Sidekiq : how to restart sidekiq when deploying project to server? - ruby-on-rails-3

Here is my restart script for sidekiq
def restart
process_list.each do |p|
process_stop p
process_start p
when i am deploying code to production then this script executes and restarts every process.
But now I want to restart sidekiq as running process shouldn't be affected.
In my case :
I am sending mails using sidekiq.
for example i am sending 100000 mails and this process is executing. If I am deploying this time. then many mails have already triggered and after restarting they will trigger again.
How can I fix this issue?

Each mail should be a separate job.


rufus-scheduler and delayed_job on Heroku: why use a worker dyno?

I'm developing a Rails 3.2.16 app and deploying to a Heroku dev account with one free web dyno and no worker dynos. I'm trying to determine if a (paid) worker dyno is really needed.
The app sends various emails. I use delayed_job_active_record to queue those and send them out.
I also need to check a notification count every minute. For that I'm using rufus-scheduler.
rufus-scheduler seems able to run a background task/thread within a Heroku web dyno.
On the other hand, everything I can find on delayed_job indicates that it requires a separate worker process. Why? If rufus-scheduler can run a daemon within a web dyno, why can't delayed_job do the same?
I've tested the following for running my every-minute task and working off delayed_jobs, and it seems to work within the single Heroku web dyno:
require 'rufus-scheduler'
require 'delayed/command'
s = Rufus::Scheduler.singleton
s.every '1m', :overlap => false do # Every minute ">> #{}: rufus-scheduler task started"
# Check for pending notifications and queue to delayed_job
# work off delayed_jobs without a separate worker process
This seems so obvious that I'm wondering if I'm missing something? Is this an acceptable way to handle the delayed_job queue without the added complexity and expense of a separate worker process?
As #jmettraux points out, Heroku will idle an inactive web dyno after an hour. I haven't set it up yet, but let's assume I'm using one of the various keep-alive methods to keep it from sleeping: Easy way to prevent Heroku idling?.
According to this
your dyno will go to sleep if he hasn't serviced requests for an hour. No dyno, no scheduling.
This could help as well:

Rails delayed job fail after close session

I use the delayed job gem to handle my email deliveries. It is working fine in the development and I am very happy with it. However after I deployed to the server, when I use command:
RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job start
it will be working. I've checked the log file and database, everything is fine and I can receive the mails just as I expected. However, when I exit from the server, nothing is going to happen.
I've checked my database by using sequel pro and seen that the delayed job has created a row in the DB and after the time in the run_at column, the row would disappear, but no mails can be received. When I log in again, the delayed job process is still running, and the log is nothing strange, but I just cannot receive and email that I suppose to. I can't keep my self log in all the time. Without the delayed job, I can use the traditional way and it's working properly but slow. Why the delayed job failed after I log out of the server?
This is my delayed job setting in the config/initializers/delay_job.rb
require "bcrypt"
Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 5
Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = !Rails.env.test?
Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = false
P.S. I am not sure is it anything to do with the standalone passenger as I have to use different version of rails so I have to use a standalone passenger with port 3002.
I think I've found the solution.
After reading through this
I soon realized I might miss the "require bcrypt" in the configuration file.
I use RVM and have many gemsets, but just this particular gemset has the gem bcrypt-ruby. The delayed job might use the global or default gemset after I log out the system, so I install bcrypt-ruby in all the gemsets and restart the standalone passenger and it works!.
But still, I dont really know the connection between bcrypt and the delayed job.

whenever + delayed_job with cron job in starting worker

I am learning cron job and delayed job, and I want to send emails using background job; for that I'm using the delayed_job gem. I don't want to start the worker manually by running the rake jobs:work command, but I want to set this rake in cron job so whenever an user login into the dashboard this command is fired and a mail is sent to his address. Following is my code:
Sending mail method
def dashboard
#user = User.find(params[:id])
def initial_email(user)
#user = user
mail(:to =>,:subject => "Welcome to my website!")
For the cron job I am using "whenever" Gem, so what should I write in my schedule.rb file so that when I login into the dashboard I get a mail without running worker manually?
DelayedJob is supposed to be running all the time in the background so it doesn't need to be fired up.
The worker agent checks the queue to see if any tasks need to be performed, and runs them.
It's pretty much like a 2nd instance of your application that runs in the background checking for tasks that need to run.
So you should start the worker agent with script/delayed_job start and let it run all the time. You can use a separate tool like monit or god to monitoring your worker agent to make sure it is always running.

How to configure and run remote celery worker correctly?

I'm new to celery and may be doing something wrong, but I already
spent a lot of trying to figure out how to configure celery
So, in my environment I have 2 remote servers; one is main (it has
public IP address and most of the stuff like database server, rabbitmq
server and web server running my web application is there) and another
is used for specific tasks which I want to asynchronously invoke from
the main server using celery.
I was planning to use RabbitMQ as a broker and as results back-end.
Celery config is very basic:
CELERY_IMPORTS = ("main.tasks", )
BROKER_HOST = "Public IP of my main server"
BROKER_USER = "guest"
When I'm running a worker on the main server tasks are executed just
fine, but when I'm running it on the remote server only a few tasks
are executed and then worker gets stuck not being able to executed any
task. When I restart the worker it executes a few more tasks and gets
stuck again. There is nothing special inside the task and I even tried
a test task that just adds 2 numbers. I tried to run the worker
differently (demonizing and not, setting different concurrency and
using celeryd_multi), nothing really helped.
What could be the reason? Did I miss something? Do I have to run
something on the main server other than the broker (RabbitMQ)? Or is
it a bug in the celery (I tried a few version: 2.2.4, 2.3.3 and dev,
but none of them worked)?
Hm... I've just reproduced the same problem on the local worker, so I
don't really know what it is... Is it required to restart celery
worker after every N tasks executed?
Any help will be very much appreciated :)
Don't know if you ended up solving the problem, but I had similar symptoms. Turned out that (for whatever reason) print statements from within tasks was causing tasks not to complete (maybe some sort of deadlock situation?). Only some of the tasks had print statements, so when these tasks executed eventually the number of workers (set by concurrency option) were all exhausted, which caused tasks to stop executing.
Try to set your celery config to

Heroku: What to do when your dyno/worker crashes?

I have a worker doing some processing 24/7. However, sometimes the code crashes and it needs to be restarted (even if I catch the exception, I have to restart the worker in order for it to work).
What do you do when this happens or am I doing something wrong and this shouldn't happen at all? Does your dynos/workers crash or it is just me?
Heroku is supposed to restart a worker every time it crashes. As far as I know, you don't have to select or configure anything. Whatever is in your jobs:work task will be executed as soon as it fails.
In the event that you are heavily dependent on background jobs in your web app. You could create a rake task that finds the last record to be updated and execute a background job to update it. Or perhaps automate the rake task to find the rest of the records that need updating, since the last crash.
Alternatively, you force worker restart manually as indicated in this article (using delayed_job):
heroku workers 0;
heroku workers 1;
Or perhaps you can restart a specific worker by doing (mentioned in this article):
heroku restart worker.1
By the way, try the 1.9 stack. Make sure your app is 1.9.2 compatible, before doing so. Hopefully crashes are less frequent there:
heroku stack:migrate bamboo-mri-1.9.2
In the event, that such issues still arise. Best to contact Heroku support. They are very responsive at what they do.
Latest command to restart a specific heroku web worker (2014):
heroku ps:restart web.1
(tested on Cedar stack)
At times, for instance in case of DB crashes, the worker may not restart automatically. you would need to do this.
heroku restart web.1
It worked for me.