Samples or live demo of Amazon Polly? [closed] - text-to-speech

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm considering using Amazon Polly's Text-To-Speech (TTS) but want to evaluate how natural it really sounds with arbitrary examples (not the ones carefully curated by Amazon marketing folks).
All I've found is a very limited youtube video (just a few seconds in each of the languages)

Log into your AWS account, then you can experiment with different voices here:

If have an AWS account, you can test all the languages and voices yourself. Just go to the homepage of the console and search for polly. You can write anything you like, change the file format and download it too.
Here's how it looks

most of the amazon voices are not amazon voices i mean they are third party voices the sample provided is: acapela justin and there are other companyes like ivona,acapela, rspeak and much more. ,


google api for glorious info box? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm guessing this info is privileged since I couldn't find anything on Google's listed APIs. In fact I'd be amazed if it wasn't proprietary securely fastened Google magic, but thought I'd ask anyway.
Is there an Google API for the information appearing when you do a basic search for say an Actress or Rockband? You know the box that appears to the right of the results if google figures out exactly what you're looking for. (I'm specifically interested in musicians despite the example below)
I can get similar milage using Freebase, but Google's is always better. For example, It'll even pull upcoming events if it's a Musician, etc.
The Freebase Topic API contains the bulk of what you're looking for.

Web API introduction for Objective-C? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've never accessed a web API, and I'm looking for a thorough introduction. Specifically, I want to access Google APIs from a Mac OS X application. I can successfully find similar code, copy and paste, but I really want to understand how this all works, and can not find any beginner text of the subject.
Apple's introduction to using NSURLConnection is here, and there's some Apple sample code here. Google also has a gdata-objectivec-client client library, which I've never used, but sounds like a drop-in solution to accessing Google's data services. The Google project page has links to overview slides, an introduction and example applications.

Google Voice API Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've spent the last hour searching for an official Google Voice API documentation but couldn't find anything but a bunch of API wrappers in (insert your favorite programming language here).
Does a documentation for Google Voice's API not exist?
If you're okay with JavaScript you can take a look at their chrome extension, it gives you good idea on how to hack something together. For instance I've found this: it gives you a list of messages in JSON gives you your contacts and your GV number
I don't believe Google has officially published an API yet.
You might want to refer to this post:
Is there a Google Voice API?
unofficial, but has instructions for various languages and how to do some straight http requests: (Web archive)
It's time to migrate off Google Voice for applications. On May 14, 2014, Google will break the old interface.
Google seems to be pushing Twilio as an alternative. Twilio will be available from AppEngine.

Which (popular) websites support mashable APIs? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which popular websites out there support an HTTP based API?
I am looking for content of general public interest (hence, Amazon's RESTful API wouldn't qualify, for example).
Some sites which I am aware of:
Please note that
Although not a direct programming question, it will help programmers find some inspiration for new projects
A similar question has been asked but didn't get many responses probably because it was very specific about being RESTful.
The site (with blog) "Programmable Web" collects sites, apis and howtos to create mash-ups.
You can search by programming language, protocols, wether you want something with JSON or SOAP and so on and check out existing mash-ups.

Are there any good movie/film APIs out there? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Working on a movie website and would love to find an API that I could use to get information about different movies. I code in PHP but I'm assuming this would probably return XML.
I can recommend We have been using their API in an open source movie managing application with great success.
Quick google search returned this: Internet Video Archive Movie API. It seems to return XML data, so it could work for you.
EDIT: The link is down (thanks #Mutant), Wayback Machine has a backup.
For getting straight-up information about movies (for instance, basic genre and title information) the Amazon associates data works pretty good. There is the condition that the data be used primarily to drive traffic to Amazon, which is something to keep in mind.
There should be a PHP library already written that you can use:
Rotten Tomatoes has a free REST API ( The access keys are restricted to 10000 calls/day.