Output random lines from a large document to a TextBox - vb.net

I'm trying to make a program that reads a large document, for example the bible, and outputs multiple random lines. I can get it to output one random line, but no others.
The end goal is to have a user input to determine how many lines are displayed.
Here's my code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Dim howmanylines As Integer
' howmanylines = InputBox("how many lines for paragrpah", "xd",,,)
'Dim count As Integer = 0
' Do Until count = howmanylines
Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Users\Dumpster Fire\Desktop\bible.doc")
Dim sr2 As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Users\Dumpster Fire\Desktop\bible.doc")
Dim sr3 As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Users\Dumpster Fire\Desktop\bible.doc")
Dim xd As Integer = 0
Dim curline As Integer = 0
Dim random As Integer = 0
Do Until sr.EndOfStream = True
xd = xd + 1
random = Rnd() * xd
Do Until curline = random
TextBox1.Text = sr2.ReadLine
' curline = curline + 1
random = Rnd() * xd
TextBox1.Text = sr3.ReadLine
curline = curline + 1
' count = count + 1
End Sub
End Class

A couple of things I would suggest to improve your code.
Implement Using. This will ensure that the StreamReader is disposed of when finished. It saves you having to remember and it's less lines of code so improves readability.
I would consider using Integer.TryParse:
Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
You only need to use one StreamReader and add all the lines to a List(Of String).
Use a StringBuilder to add your lines too and then output this to the TextBox at the end. Note that you will have to import System.Text to reference the StringBuilder class.
Use Random.Next:
Returns a random integer that is within a specified range.
The end result would be something like this:
txtLines.Text = ""
Dim howManyLines As Integer = 0
If Integer.TryParse(txtUserInput.Text, howManyLines) Then
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Using sr As New StreamReader("C:\test\test.txt")
Do Until sr.EndOfStream()
End Using
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Dim rnd As New Random()
For i = 0 To howManyLines - 1
Dim nextLine As Integer = rnd.Next(lines.Count - 1)
txtLines.Text = sb.ToString()
End If
You would ideally place this code on a button click event.


create 1000, 8-character random ID's, all unique and display in a text box

enter image description hereWrite a program to display 1000 8-character random user IDs in a text box after you click a button. Make sure the program verifies that none of the IDs are identical. Each userid should include a mixture of alphabetic characters and numbers.
What I have so far, which could be enough to get by as a random ID generator alone, but it does not loop 1000 times to be displayed in the label, and doesn't check for repeated ID's.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnGenerateRandomID_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGenerateRandomID.Click
Dim rand As New Random
Dim char1 As String
Dim char2 As String
Dim char3 As String
Dim char4 As String
Dim char5 As String
Dim char6 As String
Dim char7 As String
Dim char8 As String
char1 = ChrW(rand.Next(Asc("A"), Asc("Z") + 1))
char2 = ChrW(rand.Next(Asc("A"), Asc("Z") + 1))
char3 = ChrW(rand.Next(Asc("A"), Asc("Z") + 1))
char4 = ChrW(rand.Next(Asc("A"), Asc("Z") + 1))
char5 = rand.Next(0, 9)
char6 = rand.Next(0, 9)
char7 = rand.Next(0, 9)
char8 = rand.Next(0, 9)
lblRandomId.Text = char1 + char2 + char3 + char4 + char5 + char6 + char7 + char8
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Form1
'Write a program to display 1000 8-character random user IDs in a text
'box after you click a button. Make sure the program verifies that none Of the IDs are identical.
'Each userid should include a mixture Of alphabetic characters And numbers.
Private Sub btnGenerateRandomID_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGenerateRandomID.Click
Dim strChar As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
Dim rand As New Random
Dim strID As String = ""
For count_ids As Integer = 0 To 999
For count_chars As Integer = 0 To 7
strID += strChar(rand.Next(0, 62))
Next count_chars
lblRandomId.Text = strID
End Sub
End Class
Here is the actual question "Q. Write a program to display 1000 8-character random user IDs in a text box after you click a button. Make sure the program verifies that none of the IDs are identical. Each userid should include a mixture of alphabetic characters and numbers.
Explain your program in your essay, with screenshots. Include a paragraph on the random number generator used in Visual Basic, and answer the question: how should the random number generator be best seeded?"
First of all, Welcome to StackOverflow,
From what i understand from your post you want to generate 1000 8 Character long Unique ID's
First of all we declare our variables
Dim Characters As String = "AZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN0123456789" 'Declare All Characters on one string
Dim IDsList As New List(Of String) With {.Capacity = 1000} 'You can limit the capacity to 1000
Dim Id As String = ""
Dim Rand As New Random
Now we begin to genearte ID's and add them to IDsList using a nested loop
For i As Integer = 0 To 999 'This is a Zero Based Index so 999 is actually 1000
For _i As Integer = 0 To 7 'This also means 7 is 8
Id += Characters(Rand.Next(0, 36))
Id = ""
'You can Check for duplicates by adding this piece of code or use the next one instead
Dim NoDupesIDsList As New List(Of String)
NoDupesIDsList = IDsList.Distinct.ToList
For i As Integer = 0 To 999 'This is a Zero Based Index so 999 is actually 1000
For _i As Integer = 0 To 7 'This also means 7 is 8
Id += Characters(Rand.Next(0, 36))
If not IDsList.contains(Id) then
End if
Id = ""
Use a Textbox with multiline and scroll bar for better experience
Feel free to ask me anything via comments
PS: I tested my method and it's working , enjoy it !
This function will return the ASCII characters between 48 an 122. That will include some characters that are not letters or numbers but this makes the ids even more unique and simplifies the code.
The For loop builds the ids with a length of 8. Then the id is checked for uniqueness with the .Contains method. Only if it is not in the list, it is added to the list and the counter is incremented.
Private Rnd As New Random
Private Function GetListOfIDs() As List(Of String)
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim lst As New List(Of String)
Dim id As String = ""
Do While Counter < 1000
id = ""
For i = 0 To 7
id &= Chr(Rnd.Next(48, 123))
If Not lst.Contains(id) Then
Counter += 1
End If
Return lst
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lst = GetListOfIDs()
TextBox1.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, lst)
End Sub
As per suggestion by Caius Jard in comments I have added a solution using a HashSet. Same idea only a HashSet will not accept duplicate entries. The .Add method returns a boolean telling you if the Add was successful.
Private Function GetListOfIDs() As HashSet(Of String)
Dim hs As New HashSet(Of String)
Dim id As String = ""
Do While hs.Count < 1001
id = ""
For i = 0 To 7
id &= Chr(Rnd.Next(48, 123))
If hs.Add(id) Then
Counter += 1
End If
Return hs
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim hs = BuildHashSet()
TextBox1.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, hs)
End Sub
This method is probably more efficient because a HashSet is designed for hight performance. For 1000 items I did not notice any difference in the user interface. The text box updated immediately with both methods.
This will create the names:
Function RandomName(length As Integer) As String
Shared rnd As New Random()
Shared corpus() As Char = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".ToCharArray()
Return New String(Enumerable.Range(0, length).Select(Function(c) corpus(rnd.Next(corpus.Length))).ToArray())
End Function
Iterator Function GetUniqueNames(length As Integer, count As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Dim names As New HashSet(Of String)
For i As Integer = 0 To count
Dim name As String = RandomName(length)
While names.Contains(name)
'Potential (but unlikely) halting problem
name = RandomName(length)
End While
Yield name
End Function
Dim uniqueNames = GetUniqueNames(8, 1000)
But do you really want to display 1000 of them in a single label?
lblRandomId.Text = string.Join(vbCrLf, uniqueNames)
Let's talk about your code.
Dim strChar As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
This assignment will work in your loop because a String is really an array of Char. This is why you can refer to an index in the string.
Dim rand As New Random()
The .net Random class provides a seed for Random based on system time. Only rarely would you want to provide a seed.
From the docs https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.random?view=netcore-3.1
Random() Initializes a new instance of the Random class
using a default seed value.
Random(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Random class, using
the specified seed value.
For count_ids As Integer = 0 To 999
A For loop is not appropriate for this problem. We only want to increment the counter if we get a unique ID. The above For loop will increment on every iteration.
Do While Counter < 1000
'Code here
Notice in my code the counter is only incremented if the ID is unique.
The following loop should work fine but above this code we need to reset strID to an empty string. Otherwise we will have a very long string.
For count_chars As Integer = 0 To 7
strID += strChar(rand.Next(0, 62))
Next count_chars
You should not update the user interface (the label) on each iteration of the loop. Repainting the screen is one of the slowest operations in code. This line will overwrite the string in the label on every iteration.
lblRandomId.Text = strID
Move the update of the UI to after both loops are complete
Your code never checks for duplicates.
Now let's fix it.
We use a List(Of T) to accumulate the IDs. The T stands for Type; in our case it is String. A List is like an array only you don't have to know ahead of time how many entries there will be. No ReDim Preserve required.
Moved Dim strID As String = "" to the beginning of the inner loop so we will get a new strID on each iteration of the outer loop.
Changed strID &= strChar(rand.Next(0, 62)). &= instead of +=. In VB.net we use the ampersand to concatenate strings although the plus sign will work. The .Next method of the Random class has an overload that takes 2 Integers. It is inclusive of the first and exclusive of the second which means (0, 62) will return numbers form 0 to 61. Your string with a length of 62 has indexes of 0 to 61.
Next we check for duplicates with the .Contains method of the List class. This method does just what you would expect. We pass the new ID to the method and it returns a Boolean telling if the string is already in the list.
If it is not in the list, we add it to the list and increment the counter. The counter is only incremented if we have a successful add.
Finally we update the user interface by using a method of the String class. the .Join method takes a separator and the list to join. The TextBox must be multiline and have scroll bars.
I changed the names of the controls so I could test it in my testing program.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lst As New List(Of String)
Dim strChar As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
Dim rand As New Random()
Dim counter As Integer
Do While counter < 1000
Dim strID As String = ""
For count_chars = 0 To 7
strID &= strChar(rand.Next(0, 62))
If Not lst.Contains(strID) Then
counter += 1
End If
TextBox1.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, lst)
End Sub
The official documentation for this method can be found here.
I know it will be difficult to read but just take a look. Eventually you will be able to understand it and will be using these docs a lot.
String.Join(separator, List(Of String))
The separator is what to put between the strings in the list. In our case that is vbCrLf which is a vb constant for new line. Cr = Carraiage Return and Lf = Line Feed. Other types of collections that contain strings can also use this method.
The method takes each string in the list and adds the separator. After it is done with the list it returns one long string which we display in the TextBox.

exclude header from csv in vb.net

I got a .csv and I want to load it into a datagridview. I have a button called button1 and I got a datagridview called datagridview1. I click the button and it appears... including the header, which I don't want.
How do I exclude the header from the .csv ?
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class CSV_Reader
Private Sub CSV_Reader_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim filename As String = "C:\Users\Gaius\Desktop\meepmoop.csv"
Dim thereader As New StreamReader(filename, Encoding.Default)
Dim colsexpected As Integer = 7
Dim sline As String = ""
sline = thereader.ReadLine
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim words() As String = sline.Split(";")
If words.Length = colsexpected Then
For ix As Integer = 0 To 6
DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2).Cells(ix).Value = words(ix)
DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2).Cells(0).Value = "ERROR"
End If
End Sub
End Class
Dim sline As String = ""
Dim line As String = thereader.ReadLine()
If line Is Nothing Then Return
sline = thereader.ReadLine
The above addition to the code works but I have no idea why. Nor do I understand why I have to -2 rather than -1. I can't rely on guesswork, I'm expected to one day do this professionally. But I just can't wrap my head around it. Explanation welcome.
sline = thereader.ReadLine
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim words() As String = sline.Split(";")
If words.Count = 7 Then
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(words(0), words(1), words(2), words(3), words(4), words(5), words(6))
MsgBox("ERROR - There are " & words.Count & " columns in this row and there must be 7!")
End If
I've shortened the Loop on the advice of a coworker, taking his word on it being 'better this way'.
Another method, using Enumerable.Select() + .Skip()
As noted in Ondřej answer, there's a specific tool for these operations: TextFieldParser
But, if there are no special requirements and the string parsing is straightforward enough, it can be done with the standard tools, as shown in Tim Schmelter answer.
This method enumerates the string arrays returned by the Split() method, and groups them in a list that can be then used in different ways. As a raw text source (as in this case) or as a DataSource.
Dim FileName As String = "C:\Users\Gaius\Desktop\meepmoop.csv"
Dim Delimiter As Char = ";"c
Dim ColsExpected As Integer = 7
If Not File.Exists(FileName) Then Return
Dim Lines As String() = File.ReadAllLines(FileName, Encoding.Default)
Dim StringColumns As List(Of String()) =
Lines.Select(Function(line) Split(line, Delimiter, ColsExpected, CompareMethod.Text)).
'If the DataGridView is empty, add a `[ColsExpected]` number of `Columns`:
DataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, ColsExpected).
Select(Function(col) New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()).ToArray())
StringColumns.Select(Function(row) DataGridView1.Rows.Add(row)).ToList()
If you instead want to include and use the Header because your DataGridView is empty (it has no predefined Columns), you could use the Header line in the .csv file to create the control's Columns:
'Include the header (no .Skip())
Dim StringColumns As List(Of String()) =
Lines.Select(Function(line) Split(line, Delimiter, ColsExpected, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList()
'Insert the columns with the .csv header columns description
DataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, ColsExpected).
Select(Function(col, idx) New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() With {
.HeaderText = StringColumns(0)(idx)
'Remove the header line...
StringColumns.Select(Function(row) DataGridView1.Rows.Add(row)).ToList()
You can skip the header by calling ReadLine twice. Also use the Using-statement:
Using thereader As New StreamReader(filename, Encoding.Default)
Dim colsexpected As Integer = 7
Dim sline As String = ""
Dim line As String = thereader.ReadLine() ' header
if line is Nothing Then Return
sline = thereader.ReadLine()
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim words() As String = sline.Split(";"c)
' ... '
End Using
You should use VB.NET class that is designed and tested for this purpose. It is Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser and you can skip header by calling ReadFields() once before you start parsing in loop.

Creating multiple .txt files while restricting size of each

In my program, I collect bits of information on a massive scale, hundreds of thousands to millions of lines each. I am trying to limit each file I create to a certain size in order to be able to quickly open it and read the data. I am using a HashSet to collect all the data without duplicates.
Here's my code so far:
Dim Founds As HashSet(Of String)
Dim filename As String = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\Sorted_byKING\sorted" + Label4.Text + ".txt")
Using writer As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filename)
For Each line As String In Founds
Label4.Text = Label4.Text + 1 'Increments sorted1.txt, sorted2.txt etc
End Using
So, my question is:
How do I go about saving, let's say 250,000 lines in a text file before moving to another one and adding the next 250,000?
First of all, do not use Labels to simply store values. You should use variables instead, that's what variables are for.
Another advice, always use Path.Combine to concatenate paths, that way you don't have to worry about if each part of the path ends with a separator character or not.
Now, to answer your question:
If you'd like to insert the text line by line, you can use something like:
Sub SplitAndWriteLineByLine()
Dim Founds As HashSet(Of String) 'Don't forget to initialize and fill your HashSet
Dim maxLinesPerFile As Integer = 250000
Dim fileNum As Integer = 0
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim filename As String = String.Empty
Dim writer As IO.StreamWriter = Nothing
For Each line As String In Founds
If counter Mod maxLinesPerFile = 0 Then
fileNum += 1
filename = IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop),
If writer IsNot Nothing Then writer.Close()
writer = New IO.StreamWriter(filename)
End If
counter += 1
End Sub
However, if you will be inserting the text from the HashSet as is, you probably don't need to write line by line, instead you can write each "bunch" of lines at once. You could use something like the following:
Sub SplitAndWriteAll()
Dim Founds As HashSet(Of String) 'Don't forget to initialize and fill your HashSet
Dim maxLinesPerFile As Integer = 250000
Dim fileNum As Integer = 0
Dim filename As String = String.Empty
For i = 0 To Founds.Count - 1 Step maxLinesPerFile
fileNum += 1
filename = IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop),
IO.File.WriteAllLines(filename, Founds.Skip(i).Take(maxLinesPerFile))
End Sub

VB "Index was out of range, must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." When trying to generate a random number more than once

So I'm trying to generate a random number on button click. Now this number needs to be between two numbers that are inside my text file with various other things all separated by the "|" symbol. The number is then put into the text of a textbox which is being created after i run the form. I can get everything to work perfectly once, but as soon as i try to generate a different random number it gives me the error: "Index was out of range, must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." Here is the main code as well as the block that generates the textbox after loading the form. As well as the contents of my text file.
Private Sub generate()
Dim newrandom As New Random
Using sr As New StreamReader(itemfile) 'Create a stream reader object for the file
'While we have lines to read in
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
Dim line As String
line = sr.ReadLine() 'Read a line out one at a time
Dim tmp()
tmp = Split(line, "|")
rows(lineNum).buybutton.Text = tmp(1)
rows(lineNum).buyprice.Text = newrandom.Next(tmp(2), tmp(3)) 'Generate the random number between two values
rows(lineNum).amount.Text = tmp(4)
rows(lineNum).sellprice.Text = tmp(5)
rows(lineNum).sellbutton.Text = tmp(1)
lineNum += 1
If sr.EndOfStream = True Then
End If
End Using
Catch x As Exception ' Report any errors in reading the line of code
Dim errMsg As String = "Problems: " & x.Message
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
rows = New List(Of duplicate)
For dupnum = 0 To 11
'There are about 5 more of these above this one but they all have set values, this is the only troublesome one
Dim buyprice As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
buyprice = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
buyprice.Width = textbox1.Width
buyprice.Height = textbox1.Height
buyprice.Left = textbox1.Left
buyprice.Top = textbox1.Top + 30 * dupnum
buyprice.Name = "buypricetxt" + Str(dupnum)
pair = New itemrow
pair.sellbutton = sellbutton
pair.amount = amounttxt
pair.sellprice = sellpricetxt
pair.buybutton = buybutton
pair.buyprice = buypricetxt
end sub
'textfile contents
0|Iron Sword|10|30|0|0
1|Steel Sword|20|40|0|0
2|Iron Shield|15|35|0|0
3|Steel Shield|30|50|0|0
7|Leather Armour|50|70|0|0
Not sure what else to add, if you know whats wrong please help :/ thanks
Add the following two lines to the start of generate():
Private Sub generate()
Dim lineNum
lineNum = 0
This ensures that you don't point to a value of lineNum outside of the collection.
I usually consider it a good idea to add
Option Explicit
to my code - it forces me to declare my variables, and then I think about their initialization more carefully. It helps me consider their scope, too.
Try this little modification.
I took your original Sub and changed a little bit take a try and let us know if it solve the issue
Private Sub generate()
Dim line As String
Dim lineNum As Integer = 0
Dim rn As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
Using sr As New StreamReader(_path) 'Create a stream reader object for the file
'While we have lines to read in
While sr.Peek > 0
line = sr.ReadLine() 'Read a line out one at a time
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) And Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) Then
Dim tmp()
tmp = Split(line, "|")
rows(lineNum).buybutton.Text = tmp(1)
rows(lineNum).buyprice.Text = rn.Next(CInt(tmp(2)), CInt(tmp(3))) 'Generate the random number between two values
rows(lineNum).amount.Text = tmp(4)
rows(lineNum).sellprice.Text = tmp(5)
rows(lineNum).sellbutton.Text = tmp(1)
lineNum += 1
End If
End While
End Using
Catch x As Exception ' Report any errors in reading the line of code
Dim errMsg As String = "Problems: " & x.Message
End Try
End Sub

Using Functions in Visual Basic

The program I'm working on has two different functions, one that calculates the number of syllables in a text file, and another that calculates the readability of the text file based on the formula
206.835-85.6*(Number of Syllables/Number of Words)-1.015*(Number of Words/Number of Sentences)
Here are the problems I'm having:
I'm supposed to display the contents of the text file in a multi-line text box.
I'm supposed to display the answer I get from the function indexCalculation in a label below the text box.
I'm having trouble calling the function to actually have the program calculate the answer to be displayed in the label.
Here is the code I have so far.
Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim open As New OpenFileDialog
open.Filter = "text files |project7.txt|All file |*.*"
open.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)
If open.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim selectedFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(open.FileName)
If selectedFileName.ToLower = "project7.txt" Then
Dim text As String = File.ReadAllText("Project7.txt")
Dim words = text.Split(" "c)
Dim wordCount As Integer = words.Length
Dim separators As Char() = {"."c, "!"c, "?"c, ":"c}
Dim sentences = text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim sentenceCount As Integer = sentences.Length
Dim vowelCount As Integer = 0
For Each word As String In words
vowelCount += CountSyllables(word)
vowelCount = CountSyllables(text)
Label1.Show(indexCalculation(wordCount, sentenceCount, vowelCount))
MessageBox.Show("You cannot use that file!")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function CountSyllables(word As String) As Integer
word = word.ToLower()
Dim dipthongs = {"oo", "ou", "ie", "oi", "ea", "ee", _
"eu", "ai", "ua", "ue", "au", "io"}
For Each dipthong In dipthongs
word = word.Replace(dipthong, dipthong(0))
Dim vowels = "aeiou"
Dim vowelCount = 0
For Each c In word
If vowels.IndexOf(c) >= 0 Then vowelCount += 1
If vowelCount = 0 Then
vowelCount = 1
End If
Return vowelCount
End Function
Function indexCalculation(ByRef wordCount As Integer, ByRef sentenceCount As Integer, ByRef vowelCount As Integer) As Integer
Dim answer As Integer = CInt(206.835 - 85.6 * (vowelCount / wordCount) - 1.015 * (wordCount / sentenceCount))
Return answer
End Function
End Class
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here are my suggestions:
update your indexCalculation function to take in Integers, not strings. that way you don't have to convert them to numbers.
remove all of your extra variables you are not using. this will clean things up a bit.
remove your streamreader. it appears you are reading the text via File.ReadAllText
Label1.Show(answer) should be changed to Label1.Show(indexCalculation(wordCount,sentenceCount,vowelCount)) -- unless Label1 is something other than a regular label, use Label1.Text = indexCalculation(wordCount,sentenceCount,vowelCount))
Then for the vowelCount, you need to do the following:
Dim vowelCount as Integer = 0
For Each word as String in words
vowelCount += CountSyllables(word)
Also, add the logic to the CountSyllables function to make it 1 if 0. If you don't want to include the last character in your vowel counting, then use a for loop instead of a for each loop and stop 1 character short.