How to know the pages where an image is displayed in wordpress - sql

I am not sure if this is possible since I've been googling about this issue but I couldn't find any solution. I am on media of wp-admin, and I am trying to view the pages where a specific image has been used. I am a developer and I don't know how it is done. Anybody help?
has been displayed in :
I don't know how. Please help.

If you have access to the database, you can make a search for all occurrences of the image link in all posts and pages. To do this you need to get the link of the image through the admin menu. You will have something like:
The post and page content are located in the table wp_posts (Replace "wp_" with your table prefix if not using the default). Now you can do a query like:
SELECT `ID`, `post_title`, `guid` FROM `wp_posts`
WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%'
This will give you the post titles and their links. Should be something like:
ID post_title guid
9 Post Title 1
20 Post Title 2

In Media change the view to List view where you will be able to see which image is attached to which post.

All the images are uploaded under
wp-content/uploads folder
you will inspect using firebug and get the path of the image.


Google Plus doesn't show article image, just shows title and article link

I am trying to share a post from my website(blog) onto Google plus but it isn't showing the featured image of the article, instead it is just showing the title and link of the article. I have microdata and also "og" tags for my page. When tested using Google Structured data testing tool, it is showing all good. I expect to get some help here. If I am trying to share the home page, it is showing an image, however if I am trying to share any post from the website, it is not showing any image. Please help, let me know if you need any more info, would be happy to provide.
One of post's from website
The og:image meta tag is being used by google plus rather than the image property within your -as #abraham pointed out this is a broken link, it should go to - currently it includes /wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/07/ which isn't part of the image's path.
In the structured data it is valid, but not correct: BlogPosting has an image set but without a full path which may be why it gets ignored: the source should begin http:// etc. This is also needed if you want the image to appear in the google search results preview.
The WebPage element does not have an image set: only the BlogPosting does. Consider setting the same image property using a meta tag inside the WebPage element if fixing the BlogPosting image's path does not resolve the structured data issue, e.g.
<meta itemprop="image" content="" nt-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Print" />
In the structured data there are two unrelated mistake
the BlogPosting has author set to a link with fixed IP address this will reduce the chance of it connecting the blog with C Young's profile on the website.
the file name has 'releiving' in it, which is not the spelling used in the text on the image itself. This doesn't matter a great deal.

Creating a Table of Contents in Share Point Wiki Program

Hey I am not sure this is a question for this site but I am making wiki pages in a share point for my job but I notice they all just accumulate with no table of contents. Im wondering is there a way to make a table of contents page that allows the user to see all of the wiki pages made and allows them to click on the link to the page.
Thanks in advance!
do you mean that you want to see all the pages?
simply go to the all pages view, like this: http://sitename/LibraryName/Forms/AllPages.aspx

Selenium: How to locate all the images on a webpage without knowing their id or name attribute?

Let us say, I loaded a URI with selenium. I have no idea how the elements are named in that page (I do not know the id, name ... of elements). I want to download all the possible pictures that may exist on that webpage. This problem is solved through the first answer of this question. But how can I located with selenium all the pictures that exist on that webpage ?
I checked answers for similar questions like this one but the answers are not useful.
The easiest way is to find by tag name as all images will have an image tag you can just get every element on that page with that tag. In python i believe it will be using (note note find_element_by_tag_name as that would return just one of the elements)
and you will want to find elements with the img tag
If I'm not mistaken, you can do something like this
Hope that's help.

Drupal - Simple Edit can't find

Ok, I have been searching for days on how to fix the vimeo urls on this page:
Basically, I just got an SSL certificate and I'd like to change http://{the vimeo url} vimeo linking videos to https://{the vimeo url} Simple edit is all I need, but I can't find where the videos are located.
Content Blocks? All I get are settings for this. Pages? So, I go to "Content" and I see a huge list of pages in there, I see a page called "Home", so I click on the Edit link and the body of the page is blank? Ok, so this has to be coming from someplace else, but where?
Can someone please help me with how to find the vimeo video URLs and change them to "https://" instead of "http://"
I think the View is called: A-Spots... here are pics of what I get when I click on the Edit A-Spot View:
What exactly am I supposed to do here? Seems like so much to do, but every option I seem to choose still doesn't give me the option to change the vimeo URLs.
A view just select nodes (or other entities) to show them. If you edit a view, you just change the way those nodes are selected or shown; you don't edit the nodes a view selects to show.
If you look at the preview of that view, you will notice it shows some numbers; those numbers are node IDs. Just edit the node from; replace 55291246 with the other IDs shown, and you will be able to edit all the nodes used from the view.
If that doesn't work, lists all the content in the site. Just look for the nodes whose ID is the one shown in that preview, and edit them.

how can we have images at google search text result

Can someone help me on how to setup such a result:
Want to know the mechanism on how can we set the parameters that it shows also the image on the search.
You need to implement your CMS system Authorship tags to get the writers image in your search results.
More info you will find on Google Authorship home page.
It's called Google Authorship.