What is a dynamic RNN in TensorFlow? - tensorflow

I am confused about what dynamic RNN (i.e. dynamic_rnn) is. It returns an output and a state in TensorFlow. What are these state and output? What is dynamic in a dynamic RNN, in TensorFlow?

Dynamic RNN's allow for variable sequence lengths. You might have an input shape (batch_size, max_sequence_length), but this will allow you to run the RNN for the correct number of time steps on those sequences that are shorter than max_sequence_length.
In contrast, there are static RNNs, which expect to run the entire fixed RNN length. There are cases where you might prefer to do this, such as if you are padding your inputs to max_sequence_length anyway.
In short, dynamic_rnn is usually what you want for variable length sequential data. It has a sequence_length parameter, and it is your friend.

While AlexDelPiero's answer was what I was googling for, the original question was different. You can take a look at this detailed description about LSTMs and intuition behind them. LSTM is the most common example of an RNN.
The short answer is: the state is an internal detail that is passed from one timestep to another. The output is a tensor of outputs on each timestep. You usually need to pass all outputs to the next RNN layer or the last output for the last RNN layer. To get the last output you can use output[:,-1,:]


Understanding the Input Parameters in RNN

I'm having a hard time to understand the different "jargons" used in RNN. They are the following:
batch_size, time_steps, inputs and instances.
Let me go through my understanding of each input parameters & please correct me where I'm wrong.
Suppose I've got a sequence of numbers and I want to predict the next number. The numbers are the following:
time_steps: This parameter means how far RNN will look into past before it predicts the future. For simplicity, I want to predict 1 number ahead. And want to do after I see 10 numbers in the past. So, in this case, time_steps will be 10.
inputs: These are the values at each time_steps. In first time_step (t) the inputs are
t0: [1]
t1: [2]
t10: [10]`
batch_size: This helps in efficient computation of RNN model. Suppose my batch_size is 2. In that case, at time_step 2, the RNN input will be
t0: [1]
t0: [11]
Then what's the usage of instances? E.g. in this post, instances have been used. And there are multiple cases where instances are used. Is it means each loop over batch? E.g. there are 5 batches, each of size 2. Then there will be 5 instances.
Please help me correct my understanding.
Batch size, in general, represents the size of the mini-batches constructed from the experimental dataset. Since in deep learning, we are required to do a lot of computations, it is better if we consider mini-batch operations because GPU usage will be worth then.
Since RNN takes sequential inputs, index of each element in the input sequence can be referred as a time step of that sequence. For example, if [1,2,3,4,5,....,100] is a sequence, index of each element in the sequence is a time step.
The term inputs has a broader meaning, so I am not sure if my definition is correct. According to my understanding, inputs to an RNN refers to individual inputs provided to RNN at each time step. For example, in [1,2,3,4,5,....,100], each element is an input to the RNN at a particular time step.
But in an abstract way, if someone asks, what is the input of your deep neural model? You can say, it is English sentences or images or audio clips or videos etc. In short, the meaning of the term inputs depends on the context.
Instances, in general, refers to a training/dev/test example in the dataset. For example, the sequence: [1,2,3,4,5,....,100] can be a training instance in your dataset.
Hope this helps!
Alright pal, you did good learning those concepts. I had a hard time learning those correctly. Everything you know seems to be in order and as for "instances". They're basically a set of data. There's no fixed term of usage of "instances" in a deep learning community. Some people use it for referring for a different set of data or batches of data. I rarely hear it in papers.

Understanding Seq2Seq model

Here is my understanding of a basic Sequence to Sequence LSTMs. Suppose we are tackling a question-answer setting.
You have two set of LSTMs (green and blue below). Each set respectively sharing weights (i.e. each of the 4 green cells have the same weights and similarly with the blue cells). The first is a many to one LSTM, which summarises the question at the last hidden layer/ cell memory.
The second set (blue) is a Many to Many LSTM which has different weights to the first set of LSTMs. The input is simply the answer sentence while the output is the same sentence shifted by one.
The question is two fold:
1. Are we passing the last hidden state only to the blue LSTMs as the initial hidden state. Or is it last hidden state and cell memory.
2. Is there a way to set the initial hiddden state and cell memory in Keras or Tensorflow? If so reference?
(image taken from suriyadeepan.github.io)
Are we passing the last hidden state only to the blue LSTMs as the initial hidden state. Or is it last hidden state and cell memory.
Both hidden state h and cell memory c are passed to the decoder.
In seq2seq source code, you can find the following code in basic_rnn_seq2seq():
_, enc_state = rnn.static_rnn(enc_cell, encoder_inputs, dtype=dtype)
return rnn_decoder(decoder_inputs, enc_state, cell)
If you use an LSTMCell, the returned enc_state from the encoder will be a tuple (c, h). As you can see, the tuple is passed directly to the decoder.
In Keras, the "state" defined for an LSTMCell is also a tuple (h, c) (note that the order is different from TF). In LSTMCell.call(), you can find:
h_tm1 = states[0]
c_tm1 = states[1]
To get the states returned from an LSTM layer, you can specify return_state=True. The returned value is a tuple (o, h, c). The tensor o is the output of this layer, which will be equal to h unless you specify return_sequences=True.
Is there a way to set the initial hiddden state and cell memory in Keras or Tensorflow? If so reference?
Just provide the initial state to an LSTMCell when calling it. For example, in the official RNN tutorial:
lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)
output, state = lstm(current_batch_of_words, state)
There's also an initial_state argument for functions such as tf.nn.static_rnn. If you use the seq2seq module, provide the states to rnn_decoder as have been shown in the code for question 1.
Use the keyword argument initial_state in the LSTM function call.
out = LSTM(32)(input_tensor, initial_state=(h, c))
You can actually find this usage on the official documentation:
###Note on specifying the initial state of RNNs###
You can specify the initial state of RNN layers symbolically by
calling them with the keyword argument initial_state. The value of
initial_state should be a tensor or list of tensors representing the
initial state of the RNN layer.
There's now an example script in Keras (lstm_seq2seq.py) showing how to implement basic seq2seq in Keras. How to make prediction after training a seq2seq model is also covered in this script.
(Edit: this answer is incomplete and hasn't considered actual possibilities of state transfering. See the accepted answer).
From a Keras point of view, that picture has only two layers.
The green group is one LSTM layer.
The blue group is another LSTM layer.
There isn't any communication between green and blue other than passing the outputs. So, the answer for 1 is:
Only the thought vector (which is the actual output of the layer) is passed to the other layer.
Memory and state (not sure if these are two different entities) are totally contained inside a single layer and are not initially intended to be seen or shared with any other layer.
Each individual block in that image is totally invisible in keras. They are considered "time steps", something that only appears in the shape of the input data. It's rarely important to worry about them (unless for very advanced usages).
In keras, it's like this:
Easily, you have access only to the external arrows (including "thought vector").
But having access to each step (each individual green block in your picture) is not an exposed thing. So...
Passing the states from one layer to the other is also not expected in Keras. You will probably have to hack things. (See this: https://github.com/fchollet/keras/issues/2995)
But considering a thought vector big enough, you could say it will learn a way to carry what is important in itself.
The only notion you have from the steps is:
You have to input things shaped like (sentences, length, wordIdFeatures)
The steps will be performed considering that each slice in the length dimension is an input to each green block.
You may choose to have a single output (sentences, cells), for which you completely lose track of steps. Or...
Outputs like (sentences, length, cells), from which you know the output of each block through the length dimension.
One to many or many to many?
Now, the first layer is many to one (but nothing prevents it from being many to many too if you want).
But the second... that's complicated.
If the thought vector was made by a many to one. You will have to manage a way of creating a one to many. (That's not trivial in keras, but you could think of repeating the thought vector for the expected length, making it be the input to all steps. Or maybe fill an entire sequence with zeros or ones, keeping only the first element as the thought vector)
If the thought vector was made by a many to many, you can take advantage of this and keep an easy many to many, if you're willing to accept that the output has exactly the same number of steps as the input.
Keras doesn't have a ready solution for 1 to many cases. (From a single input predict a whole sequence).

Bi-directional LSTM for variable-length sequence in Tensorflow

I want to train a bi-directional LSTM in tensorflow to perform a sequence classification problem (sentiment classification).
Because sequences are of variable lengths, batches are normally padded with vectors of zero. Normally, I use the sequence_length parameter in the uni-directional RNN to avoid training on the padding vectors.
How can this be managed with bi-directional LSTM. Does the "sequence_length" parameter work automatically starts from an advanced position in the sequence for the backward direction?
Thank you
bidirectional_dynamic_rnn also has a sequence_length parameter that takes care of sequences of variable lengths.
https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/bidirectional_dynamic_rnn (mirror):
sequence_length: An int32/int64 vector, size [batch_size], containing the actual lengths for each of the sequences.
You can see an example here: https://github.com/Franck-Dernoncourt/NeuroNER/blob/master/src/entity_lstm.py
In forward pass, rnn cell will stop at sequence_length which is the no-padding length of the input and is a parameter in tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn. In backward pass, it firstly use function tf.reverse_sequence to reverse the first sequence_length elements and then traverse like that in the forward pass.
This op first slices input along the dimension batch_axis, and for each slice i, reverses the first seq_lengths[i] elements along the dimension seq_axis.

Dynamic LSTM model in Tensorflow

I am looking to design a LSTM model using Tensorflow, wherein the sentences are of different length. I came across a tutorial on PTB dataset (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/models/rnn/ptb/ptb_word_lm.py). How does this model capture the instances of varying length? The example does not discuss anything about padding or other technique to handle the variable size sequences.
If I use padding, what should be the unrolling dimension?
You can do this in two way.
TF has a way to specify the input size. Look for a parameter called "sequence_length", I have used this in tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn. So the TF will unroll your cell only up to sequence_length but not to the step size.
Pad your input with predefined dummy input and predefined dummy output (for the dummy output). The lstm cell will learn to predict dummy output for the dummy input. When using it (say for matrix calculation) chop of the dummy parts.
The PTB model is truncated in time -- it always back-propagates a fixed number of steps (num_steps in the configs). So there is no padding -- it just reads the data and tries to predict the next word, and always reads num_steps words at a time.

Seq2Seq for prediction of complex states

My problem:
I have a sequence of complex states and I want to predict the future states.
I have a sequence of states. Each sequence can be of variable length. Each state is a moment in time and is described by several attributes: [att1, att2, ...]. Where each attribute is a number between an interval [[0..5], [1..3651], ...]
The example (and paper) of Seq2Seq is based on that each state (word) is taken from their dictionary. So each state has around 80.000 possibilities. But how would you represent each state when it is taken from a set of vectors and the set is just each possible combination of the attributes.
Is there any method to work with more complex states with TensorFlow? Also, what is a good method do decide the boundaries of your buckets when the relation between input length and output length is unclear?
May I suggest a rephrasing and splitting of your question into two parts? The first is really a general machine learning/LSTM question that's independent of tensorflow: How to use an LSTM to predict when the sequence elements are general vectors, and the second is how to represent this in tensorflow. For the former - there's nothing really magical to do there.
But a very quick answer: You've really just skipped the embedding lookup part of seq2seq. You can feed dense tensors in to a suitably modified version of it -- your state is just a dense vector representation of the state. That's the same thing that comes out of an embedding lookup.
The vector representation tutorial discusses the preprocessing that turns, e.g., words into embeddings for use in later parts of the learning pipeline.
If you look at line 139 of seq2seq.py you'll see that the embedding_rnn_decoder takes in a 1D batch of things to decide (the dimension is elements in the batch), but then uses the embedding lookup to turn it into a batch_size * cell.input_size tensor. You want to directly input a batch_size * cell.input_size tensor into the RNN, skipping the embedding step.