After setup password-less login, I still got permission denied error while running a script to login - ssh

I have already setup the password-less login to localhost via ssh, and it works and doesn't need me to enter any password.
justinwu#ubuntu:~$ ssh root#localhost
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-110-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
2 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
New release '16.04.2 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Tue Mar 7 10:08:22 2017 from localhost
But while running one script and it needs to login as root via ssh, it returns the error 'Permission denied (publickey)'.
Launching 20 processes.
Starting test client: 0 Host: localhost Workload: VDI Workdir: /mnt/share
Permission denied (publickey).
I don't know why the script cannot automatically login via root without entering the password.
Please help! Thanks!


Failed to setup SSH FTP in Ubuntu

After i installed SSH,
i try to configure Chroot, but then i got following error when i try to login.
Feb 29 11:53:49 tng-ubuntu sshd[15314]: error: /dev/pts/2: No such file or directory
Not very sure about what happen, i try many many options, actually almost spent a whole afternoon, still don't know what is the issue.
Can someone help?
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp -l VERBOSE
Whenever i have following section in my sshd_config, it failed.
I already try to change /home to /home/%u or %h ...
Match Group sftponly
ChrootDirectory /home
AllowTcpForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp -l VERBOSE
Actually my configuration works, but i was verifying using SSH login, and my SSH failed to login. Though i still don't know why my SSH failed to login, but anyway, my SFTP works.
Need to check further why the SSH failed to login.

Permission denied with Vagrant

When I do a vagrant ssh in my project on a windows 10 laptop I get this error:
vagrant# Permission denied (publickey).
When I then delete .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key and do vagrant ssh again, I get access to the VM.
But when I then exit the VM and do `vagrant halt', I get this error:
==> default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
default: Inserting generated public key within guest...
translation missing: en.vagrant_ps.errors.powershell_error.powershell_error
It seems to me that it tries to add my SSH key, but something goed wrong. Any idea how I can solve this?
you can simply run following command in your cmd:
vagrant ssh
successfully tested under the windows 10 with vagrant 2.1.5
you can also see:
I solved error:
vagrant# Permission denied (publickey)
editing my Vagrantfile.
It seems Vagrant didn't like this configuration:
config.vm.synced_folder "app", "/home/vagrant"
Edited it to:
config.vm.synced_folder "app", "/vagrant"
The solution provided by #rekinz works, but I want to add some further explanation.
Vagrant will default to using a system provided SSH on Windows. This environment variable can also be used to disable that behavior to force Vagrant to use the embedded SSH executable by setting it to 0.
I also used Vagrant halt to clean up a previous installation. And then, when I provisioned it again, I had got the same error as the OP.
I think the SSH provided by Windows is not working and using this VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN has reset the same.
The problem can be that the sshClient windows feature intercepting the operation, try opening powershell as admin and run the following:
Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~
if that doesn't solve then install sshclient again
Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*'
You can also check the permission of the file
In my case the permissions for this file were for an Unknown user (likely from a previous OS installation) - setting the permissions for this file to myself fixed the issue
It works for me when I point to the private_key (check permission of it first )
ssh -i ${vagrant_home}/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key vagrant# -p 2222
On Windows 10, when we try to login to the Virtual machine node (eg. node01) using
vagrant ssh node01
If you get the error
vagrant# Permission denied (publickey)
Try to follow the steps below:
In the Power Shell, set the environmental variable VAGRANT_PREFER_SYSTEM_BIN to prefer using the local ssh instead of the packaged ssh (Read more about the variable here)
As per issue listed in Vagrant Github:
vagrant# Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
Once done, do the vagrant ssh to the vm which was not accessible earlier

Ambari cluster : Host registration failed

I am setting up an ambari cluster with 3 virtualbox VMs running Ubuntu 16.04LTS.
I followed this hortonworks tutorial.
However when I am going to create a cluster using Ambari Cluster Install Wizard I get the below error during the step 3 - "Confirm Hosts".
26 Jun 2017 16:41:11,553 WARN [Thread-34] BSRunner:292 - Bootstrap process timed out. It will be destroyed.
26 Jun 2017 16:41:11,554 INFO [Thread-34] BSRunner:309 - Script log Mesg
INFO:root:BootStrapping hosts ['', ''] using /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_server cluster primary OS: ubuntu16 with user 'thanuja'with ssh Port '22' sshKey File /var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap/5/sshKey password File null using tmp dir /var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap/5 ambari:; server_port: 8080; ambari version:; user_run_as: root
INFO:root:Executing parallel bootstrap
Bootstrap process timed out. It was destroyed.
I have read number of posts saying that this is related to not enabling Password-less SSH to the hosts. But I can ssh to the hosts without password from the server.
I am running ambari as non-root user with root privileges.
This post helped me.
I modified the users in host machines so that they can execute sudo commands without password using visudo command.
Please post if you have any alternative answers.

psql: FATAL: Password authentication failed for user “postgres” WINDOWS

I just installed postgresql 9.0 on my pc.
When it ask for password during install, I entered password.
after install I went to command prompt to import a SQL file.
I use the command psql -f filename.sql. This prompts me for a password to which I enter password.
It then complains that authentication failed for user Morne Nel. I dont exist as a user yet.
I then tried psql -h localhost -U postgres to which I enter the password password.
Only to get this message:
FATAL: Password authentication failed for user "postgres"
What Can I do to resolve this madness?
# Could it be that Jasper Reports server might have something to do with it, is also installs prostgres does iet not?
So is seems that Jasper Reports Server was the culprit here.
Jasper was running on port 5432 and Postgres 9.3 was running on port 5433
I knew that it was on port 5433 from install, but I just assumed that if you try and run command prompt commands that it would use the correct port.
So after uninstalling Jasper Reports Server and changing the port number for Posgres 9.3 in the config file to 5432, I restarted my PC and it worked.

SSH Server in Cygwin - Windows 7

I created a ssh server in cygwin using the commands:
mkpasswd -l /etc/passwd
mkgroup -l /etc/group
ssh-host-config -y
After that, I'm trying to connect the server but it closes my connection with the following message:
$ ssh cyg_server#localhost
cyg_server#localhost's password:
Last login: Thu Jul 18 16:16:53 2013 from ::1
Connection to localhost closed.
Why it is happening? How do I fix it?
Note: Firewall - off
Thanks =)
Do you have permission to connect in the machine that you've created the server?