How to synchronize “Check” Direct Menu Item’s selected state with preference in e4? - eclipse-plugin

I have a “Check” Direct Menu Item contributed in my fragment.e4xmi. It’s selected state should reflect the value of a boolean preference. Setting the preference in the #Execute method works fine:
public void execute(MMenuItem item, #Preference IEclipsePreferences preferences) {
preferences.putBoolean("selected", item.isSelected());
But initializing the DirectMenuItem’s selected state from the preference doesn’t work:
public void init(MMenuItem item, #Preference("selected") boolean selected) {
When the #PostConstruct method is called, the MMenuItem linked with the handler is not yet present in the current context.
Also, moving the setSelected call into #CanExecute doesn’t seem to work; the change made there is not reflected in the UI.
So, how to solve this issue (linking the selected state of a menu item with a boolean preference) in e4?

Doing this in #CanExecute works when using a Handled Menu Item rather than Direct Menu Item. Some UI things don't seem to work well in Direct handlers.

Following up to your question and the discussion in I implemented the following solution for a DirectToolItem.
public void initialize(EModelService modelService, MPart part){
MUIElement toolItem = modelService
.find("a.b.c.d.toolitemId", part.getToolbar());
isActive = ((MDirectToolItem) toolItem).isSelected();
The #Inject method gets called once, and I know the location of the MDirectToolItem resp. I can inject the part. This seems to suffice to synchronize the e4 application model and my model.

For the record, I've come up with the following add-on:
* The basis for an add-on which synchronizes the {#linkplain MItem#isSelected()
* selection state} of {#link MItem}s tagged with one of the tags passed to
* {#link ItemSelectionSynchronizationAddonBase#ItemSelectionSynchronizationAddonBase(String...)}
* with some external source.
* <p>
* Subclasses need to implement {#link #getSelection(String)} to retrieve the
* desired selection state for a given tag.
public abstract class ItemSelectionSynchronizationAddonBase {
private EModelService modelService;
private MApplication application;
private final List<String> tags;
public ItemSelectionSynchronizationAddonBase(String... tags) {
this.tags = new ArrayList<>(asList(tags));
* Injects all objects necessary to work with the E4 Application Model. Not done
* in the constructor simply to keep subclasses unburdened by the knowledge
* about the exact objects needed.
public void injectUiModel(EModelService modelService, MApplication application) {
this.modelService = modelService;
this.application = application;
* Synchronizes the selection state of all {#link MItem}s found in the
* Application Model when startup is complete. This does <strong>not</strong>
* include items that exist only in part descriptors, but no concrete parts yet.
* These items will be synchronized when the part gets created and
* {#link #partActivated(Event)}.
public void applicationStartupComplete(
#EventTopic(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE) #SuppressWarnings("unused") Event event) {
synchronizeSelections(application, tags,
EModelService.ANYWHERE | EModelService.IN_MAIN_MENU | EModelService.IN_PART);
* Synchronizes the selection state of all {#link MItem}s found in the
* Application Model for the part that was just activated.
public void partActivated(#EventTopic(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.ACTIVATE) Event event) {
MPart part = (MPart) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
synchronizeSelections(part, tags, EModelService.IN_PART);
* Synchronizes the selection state of all {#link MItem}s with the given tags.
* Should be called by the subclass when the value changes in the external
* source.
protected void synchronizeSelections(List<String> tags) {
synchronizeSelections(application, tags,
EModelService.ANYWHERE | EModelService.IN_MAIN_MENU | EModelService.IN_PART);
private void synchronizeSelections(MUIElement searchScope, List<String> tags, int searchFlags) {
List<MItem> items = modelService.findElements(searchScope, null, MItem.class, tags, searchFlags);
for (MItem item : items) {
for (String tag : tags) {
if (item.getTags().contains(tag)) {
/** Gets the current selection state associated with the given tag. */
protected abstract boolean getSelection(String tag);
Subclasses can then override getSelection to, e.g., use the tag as a basis for retrieving a preference or (as is done in my code) getting the value from a Java bean. Just note that getSelection takes only care of one sync direction (pull). The subclass will also need to call synchronizeSelections whenever an event occurs that necessitates a UI update (push, e.g., caused by a PropertyChangeEvent).


How to register ORMObjectListener in Intershop7

We have implemented several custom ORM objects in our webshop implementation that have references (dependencies) to Intershop Product system object.
When a user tries to delete a certain product in back-office, it causes problems because references to that product may still exist in our custom objects. Naturally, deleting a product that is referenced from one of our custom objects generates an exception like this:
java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: ORA-02091: transaction rolled back ORA-02292: integrity constraint (INTERSHOP.A1POSTPAIDPRICE_CO_002) violated - child record found
We have figured that we could solve that by implementing an ORMObjectListener and overriding objectDeleting method to delete all the references before the product actually gets deleted.
Intershop cookbook for ORM layer states:
"Instances must implement the interface ORMObjectListener for a given ORM object type and register at the factory. The listener is called when instances of the given type are created, changed or removed."
However, we cannot find a cookbook for registering the listener at the factory. What do we need to do to register the listener?
Also, if there is some better way for handling dependencies to system objects on our custom objects during delete event, I'm open to suggestions.
This is the listener class I have tried with so far:
public class ProductDeleteListener implements ORMObjectListener<ProductPO> {
ProductPOFactory productPOFactory;
/** The Constant LOGGER. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProductDeleteListener.class);
public ProductDeleteListener() {
productPOFactory.addObjectListener(this, new AttributeDescription[0]);
public boolean isOldStateNeeded() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void objectChanged(ProductPO object, Map<AttributeDescription, Object> previousValues) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
public void objectChanging(ProductPO object, Map<AttributeDescription, Object> previousValues) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void objectCreated(ProductPO object) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void objectCreating(ProductPO object) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void objectDeleted(ORMObjectKey objectKey) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void objectDeleting(ProductPO object) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
But it is not working. Nothing gets logged when object changes or gets deleted.
In addition to what Willem Evertse wrote you need to place your registration code in a class that gets instantiated via Intershop Component Framework.
<components xmlns="" scope="global">
<implementation name="ProductDeleteListenerRegistrar"
class="your.fullqualifed.ProductDeleteRegistrar" start="start" stop="stop"></implementation>
<components xmlns=""> <instance name="ORMValidator" with="ORMValidator" scope="global"/></components>
You need to write a class, e.g. ProductDeleteRegistrar and provide start method in which you can add registration calls like Willem described. As for stop method you need to safely unregister your object listener. Make sure both methods are declared to be synchronized.
I think registering a listen would be the right approach. Maybe just look out for performance problems.
You are right that there are no examples of this, but here is an example.
Get the factory that you want to receive messages from. In your case, it is ProductPOFactory
ProductPOFactory productFactory = (ProductPOFactory) NamingMgr.getInstance().lookupFactory(ProductPO.class);
productFactory.addObjectListener(new MyProductChangeListener());
MyProductChangeListener needs to extend AbstractORMObjectListener<ProductPO>
and implement the method public void objectDeleting(T object)
Every time a product gets deleted your listener should be called and then you can clean up your custom orm objects. You can have a look at ImageSetDefinitionPOListener as an example

When creating a LaunchConfigurationTab how do I get the 'apply' button to highlight?

I have the necessary extension points and my Tab class is extending AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab. I am doing nothing different to examples, such as, the CommonTab. I call updateLaunchConfigurationDialog() when a widget event is fired.
EDIT: The listener method for my widgets are definitely being called and the performApply method is being called. I am doing what the CommonTab class does with one of its radio buttons, for example:
fSharedRadioButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) {
* handles the shared radio button being selected
private void handleSharedRadioButtonSelected() {
The only difference is that my widget is a spinner:
executionsSpinner.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
When updateLaunchConfigurationDialog is called the framework triggers a call to your tab's performApply method.
performApply is passed an ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy instance as an argument. When performApply returns that ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy instance is compared with the original, unmodified ILaunchConfiguration. If there are any differences then the Apply button is enabled.
You must hence make some modification to the argument of performApply for Apply to be enabled, just as Greg notices in their comment.

JavaFx: IntegerProperty.integerProperty() strange behavior

In a my view I have an HBox
private HBox hboxWarning;
and I want hide/show it according to the value of
private ObjectProperty<Integer> maxClientCount;
If maxClientCount > 10 then hboxWarning is visible else it's hide.
I bound the two elements in this way
and works well. My problem is that
sets to zero the current value of maxClientCount. Is it a JavaFx bug or I'm using IntegerProperty.integerProperty improperly? And
how can I achieve my goal?
Turned out to be not as easy as assumed: the core fix needs additional methods in BidirectionalBinding to cope with the swapped sequence of number types. The actual number bindings are private, so no way to access in workaround code.
// method in u5, binds the wrong way round
// (for usage in IntegerProperty.integerProperty)
public static BidirectionalBinding bindNumber(Property<Integer> property1,
IntegerProperty property2)
// calls
private static <T extends Number> BidirectionalBinding bindNumber(Property<T> property1,
Property<Number> property2) {
The sequence is crucial because we need a type-cast from Number to T when setting the value of p1 (which is safe because we know that the number-type property copes with conversion from Number -> concrete type). Core fix simply adds all those methods with switched parameter sequence.
For a custom hack until the release of JDK 8u20, the only way I see is to not use the special number binding methods but the generic object binding:
public static IntegerProperty integerProperty(final Property<Integer> property) {
if (property == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Property cannot be null");
return new IntegerPropertyBase() {
// original:
//BidirectionalBinding.bindNumber(property, this);
public Object getBean() {
return null; // Virtual property, no bean
public String getName() {
return property.getName();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
// original
// BidirectionalBinding.unbindNumber(property, this);
} finally {
* Type cast to allow bidi binding with a concrete XXProperty (with
* XX = Integer, Double ...). This is (?) safe because the XXProperty
* internally copes with type conversions from Number to the concrete
* type on setting its own value and exports the concrete type as
* needed by the object property.
private static <T extends Number> Property<Number> cast(Property<T> p) {
return (Property<Number>) p;
Take it with a grain of salt - while rudimentarily tested, there might be side-effects I overlooked.
As rightly said by #kleopatra this is a JavaFx bug fixed in JDK 8u20.
Meanwhile I used the following workaround:
int maxClients = maxClientCount.get();
I hope this can help someone.

findbug warning on my android application singleton

I appreciate the pros/cons of singletons in Android and the various arguments for them and for creating singleton instance of an object or the application itself, but it fulfills my need to have a single instance of my Database Manager facade available to the application.
After searching various places for the best approach I found the following code. But findbugs doesn't really like my assignment of 'this' to the static instance.
This class doesn't fully follow the standard singleton approach but supposedly was a better way based on the knowledge that there is only ever one Application created and the order of method calls are known. Can anyone tell me if this code is wrong or let me know how to get around the findbug issue, if it is actually an issue. I've highlighted the bug line.
My source for the code was:;jsessionid=9A77FA007453433B9F15F792396B744F?recipeId=1218&recipeFrom=ViewTOC
public class DatabaseApplication extends Application {
private static DatabaseApplication instance; //the single instance of this app
private DataManager dataManager; //the database facade, again a single instance
public static DatabaseApplication getInstance() {
return instance;
* onCreate will always be called before this.
* #return data manager, effectively a singleton too
public DataManager getDataManager() {
return dataManager;
* onCreate only called when app is created by the system
* #see
public void onCreate() {
//Bug: Write to static field
//DatabaseApplication.instance from instance method
instance = this;
* Create the one and only dataManager
protected void initializeInstance() {
dataManager = new DataManager(this, false);

Design choices to remove if-is statements

Say i have a class hierarchy of domain objects with one base class and a couple of child classes, one level.
Let say I have a list of those objects (list of the base class) and I want to apply some logic to the classes that I feel don't really belong to the classes (eg. design/UI specific code).
What are my alternatives ?
If-is statement. Personally this one shouldn't even be considered as an alternative but i write it anyway.
Polymorphism. This one is actually an alternative in some cases but with my example above, I don't want my classes to contain any UI specifics.
Resolving some logic method via reflection/IoC container based on the type of the object.
Eg C#. Type type = typeof(ILogic<>).MakeGenericType(domainObject.GetType());
I really like this one, I don't get any compile time checks though if an implementation is missing for a sub class, or is that possible somehow?
Visitor pattern. Will work but seemes kind of overkill to apply on a structure thats only one level deep.
Anyone has any other tips or tricks to solve these kinds of problems?
Great question. Problem is that there are many solutions and most of them will work.
I work with MVC a lot, similar situation happens quite often. Especially in the view, when similar rendering needs to happen across some views... but does not really belong to the view.
Let's say we have child class ChildList that extends BaseList.
Add a property uiHandler in the child class. Overload the rendering function, let's say toString(), and use the uiHandler with your specific UI/Design things.
I wrote a little something, it is in PHP... but you should be able to get an idea. It gives you freedom to chose how your objects will be displayed and flexibility to use specific UIs for specific objects.
Look at the code below, it seems like a lot but int's not that bad.
BaseList - your base class
BaseListUIExtended - base class that uses UI, takes optional UI class as constructor parameter. In C# 4 you can use optional, otherwise use 2 constructors.
UIBase - interface for UI classes...
UIChildSpecific - UI class
ChildList - child class that can use UI or not, because of BaseListUIExtended optional constructor parameter.
Define interface
* Base UI interface
interface IUIBase {
* Renders the Base Class
* #param UIBase $obj
* #return string
public function render($obj);
Define base classes, child class
// Define Base Classes
* Base Class
class BaseList {
* List of items
* #var array
protected $_items = array();
* Gets collection of items
* #return array
public function getItems() {
return $this->_items;
* Adds new item to the list
* #param object $item
public function add($item) {
$this->_items[] = $item;
* Displays object
public function display() {
echo $this->toString();
* To String
public function __toString() {
// Will output list of elements separated by space
echo implode(' ', $this->_items);
* Extended BaseList, has UI handler
* This way your base class stays the same. And you
* can chose how you create your childer, with UI or without
class BaseListUIExtended extends BaseList {
* UI Handler
* #var UIBase
protected $_uiHandler;
* Default Constructor
* #param UIBase Optional UI parameter
public function __construct($ui = null) {
// Set the UI Handler
$this->_uiHandler = $ui;
* Display object
public function display() {
if ($this->_uiHandler) {
// Render with UI Render
} else {
// Executes default BaseList display() method
// in C# you'll have base:display()
// Define UI Classe
* Child Specific UI
class UIChildSpecific implements UIBase {
* Overload Render method
* Outputs the following
* <strong>Elem 1</strong><br/>
* <strong>Elem 2</strong><br/>
* <strong>Elem 3</strong><br/>
* #param ChildList $obj
* #return string
public function render($obj) {
// Output array for data
$renderedOutput = array();
// Scan through all items in the list
foreach ($obj->getItems() as $text) {
// render item
$text = "<strong>" . strtoupper(trim($text)) . "</strong>";
// Add it to output array
$renderedOutput[] = $text;
// Convert array to string. With elements separated by <br />
return implode('<br />', $renderedOutput);
// Defining Children classes
* Child Class
class ChildList extends BaseListUIExtended {
// Implement's logic
// Test # 1
$plainChild = new ChildList();
// Display the object, will use BaseList::display() method
// Output: hairy girl
// Test # 2
$uiChild = new ChildList(new UIChildSpecific());
// Display the object, will use BaseListUIExtended::display() method
// Output: <strong>hairy</strong><br /><strong>girl</strong>