Tensorflow LSTM Dropout Implementation - tensorflow

How specifically does tensorflow apply dropout when calling tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper() ?
Everything I read about applying dropout to rnn's references this paper by Zaremba et. al which says don't apply dropout between recurrent connections. Neurons should be dropped out randomly before or after LSTM layers, but not inter-LSTM layers. Ok.
The question I have is how are the neurons turned off with respect to time?
In the paper that everyone cites, it seems that a random 'dropout mask' is applied at each timestep, rather than generating one random 'dropout mask' and reusing it, applying it to all the timesteps in a given layer being dropped out. Then generating a new 'dropout mask' on the next batch.
Further, and probably what matters more at the moment, how does tensorflow do it? I've checked the tensorflow api and tried searching around for a detailed explanation but have yet to find one.
Is there a way to dig into the actual tensorflow source code?

You can check the implementation here.
It uses the dropout op on the input into the RNNCell, then on the output, with the keep probabilities you specify.
It seems like each sequence you feed in gets a new mask for input, then for output. No changes inside of the sequence.


How to mask zero-padding values in Tensorflow Encoder-Decoder RNN with Attention?

In the official Tensorflow Neural Machine Translation example (https://www.tensorflow.org/alpha/tutorials/text/nmt_with_attention), in the Encoder model, a GRU layer is defined.
However, the zero-padded values will be processed normally by the GRU as there is no masking applied. And in the Decoder I think that the situation is even worse, because the Attention over the padded values will play an important role in the final computation of the context vector. I think that in the definition of the loss function below, the zeroes are masked, but at this point it is too late and the outputs of both the encoder and the attention decoder will be "broken".
Am I missing something in the whole process? Shouldn't the normal way of implementing this be with masking the padded values?
You are right, you can see that when you print the tensor returned from the encoder that the numbers on the right side of the differ although most of it comes from the padding:
Usual implementation indeed includes masking. You would then use the mask in computing the attention weights in the next cell. The simplest way is adding something like to (1 - mask) * 1e9 to the attention logits in the score tensor. The tutorial is a very basic one. For instance, the text prepreprocessing is very simple (remove all non-ASCII characters), or the tokenization differs from what is usual in machine translation.

diagnosis on training process of neural network

I am training an autoencoder DNN for a regression question. Need suggestions on how to improve the training process.
The total number of training sample is about ~100,000. I use Keras to fit the model, setting validation_split = 0.1. After training, I drew loss function change and got the following picture. As can be seen here, validation loss is unstable and mean values are very close to training loss.
My question is: based on this, what is the next step I should try to improve the training process?
[Edit on 1/26/2019]
The details of network architecture are as follows:
It has 1 latent layer of 50 nodes. The input and output layer have 1000 nodes,respectively. The activation of hidden layer is ReLU. Loss function is MSE. For optimizer, I use Adadelta with default parameter settings. I also tried to set lr=0.5, but got very similar results. Different features of the data have scaled between -10 and 10, with mean of 0.
By observing the graph provided, the network could not approximate the function which establishes a relation between the input and output.
If your features are too diverse. That one of them is large and others have a very small value, then you should normalize the feature vector. You can read more here.
For a better training and testing result, you can follow these tips,
Use a small network. A network with one hidden layer is enough.
Perform activations in the input as well as hidden layers. The output layer must have a linear function. Use ReLU activation function.
Prefer small learning rate like 0.001. Use RMSProp optimizer. It works fine on most regression problems.
If you are not using mean squared error function, use it.
Try slow and steady learning and not fast learning.

tensorflow - how to use variational recurrent dropout correctly

The tensorflow config dropout wrapper has three different dropout probabilities that can be set: input_keep_prob, output_keep_prob, state_keep_prob.
I want to use variational dropout for my LSTM units, by setting the variational_recurrent argument to true. However, I don't know which of the three dropout probabilities I have to use for variational dropout to function correctly.
Can someone provide help?
According to this paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.05287 that is used for implementation of the variational_recurrent dropouts, you can think about as follows,
input_keep_prob - probability that dropping out input connections.
output_keep_prob - probability that dropping out output connections.
state_keep_prob - Probability that droping out recurrent connections.
See the diagram below,
If you set the variational_recurrent to be true you will get an RNN that's similar to the model in right and otherwise in left.
The basic differences in above two models are,
Variational RNN repeats the same dropout mask at each time
step for both inputs, outputs, and recurrent layers (drop
the same network units at each time step).
Native RNN uses different dropout masks at each time step for the
inputs and outputs alone (no dropout is used with the recurrent
connections since the use of different masks with these connections
leads to deteriorated performance).
In the above diagram, coloured connections represent the dropped-out connections, with different colours corresponding to different dropout masks. Dashed lines correspond to standard connections with no dropout.
Therefore, if you use a variational RNN you can set all three probability parameters according to your requirement.
Hope this helps.

Tensorflow: jointly training CNN + LSTM

There are quite a few examples on how to use LSTMs alone in TF, but I couldn't find any good examples on how to train CNN + LSTM jointly.
From what I see, it is not quite straightforward how to do such training, and I can think of a few options here:
First, I believe the simplest solution (or the most primitive one) would be to train CNN independently to learn features and then to train LSTM on CNN features without updating the CNN part, since one would probably have to extract and save these features in numpy and then feed them to LSTM in TF. But in that scenario, one would probably have to use a differently labeled dataset for pretraining of CNN, which eliminates the advantage of end to end training, i.e. learning of features for final objective targeted by LSTM (besides the fact that one has to have these additional labels in the first place).
Second option would be to concatenate all time slices in the batch
dimension (4-d Tensor), feed it to CNN then somehow repack those
features to 5-d Tensor again needed for training LSTM and then apply a cost function. My main concern, is if it is possible to do such thing. Also, handling variable length sequences becomes a little bit tricky. For example, in prediction scenario you would only feed single frame at the time. Thus, I would be really happy to see some examples if that is the right way of doing joint training. Besides that, this solution looks more like a hack, thus, if there is a better way to do so, it would be great if someone could share it.
Thank you in advance !
For joint training, you can consider using tf.map_fn as described in the documentation https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/map_fn.
Lets assume that the CNN is built along similar lines as described here https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/tutorials/image/cifar10/cifar10.py.
def joint_inference(sequence):
inference_fn = lambda image: inference(image)
logit_sequence = tf.map_fn(inference_fn, sequence, dtype=tf.float32, swap_memory=True)
lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(128)
output_state, intermediate_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm_cell, inputs=logit_sequence)
projection_function = lambda state: tf.contrib.layers.linear(state, num_outputs=num_classes, activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid)
projection_logits = tf.map_fn(projection_function, output_state)
return projection_logits
Warning: You might have to look into device placement as described here https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/using_gpu if your model is larger than the memory gpu can allocate.
An Alternative would be to flatten the video batch to create an image batch, do a forward pass from CNN and reshape the features for LSTM.

pruning tensorflow connections and weights (using cifar10 cnn)

I'm using tensorflow to run a cnn for image classification.
I use tensorflow cifar10 cnn implementation.(tensorflow cifar10)
I want to decrease the number of connections, meaning I want to prune the low-weight connections.
How can I create a new graph(subgraph) without some of the nuerones?
Tensorflow does not allow you lock/freeze a particular kernel of a particular layer, that I have found. The only I've found to do this is to use the tf.assign() function as shown in
How to freeze/lock weights of one Tensorflow variable (e.g., one CNN kernel of one layer
It's fairly cave-man but I've seen no other solution that works. Essentially, you have to .assign() the values every so often as you iterate through the data. Since this approach is so inelegant and brute-force, it's very slow. I do the .assign() every 100 batches.
Someone please post a better solution and soon!
The cifar10 model you point to, and for that matter, most models written in TensorFlow, do not model the weights (and hence, connections) of individual neurons directly in the computation graph. For instance, for fully connected layers, all the connections between the two layers, say, with M neurons in the layer below, and 'N' neurons in the layer above, are modeled by one MxN weight matrix. If you wanted to completely remove a neuron and all of its outgoing connections from the layer below, you can simply slice out a (M-1)xN matrix by removing the relevant row, and multiply it with the corresponding M-1 activations of the neurons.
Another way is add an addition mask to control the connections.
The first step involves adding mask and threshold variables to the
layers that need to undergo pruning. The variable mask is the same
shape as the layer's weight tensor and determines which of the weights
participate in the forward execution of the graph.
There is a pruning implementation under tensorflow/contrib/model_pruning to prune the model. Hope this can help you to prune model quickly.
I think google has an updated answer here : https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/model_pruning
Removing pruning nodes from the trained graph:
$ bazel build -c opt contrib/model_pruning:strip_pruning_vars
$ bazel-bin/contrib/model_pruning/strip_pruning_vars --checkpoint_path=/tmp/cifar10_train --output_node_names=softmax_linear/softmax_linear_2 --filename=cifar_pruned.pb
I suppose that cifar_pruned.pb will be smaller, since the pruned "or zero masked" variables are removed.