Marvel don't get key - api

I have a Mac and I use Safari, I'm trying to connect to the Marvel API (, for this one I need to have a Key, when I click on 'Get Key' appear the "MARVEL API TERMS OF USE "and in the bottom of the web appear a button with" I ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ABOVE. ", Okay, when I click on this button do not happen nothing and I can not get a key :( What is wrong ?

Looks like a bug to me. If you inspect the checkbox you'll see there is a hidden submit button right after the text. Delete the "display: none", click it and you're done.


Popup Windows Possible in docusaurus?

Is it possible to have a popup window appear in response to clicking on a link or something like a link?
There is a table of possible values that I don't want to repeat in an online guide. It would be good to put them in a popup window that would appear i response to a mouse over or a click. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Textbox events?

I am using Kantu to automate filling out some forms. There is a textbox that when a persons id number is entered and you click into another box or tab out of the textbox it will load that persons vcard. I can try to expound if you need more clarity.
I don't know much but i'm guessing me clicking into another box is activiating some kind of event to load this vcard. I can't seem to simulate this. Does anyone know of a way to do so?
Welcome to SO. There are different option to get the associated events.
Let's take the stackoverflow search box (the one which is on the top with s-input js-search-field class)
1) Using getEventListeners
Go to chrome console in the dev tools and then use getEventListeners(element).
getEventListeners(document.querySelector('.s-input.js-search-field '))
2) Using Dev Tools Event Listner
Go to chrome dev tools and select the element for which you want to know the events, click on the Event Listeners tab on the right hand side pane.
3) Using the firefox event
Goto dev tools in firefox and click on events bubble at the end of html element tag.
Sample of code
I consulted with a friend who showed me the problem was an onblur event triggered by clicking away.
The solution to my problem was to call the event using the following line,
"Command": "storeEval",
"Target": "lawformTextBlur(document.getElementById('_f4'))",
"Value": ""

Share button disabled in Google Plus while sharing photos

I want to share many photos from an album. So, first I selected all and then, press the share button at top (as showed here, add a comment, the email of the receiver, but the share button is gray, it seems disabled. What can I do?
This is how it appears.
I encountered the same issue as well and tried putting the album name but still didn't seem to enable the Share button.
The Share button actually is not dependent on the album title, as what you suggested. The only mandatory field here is the To field, in order to share your photos properly to others.
So what I found out was that it had something to do with my slow Internet connection. After I reset my connection and refreshed my browser, it all seemed to work just fine automatically. Perhaps some things must be fully loaded first before the Share button can be enabled.
It seems working now. What I did was, added a name for the Album as shown below, and hit cancel. The next time I pressed the share button at the top it displays the window but now with the share button in green.
Thanks anyway.

How to Click on pop up text using Robotium

I am getting an expected pop up, I know what text it will have and
what buttons will it have. I want to click on one of the buttons.
Once I get to the pop up screen, I see some text and 3 buttons. My
test passes if I use
The problem is when I do Solo.ClickOnButton ("Text") or
I tried using solo.getViews(); but still
running into same error.
No button or text with "Text" is found.
I was able to overcome this by using solo.getView()
View donebtn = solo.getView(;
Try using longclick instead of just clickonbutton.
And is the message that pops up within the same package as your activity thats under test?

top.location.replace creates history item in Safari/Chrome

At this point we have a photogallery which uses hashvalues to determine which picture is currently showed to the user, and to support sending the page to a friend and such. Something like:
When we have loaded the corresponding picture after clicking the next or previous button, we change the url according to the JS 1.1 specification using:
top.location.replace(url.url + hash);
Our wanted behaviour is that no history item is being created, so users can use the back button to leave the photogallery, instead of using the back button to see the previous pictures.
In IE and Firefox the method works like a charm, but Safari and Chrome do make a history item for the changed url. I have found alot of samples how to create history items when using the hash for navigating like this, but I want to do this the other way. Any clue?
This works as expected now:
On Safari [5.1.7] location.replace() works as expected – the URL is replaced, nothing is added to the back button's queue, and nothing is added to the history menu.
On Chrome [21.0.1180.82] location.replace() is a little tricky – the URL is replaced and nothing is added to the back button's queue, but it does add an item to the history menu.
What makes this tricky is that there are two distinct history queues – the history menu and the back/forward buttons. Click and hold on the back and forward buttons to see their queue and compare with the history menu.
And the history queue of the back/forward buttons is tied to the active tab. Also, the button history remains even when you clear the history menu – at least until you close the tab.
There seems to be no solution at this point.
Have you looked at assigning your hash using window.location.hash = newHash instead of replacing the entire url?