Poor performance with stacked joins - sql

I'm not sure I can provide enough details for an answer, but my company is having a performance issue with an older mssql view. I've narrowed it down to the right outer joins, but I'm not familiar with the structure of joins following joins without a "ON" with each one, as in the code snippet below.
How do I write the joins below to either improve performance or to the simpler format of Join Tablename on Field1 = field2 format ?
FROM dbo.tblObject AS tblObject_2
JOIN dbo.tblProspectB2B PB ON PB.Object_ID = tblObject_2.Object_ID
RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblProspectB2B_CoordinatorStatus
RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblObject
INNER JOIN dbo.vwDomain_Hierarchy
INNER JOIN dbo.tblContactUser
INNER JOIN dbo.tblProcessingFile WITH ( NOLOCK )
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.enumRetentionRealization AS RR ON RR.RetentionRealizationID = dbo.tblProcessingFile.RetentionLeadTypeID
INNER JOIN dbo.tblLoan
INNER JOIN dbo.tblObject AS tblObject_1 WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON dbo.tblLoan.Object_ID = tblObject_1.Object_ID ON dbo.tblProcessingFile.Loan_ID = dbo.tblLoan.Object_ID ON dbo.tblContactUser.Object_ID = dbo.tblLoan.ContactOwnerID ON dbo.vwDomain_Hierarchy.Object_ID = tblObject_1.Domain_ID ON dbo.tblObject.Object_ID = dbo.tblLoan.ContactOwnerID ON dbo.tblProspectB2B_CoordinatorStatus.Object_ID = dbo.tblLoan.ReferralSourceContactID ON tblObject_2.Object_ID = dbo.tblLoan.ReferralSourceContactID

Your last INNER JOIN has a number of ON statements. Per this question and answer, such syntax is equivalent to a nested subquery.

That is one of the worst queries I have ever seen. Since I cannot figure out how it is supposed to work without the underlying data, this is what I suggest to you.
First find a good sample loan and write a query against this view to return where loan_id = ... Now you have a data set you chan check you changes against more easily than the, possibly, millions of records this returns. Make sure these results make sense (that right join to tbl_objects is bothering me as it makes no sense to return all the objects records)
Now start writing your query with what you think should be the first table (I would suggest that loan is the first table, if it not then the first table is Object left joined to loan)) and the where clause for the loan id.
Check your results, did you get the same loan information as teh view query with the where clause added?
Then add each join one at a time and see how it affects the query and whether the results appear to be going off track. Once you have figured out a query that gives the same results with all the tables added in, then you can try for several other loan ids to check. Once those have checked out, then run teh whole query with no where clause and check against the view results (if it is a large number you may need to just see if teh record counts match and visually check through (use order by on both things in order to make sure your results are in the same order). In the process try to use only left joins and not that combination of right and left joins (its ok to leave teh inner ones alone).
I make it a habit in complex queries to do all the inner joins first and then the left joins. I never use right joins in production code.
Now you are ready to performance tune.
I woudl guess the right join to objects is causing a problem in that it returns teh whole table and the nature of that table name and teh other joins to the same table leads me to believe that he probably wanted a left join. Without knowing the meaning of the data, it is hard to be sure. So first if you are returning too many records for one loan id, then consider if the real problem is that as tables have grown, returning too many records has become problematic.
Also consider that you can often take teh view and replace it with code to get the same results. Views calling views are a poor technique that often leads to performance issues. Often the views on top of the other views call teh same tables and thus you end up joining to them multiple times when you don;t need to.
Check your Explain plan or Execution plan depending on what database backend you have. Analysis of this should show where you might have missing indexes.
Also make sure that every table in the query is needed. This especially true when you join to a view. The view may join to 12 other tables but you only need the data from one of them and it can join to one of your tables. MAke sure that you are not using select * but only returning teh fields the view actually needs. You have inner joins so, by definition, select * is returning fields you don't need.
If your select part of teh view has a distinct in it, then consider if you can weed down the multiple records you get that made distinct needed by changing to a derived table or adding a where clause. To see what is causing the multiples, you may need to temporarily use select * to see all the columns and find out which one is not uniques and is causing the issue.
This whole process is not going to be easy or fun. Just take it slowly, work carefully and methodically and you will get there and have a query that is understandable and maintainable in the end.


Optimize query when updating

I have the following query that took too much time to be executed.
How to optimize it?
Update Fact_IU_Lead
Fact_IU_Lead.Latitude_Point_Vente = Adr.Latitude,
Fact_IU_Lead.Longitude_Point_Vente = Adr.Longitude
FROM Dim_IU_PointVente
Data_I_Adresse AS Adr ON Dim_IU_PointVente.Code_Point_Vente = Adr.Code_Point_Vente
Fact_IU_Lead ON Dim_IU_PointVente.Code_Point_Vente = Fact_IU_Lead.Code_Point_Vente
Latitude_Point_Vente is null
or Longitude_Point_Vente is null and Adr.[Error]=0
Couple of things I would look at on this to help.
How many records are on each table? If it's millions, then you may need to cycle through them.
Are the columns you're joining on or filtering on indexed on each table? If no, add them in! typically a huge speed difference with less cost.
Are the columns you're joining on stored as text instead of geo-spatial? I've had much better performance out of geo-spatial data types in this scenario. Just make sure your SRIDs are the same across tables.
Are the columns you're updating indexed, or is the table that's being updated heavy with indexes? Tons of indexes on a large table can be great for looking things up, but kills update/insert speeds.
Take a look at those first.
I've added a bit of slight cleaning to your code in regard to aliases.
Also, take a look at the where clauses. Choose one of them.
When you have mix and's and or's the best thing you can ever do is add parenthesis.
At a minimum, you'll have zero question regarding your thoughts when you wrote it.
At most, you'll know that SQL is executing your logic correctly.
Update Fact_IU_Lead
Latitude_Point_Vente = Adr.Latitude --Note the table prefix is removed
, Longitude_Point_Vente = Adr.Longitude --Note the table prefix is removed
FROM Dim_IU_PointVente as pv --Added alias
Data_I_Adresse AS adr ON pv.Code_Point_Vente = adr.Code_Point_Vente --carried alias
Fact_IU_Lead as fl ON pv.Code_Point_Vente = fl.Code_Point_Vente --added/carried alias
(pv.Latitude_Point_Vente is null or pv.Longitude_Point_Vente is null) and adr.[Error] = 0 --carried alias, option one for WHERE change
pv.Latitude_Point_Vente is null or (pv.Longitude_Point_Vente is null and adr.[Error] = 0) --carried alias, option two for WHERE change
Making joins is usually expensive, the best approach in your case will be to place the update into a stored procedure, split your update into selects and use a transaction to keep everything consistent (if needed) instead.
Hope this answer point you in the right direction :)

Performance of JOINS in SAP HANA Calculation View

For Example:
I have 4 columns (A,B,C,D).
I thought that instead of connecting each and every column in join I should make a concatenated column in both projection(CA_CONCAT-> A+B+C+D) and make a join on this, Just to check on which method performance is better.
It was working faster earlier but in few CV's this method is slower sometimes, especially at time of filtering!
Can any one suggest which is an efficient method?
I don't think the JOIN conditions with concatenated fields will work better in performance.
Although we say in general there is not a need for index on column tables on HANA database, the column tables have a structure that works with an index on every column.
So if you concatenate 4 columns and produce a new calculated field, first you loose the option to use these index on 4 columns and the corresponding joining columns
I did not check the execution plan, but it will probably make a full scan on these columns
In fact I'm surprised you have mentioned that it worked faster, and experienced problems only on a few
Because concatenation or applying a function on a database column is even only by itself a workload over the SELECT process. It might include implicit type cast operation, which might bring additional workload more than expected
First I would suggest considering setting your table to column store and check the new performance.
After that I would suggest to separate the JOIN to multiple JOINs if you are using OR condition in your join.
Third, INNER JOIN will give you better performance compare to LEFT JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN.
Another thing about JOINs and performance, you better use them on PRIMARY KEYS and not on each column.
For me, both the time join with multiple fields is performing faster than join with concatenated fields. For filtering scenario, planviz shows when I join with multiple fields, filter gets pushed down to both the tables. On the other hand, when I join with concatenated field only one table gets filtered.
However, if you put filter on both the fields (like PRODUCT from Tab1 and MATERIAL from Tab2), then you can push the filter down to both the tables.
Select * from CalculationView where PRODUCT = 'A' and MATERIAL = 'A'

How to improve the performance of multiple joins

I have a query with multiple joins in it. When I execute the query it takes too long. Can you please suggest me how to improve this query?
ALTER View [dbo].[customReport]
SELECT DISTINCT ViewUserInvoicerReport.Owner,
ViewUserAll.ParentID As Account , ViewContact.Company,
Payment.PostingDate, ViewInvoice.Charge, ViewInvoice.Tax,
Inner Join ViewUserInvoicerReport on ViewContact.UserID = ViewUserInvoicerReport.UserID
Inner Join ViewUserAll on ViewUserInvoicerReport.UserID = ViewUserAll.UserID
Inner Join Payment on Payment.UserID = ViewUserAll.UserID
Inner Join ViewInvoice on Payment.UserID = ViewInvoice.UserID
Inner Join PaymentProcessLog on ViewInvoice.UserID = PaymentProcessLog.UserID
Work on removing the distinct.
THat is not a join issue. The problem is that ALL rows have to go into a temp table to find out which are double - if you analyze the query plan (programmers 101 - learn to use that fast) you will see that the join likely is not the big problem but the distinct is.
And IIRC that distinct is USELESS because all rows are unique anyway... not 100% sure, but the field list seems to indicate.
Use distincts VERY rarely please ;)
You should see the Query Execution Plan and optimize the query section by section.
The overall optimization process consists of two main steps:
Isolate long-running queries.
Identify the cause of long-running queries.
See - How To: Optimize SQL Queries for step by step instructions.
It's difficult to say how to improve the performance of a query without knowing things like how many rows of data are in each table, which columns are indexed, what performance you're looking for and which database you're using.
Most important:
1. Make sure that all columns used in joins are indexed
2. Make sure that the query execution plan indicates that you are using the indexes you expect

Tips or tricks for translating sql joins from literal language to SQL syntax?

I often know exactly what I want, and know how tables are related in order to get it, but I have a real hard time translating that literal language knowledge to SQL syntax when it comes to joins. Do you have any tips or tricks you can share that have worked for you in the past?
This is a basic, but poor example:
"I have Categories, which have one-to-many Products, which have one-to-many Variants, which have one-to-many Sources. I need all Sources that belong to Category XYZ."
I imagine doing something where you cross out certain language terms and replace them with SQL syntax. Can you share how you formulate your queries based upon some concept similar to that? Thanks!
Use SQL Query Designer to easily buid Join queries from the visual table collection right there, then if you want to learn how it works, simply investigate it, that's how I learned it.
You won't notice how charming it is till you try it.
Visual Representation of SQL Joins - A walkthrough explaining SQL JOINs.
Complete ref of SQL-Server Join, Inner Join, Left Outer Join, Right Outer Join, Full Outer Join, in SQL-Server 2005 (View snapshot bellow).
ToTraceString of Entity Frameork' ObjectQuery (that you add Include shapings to it) is also a good way to learn it.
SQL-Server Join types (with detailed examples for each join type):
INNER JOIN - Match rows between the two tables specified in the INNER JOIN statement based on one or more columns having matching data. Preferably the join is based on referential integrity enforcing the relationship between the tables to ensure data integrity.
Just to add a little commentary to the basic definitions above, in general the INNER JOIN option is considered to be the most common join needed in applications and/or queries. Although that is the case in some environments, it is really dependent on the database design, referential integrity and data needed for the application. As such, please take the time to understand the data being requested then select the proper join option.
Although most join logic is based on matching values between the two columns specified, it is possible to also include logic using greater than, less than, not equals, etc.
LEFT OUTER JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, all data is returned from the left table. On the right table, the matching data is returned in addition to NULL values where a record exists in the left table, but not in the right table.
Another item to keep in mind is that the LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN logic is opposite of one another. So you can change either the order of the tables in the specific join statement or change the JOIN from left to right or vice versa and get the same results.
RIGHT OUTER JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, all data is returned from the right table. On the left table, the matching data is returned in addition to NULL values where a record exists in the right table but not in the left table.
Self Join - In this circumstance, the same table is specified twice with two different aliases in order to match the data within the same table.
CROSS JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, a Cartesian product is created if a WHERE clause does filter the rows. The size of the Cartesian product is based on multiplying the number of rows from the left table by the number of rows in the right table. Please heed caution when using a CROSS JOIN.
FULL JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, all data is returned from both tables regardless of matching data.
I think most people approach its:
Look for substantives, as they can point to potential tables
Look for adjectives, cause they probably are fields
Relationships between substantives gives JOIN rules
Nothing better than to draw these structures in a paper sheet.
Write and debug a query which returns the fields from the table having the majority of—or the most important—data. Add constraints which depend only on that table, or which are independent of all tables.
Add a new where term which relates another table.
Repeat 2 until done.
I've yet to use the join operator in a query, even after 20+ years of writing SQL queries. One can almost always write them in the form
select field, field2, field3, <etc.>
from table
where field in (select whatever from table2 where whatever) and
field2 in (select whatever from table2 where whatever) and ...
select field, field2, field3, <etc.>
from table1, table2, ...
where table1.field = table2.somefield and
table1.field2 = table3.someotherfield and ...
Like someone else wrote, just be bold and practice. It will be like riding a bicycle after 4 or 5 times creating such a query.
One word: Practice.
Open up the query manager and start running queries until you get what you want. Look up similar examples and adapt them to your situation. You will always have to do some trial and error with the queries to get them right.
SQL is very different from imperative programming.
1) To design tables, consider Entities (the real THINGS in the world of concern), Relationships (between the Entities), and Attributes (the values associated with an Entity).
2) to write a Select statement consider a plastic extrusion press:
a) you put in raw records From tables, Where conditions exist in the records
b) you may have to join tables to get at the data you need
c) you craft extrusion nozzles to make the plastic into the shapes you want. These are the individual expressions of the select List.
d) you may want the n-ary sets of list data to come to you in a certain order, you can apply an Order By clause.
3) crafting the List expressions is the most like imperative programming after you discover the if(exp,true-exp,false-exp) function.
Look at the ERD.
Logical or physical version, it will show what tables are related to one another. This way, you can see what table(s) you need to join to in order to get from point/table a to point/table b, and what criteria.

VB6 SQL 2005 Database Index Question

I have a VB app that accesses a sql database. I think it’s running slow, and I thought maybe I didn’t have the tables propery indexed. I was wondering how you would create the indexes? Here’s the situation.
My main loop is
Select * from Docrec
Order by YearFiled,DocNumb
Inside this loop I have two others databases hits.
Select * from Names
Where YearFiled = DocRec.YearFiled
and Volume = DocRec.Volume and Page = DocRec.Page
Order by SeqNumb
Select * from MapRec
Where FiledYear = DocRec.YearFiled
and Volume = DocRec.Volume and Page = DocRec.Page
Order by SeqNumb
Hopefully I made sense.
Try in one query using INNER JOIN:
SELECT * FROM Doctec d
INNER JOIN Names n ON d.YearField = n.YearField AND d.Volume = n.Volume AND d.Page = n.Page
INNER JOIN MapRec m ON m.FiledYear = n.YearFiled AND m.Volume = n.Volumen and m.Page = n.Page
ORDER BY YearFiled, DocNumb
You will have only one query to database. The problem can be that you hit database many times and get only one (or few) row(s) per time.
Off the top, one thing that would help would be determining if you really need all columns.
If you don't, instead of SELECT *, select just the columns you need - that way you're not pulling as much data.
If you do, then from SQL Server Management Studio (or whatever you use to manage the SQL Server) you'll need to look at what is indexed and what isn't. The columns you tend to search on the most would be your first candidates for an index.
Now that I've seen your edit, it may help to look at why you're doing the queries the way you are, and see if there isn't a way to consolidate it down to one query. Without more context I'd just be guessing at more optimal queries.
In general looping through records is a poor idea. can you not do a set-based query that gives you everything you need in one pass?
As far as indexing consider any fields that you use in the ordering or where clauses and any fileds that arein joins. Primary keys are indexed as part of the setup of a primary ley but foreign keys are not. Often people forget that they need to index them as well.
Never use select * in a production environment. It is a poor practice. Do not ever return more data than you need.
I don't know if you need the loop. If all you are doing is grabbing the records in maprec that match for docrec and then the same for the second table then you can do this without a loop using inner join syntax.
select columnlist from maprec m inner join docrec d on (m.filedyear = d.yearfield and m.volume = d.volume and m.page=d.page)
and then again for the second table...
You could also trim up your queries to return only the columns needed instead of returning all if possible. This should help performance.
To create an index by yourself in SQL Server 2005, go to the design of the table and select the Manage Indexes & Keys toolbar item.
You can use the Database Engine Tuning Advisor. You can create a trace (using sql server profiler) of your queries and then the Advisor will tell you and create the indexes needed to optimize for your query executions.
You can still do this by running the first query then the second and third without a loop as I have shown above. Here's the trick. I am thinking you need to tie the first to the second and third one hence why you did a loop.
It's been a while since I have done VB6 recordsets BUT I do recall the ability to filter the recordset once returned from the DB. So, in this case, you could keep your loop but instead of calling SQL every time in the loop you would simply filter the resulting recordset data based on the first record. You would initialize / load the second & third query before this loop to load the data. Using the syntax above that I gave will load in each of those tables the matching to the parent table (docrec).
With this, you will still only hit the DB three times but still retain the loop you need to have the parent docrec table traversed so you can do work on it AND the child tables when you do have a match.
Here's a few links on ado recordset filtering....
With all this said.... I have this strange feeling that perhaps it could be solved with just a left join on your tables?
select * from docrec d
left join maprec m on (d.YearFiled= m.FiledYear and d.Volume = m.Volume and d.Page = m.Page)
left join names n on (d.YearFiled = n.YearFiled and d.Volume = n.Volume and d.Page = n.Page)
this will return all DocRec records AND add all the maprec values and name values where it matches OR NULL if not.
If this fits your need it will only hit the DB once.