Not getting results field after querying task by ID in Lookback API - rally

I'm trying to query tasks by ObjectID to get their most recent snapshots. I'm trying the API out, and am not getting the expected results that I was hoping for after reading the docs. I don't get a results field in the response object. Here's my code:
_loadTaskSnapshot: function() {
let snapshot = Ext.create('', {
context: {
workspace: '/workspace/2290039850'
"find": {
"ObjectID": 34858774310,
"_ValidFrom": {
"$gte": "2016",
"$lt": "2017"
"fields": ["Name", "Estimate", "ToDo", "TimeSpent"],
return snapshot.load();
This is the store with 18 snapshots for the specified task. The first snapshot is opened. You can see there is no results field where I could find the Name, Estimate, ToDo, and TimeSpent:

Alejandro, you are asking for the changes in the fields, not the values of the fields. This is a common misconception with the lookback api. There is a special way to get the current values shown in the help pages available inside Agile Central.
Any information returned is actually held within the object underneath 'raw' and 'data'. Each of those may not contain any values if there has been no 'changes' to those fields at the time the snapshot was taken.


How do I join and project a multi-map index?

I'm struggling to get my head around this one and I know the way to do this is through a custom index. Essentially, I have several collections that share some common properties, one of which is "system id" which describes a many-to-one relationship, e.g.
// Id() = "component:a"
"Name": "Component A"
"SystemId": "system:foo"
// Id() = "resource:a"
"Name": "Resource A",
"SystemId": "system:foo"
So these are two example objects which live in two different collections, Components and Resources, respectively.
I have another collection called "Notifications" and they have a RecipientID which refers to the Id of one of the entities described above. e.g.
// Id() = "Notifications/84-A"
"RecipientID": "component:a",
"Message": "hello component"
// Id() = "Notifications/85-A"
"RecipientID": "resource:a",
"Message": "hello resource"
The query that I want to be able to perform is pretty straight forward -- "Give me all notifications that are addressed to entities which have a system of ''" but I also want to make sure I have some other bits from the entities themselves such as their name, so a result object something like this:
"System": "system:foo",
"Notifications": [{
"Entity": "component:a",
"EntityName": "Component A",
"Notifications": [{
"Id": "Notifications/84-A",
"Message": "hello component"
}, {
"Entity": "resource:a",
"EntityName": "Resource A",
"Notifications": [{
"Id": "Notifications/85-A",
"Message": "hello resource"
Where I am with it right now is that I'm creating a AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask which has maps for all of these different entities and then I'm trying to use the reduce function to mimic the relationship.
Where I'm struggling is with how these map reduces work. They require that the shape is identical between maps as well as the reduce output. I've tried some hacky things like including all of the notifications as part of the map and putting dummy values where the properties don't match, but besides it making it really hard to read/understand, I still couldn't figure out the reduce function to make it work properly.
How can I achieve this? I've been digging for examples, but all of the examples I've come across make some assumptions about how references are arranged. For example, I don't think I can use Include because of the different collections (I don't know how Raven would know what to query), and coming from the other direction, the entities don't have enough info to include or load notifications (I haven't found any 'load by query' function). The map portion of the index seems fine, I can say 'give me all the entities that share this system, but the next part of grabbing the notifications and creating that response above has eluded me. I can't really do this in multiple steps either, because I also need to be able to page. I've gone in circles a lot and I could use some help.
How about indexing the related docs ?
Something like this (a javascript index):
map("Notifications", (n) => {
let c = load(n.RecipientID, 'Components');
let r = load(n.RecipientID, 'Resources');
return {
Message: n.Message,
System: c.SystemId || r.SystemId,
Name: c.Name || r.Name,
RelatedDocId: id(c) || id(r)
Then you can query on this index, filter by the system value, and get all matching notifications docs.
i.e. sample query:
from index 'yourIndexName'
where System == "system:foo"
Info about related documents is here:
RavenDB Demo

How can I override the total sum of the EXTJS summary?

I am using EXTJS 4.2.1 and my application has a grid including paging, the grouping summary and the summary feature. I want to override the sum of the summary feature, because it should display the grand total sum of the whole data set and not only for the current displayed page.
Is that possible to override the summary feature to do so?
Thanky you very much for every advice in advance. :-)
Use summaryRenderer in column configuration. It is an undocummented feature of ExtJS allowing you to show custom data in your summary row.
You will have to summarize the data server-side and send them to client where you will access it in the summaryRenderer.
Like so:
columns: {
items: [
text: "Column A",
dataIndex: "field_A",
summaryRenderer: function( value, summaryData, dataIndex ) {
var grid = this;
// Get the value here and return it
var result = functionToGetValue( grid );
return result;
// ...
The functionToGetValue is the place where you pass the summarization value you sent to your client from server.
How you do that depens on your code. You have access to store via grid.getStore().
It is possible to add the summary data to each record and then simply use store.getAt(0).get( 'summaryValue' ), it is kind of wasteful, but it is simple and it works.

A dgrid row disappears when sorting

I've implemented the dgrid. It's really neat. However when I click on the row header to sort, all but one row disappears. I'm going nuts trying to figure out why....
Let's give this a go.
DGrid, it's a dojo based data grid, see
When using this with Javascript and HTML and connecting to an Observable MemStore, the grid populates, with several rows quite happily displaying data. The columns are sortable, that is you can click on the the row/column heading. However - and here's the problem - when clicking on these row/column headers to sort the row's, all but one row disappears.
Using a Memory (dojo/store/Memory) a the dGrids data store work fine - ie the rows sort successfully. However when using the Observable (dojo/store/Observable) as a data store the sort causes the rows to collapse. Please see below examples.
Sort working great with Memory:
function populateGrid(Memory, message) {
var featureOne = {
"id": message[0].attributes["id"],
"Col2": message[0].attributes["Col2"],
"Col3": message[0].attributes["Col3"]
var featureTwo = {
"id": message[1].attributes["id"],
"Col2": message[1].attributes["Col2"],
"Col3": message[1].attributes["Col3"]
var data = [feature1, feature2];
var memStore = new Memory({ data: data });
window.queryRecordsGrid.set("store", memStore);
The error occurs when using Observable:
var memStore;
function populateGrid(Memory, message) {
var feature = {
"id": message[0].attributes["id"],
"Col2": message[0].attributes["Col2"],
"Col3": message[0].attributes["Col3"]
var data = [feature];
if (!window.memStore) {
window.memStore = new Observable(new Memory({ data: data }));
window.grid.set("store", window.memStore);
} else {,;
This might or might not be your issue, but currently the items in your store don't have unique identifiers - or if they do, they're not being picked up by the store correctly. dojo/store/Memory defaults to assuming that store items each have a unique id. If you have another field which provides unique identifiers, you can make Memory aware of this by setting idProperty, e.g.:
new Observable(new Memory({ idProperty: "Col1", data: data }));
You also seem to be assuming that exists when you call notify but as far as I can tell from your code, it doesn't exist.

Does the JIRA REST API require submitting a transition ID when transitioning an issue?

If I POST an issue transition like this:
"fields" : {
"resolution" : {
"name" : "Fixed"
...I get this error:
"errorMessages" : ["Missing 'transition' identifier"],
"errors" : {}
This seems to imply that I need to include a transition ID along with my list of changed fields. seems to say the same. Fine.
However, transition IDs appear to be global. It's not enough to look up the highest transition ID for this issue and increment it; such an ID is probably in use elsewhere. At some expense, I could get the highest transaction ID used anywhere in the system; this might be 68,000 at this moment. But if I were then to use transaction ID 68,001 there's a real chance that a GUI user would attempt a transition of their own and use this ID before I could.
I could use transaction IDs in the range of 1,000,001 and up, but if the JIRA web GUI uses the highest previously used transaction ID when generating new IDs I'll just collide in this range instead of the 68,000 range. I could use 69,000 and trust that there won't be a thousand transitions in the length of time it takes to get the highest transaction ID.
These both seem terribly clumsy, however. Is there no way to post a transition and let JIRA generate its own unique ID? I don't need to retrieve the generated IDs, I just want to update issues' statuses and resolutions.
You're getting mixed up a bit. So lets see if I can explain it better for you.
To transition a JIRA Issue, you use the Transition ID to identify what transition to apply to the issue. You aren't specifying an ID for a transaction or a transition ID to identify that the transition occurred, JIRA takes care of this for you.
The easiest way to understand it is to see it.
So first you can look at what transitions are available to an Issue by doing a GET to the API Call:
Which will show something like this:
"expand": "transitions",
"transitions": [
"id": "161",
"name": "Resolve",
"to": {
"description": "A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.",
"iconUrl": "https://localhost:8080/images/icons/statuses/resolved.png",
"id": "5",
"name": "Resolved",
"self": "https://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/status/5"
So you can see only 1 transition is available for issue ABC-123 and it has an ID of 161.
If you were to browse to that JIRA Issue through the GUI, you would see only 1 Transition available and it would match the API Call. In fact if you inspected the element you should see it having an a tag and in the href something like action=161
So should you want to transition this issue, you'll need to do a POST to the following URL:
With JSON like this:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "Bug has been fixed."
"fields": {
"assignee": {
"name": "bob"
"resolution": {
"name": "Fixed"
"transition": {
"id": "161"
Which uses the transition ID found from the call that shows all transitions. I also update the resolution and assignee and add comments at the same time.
That make a bit more sense?

Retrieve the traffic variable in RankedReport of Adobe Sitecatalyst

Is it possible to fetch a traffic variable sProp1 along with PageName and Url when issuing a GetReport request of a Ranked report?
Let us say I have the following passed to SiteCatalyst (Omniture) via Java Script.
s.pageName = o_title; // Page Name = o_structure; // SiteSection
s.prop1 = o_inode // Traffic variable also the Primary Key Id of the PageName
Now, if I run a RankedReport, I will get the following
Along with this info, I will also be interested in fetching the s.prop1 value. I will need the s.prop1 value to use it on my db to query the first sentence of the article from db (and other metadata) and show the results on the results page that shows the most popular pages. Can this be achieved? I mean is it possible to get the traffic variable associated with the pageName?
OK. I think I if I add another element (prop1) I get the breakdown. {
"name":"Page Views",