3D-Blocks in Visual Studio UWP - vb.net

We have a request to create 3D blocks both in cube format and curved formats and place them on a C# VB app. We need the ability to change the colors of the blocks based on some back end code.
It appears from my research that there may be a way to "fake" it with some perspective views in VB or I need to turn to a 3rd party program.
Does anyone know how a person would go about creating 3d blocks inside VB?


Changing application layout via buttons in VB .NET

Currently I would like to program an application gathering forms that are callable with buttons on the side. For this, I am using the latest build of Visual Studio Community. One way I thought of would be to literally put all the form elements (textboxes, lists, etc.) in the application window and only enable them whenever the according button is clicked on. However, if this is the way to do it, I find it quite messy and unpractical, and I'm pretty sure there's another way around.
After some research, I have learned about the MDI layouts, but they don't suit my taste. I would like to keep everything in one single frame.
Could you give me a hand?

How To Implement AutoCAD Color Chooser In External Application

I want to be able to access AutoCAD's Color chooser from an external application. This means that I will not be using AutoCAD to make the color chooser dialog popup. Instead, I will be using a VB.Net application to manage these colors.
Current Situation
As for now, I have no idea where to start. Do I need to import a specific library to make this work? Is it even possible to do this without AutoCAD running?
.NET has a basic built-in color picker control if you want to drive outside of AutoCAD:
You'll likely need a helper class/extension methods for converting ARGB colors to AutoCAD colors. Although may find it better to just roll your own. Use IlSpy, DotPeek, or .NET Reflector to look at how the AutoDesk class gets instanciated/used.

adding animation to an access form - front end

I am Learning how to create dynamic Access Databases using VBA code and SQL. One of my big "pet peaves" is that the user interface is slick and very professional looking.
I am looking for some tecniques in cosmetic touch ups to make the user interface more professional looking. For example, i would like it so that when the user clicks on a button to activate a sub form which is hidden, that the form appears with a bit of "smoothed animation" such as and exploding transition-type effect instead of the standard hard visual appearance of the form which is the standard.
Any advice on what may be available will be very appreciated.
Thank you,
This can not be done within Access, it's not designed for that. Access is a database application that comes packaged with Office. It's not going to provide any crazy out-of-the-box animation, it's just not meant for that. It's meant to be a very simple, stripped down database application.
It is somewhat feasable that you could create animations in a 3rd party app (such as Adobe AfterEffects) and have those animations run prior to the form opening, similar to how one would create motion menus for DVDs.
You could put a bunch of small animated graphics (like lights on a Christmas tree or tiny arrows) all around the sub-form and time it to display for a short while.

Create a basic application that will act as a tutorial for how to use another app

I have a very particular application I have developed. I want to create a second app, ideally in visual basic, that provides a tutorial/ guide on how to use my original app step by step.
I imagine PowerPoint slide style images embedded in a simple window with forward & back controls.
I have experience in java, C & VB. Ideally the app needs be be kept simple and written in VB. Can anyone recommend a starting point, or if any tutorials for such exist? I've had a search and nothing stands out.
So, if this essentially just has slides and annotations and forward/backward buttons, why try to write an app for this? (I get that it might be fun to try.) You could simply do screen captures and annotate them and use PowerPoint and create an executable out of that to run.
You can even, I understand, create hyperlinks and such to allow the slide show to progress more like the real app does. I'm no "power point ranger" so I'd point you at the Office docs to learn about that, but I've seen some pretty good tutorials using this method.

Visual Basic 2010 Fast Writing

I am working on developing a simple console game in Visual Basic in which the "level" is drawn out after being read from a file.
So far, I'm using
to check for the arrow keys and to therefore move the position of the piece on the console.
The problem is that the only way I know to do this is to redraw the "level" every time that the piece moves - which is relatively slow.
Is there any better way to achieve this?
Three solutions:
Redraw only the changing screen chars.
Skip Console functions and use WINAPI WriteConsole (a little example to use WINAPI console functions).
Use Forms and draw the text into a window.