Flexbox children in Safari wider than supposed to be - safari

See this pen:
I have a simple Foundation grid and I set display:flex to "row" element in order to get all columns be the same height.
It all works fine in Chrome, Firefox.
But on Safari, Edge, Yandex browsers (any version) those columns are a pixel or so too wide and it results in them not fitting within one row. Therefore, it wraps to two rows.
See image
Setting flex-wrap: nowrap would be an option in case of only one line but it's often not the case.
And most importantly it doesn't solve the issue at its core.
What am I missing in this flexbox world or is it a bug?
Addition: It happens not only when column width is, for example, 33.33333% but also when it's 25%. So where does that extra pixel come from?

The :before and :after pseudo-elements are part of a clearfix hack to contain floats and prevent margin collapse. (See this SO question about that.) Flexbox essentially disregards floats, but older browsers that don't support flexbox would fall back to using the floats so they would need the clearfix. Based on #DannieVinther and #Armands' comments, there are two possible solutions:
If you want to maintain the clearfix functionality for older browsers that don't support flexbox, you can add a rule to set width: 100%; on the :before and :after pseudo-elements. This will give the pseudo-elements a width of 100% and a height of 0, so they won't mess with the width of the rows of actual content.
.row:before, .row:after {
width: 100%;
If you don't need/care to support older browsers, you can simply override the clearfix hack by adding a rule to set content: none; on the :before and :after pseudo-elements.
.row:before, .row:after {
content: none;


Avoid overlapping of code block on the menu of page

I am using Pelican for generation of web pages. However I cannot avoid overlapping of code blacks with the menu list this way.
This the concerned code piece
Start by reading
The Zen of Python <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/>_
.. sourcecode:: python
import this
For python we have pocket-lint that checks for PEP8 and some other things.
Try the following:
#general .highlight {
display: flex;
#general .highlight pre {
width: 100%;
The display mode flex allows the contents to rearrange in size and position. By setting this, the bounding box of the surrounding div is pushed to the right, such that background color and border are not overlapping anymore. However, due to the flexible nature of this display mode, the width of the content is reduced to the minimum required. This can be compensated by simply maximizing the width of the element.

Responsive site background image code

I have a background which cycles through images, these images have no fixed sizes.
My problem is that I cannot find a simple responsive frame for re-sizing images which are dedicated background images. There are plenty of plugins for normal images on websites.
The background of my website always has to have the image displayed.
cropping is allowed, is allowed the image must re-position itself in the center of the web browser.
jQuery or #Media is allowed, I don't really mind.
My images and div look like this:
<div style="width:100%; height:100%; background:white; position:absolute; margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px;>
<img src="image1.png">
<img src="image2.png">
<img src="image3.png">
A lot of the plugins out there set width to 100% and the height to auto. This will not work as if the browser width is, let's say, 200px and browser height 800px. The image will not cover the entire screen and keep it's aspect ratio. There will be a "gap" under and above the image, so in this case, the height should be 100% and width changed to auto. And of course the other way around if the browser height is 200px and browser length is 800px;
Example of what I want: http://www.martinlogin.se/
You're asking for two different scenarios to be applied depending on screen aspect. This can be done with media queries, but you'll need to settle on some widths and heights.
Start with width-based sizing:
#backgroundDiv {width: 100%; height: auto;}
When the site is narrower than some point, switch to height-based sizing:
#backgroundDiv {width: auto; height: 100%;}
You'll need to decide where the transition takes place based on your expected audience's most likely screen size/aspect scenarios, the images you're using, etc.
To have even more flexibility, say for particular aspect ratios instead of widths, you'll need scripting.

Is this an Opera bug?

Is this an Opera bug? Please compare this jsfiddle jsfiddle.net/n5hBf/1 with this one jsfiddle.net/n5hBf/2 You should see the difference in the height. Those two jsfiddles are the same except in the first one I set styles in one statement and in the second jsfiddle I set them one after the other. That works well in other browsers but not in Opera, so you'll definitely need the latest Opera to see what I am talking about.
Well, now I think it is not actually a bug but rather the way how word-wrapping is handled by Opera. It differs from how it works in other browsers such as FF, Chrome, and IE. If you add word-wrap: break-word; to the textarea element, you'll see what I mean: http://jsfiddle.net/n5hBf/5/
Say, if we have a textarea element that is 100x100 in size and contains too much text to be fit inside the textarea element, the text will overflow, thus enabling the scrollbar(s) to appear.
In the two jsfiddles, I was trying to expand the textarea element to the size that is large enough to accommodate the content without the need in scrollbars.
Wrong solution:
The first jsfiddle behaved badly in Opera because it expanded the height too much than needed. The second jsfiddle worked well in Opera (meaning that it changed its size to the actual dimensions needed for the content; not much, not less), though the result in Opera differed from what I could observe in the other browsers. In the other browsers, only the height got changed. The result was wider in Opera as it changed both width and height.
As I figured out, by default Opera doesn't break long words into lines but instead it adds a horizontal scrollbar. While the other browsers do break them into lines. Also, browsers render it so that the scrolling is added only for the sake of those long words while the rest of the content occupies the same width... And then I got the clue!
Right solution:
I understood that the actual dimensions of the content were defined according to the initial textarea's size, so one of the dimensions turned out to be invalid once we changed the other one. That is, if we change the width the height is no longer actual because the content spreads over the new width making itself shorter in height. That explains why the second jsfiddle worked as intended: firstly I got the new width and applied it, then the content occupied the new dimensions, and only after that I got the new height and applied it. So, if we need to change both width and height, we need to firstly change the width and only then change the height. In browsers other than Opera it was only needed to change one dimension, so there was no difference whether the styles were changed in one statement like in the first jsfiddle or they were changed in two statements like in the second jsfiddle.
The only reason it breaks in Opera is because it's the only browser that doesn't use word-wrap: break-word by default on textareas. So it's not a bug, simply a result of a different default style.
If you add word-wrap: normal to the textarea CSS in your fiddle it will break in the same way in the other browsers (except in IE, where it breaks in a different way).
Without word-wrap: break-word, the width is different from the scrollWidth, which means that changing it will affect the scrollHeight.
However, by doing this
width: $textarea[0].scrollWidth,
height: $textarea[0].scrollHeight
both the scrollWidth and scrollHeight are evaluated first before they are actually set. That means that that change in the scrollHeight which would be caused by changing the width is not taken into account.
Setting the width and height in separate .css() statements one after the other will mean the scrollHeight will have been updated before it is set.

Jquery UI Tabs Floating Divs in tab panel

I am having trouble trying to get a jquery ui tab panel's height to grow with floating divs within the panel.
the divs have specific data returning to these divs and I need them to float left and right to save ui real estate.
Does anyone know how i can fix this?
Actually, this is a well-known css issue. A discussion is here:
To summarize the article, any <divs> that you wish to function as both a tab pane and a float container should have these styles added to them either in your <style> or css <link> files:
overflow: auto;
width: 100%
This isn't a bug. It's intentional. The floating div literally lifts out of the container, and the container will not be aware of the floating div. At least, that was the goal.
You should do a search on here for "clearing floats" or other related css rules, because using the above will cause issues with certain browsers (in short: 'take care to test this, all the same').

Webkit border radius sometimes take effect

This issue is about the CSS3 border-radius property (http://www.css3.info/border-radius-apple-vs-mozilla/)
An example of this problem is here:
In this URL, I have rounded divs that appear to be rounded in FF3, but on Safari and Chrome the rounded corners are not there.
The style is as follows:
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 92px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 92px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 2px;
I'm fairly sure that this CSS is formatted correctly, so I'm clueless as to what the problem is.
The problem appears to be in the 92px radia. It looks like the maximum radius that the 20-pixel-high div can handle is 18px. It's not necessarily obvious what a 92 pixel radius means in that case. However, you can specify both an X and Y radius using something like this:
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 92px 18px;
(side note, you shouldn't use the same ID for multiple HTML elements. You should use class instead, and adjust your CSS selector so it says .round instead of #round.)
For anyone referring to this for help with rounded corners, I agree with Jacob's answer regarding Webkit, but the question also mentioned Chrome not working. Chrome uses standard CSS3 rounded corners which are exactly like Webkit's, but without the preceding '-webkit-' on the rule. These are as follows:
To take into account Firefox, Webkit and Chrome, you'd need to do something like this:
The third set of rules are CSS3 rules and are supported by Chrome. This is a good way to also get rounded corners in IE using something like CSS3Pie: http://css3pie.com/
Don't you need to apply a border or border-width property as well as the various border-radius properties?
Also, I've noticed Safari dropping the radius above certain radius values - try reducing the pixel values & see what happens.
simple type just use:
border-radius:92px 92px 2px 2px;
border-radius:top right bottom left;