Script test seems to not have correct working directory - microsoft-r

I am trying to see if I can get code examples to run in my user account, rather than the testuser account. To that end, I did the following:
I have created a folder example-fraud-score under my DeployR user account (not the testuser as laid out in the tutorial, found here: )
uploaded the contents of analytics/ from the tutorial to the example-fraud-score directory on the DeployR server.
Attempted to run the file ccFraudScore.R, contents here: using the 'Test' tab on the right after clicking on the filename in DeployR.
When I do, I get the error:
Connecting to
3:53:26 PM Stream Connect matthew.pettis connection established, waiting for an event...
> require(deployrUtils)
> deployrInput("{\"name\": \"bal\", \"render\":\"integer\", \"default\": 5000, \"min\" : 0, \"max\": 25000 }")
> deployrInput("{\"name\": \"trans\", \"render\":\"integer\", \"default\": 12, \"min\" : 0, \"max\": 100 }")
> deployrInput("{\"name\": \"credit\", \"render\":\"integer\", \"default\": 8, \"min\" : 0, \"max\": 75 }")
> if (!exists("fraudModel")) {
+ load("fraudModel.rData")
Console Error cannot open the connection
API Error cannot open the connection
I tried following the post here to troubleshoot, but I could not find where my directory was: deployR cannot open the connection
When I used the script to look for the working directory (and list contents), I see:
> require(deployrUtils)
> getwd()
[1] "C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~2/DEPLOY~1.0/rserve/workdir/conn2209460"
> list.files(getwd())
[1] "DeployREngineSource.r" "unnamedplot001.png"
This seems like the wrong directory to be using. When I try to hunt around for my directory for my user, I can't seem to find it. My DeployR version is 8.0.0.
Help is appreciated.

Is that the remote directory (the second box)?
If so, why don't you call setwd()?


KIBANA - WAZUH pattern index

I have a project to install wazuh as FIM on linux, AIX and windows.
I managed to install Manager and all agents on all systems and I can see all three connected on the Kibana web as agents.
I created test file on the linux agent and I can find it also on web interface, so servers are connected.
Here is test file found in wazuh inventory tab
But, I am not recieving any logs if I modify this test file.
This is my settings in ossec.conf under syscheck on agent server>
<directories report_changes="yes" check_all="yes" realtime="yes">/var/ossec/etc/test</directories>
And now I ma also strugling to understand meanings of index patterns, index templates and fields.
I dont understand what they are and why we need to set it.
My settings on manager server - /usr/share/kibana/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml
alerts.sample.prefix: 'wazuh-alerts-*'
pattern: 'wazuh-alerts-*'
On the kibana web I also have this error when I am trying to check ,,events,, -the are no logs in the events.
Error: The field "timestamp" associated with this object no longer exists in the index pattern. Please use another field.
at FieldParamType.config.write.write (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:627309)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:455052
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at writeParams (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:455018)
at AggConfig.write (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:355081)
at AggConfig.toDsl (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:355960)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:190748
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at agg_configs_AggConfigs.toDsl (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:189329)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/wazuh/4.2.5-4206-1/wazuh.chunk.6.js:55:1397640
Thank you.
About FIM:
here you can find the FIM documentation in case you don't have it:
The first requirement for this to work would be to ensure a FIM alert is triggered, could you check the alerts.json file on your manager? It is usually located under /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json In order to test this fully I would run "tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json" and make a change in yout directory , if no alerts is generated, then we will need to check the agent configuration.
About indexing:
Here you can find some documentation:
Regarding your error, The best way to solve this is to delete the index. To do this:
got to Kibana -> Stack management -> index patterns and there delete wazuh-alerts-*.
Then if you enter to Wazuh App the health check will create it again or you can follow this to create your index:
Go to kibana -> stack management -> index pattern and select Create index pattern.
Hope this information helps you.
thank you for your answer.
I managed to step over this issue, but I hit another error.
When I check tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json I got never ending updating, thousands lines with errors like.
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:40:08.458+0100","rule":{"level":5,"description":"Systemd: Service has entered a failed state, and likely has not started.","id":"40703","firedtimes":7420,"mail":false,"groups":["local","systemd"],"gpg13":["4.3"],"gdpr":["IV_35.7.d"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"X.X.X.X"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629208.66501653","full_log":"Jan 31 12:40:07 MYAGENTSERVERNAME systemd: Unit rbro-cbs-adapter-int.service entered failed state.","predecoder":{"program_name":"systemd","timestamp":"Jan 31 12:40:07","hostname":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME"},"decoder":{"name":"systemd"},"location":"/var/log/messages"}
But, I can also find alert if I change monitored file. (file> wazuhtest)
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:45:59.874+0100","rule":{"level":7,"description":"Integrity checksum changed.","id":"550","mitre":{"id":["T1492"],"tactic":["Impact"],"technique":["Stored Data Manipulation"]},"firedtimes":1,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec","syscheck","syscheck_entry_modified","syscheck_file"],"pci_dss":["11.5"],"gpg13":["4.11"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f"],"hipaa":["164.312.c.1","164.312.c.2"],"nist_800_53":["SI.7"],"tsc":["PI1.4","PI1.5","CC6.1","CC6.8","CC7.2","CC7.3"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"x.x.xx.x"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629559.67086751","full_log":"File '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest' modified\nMode: realtime\nChanged attributes: size,mtime,inode,md5,sha1,sha256\nSize changed from '61' to '66'\nOld modification time was: '1643618571', now it is '1643629559'\nOld inode was: '786558', now it is '786559'\nOld md5sum was: '2dd5fe4d08e7c58dfdba76e55430ba57'\nNew md5sum is : 'd8b218e9ea8e2da8e8ade8498d06cba8'\nOld sha1sum was: 'ca9bac5a2d8e6df4aa9772b8485945a9f004a2e3'\nNew sha1sum is : 'bd8b8b5c20abfe08841aa4f5aaa1e72f54a46d31'\nOld sha256sum was: '589e6f3d691a563e5111e0362de0ae454aea52b7f63014cafbe07825a1681320'\nNew sha256sum is : '7f26a582157830b1a725a059743e6d4d9253e5f98c52d33863bc7c00cca827c7'\n","syscheck":{"path":"/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest","mode":"realtime","size_before":"61","size_after":"66","perm_after":"rw-r-----","uid_after":"0","gid_after":"0","md5_before":"2dd5fe4d08e7c58dfdba76e55430ba57","md5_after":"d8b218e9ea8e2da8e8ade8498d06cba8","sha1_before":"ca9bac5a2d8e6df4aa9772b8485945a9f004a2e3","sha1_after":"bd8b8b5c20abfe08841aa4f5aaa1e72f54a46d31","sha256_before":"589e6f3d691a563e5111e0362de0ae454aea52b7f63014cafbe07825a1681320","sha256_after":"7f26a582157830b1a725a059743e6d4d9253e5f98c52d33863bc7c00cca827c7","uname_after":"root","gname_after":"root","mtime_before":"2022-01-31T09:42:51","mtime_after":"2022-01-31T12:45:59","inode_before":786558,"inode_after":786559,"diff":"1c1\n< dadadadadad\n---\n> dfsdfdadadadadad\n","changed_attributes":["size","mtime","inode","md5","sha1","sha256"],"event":"modified"},"decoder":{"name":"syscheck_integrity_changed"},"location":"syscheck"}
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:46:08.452+0100","rule":{"level":3,"description":"Log file rotated.","id":"591","firedtimes":5,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec"],"pci_dss":["10.5.2","10.5.5"],"gpg13":["10.1"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f","IV_35.7.d"],"hipaa":["164.312.b"],"nist_800_53":["AU.9"],"tsc":["CC6.1","CC7.2","CC7.3","PI1.4","PI1.5","CC7.1","CC8.1"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"x.x.xx.x"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629568.67099280","full_log":"ossec: File rotated (inode changed): '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest'.","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"location":"wazuh-logcollector"}
Also I can see this alert in messages logs on the manager server>
Jan 31 12:46:10 MYMANAGERSERVERNAME filebeat[186670]: 2022-01-31T12:46:10.379+0100#011WARN#011[elasticsearch]#011elasticsearch/client.go:405#011Cannot index event publisher.Event{Content:beat.Event{Timestamp:time.Time{wall:0xc07610e0563729bf, ext:10888984451164, loc:(*time.Location)(0x55958e3622a0)}, Meta:{"pipeline":"filebeat-7.14.0-wazuh-alerts-pipeline"}, Fields:{"agent":{"ephemeral_id":"dd9ff0c5-d5a9-4a0e-b1b3-0e9d7e8997ad","hostname":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME","id":"03fb57ca-9940-4886-9e6e-a3b3e635cd35","name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME","type":"filebeat","version":"7.14.0"},"ecs":{"version":"1.10.0"},"event":{"dataset":"wazuh.alerts","module":"wazuh"},"fields":{"index_prefix":"wazuh-alerts-4.x-"},"fileset":{"name":"alerts"},"host":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"input":{"type":"log"},"log":{"file":{"path":"/var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json"},"offset":127261462},"message":"{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:46:08.452+0100","rule":{"level":3,"description":"Log file rotated.","id":"591","firedtimes":5,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec"],"pci_dss":["10.5.2","10.5.5"],"gpg13":["10.1"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f","IV_35.7.d"],"hipaa":["164.312.b"],"nist_800_53":["AU.9"],"tsc":["CC6.1","CC7.2","CC7.3","PI1.4","PI1.5","CC7.1","CC8.1"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"xlcppt36","ip":""},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629568.67099280","full_log":"ossec: File rotated (inode changed): '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest'.","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"location":"wazuh-logcollector"}","service":{"type":"wazuh"}}, Private:file.State{Id:"native::706-64776", PrevId:"", Finished:false, Fileinfo:(*os.fileStat)(0xc00095ea90), Source:"/var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json", Offset:127262058, Timestamp:time.Time{wall:0xc076063e1f1b1286, ext:133605185, loc:(*time.Location)(0x55958e3622a0)}, TTL:-1, Type:"log", Meta:map[string]string(nil), FileStateOS:file.StateOS{Inode:0x2c2, Device:0xfd08}, IdentifierName:"native"}, TimeSeries:false}, Flags:0x1, Cache:publisher.EventCache{m:common.MapStr(nil)}} (status=400): {"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"data_stream [<wazuh-alerts-4.x-{2022.01.31||/d{yyyy.MM.dd|UTC}}>] must not contain the following characters [ , ", *, \, <, |, ,, >, /, ?]"}
Here is output form apps check.
curl "http://localhost:9200"
"version" : {
"number" : "7.14.2",
"build_flavor" : "default",
"build_type" : "rpm",
"build_hash" : "6bc13727ce758c0e943c3c21653b3da82f627f75",
"build_date" : "2021-09-15T10:18:09.722761972Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "8.9.0",
"minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
"minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
filebeat test output
parse url... OK
parse host... OK
dns lookup... OK
dial up... OK
TLS... WARN secure connection disabled
talk to server... OK
version: 7.14.2
So .. I can see alerts coming from Agent, but Its not reaching Kibana yet. On the kibana web I can see agent active and connected.

How to change the max size for file upload on AOLServer/CentOS 6?

We have a portal for our customers that allow them to start new projects directly on our platform. The problem is that we cannot upload documents bigger than 10MO.
Every time I try to upload a file bigger than 10Mo, I have a "The connection was reset" error. After some research it seems that I need to change the max size for uploads but I don't know where to do it.
I'm on CentOS 6.4/RedHat with AOL Server.
Language: TCL.
Anyone has an idea on how to do it?
In the end I could solve the problem with the command ns_limits set default -maxupload 500000000.
In your config.tcl, add the following line to the nssock module section:
set max_file_upload_mb 25
# ...
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
# ...
ns_param maxinput [expr {$max_file_upload_mb * 1024 * 1024}]
# ...
It is also advised to constrain the upload times, by setting:
set max_file_upload_min 5
# ...
ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
# ...
ns_param recvwait [expr {$max_file_upload_min * 60}]
If running on top of nsopenssl, you will have to set those configuration values (maxinput, recvwait) in a different section.
I see that you are running Project Open. As well as setting the maxinput value for AOLserver, as described by mrcalvin, you also need to set 2 parameters in the Site Map:
Attachments package: parameter "MaximumFileSize"
File Storage package: parameter "MaximumFileSize"
These should be set to values in bytes, but not larger than the maxinput value for AOLserver. See the Project Open documentation for more info.
In the case where you are running Project Open using a reverse proxy, check the documentation here for Pound and here for Nginx. Most likely you will need to set a larger file upload limit there too.

execl in externnotify C code not working in voicemail part of Asterisk

I am struggling with this problem. In Asterisk, I need to execute an external script after leaving a voicemail message. For this, I enabled externnotify in voicemail.conf but it was not working. So I searched in C code and found the related code. The command that executes the external script is:
execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", s, (char *) NULL);
in which s is /usr/bin/ default 2000 12 8 0 &.
excel runs in child process successfully but the script which is:
echo "$CONTEXT $EXTEN $NUMVMS" > /home/testfile
is not executed. The strange part is I wrote another C file and put the execl command in it and it executes my script successfully. I replaced execl with system command but no success again. Which part have I done wrong?
First of all i have say you, that voicemail ALREADY have notify functionality and it works ok.
About why your script not work - likly you tested it under root user, while most asterisk running under asterisk user, so you have permission issue on write to your log file.

Switching the system does not work

I had the following situation: I'm in a live user mode debugging session and I wanted to show the win32k!_W32Process structure. Unfortunately, win32k is a kernel mode SYS file, so the symbols are not available in the user mode session.
I know that I can always load a DLL, EXE or SYS as a dump file and then inspect the symbols. Usually I would do that via File/Open Crash Dump.
This time, I wanted to show the participants of a debugging workshop that it's possible to debug multiple systems at the same time, so I opened the Win32K.sys via WinDbg's command prompt:
0:003> |
. 0 id: 10fc attach name: [...]\NetHeaps.exe
0:003> .opendump C:\Windows\winsxs\[...]\win32k.sys
Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\winsxs\[...]\win32k.sys]
Opened 'C:\Windows\winsxs\[...]\win32k.sys'
As we can now see, we have 2 systems and I'm currently on the live debugging system:
||0:0:003> ||
. 0 Live user mode: <Local>
1 Image file: C:\Windows\winsxs\[...]\win32k.sys
I thought I could switch to the other system now, but that does not work:
||0:0:003> ||1s
^ Illegal debuggee error in '||1s'
I would not have worried too much, but it can't find the symbols of win32k in this case:
||0:0:003> .reload
Reloading current modules
||0:0:003> dt win32k!_W32Process
Symbol win32k!_W32Process not found.
The problem is not in the || command, it's in the .opendump command.
The help says:
After you use the .opendump command, you must use the g (Go) command to finish loading the dump file.
Be aware that this will also run your live process. Therefore, freeze the threads first (~*f) and unfreeze later (~*u).
After that you can switch the system and display the type:
||1:1:004> ||
0 Live user mode: <Local>
. 1 Image file: C:\Windows\winsxs\[...]\win32k.sys
||1:1:004> dt _W32Process
+0x000 Process : Ptr64 _EPROCESS
+0x008 RefCount : Uint4B
+0x00c W32PF_Flags : Uint4B

Why isn't handles.exe discovering my DLL while ProcessExplorer can?

The problem:
On a windows server 2012 r2 box, I'm trying to use Chef to programmatically replace a .dll command component (aka a vb 6 library that I've registered on the box using regsvr32.exe) but when I try to copy over the file, the app pool of the website has a lock on it. I'm not sure if it matters, but the w3wp process is set to run as 32 bit via IIS.
My Solution (which isn't working):
In order to fix it, I was thinking about using a command line tool to find the reference to the dll and then recycling the app pool that's using it. Unfortunately, while I can get SysInternals' process explorer to find the dll, Handles.exe (the supposed command line version of process explorer) does not return anything. I was hoping that someone might be able to tell me how I was using handles incorrectly, or if there was a better tool for this.
Process Explorer - it has found my dll ComHelper.dll
Handles via command line - it has not found my dll ComHelper.dll
-- Edit --
This is the output of handles when I point it at w3wp while running as Admin
I would suspect you are running into access issues. Are you running Handle from an elevated command prompt ? Are you able to get any output covering handles in w3wp.exe (by using the pid of the process in handle.exe command line) ?
Looking at the handle enum output of w3wp.exe it seems,
listdll.exe -d ComHelper.dll
may be what you are looking for. Handle seems to be focused on files opened not dlls loaded. listdll is a tool that can be downloaded from sysinternals.
Alright so 32 bitness did matter. I ended up having to resort to powershell as opposed to trying to use handles. The code for finding a PID that has a lock on your file is scattered around the internet, but here's the link: (it's marv the robot's answer at the bottom)
For the record, this is what was suggested
$isLocked = $false
Get-Process | foreach{
$processVar = $_;$_.Modules | foreach{
if($_.FileName -eq $lockedFile){
$isLocked = $true
$processVar.Name + " PID:" + $
This is what I had translated it into with my powershell noobishness
$lockedFile = "E:\Components\___ComHelper.dll"
$list = Get-Process
foreach ($process in $list)
foreach ($module in $process.Modules)
if ($module.FileName -ne $lockedFile) { continue }
$process.Name + " PID:" + $process.Id