REDIS //Benchmark tool// Keys in SET using -r <keyspacelen> do not match in GET - redis

I am testing Redis (version: using the benchmark tool, and the redis-server.exe that is included in the zip package locally.
I used the following command to test the keyspace_length:
redis-benchmark -t set,get -n 4 -c 1 -d 888 -r 1000
I have managed to capture a tracer (.pcap) locally using RawCap.exe.
What I have noticed is that the keys that are send in SET command, do not match with the keys in GET command. I would expect that the used keys are stored somewhere locally and then retrieved from the GET command to interrogate the value for each random key.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance!

It seems this behavior is the expected, since you can run a redis-benchmark for the GET command only:
redis-benchmark -t get -n 4 -c 1 -d 888 -r 1000
====== GET ======
4 requests completed in 0.00 seconds
1 parallel clients
888 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
100.00% <= 0 milliseconds
4000.00 requests per second
So each command specified in -t is tested independently.
You can pass a lua script to test a set/get in same key. Some thoughts after a post-lunch research :)
You can turn on MONITOR on redis-cli before executing this to be sure of what is happening. IMPORTANT: this will kill your benchmarking, just set it to see the actual commands using a small number of tests (e.g. redis-benchmark -n 10);
Since you're loading a lua script, this will be executed atomically every time, like if these command were in a MULTI/EXEC block;
You can lock a single random number to be used by both commands by specifying __rand_int__ parameter AND -r 1000 (e.g.). The -r parameter defines the range of random integers used. __rand_int__ WON'T work if you don't specify the -r parameter (you can see this when monitoring);
After turning MONITOR off, you can see that for bigger -n values the simulation seems to be faster. Try with -n 10 and -n 1000 and see if this holds true.
Read the :)
The script:
redis-benchmark -r 10000 -n 1000 eval "'set',KEYS[1],'xpto') return'get', KEYS[1])" 1 __rand_int__
A sample MONITOR output:
1487868918.656881 [0] "eval" "'set',KEYS[1],'xpto') return'get', KEYS[1])" "1" "000000009355"
1487868918.657032 [0 lua] "set" "000000009355" "xpto"
1487868918.657051 [0 lua] "get" "000000009355"


TestCafe-BrowserStack Script hangs and won't terminate when the tested page throws 500, or general error like "not enough memory"

Sometime when the tested page throws unexpected error "not a code or javascript error", such as 500 or not enough memory, the script won't terminate and waits for up to 7200 seconds, which is the allowed session time giving by browserStack, then it times out.
I would like to know if I can force my scripts to terminate (or consider it as a failure) whenever it encounters such a behavior instead of waiting that long.
You can reduce the value of IDLE TIMEOUT in the TestCafe code:
Instead of 1800 can you reduce it to 300 seconds assuming your test locally completes in 2 mins. Please note that the minimum value is 60 seconds.
You could also run the following command to delete the existing created and queued worker:
a. Command to find existing worker id using terminal prompt
curl -u "your_username:your_access_key" | python -m json.tool | grep id | awk {'print $2'} | sed 's/.$//'
b. Command to delete workers using terminal prompt
curl -u "your_username:your_access_key" -X DELETE ""

GNU Parallel -q option causing BCP "unknown option" errors (different string quotes on local vs remote hosts)

Seeing very strange behavior where when when using gnu parallel to distribute export jobs using bcp from mssql-tools. It appears that when using the -q option for parallel, strings are interpreted differently on local host than on remote hosts.
Running only as a loop through files on local host, the bcp processes throws no errors
However, distributing the file exports with parallel, the bcp processes executing on the local host throw
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp: unknown option
errors, while those executing on remote hosts (via a --sshloginfile param) finish successfully. The basic code being run looks like...
# setting some vars to pass
DB="$dest_db" #TODO: enforce being more careful with this value
TABLE="$tablename" # MUST exist beforehand, case matters
USER=$(tail -n+1 $source_home/mssql-creds.txt | head -1)
PASSWORD=$(tail -n+2 $source_home/mssql-creds.txt | head -1)
RECOMMEDED_IMPORT_MODE='-c' # makes a HUGE difference, see
DELIMITER="\\\t" # (currently not used) DO NOT use format like "'\t'", nested quotes seem to cause hard-to-catch error, want "\t" literal
bcpexport() {
TABLE=$4 # MUST exist beforehand, case matters
RECOMMEDED_IMPORT_MODE=$7 # makes a HUGE difference, see
DELIMITER=$8 # not currently used
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp "$TABLE" in "$localfile" \
-d $DB \
-t "\t" \
-e ${localfile}.bcperror.log
export -f bcpexport
parallel -q -j $parallelization_pernode \
--sshloginfile $source_home/parallel-nodes.txt \
--env bcpexport \
::: $DATAFILES/$TARGET_GLOB #from hdfs nfs gateway
Looking at the bash interpretation of the processes (by running ps -aux | grep bcp on the hosts that parallelis given in the --sshloginfile) for the remote hosts we see...
/bin/bash -c bcpexport() { ... /opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp "$TABLE" in "$localfile" $TO_SERVER_ODBCDSN -U $USER -P $PASSWORD -d $DB $RECOMMEDED_IMPORT_MODE; -t "\t" -e ${localfile}.bcperror.log; ...
for the local host, the bash interpretation is...
/bin/bash -c bcpexport() { ... /opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp "$TABLE" in "$localfile" $TO_SERVER_ODBCDSN -U $USER -P $PASSWORD -d $DB $RECOMMEDED_IMPORT_MODE; -t "\t" -e ${localfile}.bcperror.log; ...
that is, they look the same.
My current thought is that the "\t" in the bcp command is being interpreted in a problematic way. Debugging parallel without vs with the -q option we see...
$ parallel -j 5 --sshloginfile ./parallel-nodes.txt echo "Number {}: Running on \`hostname\`: \t" ::: 1 2 3 4 5
Number 4: Running on HW04.ucera.local: t
Number 1: Running on HW04.ucera.local: t
Number 2: Running on HW03.ucera.local: t
Number 5: Running on HW03.ucera.local: t
Number 3: Running on HW02.ucera.local: t
$ parallel -q -j 5 --sshloginfile ./parallel-nodes.txt echo "Number {}: Running on \`hostname\`: \t" ::: 1 2 3 4 5
Number 1: Running on `hostname`:
Number 4: Running on `hostname`:
Number 3: Running on `hostname`: \t
Number 2: Running on `hostname`: \t
Number 5: Running on `hostname`: \t
The bcp command needs the "\t" literal not the "t" literal (and I suspect several other similar string corruptions (also I do believe that \t is the default for bcp anyway, but this is just an example and want to keep \t for code clarity)), but not sure how to get this for both local and remote nodes or even why this behavior differs by remote vs local.
Basically, need the the strings to be exactly the same for both local and remote hosts even if strings have spaces or escape characters in them (note, I think this used to not be the case (have older script on other machines that don't have this problem))
Not sure if this is counts more as a parallel problem or a bcp problem (currently thinking something is going wrong with the -q option in parallel, but not sure). Anyone have any debugging suggestions or fixes? Ideas of what could be happening?
Firstly, the reason why hostname is not expanded is due to -q. It quotes the ` so that it does not expand.
Secondly, I think what you see is the different behaviours in built-in echo and /bin/echo. Built-in echo depends on the shell. Here I compare echo \\\\t in different shells:
$ parallel --onall --tag -S sh#lo,bash#lo,csh#lo,tcsh#lo,ksh#lo,zsh#lo echo \\\\t ::: a
bash#lo \t a
tcsh#lo a
sh#lo a
ksh#lo \t a
zsh#lo a
csh#lo \t a
That does not, however, get you closer to a solution. If I were you I would use env_parallel to copy the environment variables. And if the login shell on the remote systems are not the same as your shell, then set PARALLEL_SHELL to force using that shell.
env_parallel --session
# setting some vars to pass
PARALLEL_SHELL=bash env_parallel -q -j $parallelization_pernode ...
(no need to use neither --env nor 'export -f' when using 'env_parallel --session')
# Cleanup (not needed if this is the last line in the script)
env_parallel --end-session

how do I write SSH command output with only values I need

I am creating a VPS with the API provided for command line. The output of the command comes with several text inside which I don't need. This is my command.
The variables are predefined and work fine.
echo y | /usr/local/bin/CLICMD vm create --hostname=$VMNAME --domain=$srvdomain --cpu 1 --memory 1024 --image $image --datacenter=$dc --billing=hourly -n 100 > /dev/null 1>> /home/logs/createvps.log
When I run it, it gives me the following output in createvps.log file,
This action will incur charges on your account. Continue? [y/N]: id 11232312
created 2015-06-13T14:43:27-05:00
guid xxxxxx-r345-4323-8e3f-c8c04e18fad7
From the above output, I just need to have id (11232312) value stored in a mysql table. I know how to grab the value from log file and save in mysql.
My question is, how do I save just that id in the log file instead of all the other values/strings.
Thank you in advance.
Not sure what is exactly your question, but I guess this should help you:
echo y | /usr/local/bin/CLICMD vm create --hostname=$VMNAME \
--domain=$srvdomain --cpu 1 --memory 1024 --image $image \
--datacenter=$dc --billing=hourly -n 100 | \
grep -oE "id [0-9]+$" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+" >> /home/logs/createvps.log
Few notes to difference in your code and mine:
You do two redirection of stdout, one to /dev/null and one to your log, which is equivalent of doing just one redirection (writing in /dev/null is practically NOP).

Copy all keys from one db to another in redis

Instade of move I want to copy all my keys from a particular db to another.
Is it possible in redis if yes than how ?
If you can't use MIGRATE COPY because of your redis version (2.6) you might want to copy each key separately which takes longer but doesn't require you to login to the machines themselves and allows you to move data from one database to another.
Here's how I copy all keys from one database to another (but without preserving ttls)
#set connection data accordingly
#copy all keys without preserving ttl!
redis-cli -h $source_host -p $source_port -n $source_db keys \* | while read key; do
echo "Copying $key"
redis-cli --raw -h $source_host -p $source_port -n $source_db DUMP "$key" \
| head -c -1 \
| redis-cli -x -h $target_host -p $target_port -n $target_db RESTORE "$key" 0
Keys are not going to be overwritten, in order to do that, delete those keys before copying or simply flush the whole target database before starting.
Copies all keys from database number 0 to database number 1 on localhost.
redis-cli --scan | xargs redis-cli migrate localhost 6379 '' 1 0 copy keys
If you use the same server/port you will get a timeout error but the keys seem to copy successfully anyway. GitHub Redis issue #1903
redis-cli -a $source_password -p $source_port -h $source_ip keys /*| while read key;
do echo "Copying $key";
redis-cli --raw -a $source_password -h $source_ip -p $source_port -n $dbname DUMP "$key"| head -c -1| redis-cli -x -a $destination_password -h $destination_IP -p $destination_port RESTORE "$key" 0;
Latest solution:
Use the RIOT open-source command line tool provided by Redislabs to copy the data.
GitHub project link:
How to install:
# Source Redis db
# Target Redis db
# Copy from db0 to db1 (standalone Redis db, Or cluster mode disabled)
riot-redis -h $SH -p $SP --db 0 replicate -h $TH -p $TP --db 1 --batch 10000 \
--scan-count 10000 \
--threads 4 \
--reader-threads 4 \
--reader-batch 500 \
--reader-queue 2000 \
--reader-pool 4
RIOT is quicker, supports multithreading, and works well with cross-environment Redis data copy ( AWS Elasticache, Redis OSS, and Redislabs ).
Not directly. I would suggest to use the always convenient redis-rdb-tools package (from Sripathi Krishnan) to extract the data from a normal rdb dump, and reinject it to another instance.
As far as I understand you need to copy keys from a particular DB (e.g 5 ) to a particular DB say 10. If that is the case you can use redis database dumper ( Although as per documentation it has a switch (-d) to select a database for operation but didn't work for me, so what I did
1.) Edit the rdd.c file and look for int main(int argc,char argv) function
2.) Change the DB to as per your requirement
3.) compile the src by **make
4.) Dump all keys using ./rdd -o "save.rdd"
5.) Edit the rdd.c file again and change the DB
6.) Make again
7.) Import by using ./rdd "save.rdd" -o insert -s "IP" -p"Port"
I know this is old, but for those of you coming here form Google:
I just published a command line interface utility to npm and github that allows you to copy keys that match a given pattern (even *) from one Redis database to another.
You can find the utility here:
Try using dump to first dump all the keys and then restore the same
If migrating keys inside of the same redis engine, then you might use internal command MOVE for that (pipelining for more speed):
#set connection data accordingly
total=$(redis-cli -n 4 keys \* | sed 's/^/MOVE /g' | sed 's/$/ '$target_db'/g' | wc -c)
#copy all keys without preserving ttl!
time redis-cli -h $source_host -p $source_port -n $source_db keys \* | \
sed 's/^/MOVE /g' | sed 's/$/ 0/g' | \
pv -s $total | \
redis-cli -h $source_host -p $source_port -n $source_db >/dev/null

postgresql pgBench tool running user defined SQL script

Please help me clarify, if the pgbench tool can execute my own sql scenarios in parallel way?
Googling and local searching brought no positive result.
I run the script that execeutes with no errors. But after execution I see no signs, that my script was actually performed.
Does pgbench commits transaction with my sql script?
That's an output I get:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin>pgbench.exe -n -h dbserverhost -U postgres -
T 10 -c 64 -j 8 bench_dbname -f c:\Dev\bench_script.sql
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 64
number of threads: 8
duration: 10 s
number of transactions actually processed: 1020
tps = 95.846561 (including connections establishing)
tps = 103.387127 (excluding connections establishing)
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin>
SQL script bench_script.sql is:
--comment here
insert into schm.log values ( 'pgbench test', current_timestamp );
pgBench Windows version is sensitive to the order of the arguements passed to the utility:
"bench_dbname" argument must be the last one parameter in a line.
This is the correct example of pgbench Windows version command line:
pgbench.exe -d -r -h -U postgres -T 5 -f C:\Dev\bench_script.sql -c 64 -j 8 postgres
The most useful arguments for me were:
-T 60 (time in seconds to run script)
-t 100 (transaction amount per client)
-d print detailed debug info to the output
-r include in summary latency value calculated for every action of the script
-f run user defined sql script in benchmark mode
-c client amount
-j thread amount
pgBench official doc
PgBench, I love you! :)
Best wishes everybody ;)
The "transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)" means that it did not process the -f option to run your custom sql script, instead it ran the default query.
On Windows versions, getopt seems to stop parsing the options once it reaches the first one that does not start with a hyphen, i.e. "bench_dbname". So make sure -f comes before that.
I guess you also need the -n option as long as you are using your custom script?
Perform no vacuuming before running the test.
This option is necessary if you are running a custom test scenario
that does not
include the standard tables pgbench_accounts, pgbench_branches,
pgbench_history, and pgbench_tellers.