Is File.Open directory behavior different in x86 vs x64 -

I am working on a application built in VB.Net that allows a document to be uploaded and saved into a database. I did not build this application, but I do maintain it, put enhancements in it here and there. The target framework is .Net4
One of the functionalities within this process when uploading and saving the document it uses the method File.Open() to access the file and run other methods to compress it. The method that uses File.Open takes in a parameter that passes just the filename, not the entire path of where it came from.
When this application is running on an x64 machine I receive an error (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) when the code hits the File.Open method, complaining that it cannot find the file to open. It is expecting the file to be in the programs executing directory, which does make sense because it is only given the filename to go off, not the entire directory that it came from.
What's getting to me, is that this exact same application (exact same built assemblies) will run fine when run on an x86 system. It does not fail on File.Open() It still passes just the filename, but somehow, it will know the directory information.
How is this possible?
It's worth noting, that the method that contains the File.Open() method is in a different project in the same solution. It's a referenced DLL. e.g. MyApp.exe (Windows Form Application) references MyUtil.dll (Class Library). I have built against x86, x64 and AnyCPU configurations.
I understand that the fix to this would be to just pass the entire directory to the method, but what I need to know is how this is even possible? I want to better understand why this would happen, and hopefully this would help someone else better understand how assemblies may differ between different system environments.
EDIT: Using an absolute path did fix the underlying issue. See the comments below for some good information on this scenario

Windows has special handling for certain folder names on 64bit systems depending on whether you have a 32bit or 64bit process. Notably, the Program Files folder and the System32 folders map differently depending on what kind of process you have.
Note that this is a difference in Windows itself. It's not a behavior that is unique to .Net or Visual Basic. Any program platform that uses Windows native file handling will give you these results.
This is why you should use appropriate relative paths or the SpecialFolders enumeration, rather than hard-coding full path names, and be careful about where you put things you expect to reference later; you might find they end up in a different location than you expected. Often, the AppData or ProgramData folders are the more correct location, instead of the Windows or Program Files folders.


Getting out of DLL Hell with Microsoft.VC90.CRT?

I've built a inproc com server dll which I can package as 1 file or many via the build utility py2exe. When I allow all the dependencies to remain external, I have no issues, but bundling as 1 file produces problems.
When the dll is utilized (either registering it or instantiating a com object from it), it immediately loads MSVCR90.DLL from the path c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6871_none_50944e7cbcb706e5\MSVCR90.DLL no matter what I do, I can't change that. There is no information that I can find (using Dependency Walker) to indicate what is causing that to load. It just happens magically...
Then, later on it loads that dll again via an explicit call to LoadLibraryA("MSVCR90.dll") (part of some py2exe black box?), but this time it does not look into the winsxs manifests / directory. Instead it looks to the system path and/or will respect a dll redirection. That's when the problem occurs. If I set the system path to start with c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt...\ it will load the exact same dll and be happy - but if ANY other file is utilized - inclusive of a copy of the EXACT same dll - but at a different path - then the whole thing blows up. It can't handle using two different files.
How can I fix this? Ideally, I've love to make the initial magic loading of the dll draw upon a private assembly, but no matter what I do with manifests or .dll.local etc it will not respect that until this second dll loading takes place.
Note that with the non-bundled dll (external dependencies) it always uses the winsxs MSVCR90.DLL.
I can "fix" my failure to use the dll by forcing the system path to load the winsxs copy, but that is pretty useless for a deployable com server!
The reason is that you DLL has a manifest that tells the module loader to search also in the SxS storage.
You have several choices
Build your DLL using static linkage. Not using any of the MFC-DLLs (see project settings)
Don't use a side by side manifest for the DLL and still use the MFC DLLs. But beware you have to ship those DLL with your DLL in the local path (see DLL search sequence docs)
Use a later build of VS. Later versions of VS don't use the SxS storage any more and there are no manifests for those DLLs any more.
For the 2. see this article in code project. There is an update for VS-2008 [here].
Build your DLL

Racket error Failure: can not load the DLL

I send a Racket executable(in a distribution package) to a few friends and they get the error:"Failure: can not load the DLL". On my computer it runs without problems. It's using the rsound package.
Yes, good point. Currently, rsound is hard-coded to look in the collection path for the DLL. That won't work for programs compiled into executables. I've just updated rsound to tell it to look in "standard locations" as well for Windows and Mac.
Try this: Using the DrRacket package manager, update your copy of portaudio. When you're done, it should be at version "b9403a6dfbfb5eadf824ed91731ec141bf363677".
After this, it should be possible to pass along the executable file and run it, as long as the two required dll's are in the same directory as the executable. These two dll's are:
For windows, you'll find both of these in a subdirectory of the portaudio package. Finding these is going to be a teensy bit of a hassle on Windows; I believe these get installed in your user directory\RoamingData\\portaudio\lib\win32\x86_84\3m\ . If the target computer is a 32-bit machine, you'd substitute 'i386' for 'x86_64' in that path.
I know that Windows can make it quite hard to find the files you're looking for; let me know if you have any trouble.

Best way to access DLLs during development

I'm creating a development environment that should be easy to install on new systems. Therefore I created library packages (OpenCV, boost, Qt etc) all placed in a single folder (environment_folder) which is accessed by an environment variable by Visual Studio projects/solutions (so for a single compiler the whole folder can be copied and only the variable has to be set).
Now to execute the binary it needs access to the DLLs of those libraries.
I typically copy all needed DLLs to the binary directory, but that's neither nice nor pratical.
Another way would be to add all the libraries' pathes to the PATH variable, but that's a lot of work to perform while/after installing the library packages, so I would like to avoid it. Additionally it is error-prone when testing new versions of libraries for example.
A third way that comes in my mind would be to copy all the DLLs to a single package_bin folder, so only a single path has to be added to the PATH variable (which is additonally relative to the environment_folder), but I don't like that idea.
Is there any better way to do it?

Sharing a common dll between binaries in different directories

I have multiple dll, living in different subdirectories, which depend on another 3rd party dll called common.dll. I would like to set up those dlls so that they know where to find common.dll without making common.dll visible to other programs to avoid clashes.
For example:
With both bar.dll and fubar.dll depending on common.dll
I have the following constraints:
While I have complete control on the dlls, I don't have control of the calling executable, so modifying PATH is not an option.
it has to work on every windows from XP up to 7
I cannot install the common.dll in a "known" location used by windows
modifying the dlls code to set up paths through an API is not desirable
IOW, something like unix rpath + ORIGIN on my dlls would be the ideal solution
I was hoping that using manifest could help, but it looks very complicated or not availble for windows xp.
Assuming that that you're using windows a common approach I use is to create a symbolic link to the physical location of the file, in some directory. Then the the caller only has to know some 'known directory' where you put the link and windows magically redirects to the correct file...
real file c:\blah\common\xxx.dll
link : c:\MyDir\xxx.dll
now callers can use c:\MyDir\xxx.dll and they get to c:\blah\common\xxx.dll
syntax on windows is : mklink c:\MyDir\xxx.dll c:\blah\common\xxx.dll

How to access a temporary Exe or DLL from a DLL Custom action (C++ DLL) in MSI/WIX project?

I have two use cases: 1) loading a temporary DLL during a custom action and 2) executing a temporary EXE from a custom action. The custom action DLL is unmanaged C++. I cannot figure out how to get this working correctly. Including the DLL is easy enough but LoadLibrary is failing as it cannot find the DLL. I also cannot seem to get the physical path of the extracted DLL in order to specify full path in LoadLibrary. Any help is appreciated. I'm using WIX btw for this work.
If you have included the dll and the exe in the Binary Table of the msi, the files will be physically present in the %Temp% folder of the currently logged in user which gets mapped to SUPPORTDIR property of Windows Installer.
You need to use MsiGetProperty to get the SUPPORTDIR and use that in the LoadLibrary.
One thing to remember - Windows Installer usually extracts files from Binary table to %TEMP%, however - the current work directory is often set to c:\windows\installer.
My suggestion - extract the temporary .dll from Binary table yourself when you need it. This gives you the control of when it's saved to. Just remember that you need write permission to the location, so usually some subdir of %temp% is the best choice.