There's a lot of solutions for creating HTML links for Skype (href="skype:username") but I can't find any for Skype for Business that will work. (href="sip:
Any ideas on how to open a chat window from a webpage for Skype for Business?
This is a method .
<div id=skypecallbox>
Chat - Blockhead (old skype)<br />
Chat - Blockhead (new skypeFB)
Also i just checked, for business they would use this extension:
I have a Vue-based Telegram Web App (API 6.x), which opens in Telegram App, clicking on the for Bot defined Button.
Now inside of the (one page, no router) Vue app I need to bring user to another, non-vue-based page.
Vue App >
Link to >
// inside vue component
<button #click="participate()">Participate Winning Game</button>
Participate Winning Game
As soon the User clicks on the link (or I do in participate() window.location.href/replace), Telegram asks the user to open /gam/win in Browser.
Is there a way to avoid this behavior and load /game/win inside the Telegram App?
Earlier I faced the same problem. Telegram Web App for Bot suggests opening any links in an external browser. I did not find documentation on the work of links in the application.
In my application on JS, I implemented a page redraw with new data received from the backend.
P.S. links to phones or other messengers like
do not work at all.
i want to know if there is any whatsapp api that can help me to send messages from my php project because after some research i found that whatsapp doesn't have any api for developers..
someone can help me please?
I used Google :
A quick google search with the proceeding query : "WhatsApp PHP API" gives us many results , the first result is a github page made by mgp25 a well known member of the github dev community.
Good luck!
You are absolutely right that whatsapp does not published the api for the such chatting using php .
By the way you can use the sharing uri to share text messages who have whats appp installed in their device or web chat option for whatsapp
Chat API:
Custom URL: Scheme whatsapp://send?text=hello world
First one is used to open chat with the desired phone number and the second one is used to share some test as custom url format.
Whatsapp is now maintain by facebook and it has created a api for business to communicate with customers .
This it has launched api for whatsapp as well as for Facebook instagram .
You can have a look on the documentation portal for whatsapp api for more details
Also there are partners of Facebook who give ready made solution to the productivity.
I am using IBM Worklight 6.2 for building hybrid application.I need to do integration with payment gateway.For that i need to post data through my html form.I am able to hit the server with action in html and the payment gateway opens in my mobile.
Now the problem is once the gateway page opens.I am not able to go back to my application .I did every possible way to override this.I think the payment gateway is secured and back button is disabled in their server pages.
I am newbie to IBM Worklight .Kindly help me resolving this..For Information code is mentioned below..
<form class="form" action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="checksum" id="checksum">
<input type="submit" value ="Pay Now">
Somebody suggested me using Webview...but i am not sure how to use Web view..
Also I cannot use Jquery AJAX Call.The only way is to submit the form..
Kindly bear with me and thanks in advance
To open another webview, you can follow the sample provided as part of the following tutorial:
Basically you use a Cordova plug-in to open another webview ontop of your application.
You may also consider using Corodva InAppBrowser:
Cordova is built-into Worklight, so you need only to use its APIs. No configuration needed.
I developed an application that uses the Google + API to authenticate the user using the following code snippet:
<div class="g-signin"
data-clientid="{My Client ID}"
This basically displays a Google Sign in button and when the user clicks on it, another window opens and they sign in. In desktop browsers everything works great but in mobile devices the second window opens and after the user logs in, Google doesn't close the login window so the user ends up staring at an empty page. In other words the callback function never gets called because the mobile browser doesn't close the new (login) window. Is there a way to work around this issue?
This is the javascript file Google provides:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Cannot comment--however I would like to see an answer for this question. I am having the same problem with Google login redirecting mobile devices to blank page. Desktop Google login works perfectly fine. I am using OAuth2.0.
I solved this problem for my own framework. After tracing through and using a ton of var dumps I realized where google's redirect was dying out. The problem was that when the page redirected from my site's control to Google's authentication control, my $_SESSION redirect was lost. My other social logins (FB and LinkedIn) work with this method, however I had to add a catch for google specific redirect. I checked if the redirect was set and if not, made sure to set it there.
I hope this helps with your problem.
I was trying to create a hangout app, and connect it to my youtube channel.I have created the app but unable to connect it to youtube channel. How can i do so. Is there any way to create a "Hangout On Air" app.
Hangouts apps work for both standard hangouts and on-air hangouts. If you have an app for Hangouts, then you just need to start an On-Air Hangout instead and start your app. Then, the Youtube broadcast and post-event archiving is built in.
Examples here ( show how to make a button on your website to start either a standard hangout or on-air hangout, and automatically start your app. Although, at the moment, the automatic app starting for on-air seems to be broken (Were Hangouts On Air example buttons recently broken?).
You dont need to write a hangout app to connect to your youtube channel. By default if you start a Hangout on Air, the video will stream live through your youtube account. Use the below code to start a HoA.
<script src="" async defer></script>
<div id="placeholder-div4"></div>
<script>'placeholder-div4', {
'topic': 'hats',
'render': 'createhangout',
'hangout_type': 'onair',
'initial_apps': [{'app_id' : '184219133185', 'start_data' : 'dQw4w9WgXcQ', 'app_type' : 'ROOM_APP' }],
more details :
If you want to get the youtube url and stream the same in your website, watch the tutorial below.