HTML video looks different on different machines - html5-video

I have mp4 video files. I want to show them on website with HTML <video> tag. But they look different on different machines.
I have an machine with XP Pro SP3, Chrome 49, it displays videos with shadows. And other machines don't appear to have this problem.
I've tried:
On problem machine:
Use native video player to play exact same video, no problem
Update video driver of problem machine to latest, problem still exists
Use Firefox, but Firefox complains not support this format of video
Disable some Chrome flags I think maybe relate to video (disable-accelerated-video-decode, disable-cast-streaming-hw-encoding), doesn't work. I even tried disable all experimental features of Chrome, problem still exists.
On virtual machines (virtual machines are not installed on problem machine, but on my other PC, because my problem PC only has 2GB memory):
On virtual machine with Win7, Chrome 44, no problem
On virtual machine XP Pro SP3, Chrome 44, no problem
Does anyone know why this happens, and how to fix it? Suggestions are also welcomed. I'm running out of ideas...

As far as I know currently, this is limited issue of Chrome 47-49 on XP.
I checked the Chrome change log, seems nothing related to video. No clue why this happens, and not sure how to fix it.


Sinch webRTC DevicesNotFoundError on Chrome Mozilla et al

I am trying to setup up video calling in my webapp using Sinch. The application works well on my Chrome (50.0.2661.102 64 bit) but a friend using windows (same version chrome but 32 bit) gets a NavigatorUserMediaError with a reason : DevicesNotFoundError.
I tried using mozilla, vivaldi and IE but non of them works. The error is in the sinch.min.js file and I am using the latest version from their repository :
Can someone please help me fix these issues?
Also, are there any javascript libraries to help prevent cross-browser compatibility issues while using webRTC.
Only WebRTC browsers work with sinch
The NavigatorUserMediaError error with is a Chrome specific error and it's quite common. It happens when:
you’re requesting a video track through constraints but the user does not have a webcam
you request an audio track but there is no attached recording device or it's disabled at the OS level (possible in Windows and some drivers do it automatically if there's no microphone inserted in the mic jack)
DevicesNotFoundError will be replaced by the spec compliant NotFoundError in Chrome 64.
Source: Common getUserMedia() Errors

Getting windows only images from the IE Dev Tools site

I think this may be website bug but when I choose VirtualBox and Mac on this page: for anything higher than IE9 I get images for virtualbox Windows only.
You can safely ignore the filename. The content is exactly the same and the filename will change in a future update (hopefully sometime in January).
Source: I'm the PM of the website.

Streaming not possible in internet explorer

I have an application that broadcast my screen over the network. in other browser it is working correctly but in internet explorer its not working and always shows to download a file instant of playing streaming.
in other browser like chrome
but in internet explorer its not working ....
i have installed many plugin like quick time active x, java etc.
This is difficult to answer without knowing the media type of the streaming.
But I would suggest try installing VLC or the latest media player with updated codecs. Also try disabling any download manager that you might be having.
Note: You can also try the streaming option of VLC as it has a VLC server as well.
Hope that helps.
Also suggested: Buy an authenticated version of Windows or Activate your copy of Windows :P

Chrome dev tools site gets stuck in mobile view when exiting emulation mode

When using chrome dev tools to emulate mobile devices, sometimes when toggling emulation from mobile back to desktop the user agent spoofing gets stuck in mobile. I've tried hard cache reset, closing browser completely, restore to default.... but anything I do the site still renders in mobile (even when emulation is turned off).
This happens in Canary, beta, and regular Chrome.
Also a note i've only seen this happen in Sharepoint.
Anyone know how to resolve? Nothing seems to get the dev tools to change user agent back to default when exiting emulation.
Have you tried deleting your chrome settings?
Windows: C:/Users/%username%/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data
Mac OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/
Ubuntu: ~/.config/chromium/
Also make sure you aren't ZOOMED! Gets ya everytime
I ran into this same problem previously when using dev tools in Chrome to look at mobile resolutions that got me permanently stuck in mobile for SharePoint only. I solved it originally with the recommendation above of deleting my Chrome settings folder, however, that meant I had to sign in again, sync my extensions, etc.
After forgetting that this would happen again, I ran into the same issue, but this time I discovered that if you append the following to your SharePoint URL it will reset this back to non-mobile. I verified that it is not temporary as I have closed my browser, reopened, visited SharePoint, and it still loads in desktop mode.
So, you would use your site url, e.g. https://siteurl/?mobile=0
Weird, this just started happening to me. It persists in new tabs and new windows. Only fix is to open DevTools and switch to Responsive mode and then pull it way out. As soon as I turn off Responsive / Mobile view, Chrome snaps right back to a mobile view by default (appears to be iPad size).
The solution for me (so far) was to quit Chrome and open it back up.

Cannot view video from publisher using Chrome to iPad with OpenTok

I'm currently trying to set up a connection between my web client and my iOS app, but for some reason my iOS client only sees a black box when using Chrome (version 33). I can see the video just fine if I use Firefox (both in my app and when I put the browsers side-by-side, they can see each other).
This doesn't appear to be a documented known issue with the JavaScript SDK, and I can't see any recent discussion about this on the forums (last post was mine).
The iOS sample can be located here (samples/OpenTokHelloWorld) with the browser page in samples/OpenTokHelloWorld/browser_demo.html
I suggest cd'ing into samples/OpenTokHelloWorld and running python -m SimpleHTTPServer, as it can't be run from a file:/// path.
Here is what my iPad sees:
And Chrome/Firefox (respectively), both publishing video from the same camera
Edit: after testing on other machines, it may be something specific to my environment even though none of my extensions run in Incognito and I don't have any custom plugins installed.
It looks like the OpenTok mobile SDKs with the specific webcam I was using has issues. On Android the video stream will display for a brief moment then segfault, and on iOS there will be no video at all.
I have tested this many times and could not reproduce what you are seeing in your chrome.
Without seeing any console errors or iOS logs the best suggestion is to try clearing your cache, or maybe restarting your computer (longshot)