Shiny flexdashboard: download Report - shinydashboard

i am trying to figure out if there is a possibility to download a report withing interactive flexdashboard?
We do have possibility to download a report using Shiny (downloadButton), however there is nothing mentioned in the flexdashboard documentation about downloading the report (i have seen only examples for downloading the data etc, which is quite easy).
Sample code from the examples of flexdasboard:
title: "Old Faithful Eruptions"
orientation: rows
social: menu
source_code: embed
runtime: shiny
```{r global, include=FALSE}
# load data in 'global' chunk so it can be shared by all users of the dashboard
Column {.sidebar}
Waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption for the
Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.
selectInput("n_breaks", label = "Number of bins:",
choices = c(10, 20, 35, 50), selected = 20)
sliderInput("bw_adjust", label = "Bandwidth adjustment:",
min = 0.2, max = 2, value = 1, step = 0.2)
### Geyser Eruption Duration
hist(faithful$eruptions, probability = TRUE, breaks = as.numeric(input$n_breaks),
xlab = "Duration (minutes)", main = "Geyser Eruption Duration")
dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = input$bw_adjust)
lines(dens, col = "blue")
It would be great if someone could help insert the downloadButton which is going to give a pdf report based on flexdasboard code.
There has been similat question to mine, however noone has answered it.


How to include a matplotlib graph for an interactive dashboard?

I want to include a line chart (constructed with matplotlib) in an interactive dashboard. My graph describes the evolution for one year of the frequency of the word "France" in 7 media for Central Africa. The database is called: "df_france_pivot".
What I've seen so far is that first of all I have to transform my plot into an object with the go.figure function. So I tried this code:
`app = dash.Dash()
def update_graph():'seaborn-darkgrid')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_prop_cycle(color=['304558', 'FE9235', '526683', 'FE574B', 'FFD104', '6BDF9C'])
for column in df_france_pivot.drop('month_year', axis=1):
plt.plot(df_france_pivot['month_year'], df_france_pivot[column], marker='',
linewidth=1, alpha=0.9, label=column)
plt.legend(loc=0, prop={'size': 9},bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), title='Media in South Africa')
plt.title("Frequency of the word 'France' in the media ", loc='left', fontsize=12, fontweight=0, color='orange')
figure = go.Figure(fig)
return figure
app.layout = html.Div(id = 'parent', children = [
html.H1(id = 'H1', children = 'Styling using html components', style = {'textAlign':'center',\
dcc.Graph(id = 'line_plot', figure = update_graph())
When running it I got this response: Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor. Is it because my linechart is more complex i.e. with 7 lines?
Thank you in advance!

kable unable to output unicode character in pdf_book (bookdown)

I am trying to use the checkmark unicode character (\u2713) in a table rendered by kable in a bookdown project. A MWE consists in the following 2 files (index.Rmd, preamble.tex) part of the generated minimal bookdown project.
title: "A Minimal Book Example"
subtitle: "subtitle"
lang: fr
author: "Yihui Xie"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
documentclass: book
mainfont: Arial
mathfont: Arial
bibliography: [book.bib, packages.bib]
biblio-style: apalike
link-citations: yes
subparagraph: yes
description: "This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook."
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Set locale to french for month and day names (calendar plots)
Sys.setlocale(locale = 'French')
# Load all needed libraries
(ref:O3) O~3~
# Prerequisites
```{r stations-polluants, echo=FALSE}
stations_polluants_table <- data.frame(
stations = c("41B001", "41B004", "41B011", "41MEU1", "41N043", "41R001", "41R002", "41R012", "41WOL1", "Total / polluant"),
O3 = c("", rep("✓", 5), "", rep("\u2713", 2), "7")
kable(stations_polluants_table, col.names = c("Station", "(ref:O3)"), booktabs = T, align = "c", caption = "Caption text") %>%
row_spec(0, bold = T) %>%
row_spec(10, bold = T) %>%
collapse_rows(columns = 1, latex_hline = "major", valign = "top")
```{r include=FALSE}
# automatically create a bib database for R packages
.packages(), 'bookdown', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown'
), 'packages.bib')
\newfontfamily{\unicodefont}{Arial Unicode MS}
By compiling in PDF with rmarkdown::render_site(output_format = 'bookdown::pdf_book', encoding = 'UTF-8') one can notice that ✓ is correctly rendered in the text, while it is replaced by <U+2713> in the generated table. I also tried to use \u2713 in the table without more success.
What am I doing wrong ? Please note that, even if the prefered output is PDF, I would also like to compile as gitbook (so Rmd files need to stay independent from the output format).
Many thanks.
After having a moment of clarity, the solution simply lies in using text references in bookdown, i.e. (ref:check) ✓ and use the reference within the table.
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Set locale to french for month and day names (calendar plots)
Sys.setlocale(locale = 'French')
# Load all needed libraries
(ref:O3) O~3~
# Prerequisites
(ref:check) ✓
```{r stations-polluants, echo=FALSE}
stations_polluants_table <- data.frame(
stations = c("41B001", "41B004", "41B011", "41MEU1", "41N043", "41R001", "41R002", "41R012", "41WOL1", "Total / polluant"),
O3 = c("", rep("(ref:check)", 5), "", rep("(ref:check)", 2), "7")
kable(stations_polluants_table, col.names = c("Station", "(ref:O3)"), booktabs = T, align = "c", caption = "Caption text") %>%
row_spec(0, bold = T) %>%
row_spec(10, bold = T) %>%
collapse_rows(columns = 1, latex_hline = "major", valign = "top")
```{r include=FALSE}
# automatically create a bib database for R packages
.packages(), 'bookdown', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown'
), 'packages.bib')

Percentage labels in pie chart with ggplot

I'm working now in a statistics project and recently started with R. I have some problems with the visualization. I found a lot of different tutorials about how to add percentage labels in pie charts, but after one hour of trying I still don't get it. Maybe something is different with my data frame so that this doesn't work?
It's a data frame with collected survey answers, so I'm not allowed to publish them here. The column in question (geschäftliche_lage) is a factor with three levels ("Gut", "Befriedigend", "Schlecht"). I want to add percentage labels for each level.
I used the following code in order to create the pie chart:
dataset %>%
ggplot(aes(x= "", fill = geschäftliche_lage)) +
geom_bar(stat= "count", width = 1, color = "white") +
coord_polar("y", start = 0, direction = -1) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#F8766D")) +
This code gives me the desired pie chart, but without percentage labels. As soon as a I try to add percentage labels, everything is messed up. Do you know a clean code for adding percentage labels?
If you need more information or data, just let me know!
Using mtcars as example data. Maybe this what your are looking for:
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = "", fill = factor(cyl))) +
geom_bar(stat= "count", width = 1, color = "white") +
geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent(..count.. / sum(..count..))), stat = "count", position = position_stack(vjust = .5)) +
coord_polar("y", start = 0, direction = -1) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#F8766D")) +
Created on 2020-05-25 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Flexdashboard not able to render ggplotly and ggplot object on same markdown

I have a basic reproducible example here that I think might just be a package limitation. I was wondering if I am just doing something wrong? They both plot fine separately but when combined in the same markdown make the dashboard unable to correctly render.
title: "Untitled"
orientation: rows
source_code: embed
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
state_sf <- usa_sf("aeqd")
state_dat <- data.frame(state = c("Washington", "Wyoming","Texas","California"), pct = c(0.3,0.5,0.8,0.1))
state_map <- state_sf %>%
left_join(state_dat, by = c("name" = "state"))
Sidebar {.sidebar data-width=200}
```{r graph 1, fig.height=4, fig.width=6}
#Symptoms by state last week===================================================
ggplot(data = state_map) +
```{r graph 2, fig.height=4, fig.width=3}
ggplot(data=state_dat) +
If you are using runtime: shiny you need to use the proper type of Shiny's renderX() functions for each type of plot object to display properly. I don't know why only one plot chunk (w/o renderX()) works, but two breaks it.
### Plotly
```{r graph_1, fig.height=4, fig.width=3}
#Symptoms by state last week
ggplot(data = state_map) +
### Bar
```{r graph_2, fig.height=4, fig.width=3}
ggplot(data=state_dat) +

Issue when trying to plot geom_tile using ggplotly

I would like to plot a ggplot2 image using ggplotly
What I am trying to do is to initially plot rectangles of grey fill without any aesthetic mapping, and then in a second step to plot tiles and change colors based on aesthetics. My code is working when I use ggplot but crashes when I try to use ggplotly to transform my graph into interactive
Here is a sample code
x = rep(c("1", "2", "3"), 3)
y = rep(c("K", "B","A"), each=3)
z = sample(c(NA,"A","L"), 9,replace = TRUE)
df <- data.table(x,y,z)
But when I type this
I get the following error
Error in [.data.frame(g, , c("fill_plotlyDomain", "fill")) :
undefined columns selected
The versions I use are
> packageVersion("plotly")
1 ‘4.7.1
1 ‘’
##########Edited example for Arthur
p<- p+geom_tile(data=filter(df,z=="A"),aes(x=x,y=y,fill=z),width=0.9,height=0.9)
p<-p+ scale_fill_manual(
guide = guide_legend(title = "test",
override.aes = list(
fill =c("red","white") )
values = c("red","grey"),
This works
but ggplotly(p) adds the grey bar labeled G in the legend
The output of the ggplotly function is a list with the plotly class. It gets printed as Plotly graph but you can still work with it as a list. Moreover, the documentation indicates that modifying the list makes it possible to clear all or part of the legend. One only has to understand how the data is structured.
scale_fill_manual(values = c(L='grey', A='red'), na.value='grey')
p2 <- ggplotly(p)
The global legend is here in p2$x$layout$showlegend and setting this to false displays no legend at all.
The group-specific legend appears at each of the 9 p2$x$data elements each time in an other showlegend attribute. Only 3 of them are set to TRUE, corresponding to the 3 keys in the legend. The following loop thus clears all the undesired labels:
for(i in seq_along(p2$x$data)){
p2$x$data[[i]]$showlegend <- FALSE
This works here:
scale_fill_manual(values = c(L='grey', A='red'), na.value='grey')
I guess your problem comes from the use of 2 different data sources, df and filter(df,z=="A"), with columns with the same name.
[Note this is not an Answer Yet]
(Putting for reference, as it is beyond the limits for comments.)
The problem is rather complicated.
I just finished debugging the code of plotly. It seems like it's occurring here.
I have opened an issue in GitHub
Here is the minimal code for the reproduction of the problem.
df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:3, 3),
y = rep(1:3, 3),
z = sample(c("A","B"), 9,replace = TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = F)
p1 <- ggplot(df)+
geom_tile(aes(x=x,y=y, fill="grey"), color = "black")
p2 <- ggplot(df)+
geom_tile(aes(x=x,y=y),fill="grey", color = "black")
#> [1] "plotly" "htmlwidget"
#> Error in `[.data.frame`(g, , c("fill_plotlyDomain", "fill")): undefined columns selected