Visual Studio 2015 Azure AD and ADFS authentication to Web Server hosted web app - authentication

I have a MVC web application hosted in IIS and users are stored in Azure AD.
I need to authenticate Azure AD users to access web application.
I am using ADFS for this and installation has been done on Azure.
To authenticate I need to know whether I should go for Window Identity Foundation or OWIN?
In many articles i read WIF has been deprecated and Using OWIN.
Let me know if owin is proper way for my scenario and if some proper examples are available?
Latest version of WIF is 4.5 which is also not available for VS2015
I understood is WS-FED is using SAML Token for this?

Confusion - your MVC application authenticates using Azure AD. Where does ADFS fit in? Have you got a federated tenant?
WIF is still around - people still use it. In VS2015, WIF is built in to .NET. So you can use it.
Yes - WIF (WS-Fed) uses a SAML token.
With OWIN you have a choice - you can use WS-Fed or OpenID Connect (OIDC) or even both.
Unless you are using ADFS 4.0, you need WIF as there is no support for OIDC in the earlier versions.


Blazor wasm hosted application with company AD windows authentication

I am trying to figure out how can I call blazor wasm hosted application to my company's AD directory and get user.identity information.i am just running in circles.i don't want to use identity server or azure Ad.can someone please share code. The actual working code. Company policy is not allowing to use sticky sessions so can't use blazor server. Please any help.much appreciated.code would be much appreciated. I am surprised there is no such code out there. I am using .net 5
You'll really struggle to get this to work - from MS website:
We don't recommend using Windows Authentication with Blazor Webassembly or with any other SPA framework. We recommend using token-based protocols instead of Windows Authentication, such as OIDC with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
I highly suggest switching to an OIDC implementation instead. ADFS supports this and your company might already have this setup on the network.

How can I use Windows Authentication with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core server?

There seem to be plenty of tutorials on how to use third-party authentication providers for Blazor WebAssembly, but there doesn't seem to be a documented process for using Windows Authentication (on-site Active Directory domain) from an ASP.NET Core hosted server.
Is this actually possible? I would like the Core server to authenticate the user with the roles and policies, and for this information to be accessible from the WebAssembly client also. I understand that the Client can only use authentication to show/hide UI elements, and that any actual securing should be done on the Server, but is there a way to access the Windows authentication/authorization from both sides of the application?

Why Authentication type - individual user accounts for Web API in .NET Core is not available when we creating new Web APi service

Why it`s not possible to create Web API project with Individual User Accounts Authorization type?
All version numbers are updated from v1.2 to v2.0.
Please find the ASP.NET Core Schedule and Roadmap:
Identity Application Services
A service layer will be added ASP.NET Core Identity and included in the project templates using Individual Authentication. This will allow authentication of users by way of JWT tokens such that Web APIs can be secured out of the box, and make it simpler to change authentication systems, e.g. from in-app Identity to Azure AD B2C, or 3rd-party solutions like Identity Server.
Daniel Roth from MS:
Support for individual user accounts with the Web API template in VS is not available yet. We are still looking at providing a supported on premise offering for token issuance in addition to providing integration with Azure AD B2C.
This statement can be found in the comment section under
This is just disabled in core 1.1.please use core 2.0 to find all authentication.You can download core 2.0 from

WCF service with WIF AD Single sign on

I have an Excel add-on which connects to a WCF endpoint located in our network to collect data. We're considering moving the application out to Windows Azure.
Currently the users are authenticated using their windows log on. I know that WIF, ACS and ADFS can allow us to authenticate on a web app but wondered if this would be possible with the WCF client.
See here: Securing WCF Services with ACS
Also ACS and the code samples within.
If you are looking for delegation i.e. sign on using WIF and use that token for WCF, there's a delegation scenario and sample in the WIF SDK.

How to integrate SAML authentication into WCF web service application

I have a WCF web service application built and tested on IIS7. Regarding authentication I wanted to implement a sql server hosted userd id and password authentication for consumers accessing the operations in the web service. However I was told that my company policy dictates that I implement SAML into my web service. That means any client that is accessing my web service operations need to be authenticated using SAML 2.0. I am not familiar with SAML but like to know and get started on how to implement it within my web serivice. I keep hearing two terms - Service Provider and Identity Provider, based on definitions on the web, I am assuming the service provider is my web service. identity provider is where the user authenticates to and the identity provider provides a assertion to my web service and then I let the client access the operations. I understand the theory but not sure how to put into practical implementation. Clients accessing my web service are not internal , i.e. they are external (extranet clients), so in this case what will be the identity provider and how do I add code to my web serice to make it a service provider?
I hope you understand my dilemma, can anyone explain the approach I need to take and any samples or tutorials that help me complete the web service is greatly appreciated.
I think SAML 2.0 is not provided by standard WCF. To make it work you must combine WCF with WIF (Windows identity foundation). Here you have very complex example of usage WCF with WIF and claim based authorization. The example uses SAML 1.1 but it is only configuration change to make it work with SAML 2.0.
Your problem is generally called Federated authentication or Federated identity where user authenticates against STS (service token service) and it receives security token (it can be for example SAML token). Than the client calls real service (RP - relaying party) where it passes its security token. So what are you going to build? If your company policy demands SAML usage they most probably already have STS and you just need to authenticate clients by SAML tokens as mentioned in the article.
Since 2011, support for Claims-Aware WCF Services has apparently improved with the release of .NET 4.5. I'll copy info from that article in case it ever changes, but as of the time of this answer, the process appeared to be as simple as:
Adding a reference to WIF (Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll) in your WCF Service project. Since this is delivered with .NET 4.5, I do not believe a NuGet package is necessary.
Use the following code sample to create a self-hosted Claims-Aware service:
var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(ClaimsAwareWebService), new Uri("myUri"));
Set your WCF service to use the federatedServiceHostConfiguration Behavior Extension.