Difference Between setDefaultSchemaName() and setLiquibaseSchemaName() in Liquibase?
What is the use of both the methods in Liquibase ?
The default schema is the schema managed by Liquibase - i.e. when you create a table, it will be created the the default schema. The Liquibase schema name is where the Liquibase control tables (DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK) are kept.
I would like to run a SQL precondition checking for each changeSet in my SQL changeLogFile. It is actually a precondition on the changeLog itself
Here is an extract of it :
--liquibase formatted sql
--preconditions onFail:HALT onError:HALT
--precondition-sql-check expectedResult:"1.0" SELECT VERSION FROM VERSION_TABLE;
--changeset bob:1 failOnError:true dbms:oracle
--rollback YYY RENAME TO XXX;
Even if the precondition is actually not respected, liquibase still run all the changeset.
Does somebody knows if it is an error from my side or if liquibase does not allow preconditions on entire changeLog for SQL changeLog file ?
Thanks in advance !
If you go through the documentation, then its stated that we can only apply pre-conditions on a specific change set. Also, only the SQL Check precondition is supported.
Liquibase doc for sql changelog files - https://www.liquibase.org/documentation/sql_format.html
One thing you could do is have a top-level master changelog in XML/YAML/JSON format and then use <include> or <includeAll> elements to include your liquibase formatted sql changelogs. If you do that, then you can have changelog-level preconditions.
I'm in the process of integrating the springboot microservices with Liquibase. Prior to executing any changesets, I would like extract the "initial" state of an existing database(Oracle) and store in Liquibase DATABASECHANGELOG table. Is there way to do this?
What you would do is use the diffChangeLog command to generate a changelog.xml that contains all the changes needed to update a pristine database to the existing state of your database. If you already have a changelog, this would append to the end of that changelog, and you might want to manually rearrange the changesets so they are in the correct order.
You then use the changeLogSync command to populate the existing database with a DATABASECHANGELOG table that shows all of those changes have been deployed to that database.
Liquibase ask for fully defined schema Name, for example for the indexExists tag. But what if want to run a changeset on multiple schema. Is there a way to indicate running on the current schema, or to dynamically set it when running an update ?
My Bad, that schemaName is not a required attribute for createIndex.
In our case liquibase is used to update databses for existing installation. New installations are already up to date.
Assuming we have got a new installation. Starting the application will force to execute liquibase changesets (e.g. change type of a column) but as I mentioned before there is nothing to update as the column already was created with the correct type.
Does liquibase recognize that the table column is already up to date or does it try to execute the changeset as there is no entry within the databasechangelog table for it?
Liquibase uses an alternative approach that avoids a need to analyze the target database's data dictionary. This makes DB operations simpler and more cross platform.
A special table "DATABASECHANGELOG" keeps a record of the changesets applied to the target database instance. This table also contains a checksum (calculated at runtime) to determine if changsets are altered between runs of liquibase.
So if you altered the type of a table column, liquibase can detect this and can throw an error, when run against an existing database. (Obviously, on a new DB, the table would be created as expected).
Finally, the changeset documentation describes two optional attributes ("runAlways" and "runOnChange") which could tell lqiuibase to reapply a changeset more than once to a database. There is also a "clearCheckSums" command that can be used to reset the checksums on an existing database. Obviously you need to know what you're doing when using such an option :-)
Liquibase will not recognize anything automatically.
But you can use <preConditions/> in your changeSet to check if your changeSet must be applied or not.
I'd like to use JDBC to create tables in a database agnostic way. I'm pretty sure that Liquibase has solved this problem since it can take a generic createTable XML changeSet element and convert it into a database specific SQL DDL statement.
Can someone please tell me which liquibase classes / utililities are involved in converting a generic createTable changeSet into a database specific create table SQL script?. Sample usage (ie a test case) would be great.
Please note that I do not wish to invoke the entire liquibase pipeline. In particular I do NOT want the databasechangelog table.
I'd recommend reading the liquibase unit tests.