Xml content length issue in the post method handler of ratpack - handler

In post method handler of ratpack the following is not executed after certain length of xml. Tried changing the content length but it did not work.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
ctx.request.getBody().then{ body->
println body.text

I believe the default max content length is 1mb. You can change the maxContentLength though:
serverConfig {


Ktor Client, how to specify body parameters

I'm trying to send a POST request to the server, this post requires parameters "email" and "password".
but I don't know how to specify parameters, I read the documentation but I didn't understand.
this is my code:
val request=client.post<String> {
fwiw I use something like following here....though I would have thought specifying url like you do should also work. What issue do you see? The body might also be some json for example, or maybe a data class etc if you have serialization setup.
response = client.post(url) {
body = "some params/data etc"
It should work if you use serialization, but I solved my problem by using 'Uploading multipart/form-data'
val request=client.post(url) {
body=MultiPartFormDataContent(formData {
see Documentation

ASP.Net MVC Api won't accept an int parameter

I have the following code:
public async Task<ReturnStatus> Delete([FromBody]int id)
await new BusinessLogic.Templates().DeleteTemplate(id);
return ReturnStatus.ReturnStatusSuccess();
When I run this as an AJAX request, the id is null. I've inspected the data coming in through Fiddler and the body is:
The header has Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8.
If I modify the code slightly to
public async Task<ReturnStatus> Delete([FromBody]string id)
await new BusinessLogic.Templates().DeleteTemplate(Convert.ToInt64(id));
return ReturnStatus.ReturnStatusSuccess();
it works just fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
Please read this part, number 3 in particular:
3. [FromBody] parameters must be encoded as =value
(quoting the section for future reference:)
There are two ways to make jQuery satisfy Web API’s encoding requirement. First, you can hard code the = in front of your value, like this:
$.post('api/values', "=" + value);
Personally, I’m not a fan of that approach. Aside from just plain looking kludgy, playing fast and loose with JavaScript’s type coercsion is a good way to find yourself debugging a “wat” situation.
Instead, you can take advantage of how jQuery encodes object parameters to $.ajax, by using this syntax:
$.post('api/values', { '': value });

How to send base64 encoded file to PlayFramework server?

I'd like to implement a FileUpload using the new FileReader API. From the client side, everything works well and I can send a PUT request to the server with the correct fields containing the file in Base64 encoded.
But in the server side, it's not going great, here are my results :
Logger.info(String.valueOf(request().body().asRaw())); // null
Logger.info(String.valueOf(request().body().asText())); // null
And most importantly :
Logger.info(String.valueOf(request().body().isMaxSizeExceeded())); // true !
What am I missing? How can I make it work?
I found the answer to my question !
For those who are looking for it, here's the answer :
You need to add a BodyParser as annotation for your method, and specify a higher maxLength value.
#BodyParser.Of(value = BodyParser.Json.class, maxLength = 1024 * 1024)
public static Result method() {
Logger.info(String.valueOf(request().body().asJson())); // Will not be empty!

JAX-RS Option path param is not working

I am trying to use following construct
public class ModelService
#Path("{modelid: (.*)?}")
public Response removePreProcessor(#PathParam("userid") String sUserId, #PathParam("preprocessorid") String sPreProcessorId)
return Response.build();
I can not access both following REST URL
GET http://localhost:8080/XXXX/app/api/xyz/model
GET http://localhost:8080/XXXX/app/api/xyz/model/123
Let me know what is a wrong I am doing
-Thanks in advance
As I read your question, several things look strange to me but they may be context related.
One thing though seems wrong :
You are using a #PathParam("preprocessorid") but I can't see this param in your path.
Do you have any logs ?

Why are the InitParams I pass into Silverlight always empty?

My Silverlight application needs one parameter, an integer. In my Html, I have written:
<param name="InitParameters" value="UserId=1" />
In code I am reading the parameters in:
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in e.InitParams)
Resources.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
e.InitParams is always empty. Any ideas?
Because I'm passing in "InitParameters" instead of "InitParams". That's what I get for staring at my code for too long.