Create a Historical Auditing Table - sql

Currently we have an AuditLog table that holds over 11M records. Regardless on the indexes and statistics any query referencing this table takes a long time. Most reports don't check for Audit records past a year but we would still like to keep these records. Whats the best way to handle this?
I was thinking of keeping the AuditLog table to hold all records less than or equal to a year old. Then move any records greater than a year old to an AuditLogHistory table. Maybe just running a batch file every night to move these records over and then update the indexes and statistics of the AuditLog table. Is this an okay way to complete this task? Or what other way should I be storing older records?
The records brought back from the AuditLog table hit a linked server and check in 6 different db's to see if a certain member exists in them based on a condition. I don't have access to make any changes to the linked server db's so can only optimize what I have which is the Auditlog. Hitting the linked server db's uses up over 90% of the queries cost. So I'm just trying to limit what I can.

First, I find it hard to believe that you cannot optimize a query on a table with 11 million records. You should investigate the indexes that you have relative to the queries that are frequently run.
In any case, the answer to your question is "partitioning". You would partition by the date column and be sure to include this condition in all queries. That will reduce the amount of data and probably speed the processing.
The documentation is a good place to start for learning about partitioning.


Postgres Indexing

I am a newbie in Postgres.
We have implemented SCD type-2 in our project using Postgres. The input file is a full refresh file with approximately 30 million records daily.
Account number is the key column.
The approximate number of new records will be 20K/day.
If a record is missing from the source, then that record is closed with an End date in the target. The approximate number of records being closed- 10k/day
The run time for the query is increasing steadily. Will indexing help speed up the process?
Any suggestion on the index to be used?
Are those 30 million records stored as each row in the database? Well if it is so, then indexing (creating and maintaining) that many records will also be a burden to the database to some extent. However, there's this new index that PostgreSQL has introduced called BRIN Index which might help you a bit. I had written a blog about this some months ago. You can have a look over it and obviously research over it more.
You'll have too look at the execution plans of the slow queries to be able to determine if indexes will help and what indexes you should create.
The correct index often helps a lot with a query, and with a read-only database you can create as many as you need.
You should make sure that any indexes are created after you load the table, since indexes slow down insert a lot. Either drop and recreate the table before the daily load or truncate and drop all the indexes.

Auto-deleting particular records in one table of Oracle database using SQL

I've got question concerning auto deleting particular records in one table of Oracle database using SQL.
I am making small academic project of database for private clinic and I have to design Oracle database and client application in Java.
One of my ideas is to arrange table "Visits" which stores all patients visits which took place in the past for history purposes. Aforementioned table will grow pretty fast so it will have weak searching performance.
So the idea is to make smaller table called "currentVisits" which holds only appointments for future visits because it will be much faster to search through ~1000 records than few millions after few years.
My question is how to implement auto deleting records in SQL from temporary table "currentVisits" after they took place.
Both tables will store fields like dateOfVisit, patientName, doctorID etc.
Is there any possibility to make it work in simple way? For example using triggers?
I am quite new in this topic so thanks for every answer.
Don't worry about the data size. Millions of records is not particularly large for a database on modern computing hardware. You will need an appropriate data structure, however.
In this case, you will want an index on the column that indicates current records. In all likelihood, the current records will be appended onto the end of the table, so they will tend to be congregating on a handful of data pages. This is a good thing.
If you have a heavy deletion load on the table, or you are using a clustered index, then the pages with the current records might be spread throughout the database. In that case, you want to include the "current" column in the clustered index.

Slow queries on 'transaction' table - sql partition as a solution?

I have a table with 281,433 records in it, ranging from March 2010 to the current date (Sept 2014). It's a transaction table which consists of records that determine stock which is currently in and out of the warehouse.
When making picks from the warehouse, the system needs to look over every transaction from a particular customer that was ever made (based on the AccountListID field, which determines the customer, a customer might on average have about 300 records in the table). This happens 2-3 times per request from the particular .NET application when a picking run is done.
There are times when the database seemingly locks out. Some requests complete no bother, within about 3 seconds. Others hang for 'up to 4 minutes' according to the end users.
My guess is with 4-5 requests at the same time all looking at this one transaction table things are getting locked up.
I'm thinking about partitioning this table so that the primary transaction table only contains record from the last 2 years. The end user has agreed that any records past this date are unnecessary.
But I can't just delete them, they're used elsewhere in the system. I have indexes already in place and they make a massive difference (going from >30 seconds to <2, on the accountlistid field). It seems partitioning is the next step.
1) Am I going down the right route as a solution to my 'locking' problem?
2) When moving a set of records (e.g. records where the field DateTimeCheckedIn is more than 2 years old) is this a manual process or does partitioning automatically do this?
Partitioning shouldn't be necessary on a table with fewer than 300,000 rows, unless each record is really big. If a record is occupying more than 4k bytes, then you have 300,000 pages (2,400,000,000 bytes) and that is getting larger.
Indexes are usually the solution for something like this. Taking more than a second to return 300 records in an indexed database seems like a long time (unless the records are really big and the network overhead adds to the time). Your table and index should both fit into memory. Check your memory configuration.
The next question is about the application code. If it uses cursors, then these might be the culprit by locking rows under certain circumstances. For read-only cursors, "FAST_FORWARD" or "FORWARD READ_ONLY" should be fast. It is possible that if the application code is locking all the historical records, then you might get contention. After all, this would occur when two records (for different) customers are on the same data page. The solution is to not lock the historical records as you read them. Or, to avoid using cursors all together.
I don't think partitioning will be necessary here. You can probably fix this with a well-placed index: I'm thinking a single index covering (in order) company, part number, and quantity. Or, if it's an old server, possibly just add ram. Finally, since this is reading a lot of older data for transactions, where individual transactions themselves are likely never (or at most very rarely) updated once written, you might do better with a READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level for this query.

Appropriate query and indexes for a logging table in SQL

Assume a table named 'log', there are huge records in it.
The application usually retrieves data by simple SQL:
FROM log
WHERE logLevel=2 AND (creationData BETWEEN ? AND ?)
logLevel and creationData have indexes, but the number of records makes it take longer to retrieve data.
How do we fix this?
Look at your execution plan / "EXPLAIN PLAN" result - if you are retrieving large amounts of data then there is very little that you can do to improve performance - you could try changing your SELECT statement to only include columns you are interested in, however it won't change the number of logical reads that you are doing and so I suspect it will only have a neglible effect on performance.
If you are only retrieving small numbers of records then an index of LogLevel and an index on CreationDate should do the trick.
UPDATE: SQL server is mostly geared around querying small subsets of massive databases (e.g. returning a single customer record out of a database of millions). Its not really geared up for returning truly large data sets. If the amount of data that you are returning is genuinely large then there is only a certain amount that you will be able to do and so I'd have to ask:
What is it that you are actually trying to achieve?
If you are displaying log messages to a user, then they are only going to be interested in a small subset at a time, and so you might also want to look into efficient methods of paging SQL data - if you are only returning even say 500 or so records at a time it should still be very fast.
If you are trying to do some sort of statistical analysis then you might want to replicate your data into a data store more suited to statistical analysis. (Not sure what however, that isn't my area of expertise)
1: Never use Select *
2: make sure your indexes are correct, and your statistics are up-to-date
3: (Optional) If you find you're not looking at log data past a certain time (in my experience, if it happened more than a week ago, I'm probably not going to need the log for it) set up a job to archive that to some back-up, and then remove unused records. That will keep the table size down reducing the amount of time it takes search the table.
Depending on what kinda of SQL database you're using, you might look into Horizaontal Partitioning. Oftentimes, this can be done entirely on the database side of things so you won't need to change your code.
Do you need all columns? First step should be to select only those you actually need to retrieve.
Another aspect is what you do with the data after it arrives to your application (populate a data set/read it sequentially/?).
There can be some potential for improvement on the side of the processing application.
You should answer yourself these questions:
Do you need to hold all the returned data in memory at once? How much memory do you allocate per row on the retrieving side? How much memory do you need at once? Can you reuse some memory?
A couple of things
do you need all the columns, people usually do SELECT * because they are too lazy to list 5 columns of the 15 that the table has.
Get more RAM, themore RAM you have the more data can live in cache which is 1000 times faster than reading from disk
For me there are two things that you can do,
Partition the table horizontally based on the date column
Use the concept of pre-aggregation.
In preagg you would have a "logs" table, "logs_temp" table, a "logs_summary" table and a "logs_archive" table. The structure of logs and logs_temp table is identical. The flow of application would be in this way, all logs are logged in the logs table, then every hour a cron job runs that does the following things:
a. Copy the data from the logs table to "logs_temp" table and empty the logs table. This can be done using the Shadow Table trick.
b. Aggregate the logs for that particular hour from the logs_temp table
c. Save the aggregated results in the summary table
d. Copy the records from the logs_temp table to the logs_archive table and then empty the logs_temp table.
This way results are pre-aggregated in the summary table.
Whenever you wish to select the result, you would select it from the summary table.
This way the selects are very fast, because the number of records are far less as the data has been pre-aggregated per hour. You could even increase the threshold from an hour to a day. It all depends on your needs.
Now the inserts would be fast too, because the amount of data is not much in the logs table as it holds the data only for the last hour, so index regeneration on inserts would take very less time as compared to very large data-set hence making the inserts fast.
You can read more about Shadow Table trick here
I employed the pre-aggregation method in a news website built on wordpress. I had to develop a plugin for the news website that would show recently popular (popular during the last 3 days) news items, and there are like 100K hits per day, and this pre-aggregation thing has really helped us a lot. The query time came down from more than 2 secs to under a second. I intend on making the plugin publically available soon.
As per other answers, do not use 'select *' unless you really need all the fields.
logLevel and creationData have indexes
You need a single index with both values, what order you put them in will affect performance, but assuming you have a small number of possible loglevel values (and the data is not skewed) you'll get better performance putting creationData first.
Note that optimally an index will reduce the cost of a query to log(N) i.e. it will still get slower as the number of records increases.
I really hope that by creationData you mean creationDate.
First of all, it is not enough to have indexes on logLevel and creationData. If you have 2 separate indexes, Oracle will only be able to use 1.
What you need is a single index on both fields:
CREATE INDEX i_log_1 ON log (creationData, logLevel);
Note that I put creationData first. This way, if you only put that field in the WHERE clause, it will still be able to use the index. (Filtering on just date seems more likely scenario that on just log level).
Then, make sure the table is populated with data (as much data as you will use in production) and refresh the statistics on the table.
If the table is large (at least few hundred thousand rows), use the following code to refresh the statistics:
l_ownname VARCHAR2(255) := 'owner'; -- Owner (schema) of table to analyze
l_tabname VARCHAR2(255) := 'log'; -- Table to analyze
l_estimate_percent NUMBER(3) := 5; -- Percentage of rows to estimate (NULL means compute)
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (
ownname => l_ownname ,
tabname => l_tabname,
estimate_percent => l_estimate_percent,
method_opt => 'FOR ALL INDEXED COLUMNS',
cascade => TRUE
Otherwise, if the table is small, use
Additionally, if the table grows large, you shoud consider to partition it by range on creationDate column. See these links for the details:
Oracle Documentation: Range Partitioning
OraFAQ: Range partitions
How to Create and Manage Partition Tables in Oracle

SQL Server 2005 efficient delete

My issue at hand is that I need to remove about 60M records from a table without causing deadlocks with other processes that use this table. At this point I'm almost done removing the records using a while loop that only processes about 1M records at a time however it's taken all day.
Q1: What is the optimal way to remove large quantities of data from a table, keeping the table online and minimal impact to other resources that need to use this table in MS SQL Server 2005?
Q2: Is there a way to implement the individual row locking (rather than table locking) in SQL Server like they have in Oracle? (Note answering this may answer Q1).
A2: So as #Remus Rusanu informed me there is a way to do row level locking with a delete.
See this thread, the original poster actually did some tests and posted the most efficient method. An MVP did originally chime in with an option to actually insert the data you want to retain into a temp table and then truncate the original table and reinsert.
I just did something like that recently. I simply created a SQL Server job that ran every 10 mins deleting a million rows. Code follows
DELETE TOP 1000000 FROM BIG_TABLE WHERE CreatedDate <= '20080630'
Said table in question had about 900 mil rows to start with. Didn't notice any significant performance issues.
The most efficient way is to use partition switching, see Transferring Data Efficiently by Using Partition Switching. The drawback is that it requires planning ahead in how the partitions are deployed.
If partition switching is not available then the answer depends on the actual table schema. You better post the actual schema (including all indexes and most importantly the clustered key definiton) and the criteria that qualifies the delete candidates.
As for Q2, SQL Server had row level locking since mid 90s, I don't know what you're actually asking.