When I call twitter API "friendships/show" it show me response object, but there is no any response details available even in twitter api page.
Is any body have idea about the details of following parameters?
"live_following": false,
"following_received": false,
"following_requested": false,
"notifications_enabled": false,
"all_replies": false,
"marked_spam": false
using this api with post method getting below response but not otp in mobile phone
this is the body sending in api
This is the response i'm getting
"success": true,
"is_blocked": false,
"error_message": null,
"send_rc_token": true,
"num_digits": 6}
enter image description here this the cypress screen which showing wrong response so, in postman when i made the POST call with same headers and body and i got the response as user tokens, but for the same thing i am not getting any response in cypress but i am getting status as 200 in cypress but i am not getting the same responses of postman
it('getting auth token from oxygen using oxgen login api and amazon cognito',()=>{
"AuthParameters": {
"USERNAME": "username",
"PASSWORD": "pass"
"ClientId": "2..................g"
According to
once I've received response with isMessageAvailable = true and errorCode is empty I should call getMFAResponse (actually I'm using getMFAResponseForSite)
this response should contain not null mfaRefreshInfo.fieldInfo. Unfortunately all cases I was able to test fieldInfo were null.
Could you please help me to understand what I'm doing wrong. SiteAccountId is 10038630.
If you are using getMFAResponseForSite then use this refresh flow
Now response of getMFAResponseForSite depends upon how soon yodlee encounters the MFA after login attempt.
There are 3 types of responses you can get -
{ "isMessageAvailable": false, "timeOutTime": 0, "itemId": 0,
"memSiteAccId": 10000502, "retry": true }
On your 1st call to the MFA API you may get this if there is a delay in bringing the MFA data , hence you need to go back and call this API again (as suggested in the flow to loop).In this case if with messageAvailable if false and timeoutTime > 0 then it means that Yodlee has timed out the request and you can abort the refresh and try re-initiating it.
"isMessageAvailable": true,
"fieldInfo": {
"responseFieldType": "text",
"minimumLength": -1,
"maximumLength": 6,
"displayString": "Security Key"
"timeOutTime": 97640,
"itemId": 0,
"memSiteAccId": 10000052,
"retry": false
This is the case where you get the MFA response. Here you can see that isMessageAvailable is true and you have field info populated. This response can come at 1st call of getMFAResponseForSite or after 1 or 2 loops.
"isMessageAvailable": true,
"fieldInfo": {
"questionAndAnswerValues": [],
"numOfMandatoryQuestions": -1
"timeOutTime": 98480,
"itemId": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"memSiteAccId": 10039332,
"retry": false
In this case you can see that there is an error code present, if it's 0(zero) that means login was successful without MFA and Yodlee is able to navigate to account summary page. In case error code is non zero then please refer error code page
Now in your case the siteAccountID is failing with error code 429 and hence you should be getting that information in getMFAResponseForSite API.
can you make sure you are following the right refresh flow and making the right API calls as ideally the behavior will not change from what is represented in the flow diagram.
I'm developing an application which need CORS, I did some google but could not understand that. My application is running on localhost:8000 while I'm making a ajax request to localhost:9090. Below is my Ajax request code...
url : 'http://localhost:9090/by-api',
method: 'POST',
jsonData : api_no,
disableCaching: false,
withCredentials: true,
useDefaultXhrHeader: false,
headers: {
'Access-Control-Headers': 'x-requested-with'
success: function(response){
failure: function(response){
Also I want to do a Basic Authentication so I tried putting 'Authentication' in headers but nothing is working..
The directive
must be included server side in the response header, not in the client request.
Follow this document to reference W3-CORS
After sending an Facebook app request in FB.ui using Javascript SDK, the response returned in the callback function is 'null', if the user sends the request or not. I have tested with multiple Facebook accounts and receive the app requests, however.
, sendRequest: function() {
parent.FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
to: this.game.attributes.opponentFbId,
title: 'My App',
message: 'I sent you a challenge on My App',
}, function (response) {
According to http://fbdevwiki.com/wiki/FB.ui, method 'apprequests' should return an array of request_ids (via response.request_ids), or response.to .However 'response' returns null when I try to log it in console
I have tried something similar with method 'feed' in FB.ui and can read the response (and response.post_id), however not with 'apprequests'.