How to Assign values to varying range of cells in VBA - vba

I am trying randomly generate a whole number between 1 and 100, whether that be in a cell or in the vba code directly. Then I want to use that value as the lookup value for a VLookup that will pull another randomly generated whole number between 1 and 10 from a different sheet. Then I want to use that second number between 1 and 10 as an indicator to fill in that many cells in a column with the first number between 1 and 100.
So for example if I were doing it manually: I would have in cell "C27" on Sheet1 =MROUND(RANDBETWEEN(1,100),1). Let's say it returns 40. Then I would look on Sheet2 for number 40 in column A, look over to Column D where there is another =MROUND(RANDBETWEEN(1,10),1). Let's say that one returns 5 (so I need to fill in 5 cells of a column). Then I would head back to Sheet1 and enter 40 into cells K31 through K35 (the original random whole number).
I'm aware that RAND and RANDBETWEEN update anytime the worksheet recalculates. I use triggered IF statements to keep them from updating unless I change a value in a trigger cell. If generating a random number with VBA makes that even easier, I'm all for it.
I don't think it will be helpful for me to post the many iterations I've attempted as I've tried to apply solutions to each individual task of this macro. None of them have seemingly even gotten me close. But here's what I'm using right now that's also not even close. This code was for me to try and get it to work period. So the numbers are static and not random. But I need them random. And yes, this is for me to generate random monsters for my D&D game mastering :)
Thanks to anyone who might be able to get me on the right track!
Sub MonsterRoll()
' MonsterRoll
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim roll As Integer
Dim No1 As Integer
Dim No2 As Integer
Set ws = Sheets("Combat Helper")
roll = 5
No1 = 31
No2 = 31 + 5
On Error Resume Next
For i = No1 To No2
area.Cells(i, 11).Value = 5
End Sub
This table houses the vlookups into sheet "Encounters"
This table contains the source data, with column D being a RANDBETWEEN

I'm still not sure about a few cell references, but think I have a general idea. The code below can be a starting point to do most of what you want -- with a few warnings...
Since you are monitoring for changes in Sheet1 cells K31:K50, and then making changes to that same range, that will trigger the change event again. So, to avoid crazy results, I added a flag so that it will ignore changes untill you tell it to stop ignoring. That will be when you have finished all processing for your original change.
Personally, I would prefer to generate my own random numbers via code for the simple reason that ANY change to any cell will trigger all of your 'random' numbers to regenerate.
Go to Function 'Set_All_Cell_Values' and add whatever code you need to fill other cells.
Option Explicit
Dim blnIgnoreChanges As Boolean
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim iYourNbr As Integer
Dim iMyNbr As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iHowMany As Integer
Dim Why As String
' The following code can be dangerous if your code is not working properly!!!!
' Since you want to 'monitor' changes to K31:K50, and then change those same cells via code,
' which will in turn trigger this 'Worksheet_Change' subroutine to fire again,
' you need to be able to ignore changes on demand.
' If this flag gets set and your code didn't complete (AND turn the flag off), then
' any monitoring of future changes will be ignored!!
' If the flag fails to get reset, then just execute the following code in the immediate window:
' blnIgnoreChanges = false
If blnIgnoreChanges = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Combat Helper")
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Encounters")
' Sample data in Sheet2
' A B C D E F G H I J
'40 Bird, Falcon 1 1 1 -10 5 2 1d4 t
'41 Men: Wild Man 2 3 2 -9 2 3 1d5 u
'42 Beast 3 5 3 -8 3 4 1d6 v
'43 Elephant 4 7 4 -7 4 5 1d7 w
' Monitor only cells K31:K50
If Target.Row >= 31 And Target.Row <= 50 And Target.Column = 11 Then
' Value must be between 1 and 100
If Target.Value < 1 Or Target.Value > 100 Then
MsgBox "Must enter between 1 and 100"
Exit Sub
' If you want to Lookup match in Col A of Sheet2, and then get value from col D.
iYourNbr = Application.VLookup(Target.Value, ws2.Range("A3:N102"), 4, False)
' I prefer to Generate my own random number between 1 and 10
iMyNbr = Int((10 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
iRow = Find_Matching_Value(Target.Value)
Debug.Print "Matching Row in Sheet2 is: " & iRow
' DANGER!! If you execute the following line of code, then you MUST set to FALSE
' when you have finished one change!!!
blnIgnoreChanges = True
iHowMany = Sheet2.Cells(iRow, 4).Value
Sheet1.Cells(Target.Row, 13) = iHowMany
Set_All_Cell_Values Target.Row, iRow, iHowMany
End If
' We can ignore all other cell changes
'Debug.Print "Change made to: " & "R" & Target.Row & ":C" & Target.Column & " but not my row or column! Value is:" & Target.Value
End If
End Sub
Function Set_All_Cell_Values(iS1Row As Integer, iS2Row As Integer, iHowMany As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Debug.Print "Add code to set cells for Sheet1 R:" & iS1Row & " Sheet2 R:" & iS2Row
For i = iS1Row + 1 To iS1Row + iHowMany - 1
Sheet1.Cells(i, 11) = Sheet1.Cells(iS1Row, 11)
Next i
blnIgnoreChanges = False
End Function
Function Find_Matching_Value(iFind As Integer) As Integer
Dim Rng As Range
If Trim(iFind) <> "" Then
With Sheets("Encounters").Range("A:A")
Set Rng = .Find(What:=iFind, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
Find_Matching_Value = Rng.Row
MsgBox "Did not find match for value: " & iFind
End If
End With
MsgBox "You passed an empty value to 'Find_Matching_Value'"
End If
End Function


How can you detect text entry throughout multiple sheets and manipulate cells below it?

I am trying to figure out how to add some cell values together from different sheets but I don't know what the cells references are as they vary!
Basically the values i need will appear 2 rows below some certain text. So I was looking for a formula that searches multiple sheets, finds the specific text, goes 2 rows below then adds the values together.
Here's something I hope you can adapt to your situation by changing the sheet and row and column range, the text to look for, and the destination of the total.
Sub findfvalues()
Dim rowValue
Dim total
total = 0
For r = 1 To 25 'update this to suit your needs
For c = 1 To 25 'update this to suit your needs
If Cells(r, c).Value = "f" Then 'update "f" to search for what you want
rowValue = r + 2
total = total + Cells(rowValue, c).Value
End If
Cells(30, 1).Value = total 'update this to suit your needs
End Sub
So we just check every cell for the "f" and if we find it, we add the value to a running total. Display the total at the end.
This will look in each worksheet, and if your text is found, add the value that's two rows below to a running total:
Sub find_Values()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim findStr As String
Dim foundCell As Range
Dim total As Long
findStr = "my Text"
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Set foundCell = ws.Cells.Find(what:=findStr)
If Not foundCell Is Nothing Then
total = total + foundCell.Offset(2, 0).Value
End If
Next ws
Debug.Print "The value is: " & total
End Sub

Excel VBA - Conditional highlighting based on many criteria

I have a vba-created speadsheet with 4 sets of criteria. I need to highlight names at the bottom of the sheet based on whether or not they meet all the criteria.
I need the name to highlight if the analyst took 91 minutes or less of total break (B3:F9) each day, 15 minutes or less of tea break (B12:F18), and made at least 3 outbound calls each day (provided the staff time was 8 hours and 58 minutes or more (if it wasn't, the 3 call threshold does not apply)).
So, a function would be something like:
TtlB<91 mins & TeaB<15
& If
StfT <8:58:00 ignore ObC
Else If
StfT >8:58:00 & ObC>=3
Highlight (analyst name in A22:A28)
I know it will probably involve a nested loop or two, I just don't know where to get started. The loop for calculating "Total Minutes Owed" is below which can probably be modified to help me get started with this.
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
j = 3
k = 12
For i = 22 To 28
Range("B" & i) = "=SUM(G" & j & ",G" & k & ")"
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
Next i
I'm pretty shure that a much more compact code can be done. But, since nobody answer you in the last four hours, try the following at least as an start.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oWs As Worksheet
Dim rAnalysts As Range
Dim rBreak As Range
Dim rObC As Range
Dim rTea As Range
Dim rST As Range
Dim rRow As Range
Dim rIntersection As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Set oWs = Worksheets("MyData") 'The worksheet where data resides
MaxBreakTime = oWs.Cells(1, 7).Value 'The max break time. I set it in cell G1. Change according to your needs
Set rAnalysts = oWs.Rows("3:9") 'Define the rows for analysts
Set rBreak = oWs.Range("B:F") 'define the columns where Break data is placed
'(similarly, set ranges for tea break, etc)
For Each rRow In rAnalysts.Rows 'for each row in the analyst range
sAnalystName = oWs.Cells(rRow.Row, 1).Value 'get the name of the analyst
lBreakTime = 0 'restart this variable to zero
Set rIntersection = Application.Intersect(rRow, rBreak) ' intersect the row (the analyst) with the columns of the Break range
If rIntersection Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Ranges do not intersect. Something is radically wrong."
For Each rCell In rIntersection.Cells 'id est, friday through thursday
If rCell.Value > MaxBreakTime Then 'if break was longer that stipulated,....
lBreakTime = lBreakTime + rCell.Value - MaxBreakTime 'add the excess to the variable
End If
End If
'write data somewhere (here, 30 rows down from original Analysts range)
oWs.Cells(rRow.Row + 30, 1) = sAnalystName
oWs.Cells(rRow.Row + 30, 2) = lBreakTime
If lBreakTime > 0 Then
oWs.Cells(rRow.Row + 30, 2).Font.Color = vbGreen
oWs.Cells(rRow.Row + 30, 2).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
'Here something similar for Tea break and Outbounds calls
'Since output is already writen, you can reuse variables like rIntersection or rCell
End Sub

VBA complex vlookup between worksheets to get average of relative cells

I have a workbook with 2 worksheets. On Sheet1 is a list of names in ColC, and on Sheet2 in column C is the same list of names, but spaced out with data in Column D relating to each name almost as a heading. i.e.
Ben 678
Janet 9
So I need a vlookup function to Look up the name in ColC Sheet1, and then find the corresponding name in ColC Sheet2, and do an average of the values for that name in ColD until the value in ColC changes (and the next name appears). The number of values in ColD per name changes between 1 and 100 so theres no set range.
(I'm looking for a solution to calculate the average of the last 6 values per name before the next appears - but I can try to modify that later on by myself once I have a structure.)
I am familiar with VBA but no expert, and this is just beyond my ability - I have tried a few things for a few hours and no luck. I have also this code that does a similar thing (I found it on a forum) but only pastes one value and I am not able to modify it enough to suit my needs - it uses VBA to put formulas in specific cells. (it's pretty useless but I thought it was a start)
Sub MCInternet()
Dim Cll As Range
Dim lngLastRow As Long
lngLastRow = Cells(rows.count, "C:C").End(xlUp).Row
'Sheets("Unpaid List").Range("H2:H" & lngLastRow).ClearContents
For Each Cll In Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C1:C" & Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row)
'Cll.Offset(, 6).Formula = "=Vlookup(" & Cll.Address & ", " & Sheets("Sheet1").Name & "!A:C,1,False)"
Cll.Offset(, 6).Formula = "=Vlookup(" & Cll.Address & ", " & Sheets(Sheets.count).Name & "!A:C,1,False)"
Next Cll
End Sub
I think it's better to define in a new module a Public Function like:
Public Function FindP(xx As Range) As Long
Dim FoundIndex
Dim SumFound, i As Long
Set FoundIndex = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C:C").Find(xx.Value)
If (FoundIndex Is Nothing) = True Then
FindP = 0
Exit Function
SumFound = 0
For i = 0 To 100
If (FoundIndex.Offset(i, 0) = "") Or (FoundIndex.Offset(i, 0) = xx.Value) Then
SumFound = SumFound + FoundIndex.Offset(i, 1).Value
Exit For
End If
FindP = SumFound
End If
End Function
and in every cells in the sheet1:
D1 -> =FindP(C1)
and autocomplete.
The function search in the column C of the sheet2 the name, after loop to sum every value if the name in column C it's equal (1st line) or empty (2nd ... n line).

Merge cells and delete duplicate data

I have a list of companies and each has a scope of work, address and phone number. Some of the companies have multiple scopes of work. It looks something like this:
I want to get rid of the second copy of the stuff like the address (and in my case phone numbers and such) while copying the unique data in the second line and putting it in the first line and then getting rid of the second line.
I have very little experience of coding. I looked up how to do this step by step but something is wrong within the code or the syntax:
I found code for going down a column for a blank space.
I looked up how I would copy a cell to the right of the active blank cell.
I found code for merging the info into the cell one above and one to the right of the active cell.
I found code that deletes the row with the active cell.
I want it to loop until there are no more blank company cells.
So this is how I put it together:
Public Sub SelectFirstBlankCell()
Dim sourceCol As Integer, rowCount As Integer, currentRow As Integer
Dim currentRowValue As String
sourceCol = 6 'column F has a value of 6
rowCount = Cells(Rows.Count, sourceCol).End(xlUp).Row
'for every row, find the first blank cell and select it
For currentRow = 1 To rowCount
currentRowValue = Cells(currentRow, sourceCol).Value
If IsEmpty(currentRowValue) Or currentRowValue = "" Then
Cells(currentRow, sourceCol).Select
End If
Loop Until A647
End Sub
Sub mergeIt()
Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1), ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1)).Merge
End Sub
Sub DeleteRow()
RowNo = ActiveCell.Row
If RowNo < 7 Then Exit Sub
Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row).EntireRow.Delete
LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
End Sub
Please never post code as an image since someone who wants to try it out must type it. You can edit your question and add a new section including revised code if necessary.
My copy of your code (plus line numbers) is:
1 Public Sub SelectFirstBlankCell()
2 Dim sourceCol As Integer, rowCount As Integer, currentRow As Integer
3 Dim currentRowValue As String
4 sourceCol = 1 'column F has a value of 6
5 rowCount = Cells(Rows.Count, sourceCol).End(xlUp).Row
6 'for every row, find the first blank cell and select it
7 For currentRow = 1 To rowCount
8 currentRowValue = Cells(currentRow, sourceCol).Value
9 If IsEmpty(currentRowValue) Or currentRowValue = "" Then
10 Cells(currentRow, sourceCol).Select
11 End If
12 Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1)).Merge
13 ActiveCell.Select
14 If IsEmpty(currentRowValue) Or currentRowValue = "" Then
15 Cells(Range("sourceCol:21")).Delete
16 End If
17 Next
18 End Sub
I am sure we all started selecting cells and accessing the ActiveCell because the macro recorder does this. However, selecting cells is slow and it is very easy to lose track of what is selected. I believe this is your main problem.
Problem 1 The end value for a For-Loop is fixed at the start; Any attempt to reduce rowCount when you delete something will have no effect on the For-Loop.
Problem 2 I suspect you mean the range in line 15 to be sourceCol & ":" & currentRow.
Problem 3 In line 10 you select a cell if it is blank. In line 12 you merge the active cell whether or not you have just selected it. This means your code attempts a merge for every row.
Problem 4 Column 1 is the column that might be blank. Suppose row 1000 is the last row with a supplier's name but row 1005 is the last row with a product. Your code would not process rows 1001 to 1005.
Problem 5 Function IsEmpty() only returns sensible values for Variants. A Variant is either a cell or a variable that can hold different types of value.
I have not tried your code so there may be more mistakes. Do get dispirited. To the best of my knowledge, problem 1 is not documented. I had to discover this "feature" for myself by attempting code similar to yours. The specification for Function IsEmpty() states its limitations but, unless you fully understand Variants, the significance is not obvious. The other problems are easy errors to make and only practice will reduce their frequency.
Below is my solution to your problem. It is not how I would code it for myself but I think I have introduced enough new concepts for one solution.
I do not say much about the syntax of the VBA statements I use since it is usually easy to look up a statement once you know it exists. Ask if necessary but please try to understand the code before asking.
I do not like deleting in situ; it is slow and, if your code is faulty, you have to load the previous version of the worksheet and start again. I have a source (Src) and a Destination (Dest) worksheet.
I use constants for values that might change but not during a single run of your macro.
You assume the address and other details for Jan's Supply on rows 2 and 3 match. I am paranoid and never make assumptions like this. If my code would discard important information if rows 2 and 3 did not match, I check they match. I also allow for rows like this because I have encountered them:
John's supply Cookies 555 Main Street CA
Cakes Littleville CA
This will become:
John's supply Cookies & Cakes 555 Main Street Littleville CA
Some of the comments explain my choice of VBA statement but most do not. When you have to update a macro you wrote 12 months ago for new requirements, the few minutes you spent adding comments can save you hours finding your way around the code.
You may not like my system of naming variables. Fine; develop your own. When you return to this macro in 12 months, an immediate understanding of the variables will save more time.
Option Explicit
Const WkshtSrcName As String = "Sheet1" ' \ Replace "Sheet1" and "Sheet2"
Const WkshtDestName As String = "Sheet2" ' / with the names of your worksheets
Const ColSupplier As String = "A" ' \ In Cells(R, C), C can be a
Const ColProduct As String = "B" ' / number or a column identifier
Const RowDataFirst As Long = 1
Sub MergeRowsForSameSupplier()
Dim ColCrnt As Long ' \ Columns in source and destination are the
Dim ColMax As Long ' / same so single variables are adequate.
Dim RowDestCrnt As Long ' \ Rows in source and destination
Dim RowSrcCrnt As Long ' | worksheets are different
Dim RowSrcMax As Long ' / so need separate variables.
Dim ProductCrnt As String
Dim Join As String
Dim SupplierCrnt As String
Dim WkshtSrc As Worksheet
Dim WkshtDest As Worksheet
Set WkshtSrc = Worksheets(WkshtSrcName)
Set WkshtDest = Worksheets(WkshtDestName)
With WkshtSrc
' I consider this to be the easiest technique of identifying the last used
' row and column in a worksheet. Note: the used range includes trailing
' rows and columns that are formatted but otherwise unused or were used but
' aren't now so other techniques can better match what the user or the
' programmer usually mean by "used".
ColMax = .UsedRange.Columns.Count
RowSrcMax = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
End With
With WkshtDest
.Cells.EntireRow.Delete ' Delete any existing contents
End With
RowDestCrnt = RowDataFirst
For RowSrcCrnt = RowDataFirst To RowSrcMax
With WkshtSrc
SupplierCrnt = .Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColSupplier).Value
ProductCrnt = .Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColProduct).Value
End With
If SupplierCrnt <> "" Then
' This is the first or only row for a supplier.
' Copy it to Destination worksheet.
With WkshtSrc
.Range(.Cells(RowSrcCrnt, 1), .Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColMax)).Copy _
Destination:=WkshtDest.Cells(RowDestCrnt, 1)
End With
RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
ElseIf ProductCrnt = "" Then
' Both Supplier and Product cells are empty.
With WkshtSrc
If .Cells(RowSrcCrnt, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column = 1 And _
.Cells(RowSrcCrnt, 1).Value = "" And _
.Cells(RowSrcCrnt, Columns.Count).Value = "" Then
' If you do not understand why I have so many tests,
' experiment with Ctrl+Left
' Row empty so ignore it
' Don't know what to do with this error so give up
Call MsgBox("Cells " & ColSupplier & RowSrcCrnt & " and " & _
ColProduct & RowSrcCrnt & " of worksheet " & _
WkshtSrcName & _
" are blank but the entire row is not blank", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Merge rows for same supplier")
Exit Sub
End If
End With
' Supplier cell is empty. Product cell is not.
' Row RowDestCrnt-1 of the Destination worksheet contains the first row
' for this supplier or the result of merging previous rows for this
' supplier.
If WkshtSrc.Cells(RowSrcCrnt + 1, ColSupplier).Value = "" And _
WkshtSrc.Cells(RowSrcCrnt + 1, ColProduct).Value <> "" Then
' The next row is for the same supplier but is not a blank row
Join = ","
' This is last row for this supplier
Join = " &"
End If
' Add to list of products
With WkshtDest
.Cells(RowDestCrnt - 1, ColProduct).Value = _
.Cells(RowDestCrnt - 1, ColProduct).Value & Join & " " & _
End With
For ColCrnt = 1 To ColMax
If ColCrnt = Cells(1, ColSupplier).Column Or _
ColCrnt = Cells(1, ColProduct).Column Then
' You may think (and you may be right) that the supplier and product
' will always be in the first two columns. But have seen the
' weirdest arrangements and make no assumptions
' Ignore this column
If WkshtSrc.Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColCrnt).Value = "" Then
' The most likely arrangement: the subsequent row has no
' value in this column. Nothing to do.
ElseIf WkshtDest.Cells(RowDestCrnt - 1, ColCrnt).Value = "" Then
' This source row has a value in this column but [the] previous
' row[s] did not.
' Note: I use the copy statement because it copies formatting as
' well as the value which may be useful.
WkshtSrc.Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColCrnt).Copy _
Destination:=WkshtDest.Cells(RowDestCrnt - 1, ColCrnt)
ElseIf WkshtSrc.Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColCrnt).Value = _
WkshtDest.Cells(RowDestCrnt - 1, ColCrnt).Value Then
' Values match. Nothing to do.
' Values do not match.
' Don't know what to do with this error so give up.
Call MsgBox("The value in cell " & ColNumToCode(ColCrnt) & _
RowSrcCrnt & " of worksheet " & WkshtSrcName & _
" does not match a value in an earlier row " & _
"for the same supplier", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Merge rows for same supplier")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
With WkshtDest
End With
End Sub
Function ColNumToCode(ByVal ColNum As Long) As String
' Convert a column identifier (A, AA, etc.) to its number
Dim Code As String
Dim PartNum As Long
' Last updated 3 Feb 12. Adapted to handle three character codes.
If ColNum = 0 Then
ColNumToCode = "0"
Code = ""
Do While ColNum > 0
PartNum = (ColNum - 1) Mod 26
Code = Chr(65 + PartNum) & Code
ColNum = (ColNum - PartNum - 1) \ 26
End If
ColNumToCode = Code
End Function

Need a better optimized code?

Need a much Optimized code.Well I Got a Project and I have Succefully made it work with the vba (Mostly helped by the stackoverflow programmers Thanks for that)
But Today I got a Feedback. Its deleting 2 more unique entries in the record But I dont know why its deleting Them.
The Algorithm I have applied
I have Used the COUNTIF function Which I found on google
="countif(A$1:A2,A3)=0" A3 is the active cell, Checks A2,A1 for dupes
It Throws False if there is a duplicate in The A column and True If it is a unique.What I have understood about Countif is that
It checks all the above columns values from that cell I mean let us take A4. SO it checks A2,A1,A3 for the duplicate. Similarly A10 checks for A1 to A9 and throws either TRue or False.Well It was working But I dont know what went wrong The code is not working for some entries.Its even showing False for the Unique entries sometimes.
And its taking more time to applye these formula as I have more amount of data. Im trying to make it cleaner and more Optimizing Way.People told me its not a c or some other Language to make it optimize but Im need of code that makes my code more optimized
I need code for these condtions can anyone help me as my countif failed.Im little helpless in doing so.
1)I have a column and I should check for duplicates in that column and delete that row if it is a duplicate
2) I have 35000 Old entries in the column and I have new entries 2000 everyweek these are appended. I need to check these 2000 entries from the total 37000 ( as we appened we get 35000+2000) and these delete operation need to be performed only on the newly appended 2000 entries but it should check the duplicates for entire column
Let me explain you clearly I have 2000 entries newly added,so Only these entries are to be checked for the duplicates from the 35000 entries and also from itself (2000 entries) and delete it if it is a duplicate and no duplicating operation should be performed on the 35000 entries old data.
I have found some codes but they are deleting even the duplicates of the 35000 entries. I have set the range but even though its not working.
Can anyone help me with the best code that takes less time?please thank you
Updating my question with the sample code I have
PTY 39868.5 4 2 540 3 PTY39868.5425403
GTY 34446.1234 2 1 230 1 GTY34446.1234212301
PTY 3945.678 2 2 PTY3945.67822
GTY 34446.1234 2 1 230 1 GTY34446.1234212301
let us say these are old 35000 entries
Explaination to the above example.
The above are the 35000 entries. I have to check A,B,F,G,H,I columns for the dupes, if they are same I have to delete the row, I should not bother about the other columns c,d etc. so what I did is I have used one unused column Y and concatenated these 6 columns values into 1 at Y column using these
= A2 & B2 & F2 & G2 & H2 &I2 with the respective columns
Now checking the Y column for dupes and delete the entire row. as 2003 supports only for one column as far to my knowledge.
Notice that even the 35000 entries may have duplicates in it but I should not delete them. Example you can see the 2 and last row in my example code are dupes but I should not delete
as it is the old data.
PTY 39868.5 4 2 540 3 PTY39868.5425403 'old
GTY 34446.1234 2 1 230 1 GTY34446.1234212301 'old
PTY 3945.678 2 2 PTY3945.67822 'old
GTY 34446.1234 2 1 230 1 GTY34446.1234212301 'old
PTY 3945.678 1 1 230 2 PTY3945.678112302 'new
PTY 39868.5 4 2 540 3 PTY39868.5425403 'new
PTY 3945.678 1 1 230 2 PTY3945.678112302 'new
Now note that New entry PTY (from last 2nd) is a duplicate of the original record(PTY at first) So I hava to delete it.And the last new entry is a duplicate of the new entry itself so I should delete it even that . SO in the above code I have to delete only the last 2 rows which are dupes of original record and also from it . But should not delete the GTY which is the dupe but which is in orginal record.
I think I gave a clear view now. Is concatenating them into one cell . Is it better way to approach? as conactenatin for 40000 entries taking just 2 seconds i think that doesnt matter but any more algorithms to these is much aprreciated
I heard counif treats 45.00 and 45.00000 as different is that right may be that was the problem with it? since I have decimal points in my data. I think I should do
= I2 & H2 & G2 & F2 & A2 & B2
which is better to concatenate? is this or the other i posted before?
It think the original questions threw me off - there may be a problem with the logic in the question. The following assumes you want to delete the cell, not entire row, for the duplicate entries.
If the 35000 old records do not include duplicates, then all you need to do is remove all duplicates from the entire column - so long as you start from row 1, you run no risk of deleting any of the 'old' rows since no duplicates exist in them.
Here is one way:
Sub UniqueList()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, lastrow As Long
Dim dictionary As Object
Set dictionary = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
vArray = Range("A1:A" & lastrow).Value
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(vArray, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(vArray, 2)
If Len(vArray(i, j)) <> 0 Then
dictionary(vArray(i, j)) = 1
End If
Range("A1").Resize(dictionary.Count).Value = _
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
If for some odd reason the 35000 old records DO include dupes and you only want to allow these 35000 records to do so, then you can use 2 dictionaries, but this would be an unusual case since you'd be treating the old records differently than new...
Sub RemoveNewDupes()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim varray As Variant
Dim oldDict As Object, newDict As Object
Set oldDict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Set newDict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
On Error Resume Next
lastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Add old entries to dictionary
varray = Range("A1:A35000").Value
For i = 1 To UBound(varray, 1)
oldDict.Add varray(i, 1), 1
'Check for dupes
varray = Range("A35001:A" & lastRow).Value
For i = 1 To UBound(varray, 1)
If oldDict.exists(varray(i, 1)) = False Then
newDict.Add varray(i, 1), 1
End If
'Delete and slap back on the unique list
Range("A35001", "A" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
Range("A35001").Resize(newDict.Count).Value = _
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Thanks to Reafidy for the advice and getting me to relook at this.
This is also a response to some of the comments and solutions made by other members so sorry if it does not straight away answer your question.
Firstly I believe that using excel in a database scenario that raw data and presentation data should be separated. This usually means a single worksheet with raw data and multiple other worksheets with presentation data. Then delete the raw data when necessary or archive.
When speed testing it is very difficult to get a level playing field in excel as there are many things that affect the results. Computer specs, available RAM etc.. Code must first be compiled before running any of the procedures. The test data is also important, when considering duplicates - how many duplicates vs how many rows. This sub loads some test data, altering the amount of rows vs the range of random numbers (duplicates) will give very different results for your code. I don't know what your data looks like so we are kind of working blind and your results may be very different.
'// This is still not very good test data, but should suffice for this situation.
Sub TestFill()
'// 300000 rows
For i = 1 To 300000
'// This populates a random number between 1 & 10000 - adjust to suit
Cells(i, "A").value = Int((100000 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
End Sub
If we are talking about advanced filter vs an array & dictonary method then advanced filter will be quicker with a lower amount of rows but once you get above a certain amount of rows then the array method will be quicker. Then see what happens when you change the amount of duplicates.... :)
As a guideline or as a general rule using excels built in functions will be faster and I recommend always develop attempting to use these inbuilt functions, however there are often exceptions, like above when removing duplicates. :)
Deleting rows can be slow when looping if used incorrectly. If looping is used then it is important to keep synchronisation between code and the workbook out of the loop. This usually means read data to an array, loop through the data, then load the data from the array back to the presentation worksheet essentially deleting the unwanted data.
Sub RemoveDuplicatesA()
'// Copy raw data to presentation sheet
Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sheet2.Range("B1"), Unique:=True
End Sub
This will be the fastest method:
Sub RemoveDuplicatesB()
Dim vData As Variant, vArray As Variant
Dim lCnt As Long, lRow As Long
vData = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(1).value
ReDim vArray(0 To UBound(vData, 1), 0)
lCnt = 0
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For lRow = 1 To UBound(vData, 1)
If Not .Exists(vData(lRow, 1)) Then
vArray(lCnt, 0) = vData(lRow, 1): lCnt = lCnt + 1
.Add vData(lRow, 1), Nothing
End If
Next lRow
End With
'// Copy raw data to presentation sheet
Sheet2.Range("B1").Resize(lCnt).value = vArray
End Sub
Application transpose has a limitation of 65536 rows but as you are using 2003 you should be fine using it, therefore you can simplify the above code with:
Sub RemoveDuplicatesC()
Dim vData As Variant
Dim lRow As Long
vData = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(1).value
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For lRow = 1 To UBound(vData, 1)
If Not .exists(vData(lRow, 1)) Then
.Add vData(lRow, 1), Nothing
End If
Next lRow
'// Copy raw data to presentation sheet or replace raw data
Sheet2.Columns(2).Resize(.Count).value = Application.Transpose(.keys)
End With
End Sub
Okay so #Issun has mentioned you want the entire row deleted. My suggestion was to improve your spreadsheet layout by having a raw data and presentation sheet which means you dont need to delete anything hence it would have been the fastest method. If you dont want to do that and would like to edit the raw data directly then try this:
Sub RemoveDuplicatesD()
Dim vData As Variant, vArray As Variant
Dim lRow As Long
vData = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(1).value
ReDim vArray(1 To UBound(vData, 1), 0)
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For lRow = 1 To UBound(vData, 1)
If Not .exists(vData(lRow, 1)) Then
varray(lRow, 0) = "x"
.Add vData(lRow, 1), Nothing
End If
Next lRow
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'// Modify the raw data
With ActiveSheet
.Range("B1").Resize(lRow).value = vArray
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Before starting again from scratch your whole code, here are a few things you can try:
Optimize your VBA
There are several tips on the web about optimizing vba. In particular, you can do:
'turn off some Excel functionality so your code runs faster
'these two are especially very efficient
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'use these if you really need to
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
'code goes here
'at the end, restore the default behavior
'calculate the formulas
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
See here for more information
Optimize your algorithm
Especially when your inserting your COUNTIF formula, you can try to fill in instead of inserting the formula in each row.
On the deleting row part, you should try the solution I gave you in your previous thread: Delete duplicate entries in a column in excel 2003 vba to filter first on the True values and then to delete the visible cells. It is probably the fastest way.
[EDIT] Seems like Doc Brown's answer would be probably the best way to handle this (hey, this is a dictionary solution that wasn't written by Issun :)). Anyway, the VBA optimization tips are still relevant because this is quite a slow language.
OK, here's the advancedfilter method. Don't know if it is faster than the dictionary method. It would be interesting to know though, so let me know after you try it. I also included the delete portion so you would have to stop that portion if you want to do a true comparison. Also, you can make this a function instead of a sub and put in your variables, however you want to change it.
Sub DeleteRepeats()
Dim d1 As Double
Dim r1 As Range, rKeepers As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
d1 = Timer
Set wks = ActiveSheet
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Make sure all rows are visible
On Error Resume Next
wks.UsedRange.Rows.Hidden = False
wks.UsedRange.Columns.Hidden = False
On Error GoTo 0
'Get concerned range
Set r1 = wks.Range("A1:A35000")
r1.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True
'Get range of cells not to be deleted
Set rKeepers = r1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
rKeepers.EntireRow.Hidden = True
'Delete all undesirables
'show all rows
On Error Resume Next
wks.UsedRange.Rows.Hidden = False
On Error GoTo 0
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Debug.Print Timer() - d1
End Sub
OK, here's a take on Doc's and Issun's use of Dictionaries. Before I wasn't convinced but after looking at it and testing it and comparing to advanced filter, I am convinced, dictionaries are better for this application. I don't know why Excel isn't faster on this point since they should be using faster algorithms, it's not the hiding, unhiding of the rows since that happens very quickly. So if anyone knows, let me know. This procedure takes just over 1 second on my slow computer:
Sub FindDupesAndDelete()
Dim d1 As Double
Dim dict As Object
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim v1 As Variant
' Dim s1() As String
Dim rDelete As Range
Dim bUnion As Boolean
d1 = Timer()
bUnion = False
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set sh = ActiveSheet
v1 = Application.Transpose(sh.Range("A1", "A" _
& sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row))
' ReDim s1(1 To UBound(v1))
Dim row As Long, value As String ', newEntry As Boolean
For row = 1 To sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row
value = v1(row)
If dict.Exists(value) Then
' newEntry = False
If bUnion Then
Set rDelete = Union(rDelete, sh.Range("A" & row))
Set rDelete = sh.Range("A" & row)
bUnion = True
End If
' newEntry = True
dict.Add value, 1
End If
' s1(row) = newEntry
' sh.Range("B1", "B" & UBound(v1)) = Application.Transpose(s1)
Debug.Print Timer() - d1
End Sub
Okay so now we have some more info here is a solution. It should execute almost instantly.
The code works by filling column y with your concatenate formula. It then adds all of column y to a dictionary and using the dictionary marks each row as a duplicate in column z. It then removes all the duplicates found after row 35000. Then finally it clears both column y and column z to remove the redundant data.
Sub RemoveDuplicates()
Dim vData As Variant, vArray As Variant
Dim lRow As Long
'// Get used range of column A (excluding header) and offset to get column y
With ActiveSheet.Range("A2", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Offset(, 24)
'// Adds the concatenate formula to the sheet column (y)
.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-24]&RC[-23]&RC[-19]&RC[-18]&RC[-17]&RC[-16]"
'// Adds the formula results to an array
vData = .Resize(, 1).value
End With
'// Re dimension the array to the correct size
ReDim vArray(1 To UBound(vData, 1), 0)
'// Create a dictionary object using late binding
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'// Loop through each row in the array
For lRow = 1 To UBound(vData, 1)
'// Check if value exists in the array
If Not .exists(vData(lRow, 1)) Then
'// Value does not exist mark as non duplicate.
vArray(lRow, 0) = "x"
'// Add value to dictionary
.Add vData(lRow, 1), Nothing
End If
Next lRow
End With
'// Turn off screen updating to speed up code and prevent screen flicker
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
'// Populate column z with the array
.Range("Z2").Resize(UBound(vArray, 1)) = vArray
'// Use error handling as speciallcells throws an error when none exist.
On Error Resume Next
'// Delete all blank cells in column z
.Range("Y35001", .Cells(Rows.Count, "Y").End(xlUp)).Offset(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
'// Remove error handling
On Error GoTo 0
'// Clear columns y and z
.Columns(25).Resize(, 2).ClearContents
End With
'// Turn screen updating back on.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
NOTE: you can change all references "activesheet" to your sheet codename if you want.
NOTE2: it assumes you have headers and has left row 1 alone.
I have used your columns and test data as best I can. Here is the test fill I used:
Sub TestFill()
For i = 1 To 37000
With Range("A" & i)
.value = Choose(Int(2 * Rnd + 1), "PTY", "GTY")
.Offset(, 1).value = Round((40000 * (Rnd + 1)), Choose(Int(4 * Rnd + 1), 1, 2, 3, 4))
.Offset(, 5).value = Int(4 * Rnd + 1)
.Offset(, 6).value = Int(2 * Rnd + 1)
.Offset(, 7).value = Choose(Int(2 * Rnd + 1), "230", "540")
.Offset(, 8).value = Int(3 * Rnd + 1)
End With
Next i
End Sub
Lets say you have your entries in column A, and you want the result of your formula in column B (but much faster). This VBA macro should do the trick:
Option Explicit
Sub FindDupes()
Dim dict As Object
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set sh = ActiveSheet
Dim row As Long, value As String
For row = 1 To sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row
value = sh.Range("A" & row).Text
If dict.Exists(value) Then
sh.Range("B" & row) = "False"
sh.Range("B" & row) = "True"
dict.Add value, 1
End If
End Sub
(Using a dictionary gives here almost linear running time, which should be a matter of seconds for 35.0000 rows, where your original formula had quadratic running time complexity).
Edit: due to your comment: you will have to fill the dictionary first by reading each entry at least once, that is something you cannot avoid easily. What you can avoid is to fill the rows of column B again when they are already filled:
Option Explicit
Sub FindDupes()
Dim dict As Object
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set sh = ActiveSheet
Dim row As Long, value As String, newEntry As Boolean
For row = 1 To sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row
value = sh.Range("A" & row).Text
If dict.Exists(value) Then
newEntry = False
newEntry = True
dict.Add value, 1
End If
If Trim(sh.Range("B" & row)) = "" Then sh.Range("B" & row) = newEntry
End Sub
But I suspect this won't be much faster than my first solution.
Now that you have updated that you want the entire rows deleted and that the first 35000 rows are allowed to have dupes, here is a function that will do that for you. I think I came up with a clever method and it's blazing fast, too:
Sub RemoveNewDupes()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim varray As Variant
Dim oldDict As Object, newDict As Object
Set oldDict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Set newDict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
On Error Resume Next
lastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Add old entries to dictionary
varray = Range("A1:A35000").Value
For i = 1 To UBound(varray, 1)
oldDict.Add varray(i, 1), 1
'Check for dupes
varray = Range("A35001:A" & lastRow).Value
For i = 35000 + UBound(varray, 1) To 35001 Step -1
If oldDict.exists(varray(i - 35000, 1)) = True Or _
newDict.exists(varray(i - 35000, 1)) = True Then
Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Delete
newDict.Add varray(i - 35000, 1), 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'A status message at the end for finishing touch
MsgBox UBound(varray, 1) - newDict.Count & _
" duplicate row(s) found and deleted."
End Sub
How it works:
First I store the 35000 cells into a dictionary file. Then I take a variant array of every cell 35001 onward and loop through them backwards to see if it's in the 35k dictionary or not, or that we haven't come across the value yet in the loop. If it finds that it's a dupe, it deletes the row.
The cool (if I may say) way that it does the row deletion is that when you create the varray, for say A35001 - A37000, it stores them as (1, 1) (2, 1) (...). So if you set "i" to the Ubound of the array + 35000 and step back to 35001, you will loop through all the additions backwardsfrom A37000 to A35001. Then when you want to delete the row, "i" is perfectly set to the row number the value was found in, so you can delete it. And since it goes backwards, it does not screw up the loop!