Using MailMessage with semi cologn seperation -

If I manually put my address in for EmailMessage.To.Add(GetDelimitedField(x, strEmailRep, ";")) It sends me the message just fine. However If I use the code as is below which is using a list that looks like ;;
Then it gives an error that email address cannot be blank
Somewhere in GetDelimitedField is erasing addresses. I'm not sure where the problem is actually occurring. Here is all the code involved with this.
strmsg = "LOW STOCK ALERT: Component (" & rsMPCS("MTI_PART_NO") & ") has reached or fallen below it's minimum quantity(" & rsMPCS("MIN_QTY") & ")."
Dim EmailMessage As MailMessage = New MailMessage
EmailMessage.From = New MailAddress("")
For x = 1 To GetCommaCount(strEmailRep) + 1
EmailMessage.To.Add(GetDelimitedField(x, strEmailRep, ";"))
EmailMessage.Subject = ("LOW STOCK ALERT!")
EmailMessage.Body = strmsg
EmailMessage.Priority = MailPriority.High
EmailMessage.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient("")
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = True
Public Function GetCommaCount(ByVal sText As String)
Dim X As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
Dim Look As String
For X = 1 To Len(sText)
Look = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(sText, X)
If InStr(X, Look, ";", 1) > 0 Then
Count = Count + 1
End If
GetCommaCount = Count
End Function
Public Function GetDelimitedField(ByRef FieldNum As Short, ByRef DelimitedString As String, ByRef Delimiter As String) As String
Dim NewPos As Short
Dim FieldCounter As Short
Dim FieldData As String
Dim RightLength As Short
Dim NextDelimiter As Short
If (DelimitedString = "") Or (Delimiter = "") Or (FieldNum = 0) Then
GetDelimitedField = ""
Exit Function
End If
NewPos = 1
FieldCounter = 1
While (FieldCounter < FieldNum) And (NewPos <> 0)
NewPos = InStr(NewPos, DelimitedString, Delimiter, CompareMethod.Text)
If NewPos <> 0 Then
FieldCounter = FieldCounter + 1
NewPos = NewPos + 1
End If
End While
RightLength = Len(DelimitedString) - NewPos + 1
FieldData = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(DelimitedString, RightLength)
NextDelimiter = InStr(1, FieldData, Delimiter, CompareMethod.Text)
If NextDelimiter <> 0 Then
FieldData = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(FieldData, NextDelimiter - 1)
End If
GetDelimitedField = FieldData
End Function

You can split the list easier using string.Split:
Dim strEmails = ";;;"
Dim lstEmails = strEmails.Split(";").ToList()
'In case the last one had a semicolon:
If (lstEmails(lstEmails.Count - 1).Trim() = String.Empty) Then
lstEmails.RemoveAt(lstEmails.Count - 1)
End If
If (lstEmails.Count > 0) Then
End If


How to remove string except string startwith

I want to remove all string except string startwith EVOPB-
how can I make it happen ?
Private Sub StringResult()
Dim web As New HtmlDocument()
'' Extracting All Links
Dim redeem As HtmlNode = web.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#class='_58b7']")
If (redeem.InnerText.Contains("")) Then
Dim r As String = redeem.InnerText.ToString.Replace(vbNewLine, "")
TextBox1.Text = r
End If
End Try
End Sub
Assuming what you are trying to match always starts with the same prefix and runs until the next space, something like this would work:
Public Shared Function ExtractStartsWith(ByVal Output As String, Optional StartsWith As String = "EVOPB") As List(Of String)
Dim pos As Integer = 0
Dim nextSpace As Integer
Dim results As New List(Of String)
Dim result As String
Do While pos >= 0 AndAlso pos < Output.Length
pos = Output.IndexOf(StartsWith, pos)
If pos >= 0 Then
nextSpace = Output.IndexOf(" ", pos)
If nextSpace > 0 Then
result = Output.Substring(pos, nextSpace - pos)
pos = nextSpace + 1
result = Output.Substring(pos)
pos = Output.Length
End If
End If
Return results
End Function

How do you replace the last occurance of a , with the word "and"?

How do you replace the last occurance of a , with the word and? Can you please give me an idea?
i have 3 checkboxes, 1 rich textbox
to display the output, 1 button
(Aparri) or (Camalanuigan) or (Lallo)
Cagayan(Aparri, Camalanuigan) or Cagayan(Aparri,Camalanuigan,Lallo)
I would like the output to be like this: #Cagayan(Aparri and Camalanuigan) or #Cagayan(Aparri,Camalanuigan And Lallo)
this is my code:
Dim rws As String
If Aparri.Checked = True Then
close_parenthesis.Checked = True
If rws = "" Then
rws = "(" + Aparri.Text
End If
End If
If Aparri.Checked = False Then
rws = ""
End If
If Camalanuigan.Checked = True Then
close_parenthesis.Checked = True
If rws = "" Then
rws = "(" + Camalanuigan.Text
rws = rws & ", " & Camalanuigan.Text
End If
End If
If Lallo.Checked = True Then
close_parenthesis.Checked = True
If rws = "" Then
rws = "(" + Lallo.Text
rws = rws & ", " & Lallo.Text
End If
End If
If close_parenthesis.Checked = True Then
If rws = "" Then
rws = rws + close_parenthesis.Text
End If
End If
Display.Text = rws.ToString
Output: (Aparri,Camalanuigan,Lallo)
i want the out like this (Aparri,Camalanuigan and Lallo)
Here, I haven't even seen your code but I get what you want to do by looking at the picture. It can be done in shorter version but I have explained what's going on in each and every line so it's lengthy.
I have written this code:
'let's say the string is "Aparri, Camalanuigan, Lallo" . that's what your code does, right?
dim Strng as string = "Aparri, Camalanuigan, Lallo"
'now find the position of last appearing ","
Dim comaposition As Integer
comaposition = Strng.LastIndexOf(",") 'it is zero based
'if not found, it will return -1 and u can exit, no need to do the work
if commaposition = "-1" then
exit sub
end if
'remove the comma
Dim String_After_Removing_Comma As String
String_After_Removing_Comma = Strng.Remove(comaposition, 1)
'add "and" in the same position where comma was found
Dim final_string As String
final_string = String_After_Removing_Comma.Insert(comaposition, " and")
'show it on the textbox
DisplayTxt.Text = final_string
You can do this thing after finding your final string (rws in your code).
Hope this helps
You can use the following function to replace last occurrence.
Public Function ReplaceLastOccurrence(ByVal source As String, ByVal searchText As String, ByVal replace As String) As String
Dim position = source.LastIndexOf(searchText)
If (position = -1) Then Return source
Dim result = source.Remove(position, searchText.Length).Insert(position, replace)
Return result
End Function
and you use display text as
Display.Text = ReplaceLastOccurence(rws, ",", "and")
in your last line of code
You always can do it by yourself with single loop and knowledge about last index
' Create array of selected strings
Dim selectedTexts =
New List(Of CheckBox) From { Aparri, Camalanuigan, Lallo }.
Where(Function(checkbox) checkbox.Checked).
Select(Function(checkbox) checkbox.Text).
' Separate selected strings by delimeters
Dim lastIndex = selectedTexts.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim builder = New StringBuilder()
For i As Integer = 0 To lastIndex
If i > 0 Then
Dim delimeter = If(lastIndex > 0 AndAlso lastIndex = i, " and ", ", ")
End If
' Wrap with parenthesis if result not empty
If builder.Length > 0 Then
builder.Insert(0, "(")
Dim close = If(close_parenthesis.Checked, close_parenthesis.Text, "")
End If
' Print result
Display.Text = builder.ToString()

Pictures wont become visible

So today in my Computer Programming Class, we created a project called CaseStudy. I saw a way to make the program have more replay value. I decided to morph the code and interface to be like a Hangman game. I've got the limbs to appear, but only after clicking Ok on the messageBox.
I'm wondering if anyone has a way to make these limbs appear in real time.
Here is the important code:
Dim SECRET_WORD As String = newSecretWord
Const FLAG As Char = "!"
Const GUESS_PROMPT As String = "Enter a letter or " & FLAG & " to guess word:"
Dim numGuesses As Integer = 0
Dim letterGuess As Char
Dim wordGuess As String
Dim tempWord As String
Dim endGame As Boolean
Dim wordGuessedSoFar As String = ""
Dim lenght As Integer = SECRET_WORD.Length
wordGuessedSoFar = wordGuessedSoFar.PadLeft(lenght, "_")
Me.lblSecretWord.Text = wordGuessedSoFar
Dim tempLetterGuess = InputBox(GUESS_PROMPT, Me.Text)
If tempLetterGuess = Nothing Then
endGame = True
letterGuess = tempLetterGuess
End If
Do While letterGuess <> FLAG And wordGuessedSoFar <> SECRET_WORD And Not endGame
numGuesses += 1
For letterPos As Integer = 0 To SECRET_WORD.Length - 1
If SECRET_WORD.Chars(letterPos) = Char.ToUpper(letterGuess) Then
tempWord = wordGuessedSoFar.Remove(letterPos, 1)
wordGuessedSoFar = tempWord.Insert(letterPos, Char.ToUpper(letterGuess))
Me.lblSecretWord.Text = wordGuessedSoFar
End If
Next letterPos
If wordGuessedSoFar <> SECRET_WORD Then
tempLetterGuess = InputBox(GUESS_PROMPT, Me.Text)
If tempLetterGuess = Nothing Then
endGame = True
letterGuess = tempLetterGuess
End If
End If
If wordGuessedSoFar = SECRET_WORD Then
MessageBox.Show("You guessed it in " & numGuesses & " guesses!")
ElseIf letterGuess = FLAG Then
wordGuess = InputBox("Enter a word: ", Me.Text)
If wordGuess.ToUpper = SECRET_WORD Then
MessageBox.Show("You guessed it in " & numGuesses & " guesses!")
Me.lblSecretWord.Text = SECRET_WORD
MessageBox.Show("Sorry, you lose.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Game over.")
lblSecretWord.Text = Nothing
End If
Dim place As Integer = SECRET_WORD.Length - 1
If tempLetterGuess <> SECRET_WORD.Chars(place) Then
numWrong += 1
End If
If numWrong = 1 Then
picHead.Visible = True
End If
If numWrong = 2 Then
picBody.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
End Class
I can take any other pictures if you'd like.
If I'm understanding you right, you want to show your "pictures" before the user sees the message. If so, you need to move the following code to an area just before your MessageBox and just after the InputBox:
Dim place As Integer = SECRET_WORD.Length - 1
If tempLetterGuess <> SECRET_WORD.Chars(place) Then
numWrong += 1
End If
If numWrong = 1 Then
picHead.Visible = True
End If
If numWrong = 2 Then
picBody.Visible = True
End If

More efficient method for string parsing?

First part of the code is to retrieve data from the web. It takes only a part of the second to complete the request. Second part of the code is to split data so that parts of data can be shown in different labels and it takes around 5-6 second to complete this operation?
Why is that? Can it be done faster?
First part of the code (textbox1 key down event)
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
TextBox1.Text = UCase(TextBox1.Text)
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
GoTo exx
Dim strURL As String
Dim strSymbol As String = TextBox1.Text
strURL = "" & _
"s=" & strSymbol & _
"&d=t" & _
Second part of the code and functions :
Label24.Text = (GetName2(RequestWebData(strURL), 3))
Dim myText = Label24.Text
Dim dIndex = myText.IndexOf("Inc.")
If (dIndex > -1) Then
Label24.Text = (Strings.Left(Label24.Text, dIndex + 4))
Label24.Text = (Label24.Text)
End If
Dim myText2 = Label24.Text
Dim dIndex2 = myText2.IndexOf("Common")
If (dIndex2 > -1) Then
Label24.Text = (Label24.Text.Replace("Common", ""))
Label24.Text = (Label24.Text)
End If
Label6.Text = (GetName(RequestWebData(strURL), 4))
Label6.Text = (GetName3(Label6.Text, 1))
Label6.Text = FormatNumber(Label6.Text, 2)
Label17.Text = (GetName(RequestWebData(strURL), 5))
Label21.Text = (GetName(RequestWebData(strURL), 7))
Dim x As String = GetName(RequestWebData(strURL), 8)
Label30.Text = GetName3(x, 1)
Label30.Text = FormatNumber(Label30.Text, 0)
Label32.Text = GetName3(x, 2)
Function GetName(ByVal LineIn As String, ByVal i As Integer) As String
'Dim x As Integer
Return LineIn.Split(""",")(i)
End Function
Function GetName2(ByVal LineIn As String, ByVal i As Integer) As String
'Dim x As Integer
Return LineIn.Split("""")(i)
End Function
Function GetName3(ByVal LineIn As String, ByVal i As Integer) As String
'Dim x As Integer
Return LineIn.Split(",")(i)
End Function
Maybe it is so slow because of these three functions that I am using to split data?

Name Proper Casing

Can you help me in having a proper casing,
I have this code...
Private Function NameCsing(ByVal sValue As String) As String
Dim toConvert As String() = sValue.Split(" ")
Dim lst As New List(Of String)
For i As Integer = 0 To toConvert.Length - 1
Dim converted As String = ""
If toConvert(i).Contains("~") Then
Dim toName As String() = toConvert(i).Split("~")
Dim sName As String = ""
For n As Integer = 0 To toName.Length - 1
Dim sconvert As String = ""
If n = 0 Then
sName = StrConv(toName(n), VbStrConv.ProperCase)
sName += StrConv(toName(n), VbStrConv.ProperCase)
End If
converted = sName
converted = toConvert(i)
End If
Dim ret As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To lst.Count - 1
If i = 0 Then
ret = lst(0)
ret += " " + lst(i)
End If
Return ret
End Function
My codes will just output like this "McDonalds" is you input "mc~donalds"
now my problem is eh I input "evalue", my output must be "eValue"
The only way to know how to treat a special string is to code it yourself from a list of rules:
Private Function NameCsing(ByVal sValue As String) As String
If sValue.Trim.ToLower = "evalue" Then Return "eValue"
'Then process any other special cases
End Function