" )";
I suggest that you should check your variables type and put the marks around the mentioned variables + take a look on each comma if they are in the right place or they are missing. To make a double check print out the query string before you send it ot the DB that will help you debug your code.
You are not using parameters, and you are not replacing values that contain the string delimiter "'".
You should replace apostrophs in strings, like for example TreatmentProvided.Replace("'", "''").
And you shouldn't build a string in the first place.
Use parameters.
You can get it to work with an idendity like this:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[HomeCareVisit] ON
-- insert here:
insert into HomeCareVisit VALUES (" + VisitRefNo + ",'" + PatientNo + "','" + ScheduledDateTime + "','" + TreatmentInstructions + "','" + MedicalStaffID + "','" + Priority+ "','" + ActualVisitDateTime + "','" + TreatmentProvided + "','" + Prescription+ "','"+AdvisoryNotes +"',"+FurtherVisitRequired+" )
-- end insert
Also, if you are writing table-content back into a database, you can read the xml into a datatable, and then use BulkInsert.