I need to divide where Salesman is Yes and Product is Pen over the total amount of sales (in my case is 8) and get the total percentage.
select * from mytable
Sale_Number Date Salesman_Used Product
1 01/01/2014 No Pen
2 01/02/2014 No Pen
3 01/03/2014 Yes Pen
4 01/04/2014 Yes Pencil
5 01/05/2014 Yes Pen
6 01/06/2014 Yes Pencil
7 01/07/2014 No Pencil
8 01/08/2014 No Pencil
I am stuck on the missing piece:
select concat(100 * count(missing this piece) / count(Sale_Number), '%')
as "Salesman Sales for Pens"
from mytable
where Salesman_Used = 'Yes'
and Product = 'Pen'
The problem with my attempt is that the where clause affects the Sale_Number as well.. How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
There is filter clause for an aggregates:
If FILTER is specified, then only the input rows for which the filter_clause evaluates to true are fed to the aggregate function; other rows are discarded.
select concat(100 * count(*) filter (where Salesman_Used = 'Yes' and Product = 'Pen') / count(Sale_Number), '%')
as "Salesman Sales for Pens"
from mytable
You could use a subquery to get the overall count of sales entries:
select concat(100 * count(*) / (select count(*) from mytable), '%')
as "Salesman Sales for Pens"
from mytable
where Salesman_Used = 'Yes'
and Product = 'Pen'
Try this:
select concat(100 * count(missing this piece) / count(select Sale_Number from mytable), '%')
as "Salesman Sales for Pens"
from mytable
where Salesman_Used = 'Yes'
and Product = 'Pen'
I have never used Postgresql but maybe this works:
select concat(100 * (select count(*) from mytable) / count(Sale_Number), '%')
as "Salesman Sales for Pens"
from mytable
where Salesman_Used = 'Yes'
and Product = 'Pen'
I have two tables an tblOrder and tblOrderDetail Table.
tblOrderDetail contain below rows:
OrderDetailID OrderID Product Quantity UnitPrice Discount Total
1 1 ABC 10 $240.00 10 $2,160.00
2 2 CDF 100 $200.00 10 $18,000.00
3 3 GHI 200 $150.00 0 $30,000.00
4 1 XYZ 40 $100.00 5 $3,800.00
i want sql query to get Subtotal column in tblOrder, which are sum of relate OrderID Total from tblOrderDetail like this:
OrderID Sub Total
1 $5,960.00
2 $18,000.00
3 $30,000.00
i try this sql query:
SUM(((tblOrderDetail.UnitPrice) - (tblOrderDetail.UnitPrice * (tblOrderDetail.Discount / 100))) * (tblOrderDetail.Quantity))
WHERE tblOrderDetail.OrderID = tblOrder.OrderID
) AS [Sub Total]
but it gives this
OrderID Sub Total
1 $0.00
2 $0.00
3 $0.00
Note i want Sub Total column dynamically not by Sum of Total Column in tblOrderDetail Table.
I hope somebody can make sense of what I'm saying and hopefully help me achieve this!
Use Group by Clause to with SUM aggregate function,
Select *, sum(Total) as totalforOrder from ordertbl group by OrderID;
Demo SQLFiddle
as per your question, here is a correlated query
SUM(((tblOrderDetail.UnitPrice) - (tblOrderDetail.UnitPrice * (tblOrderDetail.Discount / 100))) * (tblOrderDetail.Quantity))
WHERE tblOrderDetail.OrderID = tblOrder.OrderID
) AS SubTotal
Its working fine on SQLFiddle
you can use Group by to do this
Select OrderID, sum(Total) as [Sub Total] from tblOrderDetail group by OrderID;
You can get more details here !
I have a table called "products" where it has 100 records with sales details. My requirement is so simple that I was not able to do it.
I need to show the top 10 product names with sales and other product names as "others" and its sales. so totally my o/p will be 11 rows. 11-th row should be others and sum of sales of all remaining products. Can anyone give me the logic?
O/p should be like this,
Name sales
------ -----
1 colgate 9000
2 pepsodent 8000
3 closeup 7000
4 brittal 6000
5 ariies 5000
6 babool 4000
7 imami 3000
8 nepolop 2500
9 lactoteeth 2000
10 menwhite 1500
11 Others 6000 (sum of sales of remaining 90 products)
here is my sql query,
select case when rank<11 then prod_cat else 'Others' END as prod_cat,
total_sales,ID,rank from (select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (sum(i.grandtotal)) desc) as rank,pc.name as prod_cat,sum(i.grandtotal) as total_sales, pc.m_product_category_id as ID`enter code here`
from adempiere.c_invoice i join adempiere.c_invoiceline il on il.c_invoice_id=i.c_invoice_id join adempiere.m_product p on p.m_product_id=il.m_product_id join adempiere.m_product_category pc on pc.m_product_category_id=p.m_product_category_id
where extract(year from i.dateacct)=extract(year from now())
group by pc.m_product_category_id) innersql
order by total_sales desc
o/p what i got is,
prod_cat total_sales id rank
-------- ----------- --- ----
BSHIRT 4511697.63 460000015 1
BT-SHIRT 2725167.03 460000016 2
SHIRT 2630471.56 1000003 3
BJEAN 1793514.07 460000005 4
JEAN 1115402.90 1000004 5
GT-SHIRT 1079596.33 460000062 6
T SHIRT 446238.60 1000006 7
PANT 405189.00 1000005 8
GDRESS 396789.02 460000059 9
BTROUSER 393739.48 460000017 10
Others 164849.41 1000009 11
Others 156677.00 1000008 12
Others 146678.00 1000007 13
As #e4c5 suggests, use UNION:
select id, prod_cat, sum(total_sales) as total_sales
totals as (
select --pc.m_product_category_id as id,
pc.name as prod_cat,
sum(i.grandtotal) as total_sales,
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sum(i.grandtotal) desc) as rank
from adempiere.c_invoice i
join adempiere.c_invoiceline il on (il.c_invoice_id=i.c_invoice_id)
join adempiere.m_product p on (p.m_product_id=il.m_product_id)
join adempiere.m_product_category pc on (pc.m_product_category_id=p.m_product_category_id)
where i.dateacct >= date_trunc('year', now()) and i.dateacct < date_trunc('year', now()) + interval '1' year
group by pc.m_product_category_id, pc.name
rankedothers as (
select prod_cat, total_sales, rank
from totals where rank <= 10
select 'Others', sum(total_sales), 11
from totals where rank > 10
select prod_cat, total_sales
from ranked_others
order by rank
Also, I recommend using sargable conditions like the one above, which is slightly more complicated than the one you implemented, but generally worth the extra effort.
Apologies if this has been answered, I'm new enough that I didn't even know how to search:
I have one table:
Lot SKU Cost Date
1001-1 1001 .30 10-12-14
1001-2 1001 .33 10-19-14
1001-3 1001 .32 11-20-14
1002-1 1002 .45 10-12-14
1002-2 1002 .45 10-19-14
1002-3 1002 .44 12-01-14
1003-1 1003 .12 10-15-14
1003-2 1003 .13 10-19-14
1003-3 1003 .10 11-23-14
i need to sum the cost of the oldest row for each SKU.
expected outcome: (.30 + .45 + .12) = .87
is this possible through one query?
ANSI SQL support a function called row_number(), which can be very helpful for this type of query. The following is how you would use it in this case:
select sum(cost)
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by sku order by date) as seqnum
from table t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
This should work:
select sum(t.cost)
from some_table t
join ( select sku ,
min(some_datetime_column) oldest
from some_table
and some_datetime_column is not null
group by sku
) s on s.sku = t.sku
and s.oldest = t.some_datetime_column
I'm hoping to be able to write a SQL query that can use multiple COUNTs based upon different criteria and have the values grouped together.
Let's say I have a (canned) scenario where I change the price-points of my products and want to analyze what people have paid.
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) as Total FROM Orders WHERE Location = 'Amazon'
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) as HighPriceCount FROM Orders
WHERE Location = 'Amazon' and PRICE > 10
From here, I'd like to be able to see results like this.
| Product | Total | HighPriceCount | Avg |
| Game 1 | 50 | 20 | .40 |
| Prod 2 | 300 | 200 | .66 |
Where Avg. is the "price above 10" / "total sold". My initial approach is to group by Product but I wanted to see if an "inner-select" is the only path or whether there is a more elegant way to do this. Seems like a lot of duplication? Here's my initial version of a query.
-- I don't know if this works?
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Total,
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) FROM Orders WHERE Location = 'Amazon' and Price > 10
GROUP BY Product
) AS HighPriceCount,
(Total / HighPriceCount) AS Avg
From Orders
WHERE Location = 'Amazon'
GROUP BY Product
To get the count use a CASE for HighPriceCount as below. Aggregate functions do not count null except for COUNT(*)
Sql-Fiddle Example
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) as Total,
COUNT(case when price > 10 then 1 end) as HighPriceCount,
SUM(case when price > 10 then price end)/COUNT(*) as Avg
FROM Orders
WHERE Location = 'Amazon'
GROUP BY Product
Did you try using SUM and CASE? (can't try it right know I think it should work)
SUM(CASE WHEN PRICE>10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as highpricecount,
FROM Orders
Here's mine...
Select Product, Total, HighPriceCount, HighPriceCount/Total As Avg
From (Select Product,
Sum(Case When Location = 'Amazon' Then 1 Else 0 End) As Total,
Sum(Case When Location = 'Amazon' And Price > 10 Then 1 Else 0 End) As HighPriceCount,
From Orders
Group By Product) o
Here is mine
Product, Sum(Total) as Total, Sum(HighPriceCount) as HighPriceCount,Total/HighPriceCount as AVG
select Product, 1 as Total, case WHEN PRICE>10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as HighPriceCount
from Orders where LOCATION='AMAZON'
group by Product
Your query doesn't work. Please try this one:
select A.Product, A.Total, ISNULL(B.HighPriceCount,0), B.HighPriceCount*1.0/A.Total*1.0 as [Avg]
(select Product, count(*) as Total
from Orders
where Location='Amazon'
group by Product ) A
left join
(SELECT Product, COUNT(*) as HighPriceCount
from Orders
where Location = 'Amazon' and Price > 10
group by Product) B
on A.Product = B.Product
I don't have your database, so maybe there is typo, I can't test this query, but with some change by you, it should work.
I have a table like this:-
Selling Sales
Item SIZE QTY Price U/M
---- ---- ---- ----- -----
AAA 5 10 15.00 PCE
BBB 60 5 5.50 CM
CCC 8 7 12.50 PCE
DDD 75 3 6.80 CM
I need to compute the above into this using SQL:-
Item Sales Value
AAA 150.00
BBB 1,650.00
CCC 87.50
DDD 1,530.00
The problem is the Sales U/M, some in PCE (per piece) & some in CM (per centimeter).
When it's in PCE, it shd be "Selling Price * Qty" & when it's in CM, it shd be "Selling Price * Size * Qty".
How can I do this ??
select item, amount = case
when salesum = 'PCE'
then price * qty
else price * size * qty
from ...
Use a CASE:
select item,
case um
when 'PCE' then qty * price
when 'CM' then size * qty * price
from your_table
where um in ('PCE', 'CM');
The where clause might be over doing it a bit but you didn't specify that um could only have those two values and I'm not sure what you want to do for an "else" clause in the case.
I would do something like this.
Select Item, Case when UM='CM' then Price * Qty else Price * Qty * Size end as Value
from sellingSales
SELECT item, qty * price AS Sales_Value
FROM your_table
WHERE um = 'PCE'
SELECT item, SIZE * qty * price
FROM your_table
WHERE um = 'CM';