Put an "sort_by" on aws-php-sdk ListObjects - amazon-s3

In my current project I need to check my S3 bucket contents every 4 seconds for new files.
This script will run for around 3 hours every time that the service is used, and will have something around 2700 files by the end at a single prefix.
This is my function to list those files:
public function listFiles($s3Prefix, $limit, $get_after = ''){
$command = $this->s3Client->getCommand('ListObjects');
$command['Bucket'] = $this->s3_bucket;
$command['Prefix'] = $s3Prefix;
$command['MaxKeys'] = $limit;
$command['Marker'] = $s3Prefix.'/'.$get_after;
//command['Query'] = 'sort_by(Contents,&LastModified)';
$ret_s3 = $this->s3Client->execute($command);
$ret['truncated'] = $ret_s3['IsTruncated'];
$ret['files'] = $ret_s3['Contents'];
return $ret;
}// listFiles
What I do need is get the files, order by the LastModified field, so I do not need to fetch over 2k files.
Is there an extra parameter like
command['Query'] = 'sort_by(Contents,&LastModified)';
to add in the php API?
---------- EDITED ------------
As pointed for Abhishek Meena answer, in the shell it is possible to use
aws s3api list-objects --bucket "bucket-name" --prefix "some-prefix" --query "Contents[?LastModified>=\`2017-03-08\`]"
What I'm looking is how to implement this in PHP.
PHP API: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php

I don't know if they have some thing to sort the objects on the bases of LastModified but you can query and filter objects on the LastModified column.
This is what you can use to filter all the files modified after certain time aws s3api list-objects --bucket "bucket-name" --prefix "some-prefix" --query "Contents[?LastModified>=\`2017-03-08\`]"
This is for the shell they might have something similar for the php.


Google Cloud Data Transfer to a GCS subfolder

I am trying to transfer data from AWS S3 bucket (e.g. s3://mySrcBkt) to GCS location ( a folder under a bucket as gs://myDestBkt/myDestination ). I could not find the same option from Interface as it has only provision to provide bucket and not a subfolder. Neither I found the similar povision from the storagetransfer API. Here is my code snippet:
String SOURCE_BUCKET = .... ;
String ACCESS_KEY = .....;
String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = .....;
String DESTINATION_BUCKET = .......;
TransferJob transferJob =
new TransferJob()
new TransferSpec()
.setObjectConditions(new ObjectConditions()
.setTransferOptions(new TransferOptions()
new AwsS3Data()
new AwsAccessKey()
new GcsData()
new Schedule()
Unfortunately I could not find anywhere to mention the destination folder for this transfer. I know gsutil rsync has similar however the scale & data integrity is a concern. Can anyone guide me/point me any way/workaround to achieve the goal ?
As the bucket and not a subdirectory is the available option for data transfer destination, the workaround for this scenario would be doing the transfer to your bucket, then doing the rsync operation between your bucket and the subdirectory, just keep in mind that you should try running the gsutil -m rsync -r -d -n to verify what it'll do, as you could delete data accidentally.

How Do I download latest files from S3 Bucket that contains A LOT of files

There are a lot of files in my S3 bucket, I am looking to download most 1000 recent ones (uploaded by date).
How do I go on about doing that with AWS cli or s3 boto
You can use the following command:
aws s3api list-objects --bucket <bucket> \
--query 'reverse(sort_by(Contents[].{Key: Key, LastModified: LastModified}, &LastModified))[:1000].[Key]' --output text | \
xargs -I {} aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/{} .
I use the following JMESPath functions:
sort_by : sort the json array, in this case I filter the contents to be only the (Key, LastModified) arguments and will filter on the LastModified attribute
reverse : need to reverse the result as you want the most recent results
[:x]: takes only x arguments of the array, in your case you want 1000 items
read only the key element with .[Key] put as array so we can output as text each element as a new line
xargs -I {} aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/{} . will copy each of the file found previously from your s3 bucket account locally
You can use the below code to download the latest element from S3:
import boto
conn = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = conn.get_bucket('test-bucket')
bucket_files = bucket.list('subdir/file_2017_')
pointer = [(bucket_file.last_modified, bucket_file) for bucket_file in bucket_files]
key_to_download = sorted(pointer, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))[-1][1]

How to remove multiple S3 buckets at once?

I have a dozen of buckets that I would like to remove in AWS S3, all having a similar name containing bucket-to-remove and with some objects in it.
Using the UI is quite slow, is there a solution to remove all these buckets quickly using the CLI?
You could try this sample line to delete all at once. Remember that this is highly destructive, so I hope you know what you are doing:
for bucket in $(aws s3 ls | awk '{print $3}' | grep my-bucket-pattern); do aws s3 rb "s3://${bucket}" --force ; done
You are done with that. May take a while depending on the amount of buckets and their content.
I did this
aws s3api list-buckets \
--query 'Buckets[?starts_with(Name, `bucket-pattern `) == `true`].[Name]' \
--output text | xargs -I {} aws s3 rb s3://{} --force
Then update the bucket pattern as needed.
Be careful though, this is a pretty dangerous operation.
The absolute easiest way to bulk delete S3 buckets is to not write any code at all. I use Cyberduck to browse my S3 account and delete buckets and their contents quite easily.
Using boto3 you cannot delete buckets that have objects in it thus you first need to remove the objects before deleting the bucket. The easiest solution is a simple Python script such as:
import boto3
import botocore
import json
s3_client = boto3.client(
aws_access_key_id="<your key id>",
aws_secret_access_key="<your secret access key>"
response = s3_client.list_buckets()
for bucket in response["Buckets"]:
# Only removes the buckets with the name you want.
if "bucket-to-remove" in bucket["Name"]:
s3_objects = s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket["Name"])
# Deletes the objects in the bucket before deleting the bucket.
if "Contents" in s3_objects:
for s3_obj in s3_objects["Contents"]:
rm_obj = s3_client.delete_object(
Bucket=bucket["Name"], Key=s3_obj["Key"])
rm_bucket = s3_client.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucket["Name"])
Here is a windows solution.
First test the filter before you delete
aws s3 ls ^| findstr "<search here>"
and then execute
for /f "tokens=3" %a in ('<copy the correct command between the quotes>') do aws s3 rb s3://%a --force
According to the S3 docs you can remove a bucket using the CLI command aws s3 rb only if the bucket does not have versioning enabled. If that's the case you can write a simple bash script to get the bucket names and delete them one by one, like:
# get buckets list => returns the timestamp + bucket name separated by lines
S3LS="$(aws s3 ls | grep 'bucket-name-pattern')"
# split the lines into an array. #see https://stackoverflow.com/a/13196466/6569593
lines=( $S3LS )
for line in "${lines[#]}"
BUCKET_NAME=${line:20:${#line}} # remove timestamp
aws s3 rb "s3://${BUCKET_NAME}" --force
Be careful to don't remove important buckets! I recommend to output each bucket name before actually remove them. Also be aware that the aws s3 rb command takes a while to run, because it recursively deletes all the objects inside the bucket.
For deleting all s3 buckets in you account use below technique, It's work very well using local
Step 1 :- export your profile using below command Or you can export access_key and secrete_access_key locally as well
export AWS_PROFILE=<Your-Profile-Name>
Step 2:- Use below python code, Run it on local and see your all s3 buckets will delete.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('s3', Region='us-east-2')
response = client.list_buckets()
for bucket in response['Buckets']:
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3_bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket['Name'])
bucket_versioning = s3.BucketVersioning(bucket['Name'])
if bucket_versioning.status == 'Enabled':
response = client.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucket['Name'])
If you see error like boto3 not found please go to link and install it
Install boto3 using pip
I have used lambda for deleting buckets with the specified prefix.
It will delete all the objects regardless versioning is enabled or not.
Note that: You should give appropriate S3 access to your lambda.
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucket_prefix = "your prefix"
response = s3_client.list_buckets()
for bucket in response["Buckets"]:
# Only removes the buckets with the name you want.
if bucket_prefix in bucket["Name"]:
s3_bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket['Name'])
bucket_versioning = s3.BucketVersioning(bucket['Name'])
if bucket_versioning.status == 'Enabled':
response = s3_client.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucket['Name'])
return {
'message' : f"delete buckets with prefix {bucket_prefix} was successfull"
if you're using PowerShell, this will work:
Foreach($x in (aws s3api list-buckets --query
'Buckets[?starts_with(Name, `name-pattern`) ==
`true`].[Name]' --output text))
{aws s3 rb s3://$x --force}
The best option that I find is to use the Cyberduck. You can select all the buckets from the GUI and delete them. I provide a screenshot for how to do it.

DynamoDB Local to DynamoDB AWS

I've built an application using DynamoDB Local and now I'm at the point where I want to setup on AWS. I've gone through numerous tools but have had no success finding a way to take my local DB and setup the schema and migrate data into AWS.
For example, I can get the data into a CSV format but AWS has no way to recognize that. It seems that I'm forced to create a Data Pipeline... Does anyone have a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance
As was mentioned earlier, DynamoDB local is there for testing purposes. However, you can still migrate your data if you need to. One approach would be to save data into some format, like json or csv and store it into S3, and then use something like lambdas or your own server to read from S3 and save into your new DynamoDB. As for setting up schema, You can use the same code you used to create your local table to create remote table via AWS SDK.
you can create a standalone application to get the list of tables from the local dynamoDB and create them in your AWS account after that you can get all the data for each table and save them.
I'm not sure which language you familiar with but will explain some API might help you in Java.
example about how to create table using the above API
ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput(1L, 1L);
CreateTableRequest groupTableRequest = mapper.generateCreateTableRequest(Group.class); //1
groupTableRequest.setProvisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput); //2
// groupTableRequest.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes().forEach(index -> index.setProvisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput)); //3
Table groupTable = client.createTable(groupTableRequest); //4
}catch(ResourceInUseException e){
log.debug("Group table already exist");
1- you will create TableRequest against mapping
2- setting the provision throughput and this will vary depend on your requirements
3- if the table has global secondary index you can use this line (Optional)
4- the actual table will be created here
5- the thread will be stopped till the table become active
I didn't mention the API related to data access (insert ... etc), I supposed that you're familiar with since you already use them in local dynamodb
I did a little work setting up my local dev environment. I use SAM to create the dynamodb tables in AWS. I didn't want to do the work twice so I ended up copying the schema from AWS to my local instance. The same approach can work the other way around.
aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name chess_lobby \
| jq '.Table' \
| jq 'del(.TableArn)' \
| jq 'del(.TableSizeBytes)' \
| jq 'del(.TableStatus)' \
| jq 'del(.TableId)' \
| jq 'del(.ItemCount)' \
| jq 'del(.CreationDateTime)' \
| jq 'del(.GlobalSecondaryIndexes[].IndexSizeBytes)' \
| jq 'del(.ProvisionedThroughput.NumberOfDecreasesToday)' \
| jq 'del(.GlobalSecondaryIndexes[].IndexStatus)' \
| jq 'del(.GlobalSecondaryIndexes[].IndexArn)' \
| jq 'del(.GlobalSecondaryIndexes[].ItemCount)' \
| jq 'del(.GlobalSecondaryIndexes[].ProvisionedThroughput.NumberOfDecreasesToday)' > chess_lobby.json
aws dynamodb create-table \
--cli-input-json file://chess_lobby.json \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
The top command uses describe table aws cli capabilities to get the schema json. Then I use jq to delete all unneeded keys, since create-table is strict with its parameter validation. Then I can use create-table to create the table in the local environent by using the --endpoint-url command.
You can use the --endpoint-url parameter on the top command instead to fetch your local schema and then use the create-table without the --endpoint-url parameter to create it directly in AWS.

How to delete files recursively from an S3 bucket

I have the following folder structure in S3. Is there a way to recursively remove all files under a certain folder (say foo/bar1 or foo or foo/bar2/1 ..)
With the latest aws-cli python command line tools, to recursively delete all the files under a folder in a bucket is just:
aws s3 rm --recursive s3://your_bucket_name/foo/
Or delete everything under the bucket:
aws s3 rm --recursive s3://your_bucket_name
If what you want is to actually delete the bucket, there is one-step shortcut:
aws s3 rb --force s3://your_bucket_name
which will remove the contents in that bucket recursively then delete the bucket.
Note: the s3:// protocol prefix is required for these commands to work
This used to require a dedicated API call per key (file), but has been greatly simplified due to the introduction of Amazon S3 - Multi-Object Delete in December 2011:
Amazon S3's new Multi-Object Delete gives you the ability to
delete up to 1000 objects from an S3 bucket with a single request.
See my answer to the related question delete from S3 using api php using wildcard for more on this and respective examples in PHP (the AWS SDK for PHP supports this since version 1.4.8).
Most AWS client libraries have meanwhile introduced dedicated support for this functionality one way or another, e.g.:
You can achieve this with the excellent boto Python interface to AWS roughly as follows (untested, from the top of my head):
import boto
s3 = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = s3.get_bucket("bucketname")
bucketListResultSet = bucket.list(prefix="foo/bar")
result = bucket.delete_keys([key.name for key in bucketListResultSet])
This is available since version 1.24 of the AWS SDK for Ruby and the release notes provide an example as well:
bucket = AWS::S3.new.buckets['mybucket']
# delete a list of objects by keys, objects are deleted in batches of 1k per
# request. Accepts strings, AWS::S3::S3Object, AWS::S3::ObectVersion and
# hashes with :key and :version_id
bucket.objects.delete('key1', 'key2', 'key3', ...)
# delete all of the objects in a bucket (optionally with a common prefix as shown)
# conditional delete, loads and deletes objects in batches of 1k, only
# deleting those that return true from the block
bucket.objects.delete_if{|object| object.key =~ /\.pdf$/ }
# empty the bucket and then delete the bucket, objects are deleted in batches of 1k
AWS::S3::Bucket.delete('your_bucket', :force => true)
You might also consider using Amazon S3 Lifecycle to create an expiration for files with the prefix foo/bar1.
Open the S3 browser console and click a bucket. Then click Properties and then LifeCycle.
Create an expiration rule for all files with the prefix foo/bar1 and set the date to 1 day since file was created.
Save and all matching files will be gone within 24 hours.
Just don't forget to remove the rule after you're done!
No API calls, no third party libraries, apps or scripts.
I just deleted several million files this way.
A screenshot showing the Lifecycle Rule window (note in this shot the Prefix has been left blank, affecting all keys in the bucket):
The voted up answer is missing a step.
Per aws s3 help:
Currently, there is no support for the use of UNIX style wildcards in a
command's path arguments. However, most commands have --exclude "<value>" and --include "<value>" parameters that can achieve the
desired result......... When there are multiple
filters, the rule is the filters that appear later in the command take
precedence over filters that appear earlier in the command. For example, if the filter parameters passed to the command were --exclude "*" --include "*.txt" All files will be excluded from the command except for files ending
with .txt
aws s3 rm --recursive s3://bucket/ --exclude="*" --include="/folder_path/*"
With s3cmd package installed on a Linux machine, you can do this
s3cmd rm s3://foo/bar --recursive
In case if you want to remove all objects with "foo/" prefix using Java AWS SDK 2.0
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.s3.S3Client;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.s3.model.*;
ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = ListObjectsRequest.builder()
ListObjectsResponse objectsResponse = s3Client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
while (true) {
ArrayList<ObjectIdentifier> objects = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator<?> iterator = objectsResponse.contents().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
S3Object s3Object = (S3Object)iterator.next();
if (objectsResponse.isTruncated()) {
objectsResponse = s3Client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
In case using AWS-SKD for ruby V2.
s3.list_objects(bucket: bucket_name, prefix: "foo/").contents.each do |obj|
next if obj.key == "foo/"
resp = s3.delete_object({
bucket: bucket_name,
key: obj.key,
attention please, all "foo/*" under bucket will delete.
To delete all the versions of the objects under a specific folder:
Pass the path /folder/subfolder/ to the Prefix -
import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket("my-bucket-name")
I just removed all files from my bucket by using PowerShell:
Get-S3Object -BucketName YOUR_BUCKET | % { Remove-S3Object -BucketName YOUR_BUCKET -Key $_.Key -Force:$true }
Just saw that Amazon added a "How to Empty a Bucket" option to the AWS console menu:
Best way is to use lifecycle rule to delete whole bucket contents. Programmatically you can use following code (PHP) to PUT lifecycle rule.
$expiration = array('Date' => date('U', strtotime('GMT midnight')));
$result = $s3->putBucketLifecycle(array(
'Bucket' => 'bucket-name',
'Rules' => array(
'Expiration' => $expiration,
'ID' => 'rule-name',
'Prefix' => '',
'Status' => 'Enabled',
In above case all the objects will be deleted starting Date - "Today GMT midnight".
You can also specify Days as follows. But with Days it will wait for at least 24 hrs (1 day is minimum) to start deleting the bucket contents.
$expiration = array('Days' => 1);
I needed to do the following...
def delete_bucket
s3 = init_amazon_s3
s3.buckets['BUCKET-NAME'].objects.each do |obj|
def init_amazon_s3
config = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml")
AWS.config(:access_key_id => config['access_key_id'],:secret_access_key => config['secret_access_key'])
s3 = AWS::S3.new
s3cmd del --recursive s3://your_bucket --force