How to re-order number or change to be date format dd/mm/yyyy in PosgrestSQL? - sql

My question, now I have table customer in Postgresql and contain the column name is update (for keeping track of update customer info date.)
The date format is ex:20170302 but I want to convert to be 02/03/2017.
Note: the datatype of the update is character varying.
I have tried several times to find all the solutions by google but not fix.

First, you should fix the data type to be a proper date or datetime. Don't store dates as strings!
But you are. You can convert the value to a date and then back to a string:
select to_char(to_date(update, 'YYYYMMDD'), 'DD/MM/YYYY')
The documentation contains the formatting elements that you can use.


Extract year from timestamp in hive

I am writing the query to show the data entries for a specific year. Date is stored in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.(Date TIMESTAMP - e.g. 12/2/2014 0:00:00).
I am trying to display the two columns(name, orderdate) filtered by a specific year(year from orderdate). The requirement is to enter the specific year(2010 or 2020 etc) not the entire date. I tried using date_format() and regexp_replace() with WHERE but nothing helped.
Can someone help me?
If your are storing the date -- incorrectly -- as a string, then you can use string functions to do what you want:
where orderdate like '__/__/2010%'
However, you should really put your effort into storing the date using a correct format -- YYYY-MM-DD for strings at least.

convert TEXT dd/mm/yyyy in SQL column to DATE YYYY-MM-DD

I would love to know the best way to handle data that has been inputted incorrectly as dd/mm/yyyy into a sql database as TEXT and to have it converted into a new column of the table with the datatype as DATE so it is actually stored as yyyy-mm-dd.
Existing text date column name is called "olddate" with an empty column created called "truedate" to house the new data. Each row has the date field, but none are able to be sorted correctly because of this issue.
Any ideas how I can slice and dice the current date into a new DATE field friendly version?
Thanks in advance :-)
That is style 103. So use:
select convert(date, col, 103)
Are you using Oracle? If so, TO_DATE is what you want. You can take in a string that represents a date and convert it to a date using the format you pass it.

How to convert an integer field into a date in Netezza?

i have an integer field which has date values but i would like to convert it as date field. I have tried several methods but with no success. The field has Date values but is stored as an Integer. This is what i have tried:
but i get this error "Cannot cast type INT4 to DATE".
I have done several research but coul not find good solution for netezza.
You can concatenate 01 and then run a to_date
select to_date(201004||'01','YYYYMMDD')
I don't think this is something that you can do, not in an obvious way at least. There are hundreds of ways a human could represent a date as an int, so the conversion would not be built int would be something like 20120415 or 04152013 or hundreds of other formats and a date would be something like '2012-04-15'
I suggest you look at the top answer for How i can get the first 3 digits in 123456 Numbers in sql? and extract your data manually. what you should do though, is convert the field into a real date field and edit the dependencies to expect that format.

Date not displaying correctly in Oracle

I have a character field that stamps in the order of MMDDYYHHMMSS (note: not a date but character field). I am wanting to kick this out to a date field in my SQL into this format hh24:mi.
My problem is that the sql kicks it out to YYYY-MM-DD field without the time. This section of the sql looks like this:
, ' hh24:mi:ss') "XXX",
Any thoughs on how to get the time to convert too?
No need for such a complicated expression:
will convert the column to a real DATE column assuming the time part is in 24 hour format (00-23, not 00-12). And this will also fail if you don't really have valid dates in the varchar column.
this out to a date field in my SQL into this format
A DATE column does not have "a format"!
The format is only applied when you display it.
In case you mean you want to convert the varchar stored in your column into another varchar that has a different date formatting, the easiest is probably to simply convert the above expression back to a varchar:
to_char(to_date(MOPID, 'MMDDYYHH24MISS'), ' hh24:mi')
Before applying something like that, allow me one comment:
Store dates in DATE columns, never ever store them in a VARCHAR column.
If you had done that from the beginning, all you would have to do know is to simply apply a single to_char() to your DATE column to get the display format you want.

creating table in Oracle with Date

I want to create a table in Oracle 10g and I want to specify the date format for my date column. If I use the below syntax:
create table datetest(
startdate date);
Then the date column will accept the date format DD-MON-YY which I dont want.
I want the syntax for my date column to be MM-DD-YYYY
Please let me know how to proceed with this.
A DATE has no inherent format. It is not simply a string that happens to represent a date. Oracle has its own internal format for storing date values.
Formats come into play when actual date values need to be converted into strings or vice versa, which of course happens a lot since interactively we write dates out as strings.
The default date format for your database is determined by the settings NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which you probably have set to DD-MON-YYYY (which I believe is the default setting for American English locales). You can change this at the database level or for a single session for convenience, but in general it is safer programming practice to be explicit so that you don't get errors or, worse, wrong results if your code is run in a different environment.
The simplest way to specify a date value unambiguously is a date literal, which is the word 'date' followed by a string representing the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. date '2012-11-13'. The Oracle parser directly translates this into the corresponding internal date value.
If you want to use a different format, then I recommend explicitly using TO_CHAR/TO_DATE with your desired format model in your code. Examples:
INSERT INTO my_table (my_date) VALUES ( TO_DATE( '11-13-2012', 'MM-DD-YYYY' ) );
SELECT TO_CHAR( my_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY' ) FROM my_table;
dates rdo not have a format like you're suggesting. they are stored internally as a 7 byte number. to format the date when selecting, please use TO_CHAR(yourdatefield, 'format')
where formats are all shown here:
eg to_char(startdate, 'mm-dd-yyyy')