Travis config for deploying a static site without any build actions - amazon-s3

I'd like to use Travis to push a static HTML/JavaScript website to an Amazon S3 bucket on each commit to master. Is there any way to configure my .travis.yml so it doesn't try to run any sort of build process? Just a deploy?
It seems like this is mainly controlled by the language setting which defaults to Ruby, so Ruby is being (unnecessarily) installed on each build.

I don't know how the ruby box works (I use the java box for my work); that being said, I think that the travis CI boxes have their base language already installed so you aren't really unnecessarily installing ruby each time.
If you want, there supposedly is an undocumented option language: generic.
This way you can just run the required bash commands to deploy your code to Amazon S3


How make changes on vue project in hosting

I have vue project which published on Digital Ocean. The main problem is when i make some changes on FileZilla it is not affect on website. How can i solve this issue?
This is not an issue per-se. This is just the way how modern web development works. Vue.js (but also Nuxt) is using a bundler right now (Webpack, Vite are the most common), hence to go to production it needs to be bundled each time you push something to it.
If you upload something via FTP or SSH and edit some source code, a bundle step will be required in order to get any changes on the actual webapp.
Backend languages may not need that, for example you could SSH into a server and change some .php file, if you F5 the page it will be updated in real time. But this is not how frontend JS code works, it needs to be optimised.
Another thing, sending code via SSH/FTP is not really a good workflow because it is not easily trackable, no version-controlled, will not trigger any build flags in case of an error etc...
The best approach is to have a git repo + some build step included in some CI.
A common platform for it is Netlify, you connect a Github repo, you tell which command to use to build the project and each time you push some code, it may do some checks/tests/optimizations/etc... via Github Actions before being released automatically to production (updated on your webapp).
This workflow have a lot of benefits as one may tell but is also de-facto, the official/regular approach for modern Web development on the frontend.

Best way to write setup script for multi-language project package that includes anaconda, atom, node.js etc.?

I am designing an environment for productive research, i.e. writing, data-analysis, publication, etc.
In order to share the final results with others, I need to find a way to package this and to set up the local installation.
The project depends on Anaconda, so conda as a package manager is available.
It also includes
Pandoc and some pandoc packages, some will have to be fetched from Github directly because some versions are not available via conda-forge (doable in conda)
Atom and Atom packages; they should be installed and configured by my script (this works on the CLI via the apm package manager)
Node.js and Mermaid and a few other JS packages, which require npm calls
Some file-system-level operations, like deleting parts from packages where I only need a portion from, creating symlinks and aliases etc.
Maybe some Python code for modifying yaml/json/ini files or reading therefrom.
The main project will reside in a Github repository. It will be fine for users to clone it from there and start a build script locally.
My idea is to write a Bash shell script that
creates a conda environment based on requirements.yaml for everything that can be done this way
installs other parts using CLI commands (wget/curl etc.)
does all necessary modifications using CLI commands, maybe using a few short Python scripts (e.g. for changing or reading JSON or yaml files).
My local usage will be on OSX Big Sur, Linux should be supported, Windows compatibility would be nice-to-have.
Before I start:
Is this approach viable? I think it will be pretty transparent, but of course also a bit proprietary.
Docker is likely overkill for my purpose, and I also read that the execution will be slow on OSX.
The same environment will likely be installed multiple times on the same users' machine, so it is important that I can control e.g. the usage of existing packages and files via aliases or symlinks. It is not important that the multiple installations are decoupled for the non-python/non-conda parts (e.g. atom, node.js, mermaid could be the same binaries for all installations; just the set of Python packages might vary by installation).
Thanks for your expertise!

How do I start an Amazon EC2 VM from a saved AMI using Jenkins?

I'm trying to create a Jenkins job to spin up a VM on Amazon EC2 based on an AMI that I currently have saved. I've done my searching and can't find an easy way to do this other than through Amazon's GUI. This isn't very ideal as there are a lot of manual steps involved and it's time-consuming.
If anyone's had any luck doing this or could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question this should be possible using the cli, assuming you can install and configure the cli on your jenkins server you can just run the command as a shell script as part of the build.
Create an instance with CLI.
The command would be something along the lines of:
[path to cli]/aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-xyz
If your setup is too complicated for a single cli command, I would recommend creating a simple cloudformation template.
If you are unable to install the cli, you could use any number of sdk's e.g. java to make a simple application you could run with jenkins.
There is the Jenkins EC2 Plugin
Looking at the document it looks like you may be able to reuse your AMI. If not, you can configure it with an init script
Next, configure AMIs that you want to launch. For this, you need to
find the AMI IDs for the OS of your choice. ElasticFox is a good tool
for doing that, but there are a number of other ways to do it. Jenkins
can work with any Unix AMIs. If using an Ubuntu EC2 or UEC AMI you
need to fill out the rootCommandPrefix and remoteAdmin fields under
'advanced'. Windows is currently unsupported.

What use cases of Docker on real projects

I have read what the Docker is but having hard time finding of what are the real scenarios of using Docker?
It would be great to see here your usages.
I'm replicating production environment with it, on commit on project with jenkins after building binaries i deploy there, launch the required daemons and run integration tests, all in a very short time (a few seconds over the time that takes the integration tests). Having no need to boot, and little overhead on memory/cpu/disk is great for that kind of things.
I could extend that use for development (just adding a volume where the code resides to my git repository, at least for scripting languages) to have the production environment with the code im actually editing, at a fraction of what virtualbox would require.
Also needed to test how to integrate some 3rd party code into a production system that modified DB. Cloned the DB in a container, installed the production system in another, launched both and iterated the integration until i did it well, going back to zero to try again in seconds, and faster, cheaper and more scriptable than doing it with VMs+snapshots.
Also run several desktop browser instances on containers, with their own plugins, cookies, data storage and so on separated. The docker repository example for desktop integration is a good start for it, but planning to test subuser to extend this kind of usage.
I've used Docker to implement a virtualized build server which any user could ask to run a build off their personal git branch in our canonical environment.
Each SSH connection made to the server was connected to a new container, ensuring that all builds were isolated from each other (a major pain point in the past), ensuring that the container's state couldn't be corrupted (since changes were all isolated to that single instance), and ensuring that even developers on platforms such as Windows where Docker (and other tools in our canonical build environment) couldn't be run locally would be able to run builds.
We use it for the following uses:
We have a Jenkins Container which we can use to bring up our Jenkins server. We mount the workspace using volumes so we can migrate the server easily just by copying the files and launching the container somewhere else.
We use a Jetty container to easily deploy our war files in our production and development environment.
We use a whole host of other monitoring tools such as Uptime which we have containers for so that we can bring them up and down on various hosts with a single command.
I use docker to build and test our software on several different Linux distributions (RHEL 4/5/6/7, Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04).
Docker makes it easy and fast to create minimalistic and consistent build environments.
Docker gives you the benefits that other virtualization solutions give you to a fraction of the recourse needed.

How to automate development environment setup? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Every time a new developer joins the team or the computer a developer is using changes, the developer needs to do lots of work to setup the local development environment to make the current project work. As a SCRUM team we are trying to automate everything including deployment and tests so what I am asking is: is there a tool or a practice to make local development environment setup automated?
For example to setup my environment, first I had to install eclipse, then SVN, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, PHP. After that I populated the DB and I had to do minor changes in the various configuration files etc... Is there a way to reduce this labor to one-click?
There are several options, and sometimes a combination of these is useful:
automated installation
disk imaging
source code control
Details on the various options:
Automated Installation Tools for automating installation and configuration of a workstation's various services, tools and config files:
Puppet has a learning curve but is powerful. You define classes of machines (development box, web server, etc.) and it then does what is necessary to install, configure, and keep the box in the proper state. You asked for one-click, but Puppet by default is zero-click, as it checks your machine periodically to make sure it is still configured as desired. It will detect when a file or mode has been changed, and fix the problem. I currently use this to maintain a handful of RedHat Linux boxes, though it's capable of handling thousands. (Does not support Windows as of 2009-05-08).
Cfengine is another one. I've seen this used successfully at a shop with 70 engineers using RedHat Linux. Its limitations were part of the reason for Puppet.
SmartFrog is another tool for configuring hosts. It does support Windows.
Shell scripts. RightScale has examples of how to configure an Amazon EC2 image using shell scripts.
Install packages. On a Unix box it's possible to do this entirely with packages, and on Windows msi may be an option. For example, RubyWorks provides you with a full Ruby on Rails stack, all by installing one package that in turn installs other packages via dependencies.
Disk Images Then of course there are also disk imaging tools for storing an image of a configured host such that it can be restored to another host. As with virtualization, this is especially nice for test boxes, since it's easy to restore things to a clean slate. Keeping things continuously up-to-date is still an issue--is it worth making new images just to propagate a configuration file change?
Virtualization is another option, for example making copies of a Xen, VirtualPC, or VMWare image to create new hosts. This is especially useful with test boxes, as no matter what mess a test creates, you can easily restore to a clean, known state. As with disk imaging tools, keeping hosts up-to-date requires more manual steps and vigilance than if an automated install/config tool is used.
Source Code Control Once you've got the necessary tools installed/configured, then doing builds should be a matter of checking out what's needed from a source code repository and building it.
Currently I use a combination of the above to automate the process as follows:
Start with a barebones OS install on a VMWare guest
Run a shell script to install Puppet and retrieve its configs from source code control
Puppet to install tools/components/configs
Check out files from source code control to build and deploy our web application
I stumbled across this question and was very suprised that no one has mentioned Vagrant yet.
As Pete TerMaat and others have mentioned, virtualization is a great way to manage and automate development environments. Vagrant basically takes the pain away from setting up these virtual boxes.
Within minutes you can have a completely fresh copy of your favourite Linux distro up and running, and provisioned exactly the same way your production server is.
No more fighting with OSX or Windows to get PHP, MySQL, etc. installed. All software lives and runs inside the virtual machine. You can even SSH in with vagrant ssh. If you make a mistake or break something, just vagrant destroy it, and vagrant up to start over fresh.
Vagrant automatically creates a synced folder to your local file system, meaning you don't need to develop within the virtual machine (ie. using Vim). Use whatever your editor of choice is.
I now create a new "Vagrant box" for almost every project I do. All my settings are saved into the project repository, so it's easy to bring on another team member. They simply have to pull the repo, and run vagrant up, and they are literally ready to go.
This also makes it much easier to handle projects that have different software requirements. Maybe you have some projects that rely on PHP 5.3, but some newer ones that run PHP 5.4. Just install the version you want for that project.
Check it out!
One important point is to set up your projects in source control such that you can immediately build, deploy and run after checkout.
That means you should also checkin helper infrastructure, such as Makefiles, ant buildfiles etc., and settings for the tools, such as IDE project files.
That should take care of the setup hassle for individual projects.
For the basic machine setup, you could use a standard image. Another option is to use your platform's tools to automate installation. Under Linux, you could create a meta-package that depends on all the packages you need. Under Windows, a similar thing should be possible using MSI or the like.
Ideally, instead of checking in helper infrastructure, you check in the information that allows the build to generate the helper infrastructure. This is the approach taken by e.g. the GNU build system (autotools etc.), or by Maven. This is even more elegant, because you can (theoretically) generate infrastructure for any (supported) build environment, thus you are not bound to e.g. one specific IDE, and settings in the helper infrastructure (paths etc.) don't need to duplicate the main project settings.
However, this also a more complex approach, so if you can't get it to work, I believe checking in stuff like IDE files directly is acceptable.
I like to use Virtual PC or VMware to virtualize the development environment. This provides a standard "dev environment" that could be shared among developers. You don't have to worry about software that the user could add to their system that may conflict with your development environment. It also provides me a way to work to two projects where the development environments can't both be on one system (using two different versions of a core technology).
Use puppet to configure both your development and production environment. Using a top-notch automation system is the only way to scale your ops.
There's always the option of using virtual machines (see e.g. VMWare Player). Create one environment and copy it over for each new employee with minimal configuration needed.
At a prior place we had everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) in SCM (clearcase then SVN). When a new developer can in they installed ClearCase|SVN and sucked down the repository. This also handles the case when you need to update a particular lib/tool as you can just have the dev teams update their environment.
We used two repo's for this so code and tools/config lived in separate places.
I highly recommend Blueprint from DevStructure. It's open-source and your use case is actually the exact reason we originally wrote the software. Our goals have somewhat changed, but it still is the perfect tool for what you are describing. In short, you can create reusable server configs - dead simple configuration management. I hope this helps! (Blueprint # Github)
I've been thinking about this myself. There are some other technologies that you could throw into the mix. Here's what I'm currently setting up:
PXE based pre-seeded installation images (Debian Squeeze). You can start up a bare-metal machine (or new virtual appliance) and select the image from the PXE boot menu. This has the major advantage of being able to install your environment on physical machines (in addition to virtual appliances).
Someone already mentioned Puppet. I use CFEngine but it's a similar deal. Essentially your configuration is documented and centralized in policy files which are continually enforced by an agent on the client.
if you don't want a rigid environment (i.e. developers may choose a combination of tool-sets) you can roll your own deb packages so new devs can type sudo apt-get install acmecorp-eclipse-env or sudo apt-get install acmecorp-intellij-env, for example.
Slightly off-topic, but if you run a Debian based environment (i.e. Ubuntu), consider installing apt-cacher (package proxy). In addition to saving bandwidth, it will make your installations much faster (since packages are cached on your local network).
If you're using OSX and working with Rails. I'd suggest either:
If you use machines in a standard configuration, you can image the disk with a fresh perfectly configured install -- that's a very popular approach in many corporations (and not just for developers, either). If you need separately configured OS's, you can tar-bz2 all the added and changed files once a configured OS is turned into your desired setup, and just untar it as root to make your desired environment from scratch.
if you're using a linux flavor, you've probably got a package management system: thinks .rpm for fedora/redhat, or .deb for ubuntu/debian. many of the things you describe already have packages available: svn, eclipse, etc. you could roll your own packages for company specific software, create a repository (perhaps only available on the local network) and then your setup could be reduced to a single bash script which would add the company repo to /etc/apt/sources.list (debian/ubuntu) and then call a command like,
/home/newhire$ apt-get update && apt-get install some complete package list
you could use buildbot to then automate regular builds for company packages that change often.
Try out DevScript at .
Its one command like ,
devscript lamp or devscript laravel or devscript django . In around a few minutes ,depending on the speed of your internet co