How can i install tensorflow framework on robot NAO? - tensorflow

I want to install TensorFlow framework in robot NAO ,
How to do it ?

Great question! The NAO is a linux machine, so technically it might be possible. Unfortunately, the NAO also has a limited amount of computational power... Depending on the plan you have it might be a better idea to set up an external computer that does the heavy computations for you. This all depends on the application you want to build.
If you decide to install tensorflow on Nao: simply try to use SSH (or Putty) to get a console you can use to install tensorflow.
If you decide to use an external server: maybe this program I wrote a long time ago helps you: . It is an example of how to send speech to an external server.
Good luck!


Running RAPIDS without GPU for development?

Is there a way to run RAPIDS without a GPU? I usually develop on a small local machine without a GPU, then push my code to a powerful remote server for real use. Things like TensorFlow allow switching between the CPU and GPU depending on if they're available. Can an equivalent thing be done with RAPIDS? Even if it's slow, being able to test things on a machine without a GPU would be extremely helpful.
There isn't a way to use RAPIDS without a GPU, and part of the reason for that is we're following the APIs the community has adopted in CPU packages across Pandas, Numpy, SKLearn, NetworkX, etc. This way it should be as easy as swapping an import statement to get something working on the CPU vs the GPU.

TensorFlow without jupyter notebook

Do I absolutely need to use jupyter notebook to run TensorFlow in Windows ?
I tried the detect object example with the jupyter notebook, it works but I'm not really comfortable, Im used to notepad++ and running python directly on my windows without virtual environment.
I tried to copy past all the codes but I run into many hugs.
No, it is not compulsory to use Jupyter notebook to run Tensorflow on Windows. I personally use PyCharm as my IDE and Anaconda for dependency management (this is completely optional).
I would recommend you to use a proper IDE instead of notepad++ because it's much easier to do debugging using an IDE. You'll also be cloning a lot from Git when you start developing your own model, and usually the open source models out there has a lot of classes and methods in it (take Google's Inception net for example).
Another alternative would be maybe you can start posting about the bugs you are facing, then we can all start helping you.

Automatic packing of server-side product as Docker and OVA image

We develop a server-side solution and to ease its deployment we would like to provide our cutomers with two options:
1. Docker image
2. VM image in OVA format
The images should be automatically created by our build machine.
As of today, we use packer for this purpose. First we create docker image and then update that image in preconfigured virtual machine image (using 'virtualbox-ovf' builder). This works pretty well, but there are some problems with this solution.
First, our vm includes docker framework and two OSes (host's and docker's), so our VM image is ~twice bigger than docker. Second, to base our solution on another linux distro, we should manually configure new VM machine.
We are looking for 'Dockerfile'-style solution to create and configure VM automatically and then export it in OVA format. 'virtualbox-iso' builder is the obvious way to do this, but the building process will be much longer.
If you are willing to use Debian as your base OS then you could look at TurnKey Linux's TKLDev. It's probably a bit of a learning curve initially but it's a pretty cool thing IMO (although I'm very biased - see below disclaimer). TKLDev will build you a TurnKey (Debian based) ISO with your software installed on top. Then using Buildtasks you can convert the ISO to OVA, VMDK, LXC, Docker, OpenStack, etc...
Unfortunately Buildtasks is not very well documented but significant chunks of it are in bash so if you are handy with a Linux commandline you could work it out. Otherwise ask on the TurnKey forums.
The initial development (from Packer to TKLDev) may take a little while, but once the heavy lifting is done the creation of an ISO (in a guest VM on a moderm multicore CPU PC) takes about 10-15 mins and the OVA probably another ~5; Docker another ~5.
If you wanted to make it build automatically then you could use a hook to trigger a fresh TKLDev build (including the buildtasks image creation) everytime a commit was made to a repo. I know that git supports this but I assume that other version control systems allow something similar.
Also if the appliance that you are making is open source then perhaps it could be added to the TurnKey Linux library?
Disclaimer: I work with TurnKey Linux. :)
FWIW this is essentially the process we use to create our library of appliances in most virtualisation formats known to human kind!

Does mono on Linux require X?

With C#, you can create console apps. Well, do they run in Mono without X?
I know, this might be a dumb "Dude, just try it"-question, but the point is that I can't. I don't have any Linux installation right now, I'm going to use Mono to make a Raspberry Pi I'll order of use. Since the Pi's not here yet, I can't really try by myself.
Yes, you can definitely run console apps on Mono on the Raspberry Pi. That's what I use mine for, mostly :)
As an aside, I'd suggest installing the Arch distribution; at least when I installed mine, it had the most stable build of Mono under that environment. See my Google+ post for a few more details and some other handy tips from folks.

cross platform script to determine os (linux, windows, mac) and run a program depending on which os

I tried searching for the last several days and only found a few directions to go in, not really any solutions.
I can do some scripting and can learn enough of any language to fine tune this idea.
My situation:
From a USB drive, I want a single script that can run on any os, determine which os is running, and then execute an os specific executable/script.
I would like to be able to run this natively without installing additional software on each machine, as I will be using this on many different computers and may not have internet or other access to install/update software.
I have started looking into running a portable version of python, but seeing as I already have os independent scripts (bash/batch/sh/applescripts), I didnt know, and cant find, if there is an easier way to do this without the overhead of a portable interpreter.
Thanks for any help.
Sounds like a chicken-or-the-egg kind of thing, doesn't it?
If you're on a PC, you at least have a standard boot format.
If you're guaranteed a Java JRE on any platform, I would argue that Java might be your best bet.
Q: Is there any language interpeter (Java, Perl, Python or bash) that you're guaranteed to have on any host you'd want to run this USB stick on?