Tracing original Value through Iteration SQL - sql

Suppose there is a data collection system that, whenever a record is altered, it is then saved as a new record with a prefix (say M-[most recent number in que and is unique]).
Suppose I am given the following data set:
Customer | Original_Val
1 1020
2 1011
3 1001
I need to find the most recent value for each customer given the following table:
Customer | Most_Recent_Val | Pretained_To_Val | date
1 M-2000 M-1050 20170225
1 M-1050 M-1035 20170205
1 M-1035 1020 20170131
1 1020 NULL 20170101
2 M-1031 1011 20170105
2 1011 NULL 20161231
3 1001 NULL 20150101
My desired output would be:
Customer | Original_Val | Most_Recent_Val | date
1 1020 M-2000 20170225
2 1011 M-1031 20170105
3 1001 1001 20150101
For customer 1, there are 4 levels i.e (M-2000 <- M-1050 <- M-1035 <- 1020) Note that there would be no more than 10 levels of depth for each customer.
Much Appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Find the min and max of each customer and then join it together. Something like this:
,[min].Most_Recent_Val as Original_Val
,[max].Most_Recent_Val as Most_Recent_Val
table t1
inner join (
,MIN(date) as MIN_Date
Group By
) t2 ON t2.Customer = t1.Customer
and t2.MIN_Date = t1.Date
) [min]
inner join (
table t1
inner join (
,MAX(date) as MAX_Date
Group By
) t2 ON t2.Customer = t1.Customer
and t2.MAX_Date = t1.Date
) [max] ON [max].Customer = [min].Customer


Joining multiple tables and getting MAX value in subquery PostgreSQL

I have 4 Tables in PostgreSQL with the following structure as you can see below:
101 Max
102 Peter
103 Alex
ID | customer_id | CREATED_AT
1 101 2022-05-12
2 101 2022-06-14
3 101 2022-07-9
4 102 2022-02-14
5 102 2022-06-18
6 103 2022-05-22
ID | order_id | product_id |
1 3 10
2 3 20
3 3 30
4 5 20
5 5 40
6 6 20
ID | min_duration
10 P10D
20 P20D
30 P30D
40 P40D
50 P50D
Firstly I need to select "orders" with the max(created_at) date for each customer this is done with the query (it works!):
SELECT as customerId, as orderId,
FROM Customer c
ON = o.customer_id
SELECT customer_id, MAX(created_at) Max_Date
FROM Orders
GROUP BY customer_id
) res ON o.customer_id = res.customer_id AND
o.created_at = res.Max_date
the result will look like this:
customer_id | order_id | CREATED_AT
101 3 2022-07-9
102 5 2022-06-18
103 6 2022-05-22
Secondly I need to select for each order_id from "orderEntry" Table, "products" with the max(min_duration) the result should be:
order_id | max(min_duration)
3 P30D
5 P40D
6 P20D
and then join results from 1) and 2) queries by "order_id" and the total result which I'm trying to get should look like this:
customer_name | customer_id | Order_ID | Order_CREATED_AT | Max_Duration
Max 101 3 2022-07-9 P30D
Peter 102 5 2022-06-18 P40D
Alex 103 6 2022-05-22 P20D
I'm struggling to get query for 2) and then join everything with query from 1) to get the result. Any help I would appreciate!
You could make the first query to an CTE and use that to join the rest of the queries.
Like this.
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT as customerId, as orderId,
FROM Customer c
ON = o.customer_id
SELECT customer_id, MAX(created_at) Max_Date
FROM Orders
GROUP BY customer_id
) res ON o.customer_id = res.customer_id AND
o.created_at = res.Max_date)
SELECT customerId,orderId,created_at,p.min_duration
JOIN (SELECT "orderId", MAX("product_id") as product_id FROM "orderEntry" GROUP BY orderId) oe ON CTE.orderId = oe.orderId
JOIN "product" pr ON oe.product_id = pr."ID"

How to get the MAX value of unique column in sql and aggregate other?

I want get the row with max 'date', groupy just by unique 'id' but without considering another columns.
I tried this query:
(But don't work cause modify anothers columns)
MAX(date),-- I just want the max of this column
id num date product_name other_columns
123 0001 2021-12-01 exit 12315413
123 0002 2021-12-02 entry 65481328
333 0001 2021-12-03 entry 13848136
333 ASDV 2021-12-04 exit 1325165
Expected Result:
id num date product_name
123 0002 2021-12-02 entry
333 ASDV 2021-12-04 exit
How to do that?
Sub-query with an inner join can take care of this pretty DBMS agnostically.
FROM tb as t
,MAX(date) as date
) as s on = and =

How to find the record which is not exists with some criteria in SQL Server?

I have two tables.
ItemRelation table having 30k records
ID ChildID1 ChildID2 ChildID3
9 null null null
49 43 50 //43 in childid1, don't want this record too
111 112 113 null
65 68 null null
222 221 223 224
79 null null null
5773 5834 5838 null
F_ItemDailySalesParent having millions of records
ItemID StoreId
9 1001 //ItemID 9,41,5773 belongs to 1001 StoreID
41 1001
43 1400 //ItemID 43,45,65,5834 belongs to 1400 StoreID
45 1400
65 1400
68 2000 //ItemID 68,79 belongs to 2000 StoreID
79 2000
5773 1001
5834 1400
5838 2000
I want to show the record ID from ItemRelation table where the ItemID from F_ItemDailySalesParent not present in ItemRelation
ItemID StoreID
49 1001
111 1001
65 1001
222 1001
79 1001
9 1400
111 1400
222 1400
79 1400
9 2000
49 2000
111 2000
222 2000
5773 2000
I tried this following query. But this will work without StoreID. But no idea for the above result
select ID from HQMatajer.dbo.ItemRelation ir
where not exists(
select ID,StoreID
from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] Fid
where fid.ItemID=ir.ID
or fid.ItemID = ir.ChildID1
or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID2
or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID3
and time between '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2017-02-28 00:00:00.000'
group by ItemID,StoreID
I have Hqmatajer.dbo.Store that column name of storeCode = F_ItemDailySalesParent.Storeid
Include checking if StoreId matches when using the not exists()
select ID
from HQMatajer.dbo.ItemRelation ir
cross join (select distinct storeCode from Hqmatajer.dbo.Store) s
where not exists(
select 1
from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] Fid
where fid.StoreId = s.StoreCode
and [time] between '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2017-02-28 00:00:00.000'
and ( fid.ItemID=ir.ID
or fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID1
or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID2
or Fid.ItemID=ir.ChildID3
If I understand correctly, you want to start with a list of all stores and items and then filter out the ones that are present.
select, s.storeId
from (select distinct id from HQMatajer.dbo.ItemRelation ir) i cross join
stores s -- assume this exists
where not exists (select 1
from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp
where idsp.ItemID = i.ID and idsp.storeId = s.storeId
) and
not exists (select 1
from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp
where idsp.ItemID = i.childID1 and idsp.storeId = s.storeId
) and
not exists (select 1
from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp
where idsp.ItemID = i.childID2 and idsp.storeId = s.storeId
) and
not exists (select 1
from [HQWebMatajer].[dbo].[F_ItemDailySalesParent] idsp
where idsp.ItemID = i.childID3 and idsp.storeId = s.storeId
I did not include the time condition. It is not in your sample data, so it is unclear where it fits.
First get a unique list of ItemIds and unique list of StoreIDs, then you can see which are missing with a left join and a where cross ref table id is null. I'll do it in generic terms so you get the idea:
select s.StoreId, i.ItemId
from Stores s
cross apply Items i
left join ItemRelation ir
on s.StoreId = ir.StoreId
and i.ItemId = ir.ItemId
where ir.Id is null

How to Retrieve Maximum Value of Each Group? - SQL

There is a table tbl_products that contains data as shown below:
Id Name
1 P1
2 P2
3 P3
4 P4
5 P5
6 P6
And another table tbl_inputs that contains data as shown below:
Id Product_Id Price Register_Date
1 1 10 2010-01-01
2 1 20 2010-10-11
3 1 30 2011-01-01
4 2 100 2010-01-01
5 2 200 2009-01-01
6 3 500 2011-01-01
7 3 270 2010-10-15
8 4 80 2010-01-01
9 4 50 2010-02-02
10 4 92 2011-01-01
I want to select all products(id, name, price, register_date) with maximum date in each group.
For Example:
Id Name Price Register_Date
3 P1 30 2011-01-01
4 P2 100 2010-01-01
6 P3 500 2011-01-01
10 P4 92 2011-01-01
from tbl_products tp
cross apply (
select top 1 price
from tbl_inputs ti
where ti.product_id =
order by register_date desc
) tii
Although is not the optimum way you can do it like:
;with gb as (
,max(register_date) As max_register_date
from tbl_inputs
group by product_id
from tbl_inputs ti
join gb
on ti.product_id=gb.product_id
and ti.register_date = gb.max_register_date
But as I said earlier .. this is not the way to go in this case.
;with cte as
select,, t1.code, t2.price, t2.register_date,
row_number() over (partition by product_id order by register_date desc) rn
from tbl_products t1
join tbl_inputs t2
on = t2.product_id
select id, name, code, price, register_date
from cte
where rn = 1
Something like this..
select id, product_id, price, max(register_date)
from tbl_inputs
group by id, product_id, price
you can use the max function and the group by clause. if you only need results from the table tbl_inputs you even don't need a join
select product_id, max(register_date), price
from tbl_inputs
group by product_id, price
if you need field from the tbl_prducts you have to use a join.
select, p. code,, i.price, max(i.register_date)
from tbl_products p join tbl_inputs i on
grooup by, p. code,, i.price
Try this:
SELECT id, product_id, price, register_date
FROM tbl_inputs T1 INNER JOIN
SELECT product_id, MAX(register_date) As Max_register_date
FROM tbl_inputs
GROUP BY product_id
) T2 ON(T1.product_id= T2.product_id AND T1.register_date= T2.Max_register_date)
This is, of course, assuming your dates are unique. if they are not, you need to add the DISTINCT Keyword to the outer SELECT statement.
Sorry, I didn't explain it very well. Your dates can be duplicated, it's not a problem as long as they are unique per product id. if you can have duplicated dates per product id, then you will have more then one row per product in the outcome of the select statement I suggested, and you will have to find a way to reduce it to one row per product.
If you have records like that (when the last date for a product appears more then once in your table with different prices)
id | product_Id | price | register_date
1 | 1 | 10.00 | 01/01/2000
2 | 1 | 20.00 | 01/01/2000
it will result in having both of these records as outcome.
However, if the register_date is unique per product id, then you will get only one result for each product id.

SQL Server : take 1 to many record set and make 1 record per id

I need some help. I need to take the data from these 3 tables and create an output that looks like below. The plan_name_x and pending_tallyx columns are derived to make one line per claim id. Each claim id can be associated to up to 3 plans and I want to show each plan and tally amounts in one record. What is the best way to do this?
Thanks for any ideas. :)
Output result set needed:
claim_id ac_name plan_name_1 pending_tally1 plan_name_2 Pending_tally2 plan_name_3 pending_tally3
-------- ------- ----------- -------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- --------------
1234 abc cooks delux_prime 22 prime_express 23 standard_prime 2
2341 zzz bakers delpux_prime 22 standard_prime 2 NULL NULL
3412 azb pasta's prime_express 23 NULL NULL NULL NULL
SQL Server 2005 table to use for the above result set:
claim_id ac_name
1234 abc cooks
2341 zzz bakers
3412 azb pasta's
claim_id plan_id plan_name
1234 101 delux_prime
1234 102 Prime_express
1234 103 standard_prime
2341 101 delux_prime
2341 103 standard_prime
3412 102 Prime_express
claim_id plan_id Pending_tally
1234 101 22
1234 102 23
1234 103 2
2341 101 22
2341 103 2
3412 102 23
If you know that 3 is always the max amount of plans then some left joins will work fine:
select c.claim_id, c.ac_name,
cp1.plan_name as plan_name_1, pa1.pending_tally as pending_tally1,
cp2.plan_name as plan_name_2, pa2.pending_tally as pending_tally2,
cp3.plan_name as plan_name_3, pa3.pending_tally as pending_tally3,
from company_claims c
left join claim_plans cp1 on c.claim_id = cp1.claim_id and cp1.planid = 101
left join claim_plans cp2 on c.claim_id = cp2.claim_id and cp2.planid = 102
left join claim_plans cp3 on c.claim_id = cp3.claim_id and cp3.planid = 103
left join pending_amounts pa1 on cp1.claim_id = pa1.claimid and cp1.planid = pa1.plainid
left join pending_amounts pa2 on cp2.claim_id = pa2.claimid and cp2.planid = pa2.plainid
left join pending_amounts pa3 on cp3.claim_id = pa3.claimid and cp3.planid = pa3.plainid
I would first join all your data so that you get the relevant columns: claim_id, ac_name, plan_name, pending tally.
Then I would add transform this to get plan name and plan tally on different rows, with a label tying them together.
Then it should be easy to pivot.
I would tie these together with common table expressions.
Here's the query:
with X as (
select cc.*, cp.plan_name, pa.pending_tally,
rank() over (partition by cc.claim_id order by plan_name) as r
from company_claims cc
join claim_plans cp on cp.claim_id = cc.claim_id
join pending_amounts pa on pa.claim_id = cp.claim_id
and pa.plan_id = cp.plan_id
), P as (
x.plan_name as value,
'plan_name_' + cast(r as varchar(max)) as label
from x
union all
cast(x.pending_tally as varchar(max)) as value,
'pending_tally' + cast(r as varchar(max)) as label
from x
select claim_id, ac_name, [plan_name_1], [pending_tally1],[plan_name_2], [pending_tally2],[plan_name_3], [pending_tally3]
from (select * from P) p
pivot (
for label in ([plan_name_1], [pending_tally1],[plan_name_2], [pending_tally2],[plan_name_3], [pending_tally3])
) as pvt
order by pvt.claim_id, ac_name
Here's a fiddle showing it in action:!3/68f62/10