Trigger query with ActiveJdbc in controller - activejdbc

I'm running a query using ActiveJdbc
List<Game> games = District.findAll("where createor_id = ?", creatorId);
And according o the documentation the query is triggered when I do this
for (Game game : games) {
//do things with result
But I want to put the result in a ModelMap in order to use in in the jstl view (Spring mvc 4). So How can I trigger the query? right now in order to trigger the query I have to do
But I guess it's an optimal solution.

You should not worry about when the list will make a trip to the database. If you just pass the games object to the JSP, then it will make DB call during rendering of the page. Also, you do not need to make additional ModelMap, just pass a list to a view.
If you insist on passing maps to JSP, you can do this:
List<Map> games = District.findAll("where createor_id = ?", creatorId).toMaps();
I hope it helps!


Related entities EF Count

Need help. I want count players from clubs and show how much players are playing in club. This is my View
But i want that my code show player count in club, like this
Here is my database structure :
My starting code
public int GetCountOfPlayersInClub(int clubId)
using (var db = new BasketDbContext())
return db.Player.Count(p => p.BasketBallClubId == clubId);
But what I do now, what I need write in my ActionResult Index()?
In order to display value in view, you need to pass it over model or viewbag.
In view you can call the passed variable via razor syntax (like #Viebag.CountAll).
Note that count is not very optimized in ef core and I would recommend to ran raw query for testing I did , raw query is 100 times faster.

Ruby on rails - Sort data with SQL/ActiveRecord instead of ruby

I'm working with two tables Video and Picture and I would like to regroup them using SQL instead of ruby. This is how I do it now :
#medias = (Video.all + Picture.all).sort_by { |model| model.created_at }
Is their a way to do the same thing only with SQL/ActiveRecord?
Since you don’t have the same columns in each model you could create a polymorphic relationship with a new model called media. Your Videos and Pictures would be associated with this new model and when you need to work on only your media you don’t need to worry about whether it is a video or a picture. I’m not sure if this fits into your schema and design since there is not much info to go on from your post but this might work if you wanted to take the time to restructure your schema. This would allow you to use the query interface to access media. See the Rails Guide here:
You can create a media model with all the fields need to satisfy a Video or Picture object. The media model will also have a type field to keep track of what kind of media it is: Video or Picture.
Yes, using ActiveRecord's #order:
#video = Video.order(:created_at)
#pictures = Picture.order(:created_at)
#medias = #video.all + #pictures.all # Really bad idea!
Also calling all on the models like that will unnecessarily load them to memory. If you don't absolutely need all records at that time, then don't use all.
To run sql queries in Rails you could do this:
sql_statement = "Select * from ..."
#data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_statement)
Then in your view you could simply reference the #data object

How do I implement, for instance, "group membership" many-to-many in REST Cloud Code?

A user can create groups
A group had to have created by a user
A user can belong to multiple groups
A group can have multiple users
I have something like the following:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('Group', function(request) {
var creator = request.user;
var group = request.object;
var wasGroupCreated = group.existed;
if(wasGroupCreated) {
var hasCreatedRelation = creator.relation('hasCreated');
var isAMemberOfRelation = creator.relation('isMemberOf');
Now when I GET user/me with include=isMemberOf,hasCreated, it returns me the user object but with the following:
hasCreated: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
isMemberOf: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
I'd like to have the group objects included in say, 'hasCreated' and 'isMemberOf' arrays. How do I pull that using the REST API?
More in general though, am I approaching this the right way? Thoughts? Help is much appreciated!
First off, existed is a function that returns true or false (in your case the wasGroupCreated variable is always going to be a reference to the function and will tis always evaluate to true). It probably isn't going to return what you expect anyway if you were using it correctly.
I think what you want is the isNew() function, though I would test if this works in the Parse.Cloud.afterSave() method as I haven't tried it there.
As for the second part of your question, you seem to want to use your Relations like Arrays. If you used an array instead (and the size was small enough), then you could just include the Group objects in the query (add include parameter set to isMemberOf for example in your REST query).
If you do want to stick to Relations, realise that you'll need to read up more in the documentation. In particular you'll need to query the Group object using a where expression that has a $relatedTo pointer for the user. To query in this manner, you will probably need a members property on the Group that is a relation to Users.
Something like this in your REST query might work (replace the objectId with the right User of course):

RESTful API - How do I return different results for the same resource?

How do I return different results for the same resource?
I have been searching for some time now about the proper way to build a RESTful API. Tons of great information out there. Now I am actually trying to apply this to my website and have run into a few snags. I found a few suggestions that said to base the resources on your database as a starting point, considering your database should be structured decently. Here is my scenario:
My Site:
Here is a little information about my website and the purpose of the API
We are creating a site that allows people to play games. The API is supposed to allow other developers to build their own games and use our backend to collect user information and store it.
Scenario 1:
We have a players database that stores all player data. A developer needs to select this data based on either a user_id (person who owns the player data) or a game_id (the game that collected the data).
If the developer calls my resource using GET they will receive a list of players. Since there are multiple developers using this system they must specify some ID by which to select all the players. This is where I find a problem. I want the developer to be able to specify two kinds of ID's. They can select all players by user_id or by game_id.
How do you handle this?
Do I need two separate resources?
Lets say you have a controller name 'Players', then you'll have 2 methods:
function user_get(){
//get id from request and do something
function game_get(){
//get id from request and do something
now the url will look like:,
player is the controller.
user/game are the action
If you use phil sturgeon's framework, you'll do that but the url will look like:,
and then you get the id using : $this->get('id');
You can limit the results by specifying querystring parameters, i.e:
use phil's REST Server library:
I use this library in a product environment using oauth, and api key generation. You would create a api controller, and define methods for each of the requests you want. In my case i created an entirely seperate codeigniter instance and just wrote my models as i needed them.
You can also use this REST library to insert data, its all in his documentation..
Here is a video Phil threw together on the basics back in 2011..
It should go noted, that RESTful URLs mean using plural/singular wording e.g; player = singular, players = all or more than one, games|game etc..
this will allow you to do things like this in your controller
//users method_get is the http req type.. you could use post, or put as well.
public function players_get(){
//query db for players, pass back data
Your API Request URL would be something like:[csv|json|xml|html|php]
this would return a json object of all the users based on your query in your model.
public function player_get($id = false, $game = false){
//if $game_id isset, search by game_id
//query db for a specific player, pass back data
Your API Request URL would be something like:[csv|json|xml|html|php]
public function playerGames_get($id){
//query db for a specific players games based on $userid
Your API Request URL would be something like:[csv|json|xml|html|php]

Fluent nHibernate Selective loading for collections

I was just wondering whether when loading an entity which contains a collection e.g. a Post which may contain 0 -> n Comments if you can define how many comments to return.
At the moment I have this:
public IList<Post> GetNPostsWithNCommentsAndCreator(int numOfPosts, int numOfComments)
var posts = Session.Query<Post>().OrderByDescending(x => x.CreationDateTime)
.Fetch(z => z.Comments)
.Fetch(z => z.Creator).ToList();
return posts;
Is there a way of adding a Skip and Take to Comments to allow a kind of paging functionality on the collection so you don't end up loading lots of things you don't need.
I'm aware of lazy loading but I don't really want to use it, I'm using the MVC pattern and want my object to return from the repositories loaded so I can then cache them. I don't really want my views causing select statements.
Is the only real way around this is to not perform a fetch on comments but to perform a separate Select on Comments to Order By Created Date Time and then Select the top 5 for example and then place the returned result into the Post object?
Any thoughts / links on this would be appreciated.
A fetch simple does a left-outer join on the associated table so that it can hydrate the collection entities with data. What you are looking to do will require a separate query on the specific entities. From there you can use any number of constructs to limit your result set (skip/take, setmaxresults, etc)