How can i get the exact coodrdinates of an element in Selenium - selenium

I want to get the X and Y coordinates of an element available in the webpage.I used getLocation() , getX(), getY() functions. But as they give the relative location; it didnt work well with my scenario.
Can someone please suggest me an option to get the exact location
thanks and regards

This depends on your screen and screen resolution, as well as where your Chrome window is. So a relatively easy solution would be to full screen your Chrome using something like SendKeys(Keys.F11). Then, use the getLocation which now would be the exact on the screen.


Selenium + Firefox: transparent element screenshots

I'm taking screenshots of elements in Selenium using the Firefox driver's element.screenshot_as_png. The resulting images include other elements that are underneath, as well as a white background behind everything (even though the page has no background colour set).
I just want the element alone on a transparent background, nothing else. According to this answer there's a way to do it in Chrome. Any chance to get the same thing with Firefox?
You Can Take Screenshot Like That!
You Can Also Use Pillow!
import pyscreenshot
im = pyscreenshot.grab()'ss.png')

Firefox - hide browser frame with Selenium

I'm trying to figure out how to hide the border (including the address bar, tabs, title bar... everything that isn't the browser viewport) of my Firefox instance instantiated by Selenium.
If there's some way to have it use a userChrome.css, that would be straightforward enough. I've tried loading a profile folder that included a userChrome.css using this answer as a guide, but it seemed to ignore the styles. I've also looked through Firefox's about:config to see if there's some preference that would hide the frame of the window, but I haven't found anything yet.
Any solution that allows me to hide all or some of these elements when creating the instance with Selenium would be helpful. I know it's silly, but that's how it goes sometimes, you know?
I don't think the title bar needs to be hidden. But everything else should be hidden.
-another edit to clarify a few things-
I mentioned kiosk mode in the comments as an example of the sort of thing I'm going for. Kiosk mode isn't exactly what I'm looking for, though. The windows aren't meant to be fullscreen, but they should still lack the elements of a common browser window. Think of it as like an Electron app. Out of the box, Electron lacks an address bar, tabs, etc. That's basically what we have for our app, but it's with regular-old Firefox. Again, whether these elements are displayed or not doesn't typically impact the test, but we want them hidden anyway.
Finally, I a friend of mine tried achieving this goal using a userChrome.css wrapped in a Firefox profile and was able to get Selenium to use the userChrome. So perhaps I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong. The biggest difference between how he did it and how I'm doing it is I must use a remote web driver for testing. But even still, it should be able to load the userChrome.css file. I'll try to update this question with more details as I fiddle with it some more.
I think the reason userChrome isn't working when specifying a profile is because of the version(s) of Selenium/Geckodriver/Firefox being used.
The geckodriver version I started with was 0.15. 0.17 behaved exactly the same. 0.18 didn't respect the profile I passed along to it at all and instead had Firefox open the profile selection window (not very useful, but I was able to at least select the correct profile and see the userChrome.css get applied). 0.24 is no different.
Firefox is 52.9.0. Not much I can do about that.
We're using selenium (standalone) server 3.8.1. Switching out for 3.141.59 Didn't change anything.
Unless there's a version combination that will work with Firefox 52, I think the only thing I can do is wait until there's an update.
At last I have figured it out. In order to get Selenium to use my custom profile, I needed to do the following:
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile(new File(path_to_profile));
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions().setProfile(profile);
RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options.toCapabilities());
Thanks to avinesh09 on Github for the info I needed to solve the problem. It's so simple, but this has to be the only way that I neglected to try to load the profile.
If fullscreen (kiosk) mode is what you ask for (as then all you see is the viewport) it is as simple as:
It is the same user experience as pressing "F11" in your browser.

OS X take full page screenshot not in web browser?

I need to realize a screenshot of full page in OS X not only in web browser, and the app is not limit with sandbox. I have googled a lot, but really have no ideas, hope someone who can give me a hint. Really thanks.
********************update my question*********************************
I have realized the screenshot of any window on screen, what I need to realize is like screenshot of full page in chrome, it can grab the whole page even the part is not shown.
But the challenge is I should grab not only in web browser, also any window who have a scrollview. Like:
Window is like the picture below, the window can not show all apps.
What I need grab is like:
Hope I expressed clearly and there will be somebody give me some hints, thanks~

Getting different height and width in different browser using selenium webdriver

This is the code for getting the Dimension.
Dimension countrypickerDim = countryelement.getSize();
Height =24
Width =94
Firefox and Chrome
Width =96
i talked with developers and they are saying that they are using the Google Fonts so results will be deffer on different browser.
Please let me know how to deal with that.
Update your test accordingly, it's the "desired" behavior, IE is hell, nothing you can do with that.
The simplest method: switch-case for different browsers that assert the dimension according to the browser you working on.

Identify the monitor with the browser window in FireBreath

I am using FireBreath to create a cross browser plugin which makes use of some native libraries for the respective platform (some .NET based DLLs for Windows and Objective-C based dylibs/frameworks for Mac). Native libraries display UI screens. In order to improve usability, if the user has a multi/extended monitor setup, i would like the native UIs to appear on the same screen as the browser window is currently on.
If an identifier to the monitor with the browser window can be retrieved, that can be passed down to the native components which can be configured to display their UIs on that monitor. I have used FireBreath's getWindowPosition() method to get the rect coordinates of the plugin and used that info to identify the correct monitor in the Windows platform.
However, the coordinates returned in Mac seems to be always 0 (or 1) irrespective of monitor on which the browser window currently resides. I understand that we have to configure an event model and a drawing model in order for this to work in Mac. I have tried following event/drawing model combinations without much success.
1) Cocoa/CoreGraphics
2) Carbon/CoreGraphics
Any help in this regard is much appreciated. Also please do share if there are other approaches to achieve the same. What i want to achieve is to identify the monitor on which the current active browser window resides in Mac. I am unsure at this point, but it maybe possible to achieve this at Objective-C level (without any changes at FireBreath level). Also please note that i want to support Safari, Firefox and Chrome browsers.
You won't like this answer, but simply put you can't do that on Mac. The problem is that with CoreGraphics you are only given a CGContextRef to work with, and it doesn't know where it will be drawn. It was technically possible in older browsers to get an NSWindow by exploiting some internal implementation details, but many browsers that's no longer possible and it was never supported.
Other drawing models are the same; CoreAnimation you have a CALayer but it doesn't know which screen or monitor it is drawn to. I personally think it's a bit annoying as well, but I do not know of any way to find out which monitor your plugin is rendered to, particularly since most of them actually copy the buffer to something else and render in a different process.
I did manage to come up with a workaround and i am just replying here for the completeness of the thread. As #taxilian explained, it is not possible to retrieve plugin coordinates using the window reference. As an alternative approach, Javascript 'Window' object has 2 properties called 'screenX' and 'screenY' that return X and Y coordinates of the browser window relative to the screen. If the user has an extended monitor setup, these are the absolute coordinates with respect to the full extended screen. We can use these values to determine the monitor with the browser window (if the X coordinate is outside the bounds of the primary monitor's width, then the browser should essentially be on the extended monitor). We can retrieve DOM properties from Firebreath as explained in the following link: