I have this error when I want install a commercial SSL in Zimbra
Your certificate was not installed due to the error : system failure:
exception executing command: zmcertmgr verifycrtkey comm
/opt/zimbra/mailboxd/webapps/zimbraAdmin/tmp/current.crt with
{RemoteManager: mail.mydomain.com->zimbra#mail.mydomain.com:22}
Use below script for SSL install in Zimbra.
#!/bin/bash -x
# SSL certificate installation in Zimbra
# with SSL certificate provided by Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt.org)
# Author: Subhash (serverkaka.com)
# Check if running as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
read -p 'letsencrypt_email [xx#xx.xx]: ' letsencrypt_email
read -p 'mail_server_url [xx.xx.xx]: ' mail_server_url
# Check All variable have a value
if [ -z $mail_server_url ] || [ -z $letsencrypt_email ]
echo run script again please insert all value. do not miss any value
# Installation start
# Stop the jetty or nginx service at Zimbra level
su - zimbra -c 'zmproxyctl stop'
su - zimbra -c 'zmmailboxdctl stop'
# Install git and letsencrypt
cd /opt/
apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt
cd letsencrypt
# Get SSL certificate
./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone --non-interactive --agree-tos --email $letsencrypt_email -d $mail_server_url --hsts
cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/$mail_server_url
cat <<EOF >>chain.pem
# Verify commercial certificate
mkdir /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$mail_server_url/* /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt/
chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt/*
ls -la /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt/
su - zimbra -c 'cd /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt/ && /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr verifycrt comm privkey.pem cert.pem chain.pem'
# Deploy the new Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
cp -a /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra.$(date "+%Y%m%d")
cp /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt/privkey.pem /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key
sudo chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key
su - zimbra -c 'cd /opt/zimbra/ssl/letsencrypt/ && /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr deploycrt comm cert.pem chain.pem'
# Restart Zimbra
su - zimbra -c 'zmcontrol restart'
# setting auto https redirect
cd /opt && touch https-redirect.sh && chown zimbra:zimbra https-redirect.sh && chmod +x https-redirect.sh
cat <<EOF >>/opt/https-redirect.sh
zmprov ms $mail_server_url zimbraReverseProxyMailMode redirect
su - zimbra -c '/opt/https-redirect.sh'
rm /opt/https-redirect.sh
For more reference check this link: https://github.com/SubhashPatel/Install-Zimbra-mail-server-ubuntu/blob/master/configure-ssl-zimbra.sh
You should try using CLI to install SSL certificate for Zimbra. Also you need to verify that you have the same certificate which you have downloaded from the certificate authority.
For commercial.crt you need to copy one certificate downloaded from the authority. For commercial_ca.crt, there must be one CA bundle file, you will have from certificate authority.
Private key, you need to verify during generating your CSR and also verify with the hosting. After that restart the Zimbra by command
zmcontrol restart
finally i found the solution.
you shouldn't fill the subject alternative name when you want create csr!
thats all.
Every other year I spend hours on renewing the ssl certificates on zimbra with the help of hopeless outdated tutorials. A tedious process that I don't do often enough to remember how I did it. I learned the hard way that it is easier to use the admin console, than using CLI and messing around with concatinating the different certificates.
Hereby the steps that I take:
Please note that this is a walkthrough, dedicated to the
GoGetSSL Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard certificate, and may not work for other SSL providers.
Zimbra version: 8.8.15
We use the wildcard certificate on several servers, but we generate the CSR always(!) on the zimbra server. So go to admin console > Configure > Certificates, click the domain in the list and then in top right corner, choose install certificate. Choose the generate CSR option (second of the 3 options). Make sure that in the common name field you use the wildcard symbol: e.g.
Also check the checkbox that it concerns a wildcard common name
Fill out the rest of the info according to your situation. At the bottom, there's option to add other names; remove all of them (if any). Go to next page and download the CSR, finish the wizard.
on the GoGetSSL page create the new/renew the SSL certificate with the by Zimbra generated CSR. Finish up the entire process, including the validation. All the way up to that the certificate is issued and files can be downloaded. Choose to download the 'All files' zip file. extract on your local system.
browse to: https://www.gogetssl.com/wiki/intermediate-certificates/sectigo-intermediate-root-certificates/
On this page download the file: DV RSA Files > RSA DV Bundle with SHA-1 (TXT file)
go back to admin console > Configure > Certificates, click the domain in the list and then in top right corner, choose install certificate. This time you choose the 3rd option: install commercial signed certificate. First screen of the wizard shows the info you entered earlier for the CSR. The info may show up empty. For me this didn't give me any problems, so I left it. On the next screen: You have to upload 3 certificate files by default, but we need to upload 4, so we need to do Add Intermediate CA for the fourth file.
Choose files as follows:
Certificate: server certificate from the zip file: e.g. _example.com.crt
Root CA: RSA DV Bundle with SHA-1 (TXT file), from the link above
Intermediate CA: USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.crt from zip file
(Added) Intermediate CA: AAA_Certificate_Services.crt
NOTE: I can't remember which Intermediate CA I chose first, so if any problems, try switching the last 2 mentioned files around.
Finish the wizard and test by sending and receiving email.
Then I take the certificates and update other servers with these certificates. (e.g. nginx, apache2, etc). Note: you may need to get the commercial.key file for use on other servers. On linux this file is located in: /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/
If permission denied, you may use root account or do: sudo su - zimbra
I hope this helps for people struggling with the same certificate and zimbra
I need to get an certificate for my domain hosted on AWS Route 53 from LetsEncrypt. I do not have any port 80 or 443 exposed since the server is used for VPN and does not have a public access.
So the only way to do this is via DNS validation of route 53.
So far I have installed certbot and dns-route53 plugin
sudo snap install --beta --classic certbot
sudo snap set certbot trust-plugin-with-root=ok
sudo snap install --beta certbot-dns-route53
sudo snap connect certbot:plugin certbot-dns-route53
I have created a special user in my AWS account who has access to Route53 and I have added the access key id and secret access key in the ~/.aws/config and also ~/.aws/credentials which looks something like this
Basically followed every step given here: https://certbot-dns-route53.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
Now when I run the following command:
sudo certbot certonly -d mydomain.com --dns-route53
It gives the following output:
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator dns-route53, Installer None
Requesting a certificate for mydomain.com
Performing the following challenges:
dns-01 challenge for mydomain.com
Cleaning up challenges
Unable to locate credentials
To use certbot-dns-route53, configure credentials as described at https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/configuration.html#best-practices-for-configuring-credentials and add the necessary permissions for Route53 access.
I went to the documentation given in the error message: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/configuration.html#best-practices-for-configuring-credentials
but I do not think there is anything wrong I am doing
I even went to the root level by doing sudo su and exported the AWS keys as env vars there and even exported the AWS keys in the home as well but it still throws me the same error.
so I also ran into this same issue, and it's likely because of you running certbot with sudo, when do you do that, whatever user you've used as ~/, is ignored, as instead, it's looking in /root/.
I fixed it by (centos) is my user where I have the .aws/ directory with config and credential files.
sudo -s
ln -s /home/centos/.aws/ ~/.aws
ls -lsa ~/.aws
... /root/.aws -> /home/centos/.aws/
I set up a secured NiFi cluster with TLS certificates provided by the organisation.On accessing the UI I am getting the error as "javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Hostname abc.com not verified: certificate: sha256/abc/abcabc= DN: CN=abc.com, OU=Abc Operations, O=Abc Corporation Limited, C=SG subjectAltNames: [abc.com]".I have referred the link https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-docs/html/walkthroughs.html#securing-nifi-with-provided-certificates.
Is there anything I missed to enable peer to peer communication while using SSL?
I had same problem and found solution in NiFi TLS-toolkit.
Notion: on my cluster auth worked correctly and problem was only in java verification SSL
Shortly: problem indeed in --subjectAlternativeNames
Generating ssl-keys with own rootCA not worked for me. Good instrunction (but old): https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Community-Articles/How-to-create-user-generated-keys-for-securing-NiFi/ta-p/245551
CentOS Linux 8
NiFi 1.14.0
nifi-toolkit 1.15.2
My way with NiFi TLS-toolkit:
Download nifi-toolkit-*.tar.gz to linux machine (let's ip machine is, we need it because this VM will be as "certificateAuthorityHostname") link at this page
sudo wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/nifi/1.15.2/nifi-toolkit-1.15.2-bin.tar.gz
Unarchive it
sudo tar -xvf nifi-toolkit-1.15.2-bin.tar.gz
Generate all keys by long command
../security_output - this dir (or any other name) need to be created before run main command (it's useful to store all key-files in one place)
sudo ./bin/tls-toolkit.sh standalone -h - this help-command to better understand args
OU - equal VM-names in my cluster
!!! --subjectAlternativeNames - it's main reason why raise error javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Hostname <ip / dns> not verified
-O - this arg overwrite your keys in folder, be careful
generaet coomand: sudo ./bin/tls-toolkit.sh standalone --hostnames ',,' -c '' -C 'CN=,OU=nifi-prod-cluster-01' -C 'CN=,OU=nifi-prod-cluster-02' -C 'CN=,OU=nifi-prod-cluster-03' -O -o ../security_output --subjectAlternativeNames ',,,nifi-prod-cluster-01,nifi-prod-cluster-02,nifi-prod-cluster-03'
After generating keys I archive full dir security_output:
sudo tar -zcvf security_output.tar.gz security_output
And copy this tar/dir to other VM of cluster: to and in my example
Then we need to move keystore.jks and truststore.jks to nifi/conf/ directory near nifi.properties
Edit nifi.properties. Passwords of keys will be in security_output/0.0.0.X/nifi.properties. I replace only this params:
nifi.security.autoreload.interval=10 secs
Restart nifi:
sudo service nifi restart && tail -f /opt/nifi/logs/nifi-app.log
UPD. Maybe you want to set one password for keys for all machines (it's easier to setup) or set number of days for keys: https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-docs/html/toolkit-guide.html#standalone
Usefull link for my guide (but old): https://pierrevillard.com/tag/tls-toolkit/
This helps me find good idea: https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Community-Articles/Using-the-TLS-Toolkit-to-simplify-security/ta-p/247531
Use this guide installed FreeIPA with SSL: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-freeipa-server-on-centos-7/
yum install ipa-server bind-dyndb-ldap ipa-server-dns -y
ipa-server-install --setup-dns
After finish it, it can be accessed by https://ipa.hakase-labs.io/.
There are two files generated on the /root/ path:
If use a self-prepared CA file, we can know where the .crt file is. And set it to a client server in order to connect to the LDAP(FreeIPA) server.
But where is it by the default way?
I don't see how this question is related to programming, maybe move it to ServerFault.
And it's not clear what you want to do exactly. You don't want to install an embedded CA within the IPA Server, but it's unclear if you're going to use an external CA or no CA at all. In the first case this means the IPA Server would still automatically update the certificates, while the second case means you would update yourself when it is necessary.
The best entry point is the Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy Guide
If you're not going to use any CA at all, see section 2.3.6 :
# ipa-server-install \
--http-cert-file /tmp/server.crt \
--http-cert-file /tmp/server.key \
--http-pin secret \
--dirsrv-cert-file /tmp/server.crt \
--dirsrv-cert-file /tmp/server.key \
--dirsrv-pin secret \
--ca-cert-file ca.crt
I would like to deploy my Meteor app to Heroku and make it only accessible through HTTPS. Ideally, I want to do this as cheaply as possible.
Create the Certificate
Run these commands to get certbot-auto. certbot-auto should work on most systems
wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto
chmod 755 certbot-auto
This command starts the process of getting your certificate. The -d flag allows you to pass in the domain you would like to secure. Alternatively, without the -d flag, it will pop up a prompt where you can enter the domain.
./certbot-auto certonly --manual -d app.yoursite.com
Then it will ask you the following. Do not hit enter.
Make sure your web server displays the following content at
http://app.yoursite.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/SOME-LENGTHY-KEY before continuing:
Use Picker
I suggest using this method because on renewal, you will only need to update an environment variable. You can use public/ as below, but it will require a rebuild of your entire app every time
Run meteor add meteorhacks:picker
In a server side file, add the following
import { Picker } from 'meteor/meteorhacks:picker';
Picker.route('/.well-known/acme-challenge/:routeKey', (params, request, response) => {
response.writeHead('200', {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
Then set an environment variable SSL_PAGE_KEY to SOME-LONGER-KEY with
heroku config:set SSL_PAGE_KEY=SOME-LONGER-KEY
Use public/
Create the directory path in your public folder. If you don't have one, create one.
mkdir -p public/.well-known/acme-challenge/
Then create the file SOME-LENGTHY-KEY and place SOME-LONGER-KEY inside it
echo SOME-LONGER-KEY > public/.well-known/acme-challenge/SOME-LENGTHY-KEY
Commit and push that change to your Heroku app.
git push heroku master
Now hit enter to continue the verification process. You should receive a message like this
- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at
/etc/letsencrypt/live/app.yoursite.com/fullchain.pem. Your cert will
expire on 2016-04-11. To obtain a new version of the certificate in
the future, simply run Let's Encrypt again.
Upload the Certificate
To upload your certificates to Heroku, first enable the SSL Beta
heroku labs:enable http-sni -a your-app
heroku plugins:install heroku-certs
Then add your fullchain.pem and privkey.pem to Heroku.
sudo heroku _certs:add /etc/letsencrypt/live/app.yoursite.com/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/app.yoursite.com/privkey.pem
You can verify that the certificate was uploaded with
heroku _certs:info
Change your DNS Settings
Update your DNS to point to app.yoursite.com.herokudns.com
Verify SSL is working
To check that SSL is set up, run the following. -v gives you verbose output. -I shows the document info only. -H passes a header to the URL. The header we're passing ensures that a cache is not being used and will ensure you get your new certificate and not an old one.
curl -vI https://app.yoursite.com -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
Check that the output contains the following
* Server certificate:
* subject: C=US; ST=CA; L=SF; O=SFDC; OU=Heroku; CN=app.yoursite.com
If the subject line does not contain CN=app.yoursite.com, wait 5 to 10 minutes and try again. If it does, you're almost good to go.
Make Meteor Specific Changes
To finish up the process, you'll want to change your ROOT_URL environment variable to the new https version.
heroku config:set ROOT_URL=https://app.yoursite.com
Then you'll want to ensure that your users are always using SSL with the force-ssl package
meteor add force-ssl
Lastly, if you have any OAuth logins set up in your app (Facebook, Google, etc), you'll want to provide them with the new https version of your URL.
Run certbot-auto again
./certbot-auto certonly --manual -d app.yoursite.com
It may prompt you for the same endpoint with the same content. If it does, just hit enter. If it does not, you will need to repeat the above steps.
It will then create new certificate files, which you will upload to Heroku with
heroku certs:update /etc/letsencrypt/live/app.yoursite.com/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/app.yoursite.com/privkey.pem
Then to confirm, run the Verify SSL is working commands above
I followed the Docker Registry installation docs precisely, and have a registry running on a remote Ubuntu VM. On that VM, the Docker container is running with the following command:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry \
-v `pwd`/auth:/auth \
-v `pwd`/certs:/certs \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/registry.crt \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/registry.key \
On the remote VM, I have the following directory structure:
The ca.crt is the same exact cert as ~/certs/registry.crt (just renamed); same goes for ca.key and registry.key being the same/just renamed. I created the ca* files per a suggestion from the error output you'll see below.
I am almost 100% sure the CA cert is still valid, although any help ruling that out (e.g. how can I actually tell?) would be appreciated. When I start the container and look at the Docker logs, I don't see any errors.
I then attempt to login from my local laptop (Mac):
docker login myregistry.example.com:5000
It queries me for my username, password and email (although I don't recall ever specifying an email when setting up Basic Auth). After entering these correctly (I have checked and double checked...) I get the following error:
myuser#mymachine:~/tmp$docker login myregistry.example.com:5000
Username: my_ciuser
Email: myuser#example.com
Error response from daemon: invalid registry endpoint https://myregistry.example.com:5000/v0/:
unable to ping registry endpoint https://myregistry.example.com:5000/v0/ v2 ping attempt failed with error:
Get https://myregistry.example.com:5000/v2/: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://myregistry.example.com:5000/v1/_ping: x509:
certificate has expired or is not yet valid. If this private registry supports only HTTP or
HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add
`--insecure-registry myregistry.example.com:5000` to the daemon's
arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA
certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate
at /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry.example.com:5000/ca.crt
So from my perspective, I guess the following are possible:
The CA cert is invalid (if so, why?!?)
The CA cert is an intermediary cert (if so, how can I tell?)
The CA cert is expired (if so, how do I tell?)
This is a bad error message, and some other facet of the registry is not configured properly (if so, how do I troubleshoot further?)
Perhaps my cert is not located in the correct place on the server, or doesn't have the right permissions set (if so, where does the cert need to be?)
Something else that I would never expect in a million years
Any ideas/thoughts?
As said in the error message:
... In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA
certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate
at /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry.example.com:5000/ca.crt
where myregistry.example.com:5000 - your CN with port.
You should copy your ca.crt into each Docker Daemon that will connect to your Docker Registry and put it in this folder: /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry.example.com:5000/ca.crt
After this action you need to restart Docker daemon, for example, via sudo service docker stop && service docker start on CentOS (or call similar procedure on your OS).
I had the similar error:
Then I added my private registry to the insecureregistries list.
See below image for docker-desktop