How to enable gzip compression on Microsoft-IIS/8.0 with help of Web.config file - gzip

How can I enable IIS8 to gzip static files like js and css and how can I test if IIS8 is really gziping them before sending to the client?

First open chrome dev tools and go to network tab and check for static files size. After that you can enable gzip with
Open powershell as administrator and run the following command:
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server, Web-Dyn-Compression
Second option: Under Server Manager click Add roles and features
-Click Next for Role-based or featured-based installation
-Select Server Roles
-Expand Web Server (IIS) role
-Under Performance check the option for Dynamic Content Compression
after this you can check again static files


Debugging user provider jar inside Keycloak server

I am using keycloak to authenticate users in my application. The users are imported in Keycloak through a external mysql user store. I am placing the user-provider jar inside /standalone/deployments folder.
I need to remotely debug this jar file through intellij.
I tried to uncomment the JPDA settings for remote socket debugging in standalone.conf file but it didn't work.
Try to set the following environment variables
and then start the server with --debug flag. You should then be able to attach a remote debugger to port 8787

How do I install Zend OPcache Extension on my Media Temple Grid Server site?

CMS's like Drupal 8 strongly recommend that you enable OPcache on your server to speed up page rendering. How does one install this extension if your site is hosted on Media Temple's shared Grid server service?
Log in to your Media Temple account and go to the Admin section for your domain.
Under File Management click the File Manager link
Navigate to the /etc folder. If there is a file there called php.ini skip to step 5
Rename the file php.ini.sample to php.ini
Open the file php.ini and add the following lines to the bottom of that file:
I believe this assumes you are running php 7.2.12, so the URL may change if and when PHP is updated on the grid.

Getting Unknown Host Exception in JMeter while testing web application

I am getting Unknown Host Exception every time I use J meter for web testing. I can only access https sites in my company and I am not allowed to change proxy settings as its disabled in my office.
You don't need to change your machine proxy settings in order to be able to use JMeter, you need to make JMeter aware of your company proxy
The options are in:
You can pass your corporate proxy settings via command-line options each time you run JMeter like:
jmeter -H your_corporate_proxy_host -P your_corporate_proxy_port
You can add the next lines to JMeter file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
Replace your_corporate_proxy_host and your_corporate_proxy_port with real values of your company proxy (if you don't know the details - contact your network administrator)

How to run app from root url (localhost:port/) instead of (localhost:port/path/index.html)

This is a problem that I have when I run/debug the app from Webstorm.
The run/debug configuration dialog doesn't give us much to work with, we can just specify the path of the index.html file there.
I wanna be able to set up a configuration similar to what yeoman's angular generator gives us out of the box.
WebStorm built-in web server serves the project from 'http://localhost:<built-in server port>/<project root>'. If you like to change the default web path on built-in web server, you have to re-configure the server by editing your system hosts file accordingly - see But, as it's mentioned in this comment, there are currently some issues with serving dart apps on server configured this way.
Please follow WEB-14047 for updates

IIS 6, tool to copy all site host headers?

I have a Server 2003 box with about 6 sites that each have about 15-20 host headers.
Is there a tool out there that will copy all the host header records and automatically move them to the new server so I don't have to manually enter each host header again in the new server?
If you save the configuration via the IIS Manager (right-click All Tasks -> Save Configuration to a file) this will export all the host header information along with everything else about the website. Then on the new server you can import this configuration to recreate the website.
You can try the Web Deployment Tool, which can sync settings between IIS servers:
You should also be able to export the settings from one IIS box and import them on the other.