How to find amount exclusive of tax from an amount inclusive of tax? [closed] - sql

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to find amount exclusive of tax from an amount inclusive of tax?
Currently I'm using this query and getting the desired result.
I am searching for a simple query.
My current query:
select #amountExclusiveOfTax=
(#amountInclusiveOfTax) -
((#amountInclusiveOfTax) - (((#amountInclusiveOfTax)/#taxPercent+100) * 100))
Is there any easier way?

This was taught in day one of my business math class:
SELECT #amountExclusiveOfTax = #amountInclusiveOfTax / (1 + #taxPercetange / 100)
This assume your #taxPercentage is stored in percentage form. For example, if the tax is 15%, then #taxPercentage = 15. Another popular form is the decimal form, where it's stored as 0.15.


How can I limit some specific numbers and return them with a title? [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have a table in postgresql which contains scores of students and I wanna show scores less than 10 with word 'failed' and more than 10 with the word 'passed'. How can I do that using a query?
As result I want a table with two columns. First scores and second 'passed' or 'failed'.

Count without duplicates [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I'd like to count column values without any duplicates.
In the given example, I'd expect the SQL query to sum up column a to 6 (every value counted once)
How about
select count(distinct a)
from table

Need RegEx to filter dataset according to specific position in string [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Want to filter dataset with SQL query using RegEx to filter entries based on the time (hour) e.g. 19:XX or 09:XX. The hour part of the string would be in position 12 and 13.
Checked a few other questions and articles, but I'm very new to this and can't figure it out. Don't know which SQL database it is, but I work with it on Google BigQuery.Thanks for your help!
Screenshot of data entries
The standard way to access the hour in a date/time is:
where extract(hour from timecol) = 19
Not all databases support extract. All should have something similar.

access multiple my sql database at a time? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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how can i access multiple my sql database at time, what is the mechanism behind it?????
eg: i have three different database that contain product(shoes) along with price and there description etc...
so whenever the user type shoes and set its price ... my search bar should be able to retrieve the data in respect of price.. from multiple database..
You can use like
Select * FROM database1.products WHERE field = ?
SELECT * FROM database2.products field = ?
SELECT * FROM database3.products field = ?

Optimization of for loop in oracle [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was asked on my apprenticeship following question:
Why query like:
is not efficient? How to change it to make it more efficient?
There is no further information added.
Collect, all data at once, into a collection. Boom! One query and you have it all without looping.
BULK COLLECT INTO a_collection_type_variable
FROM a_table;