Vue.js Vuex - Delete in Database not reflected in view - vuex

I have a number of companies in the Vuex Store. Each company object has several objects within it ... to simplify for my question, imagine
company{ id: 1, approval_notes: [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}], fins:
{total_rev: 10000} }
I want to remove the approval_note with id of 2 from the company with the id of 1.
In the view, I have
deleteNote(obj) {
if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this note?')) {
let path = '/api/approval_notes/' +;
.then(function(rsp) {
this.$store.dispatch('delete_approval_note', obj);
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('AXIOS ERR', err);
The action is
export const delete_approval_note = ({commit}, payload) => {
commit('DELETE_APPROVAL_NOTE', payload);
And the mutation is
export const DELETE_APPROVAL_NOTE = (state, payload) => {
_.each(state.companies, function(co) {
if( = payload.company_id) {
let notes = co.approval_notes;
notes.splice(notes.indexOf(payload), 1);
The note is deleted from the database but the view does not update without a page refresh.
This type of thing I will be doing a bunch so it's important to me to understand this process since I obviously don't get it right now.
Any help is appreciated.

Instead of IndexOf, using
notes.findIndex(obj => ==
It can get tricky when using IndexOf with complex object, I mostly rely on indexOf if dealing with simple values (integers, strings, booleans)


Method to check if item is saved within the Nuxt Store

I currently have a Store that has the "Saved" items from a feed for a user. I'm trying to figure out the best/efficient way to check if the item is already saved within the store.
I can't think of any other way than grabbing the entire store's contents in each feed item and checking whether the id exists? Surely there's a better way?
methods: {
savePost(Post) {
this.$store.commit('savedPosts/addItem', Post)
deletePost(Post) {
this.$store.commit('savedPosts/removeItem', Post)
export const state = () => ({
items: [
export const mutations = {
updateItemsOnLoad(state, array) {
var oldItems = state.items
var newItems = array.flat()
var joinedItems = newItems.concat(oldItems);
state.items = joinedItems.flat()
addItem(state, item) {
this.$warehouse.set('savedPosts', state.items)
removeItem(state, item) {
var index = state.items.findIndex(c => ==;
state.items.splice(index, 1);
this.$warehouse.set('savedPosts', state.items)
So my main question: Is there a more efficient way to check whether a post exists within the items array without querying it on every feed item?

Vuex passing different arrays

Making a filter:
export default {
state: {
filteredBrands: []
mutations: {
showFilteredList(state, payload) {
loadProducts(item) {
axios.get('/api', {
params: {
per_page: 20,
filter_machinery_brands: [ item ]
.then((response) => {
item this is an input with a checkbox, when clicked, a request is made to the server for this category
For some reason, the push does not work, why?
And I would like there to be a check, if the array is the same, then delete, otherwise add. Is it possible?
If you can se an array comes in as payload. Then you are trying to push an array into an array. Which cant be done in either js or ts.
You can try set the value:
state.filteredBrands = payload;
otherwise you would have to do something like this:
If you wanna control for existing items in array, and assuming your are not always setting value, but pushing new values into your array. You can do something like this:
if (state.filteredBrands.indexOf(payload[0]) === -1) {
// Not in array
} else {
// is allready in array
state.filteredBrands.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item === payload[0]) {
state.filteredBrands.splice(index, 1)
My assumption was right.
Your payload is an array
Your state is an array
-------> You are trying to push payload(array) into state(array) - which cant be done i js - This solution would after my suggestion be more clean:
payload.forEach((value, index) => { // Looping payload
if (state.filteredBrands.indexOf(value) === -1) {
state.filteredBrands.push(value) // push if value not allready in array
} else {
state.filteredBrands.splice(index, 1) // if value is in array -> remove
Yes, you can push an array into an array.
I guess the problem here is your vuex config.
Vuex state is a function, so it needs to be:
state () {
return {
filteredBrands: []
And if you are using Nuxt:
export const state = () => ({
filteredBrands: []

Update entire item in array - redux

I am trying to update a single object in an array of objects with a redux dispatch, I have tried answers to similar questions however I cannot seem to get it working. What I want to do, is when the action comes in, it should look for an item in the array with the same date as the it should then replace that item in the array with the new item[0] which is the whole item object.
const initialState = {
isFetching: false,
monthArray: [],
searchOptions: {
currentMonth: moment().format('YYYY-MM'),
leeway: 1
availabilityOptions: {
Early: -1,
Late: -1,
Day: -1,
Twilight: -1,
Night: -1
return Object.assign({}, state, {
monthArray: => {
if (formatDate( === formatDate( {
return item;
Action code: (Reason for data: data[0] is because an array of objects from mysql is returned)
export const updateDayInMonthArray = (date, data) => {
return {
options: {
data: data[0]
Dispatching the action
const updateDayInMonthArrayHandler = (date, data) => {
dispatch(updateDayInMonthArray(date, data));
Figured it out, and thank you guys for help. Wasn't React or Redux issue, was actually an issue with the node server returning data before checking what was updated.

Using conditional class with store getters: not updating class

I have a div with a conditional class that works well when the app is loaded, but it's not updated when the store data change.
The code in my vue component looks like this
<span class="week-day"
v-bind:class="{ complete: isDayComplete(day) }"
v-for="day in daysInWeek"
> </span>
And I have ...mapGetters(['isDayComplete']) in my computed object.
The getter looks like this
isDayComplete(state) {
return (day) => {
console.log(`called isDayComplete(${day})`)
const formattedDay = moment(day, 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
if (state.daysData[formattedDay]) {
if (state.daysData[formattedDay].meals.length > 0) {
console.log(`day ${day} is complete`);
return true;
} else {
console.log(`day ${day} is NOT complete`);
return false;
} else {
console.log(`no data for day ${day}`);
return false;
I update my meals data in a mutation
updateMeals(state, meals) {
_.forEach(meals, (meal) => {
And I have an action that commits that mutation
loadMeals({ state, commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((response) => {
return resolve();
So whenever I call loadMeals the class is not updated if one day changes its status (complete/not-complete). If I reload the page, the class is set correctly.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
It's a common reactivity problem. You can make deep copy (use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())) to make data reactive:
updateMeals(state, meals) {
_.forEach(meals, (meal) => {
state.daysData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.daysData))
#ittus answer was correct. I found another way to achieve this that maybe could
help someone else.
add another mutation on the store
updateCompletedDays(state) {
const newState = [];
_.forEach(state.daysData, (currentDayData, currentDay) => {
if (currentDayData.meals.length > 0) {
state.completedDays = newState;
commit this mutation after meals are updated
change isDayComplete getter to
isDayComplete(state) {
const formattedDay = moment(day, 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
return state.completedDays.indexOf(formattedDay) !== -1;
Basically when using reactivity going deep into arrays/object will not work, better have arrays of aggregated data (check also Vue.set api)

Using map to reduce in Gun

I am new to Gun. I have existing code that very effectively reduces an array of objects based on a pattern. I am thinking I should tweak this to run in the context of Gun's .map and return undefined for non-matches. I think I will also have to provide two arguments, one of which is the where clause and the other the properties I want shown on returned objects. I also presume that if I use .on future matches will automagically get spit out! Am I on the right path?
const match = (object,key,value) => {
const type = typeof(value);
if(value && type==="object") {
return Object.keys(value).every(childkey =>
if(type==="function") return value(object[key]);
return object[key]===value;
const reduce = (objects,where) => {
const keys = Object.keys(where);
return objects.reduce((accumulator,current) => {
if(keys.every(key => match(current,key,where[key]))) {
return accumulator;
let rows = reduce([{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16},
{name: "Joe",address:{city: "New York"},age:20}],
{name: () => true,
address: {city: "Seattle"},
age: (age) => age > 10});
// results in
[{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16}]
Further exploration of this resulted in the code below, which is stylistically different, but conforms to the immediate responsive nature of Gun. However, it is unclear how to deal with nested objects. The code below only works for primitives.
const match = (object,key,value) => {
const type = typeof(value);
if(!object || typeof(object)!=="object") return false;
if(value && type==="object") {
const child = gun.get(object[key]["#"]);
for(let key in value) {
const value = {};
child.get(key).val(v => value[key] = v,{wait:0});
if(!match(value,key,value[key])) return;
if(type==="function") return value(object[key]);
return object[key]===value;
const gun = Gun(["http://localhost:8080/gun"]),
users = [{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16},
{name: "Joe",address:{city: "New York"},age:20}];
for(let user of users) {
const object = gun.get(;
gun.get("users").map(user => {
const pattern = {name: (value) => value!=null, age: (age) => age > 20}; //, address: {city: "Seattle"}
for(let key in pattern) {
if(!match(user,key,pattern[key])) return;
return user;
}).on(data => console.log(data));
Yes. GUN's .map method does more than what it seems.
Say we have var users = gun.get('users'). We can do: with no callback acts like a forEach because the default callback is to return the data as-is. => user.age * 2) with a callback, it lets you transform the data like you would expect from a map, except where:{ return }) if you return undefined, it will filter out that record.
WARNING: As of the current time, .map(transform) function is currently experimental and my have bugs with it. Please try it and report any you find.
Now we can combine it with some other methods, to get some cool behavior: will get current and future users as they are added to the table, and gets notified for updates on each of those users. will get current and future users as they are added to the table, but only gets each one once.
users.val().map().on(cb) gets only the current users (not future), but gets the updates to those users.
users.val().map().val(cb) gets only the current users (not future), and only gets them once.
So yes, you are on the right track. For instance, I have a test in gun core that does this: => user.age === 27? + "thezombie" : u).on(function(data){
// verify
list.set({name: 'alice', age: 27});
list.set({name: 'bob', age: 27});
list.set({name: 'carl', age: 29});
list.set({name: 'dave', age: 25});
This creates a live map that filters the results and locally (view only) transforms the data.
In the future, this is how the SQL and MongoDB Mango query extensions will work for gun.
Note: GUN only loads the property you request on an object/node, so it is bandwidth efficient. If we do'age') it will only load the age value on every user, nothing else.
So internally, you can do some efficient checks, and if all your conditionals match, only /then/ load the entire object. Additionally, there are two other options: (1) you can use an in-memory version of gun to create server-side request-response patterns, so you can have server-side filtering/querying that is efficient. (2) if you become an adapter developer and learn the simple wire spec and then write your own custom query language extensions!
Anything else? Hit me up! More than happy to answer.
Edit: My reply in the comments, comments apparently can't have code. Here is pseudo-code of how to "build up" more complex queries, which will be similar to how SQL/Mango query extensions will work:
mutli-value & nested value matching can be "built up" from this as the base, but yes, you are right, until we have SQL/Mango query examples, there isn't a simple/immediate "out of the box" example. This is pseudo code, but should get the idea across:
Gun.chain.match = function(query, cb){
var gun = this;
var fields = Object.keys(query);
var check = {};
check[field] = true;
if(val !== query[field]){ return }
check[field] = false;
//all checks done?
return gun;
Solution, the trick is to use map and not val:
Gun.chain.match = function(pattern,cb) {
let node = this,
passed = true,
keys = Object.keys(pattern);
keys.every(key => {
const test = pattern[key],
type = typeof(test);
if(test && type==="object") {
} else if(type==="function") {
node.get(key).map(value => {
if(test(value[key])) {
return value;
} else {
passed = false;
} else {
node.get(key).map(value => {
if(value[key]===test) {
return value;
} else {
passed = false;
return passed;
if(passed && cb) this.val(value => cb(value))
return this;
const gun = new Gun();
gun.get("Joe").match({age: value => value > 15,address:{ city: "Seattle"}},value => console.log("cb1",value));