How do you solve Auth0's URL Mismatch error - auth0

I'm trying to implement Auth0 with lock (version 10.11.0) inside my Angular2 app. Auth0 works if I list every possible route in Auth0's client's Allowed Callback URLs setting. It seems Auth0 picks up the callback URL from whatever URL the user happens to be on when they decide to login. This is not a scalable approach. How do you solve this?
I've tried entering a redirectUrl value in auth options. This gets me a little further in that the app does redirect to the URL supplied, however, Auth0 lock's authenticated callback never fires so I cannot retrieve authenticated user's profile.
So, I'm stuck. It seems my only course of action is to list every conceivable route in Auth0's client's Allowed Callback URLs setting and pray the guys from marketing do not come up with more routes.
Here's my code:
let options =
//redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:4200',
//redirect: true,
responseType: 'token',
scope: 'openid user_id name nickname email picture'
this.lock = new Auth0Lock('xxx', 'yyy', options);
this.lock.on("authenticated", (authResult) =>
console.log('#### AUTH RESULTS:', authResult);
localStorage.setItem('id_token', authResult.idToken);
this.lock.getProfile(authResult.idToken, (error, profile) =>
if (error)
console.log('#### AUTHENTICATED USER PROFILE:', profile);
Any ideas on how to make Auth0 work so you do not have to list every possible route a user can be on before deciding to authenticate?


How to protect routes from guests and with roles if using JWT?

On a server side I have 2 middlewares - protect (is logged in?) and restrictTo (checks user's role). These middlewares stop users or guests from performing certain actions if they are not allowed to
exports.protect = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
let token;
if (
req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.startsWith("Bearer")
) {
token = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1];
if (!token) {
return next(new AppError("You are not signed in!", 401));
const decodedToken = await promisify(jwt.verify)(
const currentUser = await User.findById(;
if (!currentUser) {
return next(new AppError("User with such token no longer exists"));
req.user = currentUser;
exports.restrictTo = (...roles) => {
return (req, res, next) => {
if (!roles.includes(req.user.role)) {
return next(new AppError("No access", 403));
But how do I protect routes on a client side? If I'm not allowed to post a new note then I should be stopped from going to a /newnote page so I can't see and fill the form.
JWT token is stored in cookies with httpOnly flag. So I can't access the token from a Vue router. Store a user's role in Vuex? Then how do I synchronize the token state in cookies and in Vuex? If my token has been destroyed on a server side I still can have it in Vuex until I send a request to a protected endpoint.
Should I request a special auth endpoint for protected routes to check my current role using beforeEach?
Basically, you should add two things:
store the current authenticated user. By default, authUser is null. When someone logs in, authUser is an object with the user’s data. you can store this in Vuex, localStorage, etc.
create an interceptor/middleware in whatever library you are using for your api requests. If at some point you get a 401/403, it means that the current user’s session expired, or he is trying to access a protected area he shouldnt be looking at. Either way, reset the local authUser to null and redirect to login.
In Spa/mobile you dont have to worry too much about this as long as your backend is properly secured. If your authUser logic is correct, then only users with bad intentions will try to reach protected areas, whereas normal users will play by the rules and never hit a page they arent supposed to with their current privileges (assuming the UI is wired up correctly…).

What is the simplest way to restrict access to a static website using social auth

I have a static website composed of html/css/javascript files. The website is automatically generated and updated frequently.
Instead of authorizing access to the website with a username/password (basic auth), I would like to have users authenticate using Google Sign-in/openID Connect, and then control access via a whitelist of gmail addresses.
What is the simplest way to set this up?
I ended up using oauth2_proxy which is exactly what I was looking for.
I configured to do the following:
oauth2_proxy listens on
When a user connects, the Google sign-in flow is initiated
After sign-in, it validates the user's email address against a whitelist
After successful validation, oauth2_proxy proxies the request to an upstream nginx server listening on
Another way to add authentication or gated content to any static site:
1) First load a static container page (header, footer) and implement user Authentication js code using Auth0, firebase, okta etc.
2) When user successfully logs in then make an ajax api call passing that auth access_token to retrieve the sensitive content.
3) Load/append that sensitive content in the site using js.
Of Course, there has to be one server/serverless function which would listen to that ajax api call, authenticate it and sends the content back to the browser.
This is called client side authentication.
More on this:
Best way would be to use Firebase Auth!
Check it out at
You could check if the user is authenticated or not in this way.
<script type="text/javascript">
function initApp() {
// Listening for auth state changes.
// [START authstatelistener]
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) {
if (user) {
//User is signed in.
if (!emailVerified) {
//Additional check for email verification
} else {
// User is signed out.
// [END authstatelistener]
window.onload = function () {
Check out It's free and open source.
This tutorial explains how to get started for static sites (follow the UMD section):
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const authorizerRef = new authorizerdev.Authorizer({
redirectURL: window.location.origin,
clientID: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', // obtain your client id from authorizer dashboard
// use the button selector as per your application
const logoutBtn = document.getElementById('logout');
logoutBtn.addEventListener('click', async function () {
await authorizerRef.logout();
window.location.href = '/';
async function onLoad() {
const res = await authorizerRef.authorize({
response_type: 'code',
use_refresh_token: false,
if (res && res.access_token) {
// you can use user information here, eg:
const user = await authorizerRef.getProfile({
Authorization: `Bearer ${res.access_token}`,
const userSection = document.getElementById('user');
const logoutSection = document.getElementById('logout-section');
userSection.innerHTML = `Welcome, ${}`;
Here is a video demo:

How to pass Firebase Auth Token from client to server?

The website that I'm working on uses Firebase authentication and different users that login have different permissions as to which pages they can visit.
The way signing in is setup is similar to this post:
User Logins in with two parameters - "id" and "email"
Server uses these to create a custom "uid", then uses the Firebase Admin SDK to create a custom token that is sent back to the client.
The client logs in with the Javascript Firebase SDK - firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken()
Now that the user is logged in, they can click different pages - i.e. '/foo', '/bar'
The issue I'm running into is that when they visit new pages, I'm trying to pass the token from the client back to the server (almost identical to how its done in this Firebase Doc ), verify the token & check if it has permission to view the webpage.
I'm trying to figure out the best (& most secure) way to do this. I've considered the following option:
Construct a URL with the token, but I've heard this isn't good practice because the token is getting exposed and session hijacking becomes a lot easier.
I've been trying to pass the token in the request header, but from my understanding you can't add headers when the user clicks on a link to a different page (or if its redirected in javascript). The same issue applies to using POST.
What can I do to securely pass this information to the server and check permissions when a user clicks on a link to a different page?
You can get the accessToken (idToken) on client side by:
var accessToken = null;
.then(function (token) {
accessToken = token;
and pass it in your request headers:
request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + accessToken;
and on your server side get the token with your prefered method and authenticate the request with Firebase Admin SDK, like (Node.js):
.then(decodedIdToken => {
return firebaseAdmin.auth().getUser(decodedIdToken.uid);
.then(user => {
// Do whatever you want with the user.
Nowadays, it looks like we're meant to use httpsCallable() client-side to get an object pre-authorized to talk to your endpoint.
// # ./functions/index.js
exports.yourFunc = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
// Checking that the user is authenticated.
if (!context.auth) {
// Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'The function must be called ' +
'while authenticated.');
// ... rest of your method
// ./src/models/addMessage.js
const firebase = require("firebase");
apiKey: '### FIREBASE API KEY ###',
authDomain: '### FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN ###',
databaseURL: 'https://### YOUR DATABASE NAME',
var functions = firebase.functions();
// This is the new code:
var yourFunc = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('yourFunc');
yourFunc({foo: bar}).then(function(result) {
// ...
From firebase documentation

Why is my implementation of SSO using Ember-Simple-Auth with Auth0 getting stuck in a redirect loop?

I have an ember application that uses the Auth0 Ember Simple Auth addon to use the Ember-Simple-Auth functionality with Auth0's Lock.js. Recently I have been trying to implement single-sign-onfunctionality, such that if a user logs into a login portal application, their session will be preserved for other applications on the same domain, and they will not need to log in repeatedly. However my implementation of SSO is resulting in an infinite redirect loop between my login logic and Auth0's endpoint.
I have enabled SSO in the Auth0 application settings. My login is implemented in a few blocks.
My route.js contains a beforeModel() method which contains:
if (!get(session, 'isAuthenticated')){
// Forward to the login action
My login action:
login() {
var session = get(this, 'session');
session.authenticate('authenticator:myauthenticator', { authParams: { scope: 'openid' } });
This grabs the session object, and calls my custom authenticator. So far, this is basically just ember-simple-auth boilerplate, and complies with the examples supplied in the Auth0 Ember-Simple-Auth documentation.
Where I run into trouble is my custom authenticator. The base authenticator is here. You can see that it handles basic login logic easily, including showing the Auth0 lock when a user isn't authenticated. However it has no logic for handling the kind of SSO-session checking that I want to implement. So I implemented a custom authenticator as below, using examples provided by Auth0 for (basically) this exact scenario (you can see their examples [here], I'm using a slightly altered version)3:
authenticate(options) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((res) => {
// the callback that will be executed upon authentication
var authCb = (err, profile, jwt, accessToken, state, refreshToken) => {
if (err) {
} else {
var sessionData = { profile, jwt, accessToken, refreshToken };
this.afterAuth(sessionData).then(response => res(this._setupFutureEvents(response)));
var lock = this.get('lock');
// see if there's a SSO session available
lock.$auth0.getSSOData(function(err, data) {
if (!err && data.sso) {
// there is! redirect to Auth0 for SSO
options.authParams.callbackOnLocationHash = true;
lock.$auth0.signin(options.authParams, authCb);
} else {
// regular login, authCb);
This behaves mostly as I would expect it to. When I log in with an existing session from another SSO-enabled app on the same domain, if (!err && data.sso) resolves to true, and lock.$auth0.signin(options.authParams, authCb) is called. However, this signin logic is not working as intended. Auth0.signin calls the Auth0.authorize method, which generates a target URL that looks something like:
My application is then redirected to this URL for authorization. I get a 302 and am redirected back to the callback URL (my root page). Because there is a new page transition, if (!get(session, 'isAuthenticated')) is hit again. It returns false, and so the same logic repeats itself, looping indefinitely.
Does anyone have any insight on what I might be doing incorrectly here? The authorize endpoint seems to behave as if I were being authenticated, but then the authentication is never actually triggered. I've debugged through this code fairly extensively but seen no obvious red flags, and I've followed provided examples closely enough that I'm not sure what I would change. I'm not entirely sure where the failure to authenticate is happening such that get(session, 'isAuthenticated') is false.

Using Everyauth/Passport.js to authenticate with Twitter whilst asking for username/email/password

I want to create an authentication system whereby the user can "sign up with Twitter", but all this effectively does is authenticate their Twitter account and prefills a registration form with their Twitter username. The user will then be asked to enter an email and password (or an alternative username).
Thus, upon registration, the user has authenticated access to their Twitter account, and the access token can be stored in a database. Later down the line I will use this to access the Twitter API.
Node modules such as everyauth and passport do a lot of the heavy lifting with OAuth, but they only appear to provide a findOrCreateUser method, which doesn't offer a lot of breathing space to do something like what I need to do – that is, redirect to a registration form before registering the user, or if a user is found, just logging them in as per usual.
Here's a quick sketch of a possible approach for this:
Note that Passport does not provide a findOrCreateUser method. All database management and record creation is defined by your application (as it should be), Passport simply provides facilities for authentication.
The key to this approach is to simply create an "incomplete" user record in your database, from the profile data given by twitter. Then, in your application's routes, you can check if the conditions you need are met. If not, redirect the user to a form where they are prompted to fill out missing details.
passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
callbackURL: ""
function(token, tokenSecret, profile, done) {
// Create a user object in your database, using the profile data given by
// Twitter. It may not yet be a "complete" profile, but that will be handled
// later.
return done(null, user);
passport.authenticate('twitter', { failureRedirect: '/login' }),
function(req, res) {
// The user has authenticated with Twitter. Now check to see if the profile
// is "complete". If not, send them down a flow to fill out more details.
if (req.user.isCompleteProfile()) {
} else {
app.get('/complete-profile', function(req, res) {
res.render('profile-form', { user: req.user });
});'/update-profile', function(req, res) {
// Grab the missing information from the form and update the profile.
Slight clarification. The test "if (req.user.isCompleteProfile())" could be:
if (req.user.isCompleteProfile)
ie, you create a field 'isCompleteProfile' when you are making the user record in the twitter step, and mark it true or false, depending on what you know of the user
or: it is a call to a function, thus
if (isCompleteProfile(req))
in this case, you have a separate function which tests the state of the user you have just created/modified, thus:
function isCompleteProfile(req) {
if (typeof === "undefined") return false;
else return true;
And, I'd echo the praise for Jared and this marvellous tutorial on authentication in passportjs.