How do I disable the hover menu appearing in the lower lefthand corner of the intellij window? - intellij-idea

How do I disable the menu appearing in the lower lefthand corner of the intellij window?
Is this called the tool menu?
I use hot corners on my macbook and am constantly activating it accidentally.

There is a Registry key for that, you can either add
into .vmoptions (Help | Edit Custom VM Options) or you can press Help | Find Action | Registry, Enter (or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/) and trigger it in the dialog (start typing the key name for the speed search):
This menu can be also disabled by disabling the status bar:


Navigating project files in intellij idea

I want to jump through files in the project window using the up / down buttons. Now I press the down button, then press the enter button and the focus goes to the code editor window. But I do not want the focus to go away, I want to continue jumping through the files, pressing the down button and enter when I want to open the file. I can do this using this combination: down arrow, enter, F12, down arrow, down arrow, enter, F12 ...
Is there any way to tweak this to avoid using F12?
I'm using Intellij idea 2020.3
I'd suggest reassigning shortcut combination Main Menu | Window | Active Tool Window | Jump to Last Tool Window to anything more suitable for you, e.g. ESC and be sure that you don't use the same shortcut for other actions and operations.

Unable to type > character in Intellij IDEA

Whenever I am using the Canadian Multilingual Standard Keyboard, I can't type the greater than character which are the keys AltCar + period. A dialog box shows
There are no custom foldings in the current file.
Removing/changing the shortcut for Fold selection/ Remove region in the Keymap did not work. I've also tried to add to bin/ but I can't apply changes to
Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Slash (Cmd-Alt-Shift-Slash if you're using Mac OS X), select "Registry" from the menu that appears and enable the "" checkbox in the menu that appears.
Go to File | Settings | Keymap. On the top of the screen, in a dropdown box you will see that one of the default keymap is selected. You need to make a copy of it. This is important becasue you can't change the default keymaps. To copy it, click on the Copy button on the right of the dropdown box and name your new layout however you want.
Now, with your new Keymap selected, search for the "Custom Fo...". Right click on any shortcut that is mapped to either Alt+. or Ctrl+Alt+. to delete it. Hit OK and you should be good to go.

IntelliJ full screen, really

Is it possible to run IntelliJ Idea in a true full screen mode on a MAC?
No toolbars, no side bars, no buttons, just code.
If it is possible please let me know.
You can do it in the View menu by disabling the following items:
Double clicking on the editor tab will hide all the open tool windows (second double click will restore them).
It's also possible to disable editor tabs in Preferences | Editor | Editor Tabs.

Syncing Project View with Editor in RubyMine

This should be obvious, but I can't see how to do it. Just want the project browser to stay in sync with the current file I'm editing.
I'm using IdeaVIM plugin in case that's causing any issues, though I think it's just default value not to sync.
Project view has an option to Autoscroll from Source under the Gear icon. If you prefer manual sync, use Navigate | Select In... menu or the corresponding keyboard shortcut.
The manual sync can be found in Navigate | Select In... The keyboard shortcut would be ALT-F1 1 ESC (the '1' selects the project windows, the ESC goes back to the editor window).

Squeak smalltalk: why can't I activate the do it menu

I downloaded squeak 4.2 and watch this very basic tutorial
When I type 2 + 2 in workspace window and select right-click the line I can't get any popup menu with "do it" option.
Did I miss something ?
Depending on your platform and configuration that menu may be activated either by a right-click or a middle-click. For Squeak on Windows I believe the default is to middle-click.
If the default feels unintuitive you can invert the right and middle mouse buttons.
To invert the mouse buttons for the current image:
Click on the world background
Select open... from the World menu
Select Preference Browser
Search for mouse in the preferences
Toggle swapMouseButtons
To invert the mouse buttons on the Windows VM:
Open the system menu (small Squeak icon in the top-left window corner)
Under VM Preferrences > Mouse mapping toggle 3 button mouse
You can also activate that menu by ALT-clicking or use the quicker ALT-d shortcut for "do it".