TF401289: The current user does not have permissions to create tags - tfs-2015

I have a user who cannot add Tags in TFS encountering error "TF401289: The current user does not have permissions to create tags."
I knew from the very error that there must be something wrong with his access level. Is there anyway I can add a security role with his account that would only allow him to create Tags and without him adding in as Project Administrator? We're using TFS 2015 by the way.

The only Tag permission is the Create Tag Definition at the Team Project level that can be added to any user or security group (and Team).

You can manage the Create tag definition permission on web portal as #MrHinsh mentioned. But you can only use TFSSecurity command-line tool to Delete tag definition, Enumerate tag definition, and Update tag definition. That's why we say you can manage tagging permissions mostly from the TFSSecurity command-line tool.
Although the Create tag definition permission appears in the security
settings at the team project level, tagging permissions are actually
collection-level permissions that are scoped at the team project level
when they appear in the user interface. To scope tagging permissions
to a single team project when using the TFSSecurity command, you must
provide the GUID for the team project as part of the command syntax.
Otherwise, your change will apply to the entire collection.
Detailed information, check this article:

I ran into this same problem using Azure DevOps. The solution was that the people trying to do this had Stakeholder access and needed Basic access (or Visual Studio access).


Is There a way to get a List of all the Enterprise Fields a user on Project Server has In Use?

I'm building a MS Project VSTO tool (written in C#) that in many instances needs to either read or write data from a field in MS Project. Since I don't always know what field will contain the data I need, I many times need to allow the user the option to select the field they want. Getting all the basic fields is easy, my issue arises if a user is in a Project Server environment and using Enterprise fields. So my question is 2 fold:
Is there a way to check if the user is in a Project Server environment?
Is there a way to easily get all of the custom enterprise fields that are being used in MS Project? I'd like to be able to capture these fields in a collection like a list or array.
Is there a way to check if the user is in a Project Server
Look at the collection of Profiles to see if there is a project server one and check its ConnectionState to see if it's connected to a project server.
Is there a way to easily get all of the custom enterprise fields that
are being used in MS Project? I'd like to be able to capture these
fields in a collection like a list or array.
If you have access to the project server, take a look at this page, Accessing Project Online enterprise custom fields. Without access to the server I suggest:
Loop through all tables and their fields to find enterprise ones.
Allow the user to enter the name of enterprise fields and store that information for future use so that it's a one-time 'setup' for the user.

Analysis Services Dimension members - change permission by script

How can I change custom access to dimension data for some role using scripts or XMLA file or some .net code without UI such as SQL Server Management Studio or Business Intelegence Developer Studio?
The goal is to have ability to change permissions from another application via web-interface or some bat file etc.
Yes. You can automate role setup with AMO like this article shows:
But you might also consider dynamic security before you try another approach:

TFS2015 access issue

I am new on VS2015 Universal Platform projects and TFS2015.I create a tfs account and new uwp projects. Give permission to another account to build together. However, teammate can see the projects but not all of them. Solution(.sln) file MainPage and .cs files is not visible in his workspace folder. You guys any idea about this problem ?
Permission right usually given on team project level basic. However, in tfs there are also a team project collection level.
If you want to make everyone can see and operate each others project, you need to put your team group into Project Collection Administrators in Collection level
If you don't want everyone have admin right, you need to tell everyone to put the team group into Contributors group in the team project they created.
Please note:
For almost all permissions, deny trumps allow, so if a user belongs to
two groups, and one of them has a specific permission set to deny,
that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that
permission even if they belong to a group that has that permission set
to allow.
So for your solution, add your teammate in contributors group of the team project. And make sure there are no deny permission of read in his account.

SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 Report Builder User Access Permissions

I've just set up SSRS for my office. Some users need to be able to run Report Builder. I've created an AD global group and used Report Manager to assign Report Builder privileges to that group.
I've verified that the Report Builder configuration on SSRS is correct.
Even after these users are assigned to the Report Builder role, the link for Report Builder does not show up when they login to Report Manager.
I've tried having them download Report Builder by providing them the link directly; when they download it and try and execute a report, there is a message saying that the user does not have permissions for this (despite the fact that I've explicitly given them permissions earlier).
The only users who CAN actually run ReportBuilder when assigned that role are Local Admins or Domain Admins.
It isn't realistic for me to assign Local Admin privileges for anyone who wants to do ad-hoc reporting. I must be missing something. Is there a folder these users need access to on the file system? Or perhaps something else I'm overlooking?
I had to ensure that the user who needed access to report builder had the privledge to the "Execute report definitions" task at the system level. I did this by creating a new system role (I named it "System Report Builder Access") and enabling just that one task. I then applied the role to the necessary user.
Hope that helps..

SQL table not created when deploying a WAR file to Liferay

I've created a JSR-268 portlet for Liferay which uses services to interact with a database. I can deploy the portlet without problems or errors, but the table defined by the services is not created!
I get no "table not found" error when I test the portlet. I get no errors at all! The table just isn't there in the database. I've found other things on the internet saying that I should use the generated "create.sql" file that the Liferay Service Builder created, but I don't see that file anywhere.
Can someone help me out?
Have the tables never been created? I had a similar problem when I deleted the tables by hand. I thought they would be created again when deploying the portlet again, but it didn't happen.
After studying the source code I found out that Liferay stores information about the portlets in the table servicecomponent and checks 2 things before it executes the (pseudo) SQL in META-INF/tables.sql:
The build.number in must be higher than that, stored in servicecomponent,
The tables.sql must be different from the one stored in servicecomponent.
Only then the tables.sql is executed.
An easy way to achieve that, is to delete all entries in servicecomponent addressing your portlet.
Try by deleting an entry from servicecomponent table. And redeploy your portlet.
delete FROM servicecomponent where buildNamespace="<your table namespace>"
I have faced the same problem and below given solution works for me.
I have changed the build.number in higher than that stored in servicecomponent.
Removed all the xml files from META-INF folder.
Removed all the sql files from webapp/WEB-INF/sql folder.
Then build-service and deploy will creates custom tables that are defiend in service.xml file.
If you're using serviceBuilder in Liferay 6.2 when you define a new entity in the Liferay schema in service.xml, the first time that any Portlet tries to access the table it will be created if it's not exist.
There are several problems when you're using a different schema because sometimes Liferay not create tables automatically. Then you need to lauch the Creation SQL sentence and create it manually and then access it through LocalServiceUtil.