I am developing one video calling application. Currently using Xirsys's stun and turn server. I am using the result of https://service.xirsys.com/ice as my configurations. Is it the right username and credential to use in the Javascript page or anything else. If it is wrong then please guide me where will I get the correct iceServers values.
iceServers = [
{ "url": "stun:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com" },
{ "username": "0xxxxxx8-fxxc-1xx6-bxxb-bxxxxxxxxxx8", "url": "turn:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com:80?transport=udp", "credential": "0xxxxxxe-fxxc-1xx6-axx0-axxxxxxxxxx9" },
{ "username": "0xxxxxx8-fxxc-1xx6-bxxb-bxxxxxxxxxx8", "url": "turn:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com:3478?transport=udp", "credential": "0xxxxxxe-fxxc-1xx6-axx0-axxxxxxxxxx9" },
{ "username": "0xxxxxx8-fxxc-1xx6-bxxb-bxxxxxxxxxx8", "url": "turn:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com:80?transport=tcp", "credential": "0xxxxxxe-fxxc-1xx6-axx0-axxxxxxxxxx9" },
{ "username": "0xxxxxx8-fxxc-1xx6-bxxb-bxxxxxxxxxx8", "url": "turn:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com:3478?transport=tcp", "credential": "0xxxxxxe-fxxc-1xx6-axx0-axxxxxxxxxx9" },
{ "username": "0xxxxxx8-fxxc-1xx6-bxxb-bxxxxxxxxxx8", "url": "turns:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com:443?transport=tcp", "credential": "0xxxxxxe-fxxc-1xx6-axx0-axxxxxxxxxx9" },
{ "username": "0xxxxxx8-fxxc-1xx6-bxxb-bxxxxxxxxxx8", "url": "turns:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com:5349?transport=tcp", "credential": "0xxxxxxe-fxxc-1xx6-axx0-axxxxxxxxxx9" }
Note: Its working in the same network but not in different network. Even in different network I can get the incomming call but after receiving the call iceConnectionState gets failed.
I have also raised similar question here where I was using numb as stun and turn server.
Thanks in advance.
The ICE string should be used 'as-is' in the ice configuration for your WebRTC application. Note, however, that the ICE credentials are only valid for 30 seconds. You need to request a fresh ICE string immediately before each connection.
Local network connections will work WITHOUT a valid ICE string, because your NAT translation will NOT use TURN / STUN. This is because your NAT translates your local IP's itself. Therefore, local network connections will always work (unless you have a non-common NAT situation). If you were using the ICE credentials without refreshing them before each call, that will certainly be why your external connections were failing (or certainly will contribute to the problem).
I am trying to develop a smart home action that works with local fulfillment but my device doesn't receive the UDP broadcast request. I have a google home device at home which is connected to my account.
I have made the next steps:
add otherDevicesIds field to my sync response
add device scan configuration (I have chosen UDP )
implement UDP server on the device. it listens on 8888 ports and responds to echo -n "test data" | nc -u -b 8888
Packets from my laptop are received by my DIY smart home device but I don't see any packets from the google home assistant device(it is in the same network as my laptop). It seems that google assistant does not send UDP broadcast at all.
I have added an example of my sync response and a screenshot of Device Scan Configuration for this action.
How to make my device receive UDP broadcast? Tell me if I have understood the local fulfillment wrong.
SYNC response example below
"payload": {
"agentUserId": "fas87df6a8s7d6f",
"devices": [
"otherDeviceIds": [
"agentId": "fasf87da",
"deviceId": "sdfta87sd6f"
"deviceInfo": {
"model": "LIGHT",
"manufacturer": "87sd6f87asd",
"swVersion": "1.0",
"hwVersion": "LIGHT"
"customData": {},
"id": "light-1234112",
"attributes": {},
"type": "action.devices.types.LIGHT",
"name": {
"defaultNames": [
"nicknames": [
"name": "7f6as87fa8"
"traits": [
"willReportState": false
"requestId": "7298347129347192374"
Below is the example of google action UDP config.
As mentioned in the comments by you, you didn’t create a local fulfillment app which is necessary for developing & testing local fulfillment for any of your existing Smart Home Actions. You can find more information about this at https://developers.google.com/assistant/smarthome/develop/local?hl=en
Additionally, make sure that you have added the devices correctly after enabling the test suite.
Currently it seems that web activity is broken.
When using simple pipeline
"name": "pipeline1",
"properties": {
"activities": [
"name": "Webactivity",
"type": "WebActivity",
"dependsOn": [],
"policy": {
"timeout": "7.00:00:00",
"retry": 0,
"retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"secureOutput": false,
"secureInput": false
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"url": "https://www.microsoft.com/",
"connectVia": {
"referenceName": "AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime",
"type": "IntegrationRuntimeReference"
"method": "GET",
"body": ""
"annotations": []
When debugging it never finishes. There is "in progress" for several minutes.
I tried Web hook and it works.
Is there something else I could try?
A quick note on the "never finishes" issue: one of my pet peeves with Data Factory is that the default timeout for all activities is 7 DAYS. While I've had a few activities that needed to run for 7 hours, a WEEK is a ridiculous default timeout value. One of the first things I do in any production scenario is address the timeout values of all the activities.
As to the Web activity question: I set up a quick example in my test bed and it returned just fine:
Looking at the generated code, the only real difference I see is the absence of the "connectVia" property that was in your example:
Ok I've found it.
The default AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime only had managed private network which I couldn't change. So I created a new Integration Runtime with public network setting.
This is a litte bit strange as I started today with a brand new Azure Data Factory.
I wonder why I cannot change the default Integration Runtime to disable virtual network:
Is there a way to automate user creation on GridGain Web Console's docker container deployment?
Our test stand deployment is fully automated, and we'd like to deploy Web Agent automatically as well, copying token and starting Agent's container manually every time is not very convenient in our case.
There are several options:
Create a Web Console user with HTTP REST API, grab their token and pass it to the Agent.
Generate your own token (a UUID), pass it to Agent, create a Web Console user with API calls and set their token.
Please keep in mind that the Web Console HTTP API is considered private. It has been stable for a while, especially the user-related parts, so I wouldn't expect any changes soon. Use it at your own discretion.
Before sending any requests, make sure you use a cookie jar. Send a "/api/v1/user" GET to initialize a session. The host is the same as WC, but you can also send requests to backend directly. CORS might be an issue.
In general, you can open browser network inspector, perform actions manually, note what requests are made and perform same requests with a tool of your choice, like curl. Some communications are handled by a Web Socket connection, but not for user management.
Endpoints you are interested in:
POST "/api/v1/user". Creates a user. Example payload:
"email": "user#example",
"password": "1",
"firstName": "User",
"lastName": "Name",
"phone": "+790000000",
"country": "Russia",
"company": "GridGain",
"industry": "Software"
POST "/api/v1/profile/save". Edits user. Example payload:
"firstName": "User",
"lastName": "Name",
"email": "test#example",
"phone": null,
"country": "Russia",
"company": "GridGain",
"industry": "Other",
"permitEmailContact": false,
"permitPhoneContact": false,
"token": "fcf99d68-5a4c-4a43-8abc-1f93e19af26a"
GET "/api/v1/user". Gets a user. Example payload:
"email": "test#example",
"firstName": "User",
"lastName": "name",
"phone": null,
"company": "GridGain",
"country": "Russia",
"admin": false,
"becomeUsed": false,
"industry": "Other",
"permitEmailContact": false,
"permitPhoneContact": false,
"token": "fcf99d68-5a4c-4a43-8abc-1f93e19af26a",
"lastEvent": 0
In order to receive Azure IotHub Device Twin change notifications, it appears that it's necessary to create a custom endpoint and create a route to send notifications to that endpoint. This seems straightforward enough on the Azure Portal, but as one might expect we want to automate it.
I haven't been able to find any documentation for the the az cli or even the REST API, though I might have missed something. I didn't find anything promising looking in the SDKs either.
How do I automate adding a custom endpoint and then setting up the route for device twin notifications?
You can check IotHubs template to see if it helps.
"routing": {
"endpoints": {
"serviceBusQueues": [
"connectionString": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscriptionId": "string",
"resourceGroup": "string"
"routes": [
"name": "string",
"source": "string",
"condition": "string",
"endpointNames": [
"isEnabled": boolean
Consumer group:
"apiVersion": "2016-02-03",
"type": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/eventhubEndpoints/ConsumerGroups",
"name": "[concat(parameters('hubName'), '/events/cg1')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Devices/Iothubs/', parameters('hubName'))]"
For more detailed information you can reference:
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs template reference
Create an IoT hub using Azure Resource Manager template (PowerShell)
I recently went through the tutorial for load balancing apps in DCOS using marathon-lb (in the example they balance some nginx containers: https://dcos.io/docs/1.9/networking/marathon-lb/marathon-lb-advanced-tutorial/). I am trying to use this approach to internally load balance my own custom application. The custom app I am using is a play scala app. I have the internal marathon-lb set up and can successfully use it for the nginx container but when I try to use my own docker image I cannot get this to work. I start up my service with my custom image and I can access the service fine by using the IP and port that gets assigned to it (i.e. if the service gets deployed on and is available on port 1234 then curl works as expected and I can also make my api calls as defined in my application routes). However, when I try to access the app through the load balancer (curl -i http://marathon-lb-internal.marathon.mesos:10002, where 10002 is the service port) then I get this message:
HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>
No server is available to handle this request.
For reference, here is my json file I'm using to start my custom service:
"id": "my-app",
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "my_repo/my_image:1.0.0",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
{ "hostPort": 0, "containerPort": 9000, "servicePort": 10002, "protocol": "tcp" }
"parameters": [
{ "key": "env", "value": "USER_NAME=user" },
{ "key": "env", "value": "USER_PASSWORD=password" }
"forcePullImage": true
"instances": 1,
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1000,
"healthChecks": [{
"protocol": "HTTP",
"path": "/v1/health",
"portIndex": 0,
"timeoutSeconds": 10,
"gracePeriodSeconds": 10,
"intervalSeconds": 2,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 10
"uris": [ "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_bucket/my_docker_credentials" ]
I had the same problem and found the solution here
marathon-lb health check failing on all spray.io containers
Need to add
"HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS": " http-send-name-header Host\n timeout check {healthCheckTimeoutSeconds}s\n"
To your config so that the REST layer doesn't bark on the health check from marathon