In CNTK python, is there a debug interface to output shape of function parameters - cntk

The following python code returns an error: The shape of input operands for the CosDistance operation should have at most one axis.
cosine_distance(query_output, document_output)
I would like to debug the parameter shapes. Is there debug interface to output the shape of query_output and document_output?

For a “debug” interface in python you can import pdb and then right at the point you want to break into the debugger insert the line:
from there you can do something like query_output.shape and it will show you the shape.

You can just print the shape out via shape attribute of the input variable.


Error evaluating a TensorArray in a while loop

I've built the following TensorArray:
ta = tf.TensorArray(
element_shape=tf.TensorShape([None, None])
and called ta = ta.write(idx, my_tensor) inside a while_loop.
When evaluating the output = ta.stack() tensor in a session, I receive this error message:
ValueError: Cannot use '.../TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3' as
input to '.../TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArraySizeV3' because
'.../TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3' is in a while loop. See info
log for more details.
I don't understand this error message, could you please help me ?
Update: A minimal example might be difficult to come up with, but this is what I am doing: I am using the reference to the ta TensorArray inside the cell_input_fn of AttentionWrapper. This callback is used in AttentionWrapper's call method, where another TensorArray named alignment_history is being written. Therefore the while_loop code is not designed by me, it's part of the TF dynamic RNN computation tf.nn.dynamic_rnn.
Not sure if this is what's biting you, but you have to make sure your while_loop function takes the tensor array as input and emits an updated one as output; and you have to use the final version of the TensorArray at the end of the while_loop:
def fn(ta_old):
return ta_old.write(...)
ta_final = while_loop(..., body=fn, [tf.TensorArray(...)])
values = ta_final.stack()
specifically you should never access ta_old outside of fn().

How to get the Numpy array of file stream of any image

I'm trying to use the imageai python library, and more particularly this function:
The doc says it should be used with a Numpy array of file stream of any image.
When I pass it a Numpy array, like this:
detections = detector.detectObjectsFromImage(input_image=anumpyarray,input_type = "array")
I get the error:
detections =
detector.detectObjectsFromImage(input_image=anumpyarray,input_type =
"array") File
line 517, in detectObjectsFromImage raise ValueError("Ensure you
specified correct input image, input type, output type and/or output
image path ") ValueError: Ensure you specified correct input image,
input type, output type and/or output image path
Is it because a Numpy array and a Numpy array of a stream of an image are different things?
I know it's old, but for anyone who needs help:
Try to set 2 additional params:
minimum_percentage_probability=0, output_type='array'
For more info, go into imageai\Detection\ -> detectObjectsFromImage

TypeError: 'TensorShape' object is not callable

I am new to Tensorflow programming , i was digging up some functions and got this error in the snippet :
**with** **tf.Session()** as sess_1:
c = tf.constant(5)
d = tf.constant(6)
e = c + d
Error found :Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Ashu/PycharmProjects/untitled/", line 15, in
TypeError: 'TensorShape' object is not callable
I didn't found it here so can anyone please clarify this silly doubt as i am new learner.Sorry for any typing mistake !
I have a one more doubt , when i uses simply eval() function it doesn't print anything in pycharm , i had to use it along with print() method. So my doubt is when print() method is used it doesn't print the dtype of the tensor , it simply print the tensor or python object value in pycharm.(Why i am not getting the output in the format like : array([1. , 1.,] , dtype=float32))Is it the Pycharm way to print the tensor in new version or is it something i am doing wrong ? So excited to know the thing behind this , please help and pardon if i am wrong at any place.
One confusing aspect of tensorflow for beginners is there are two types of shape: dynamic shape, given by tf.shape(x), and static shape, given by x.shape (assuming x is a tensor). While they represent the same concept, they are used very differently.
Static shape is the shape of a tensor known at run time. Its a data type in its own right, but it can be converted to a list using as_list().
x = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, 3, 4))
static_shape = x.shape
shape_list = x.shape.as_list()
print(shape_list) # [None, 3, 4]
y = tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1)
print(y.shape.as_list()) # [None, 4]
During operations, tensorflow tracks static shapes as best it can. In the above example, y's shape was calculated based on the partially known shape of x's. Note we haven't even created a session, but the static shape is still known.
Since the batch size is not known, you can't use the static first entry in calculations.
z = tf.reduce_sum(x) / tf.cast(x.shape.as_list()[0], tf.float32) # ERROR
(we could have divided by x.shape.as_list()[1], since that dimension is known at run-time - but that wouldn't demonstrate anything here)
If we need to use a value which is not known statically - i.e. at graph construction time - we can use the dynamic shape of x. The dynamic shape is a tensor - like other tensors in tensorflow - which is evaluated using a session.
z = tf.reduce_sum(x) / tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[0], tf.float32) # all good!
You can't call as_list on the dynamic shape, nor can you inspect its values without going through a session evaluation.
As stated in the documentation, you can only call a session's run method with tensors, operations, or lists of tensors/operations. Your last line of code calls run with the result of e.shape(), which has type TensorShape. The session can't execute a TensorShape argument, so you're getting an error.
When you call print with a tensor, the system prints the tensor's content. If you want to print the tensor's type, use code like print(type(tensor)).

Declaring theano variables for pymc3

I am having issues replicating a pymc2 code using pymc3.
I believe it is due to the fact pymc3 is using the theano type variables which are not compatible with the numpy operations I am using. So I am using the #theano.decorator:
I have this function:
with pymc3.Model() as model:
z_stars = pymc3.Uniform('z_star', self.z_min_ssp_limit, self.z_max_ssp_limit)
Av_stars = pymc3.Uniform('Av_star', 0.0, 5.00)
sigma_stars = pymc3.Uniform('sigma_star',0.0, 5.0)
#Fit observational wavelength
ssp_fit_output = self.ssp_fit_theano(z_stars, Av_stars, sigma_stars,
#Define likelihood
like = pymc.Normal('ChiSq', mu=ssp_fit_output,
#Run the sampler
trace = pymc3.sample(iterations, step=step, start=start_conditions, trace=db)
def ssp_fit_theano(self, input_z, input_sigma, input_Av, obs_wave, obs_flux_masked,
rest_wave, bases_flux, int_mask, obsFlux_mean):
The first three variables are scalars (from the pymc3 uniform distribution). The
remaining variables are numpy arrays and the last one is a float. However, I am
getting this "'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'type'" error:
File "/home/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 615, in __call__
node = self.make_node(*inputs, **kwargs)
File "/home/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 963, in make_node
if not all(inp.type == it for inp, it in zip(inputs, self.itypes)):
File "/home/user/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 963, in <genexpr>
if not all(inp.type == it for inp, it in zip(inputs, self.itypes)):
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'type'
Please any advice in the right direction will be most welcomed.
I had a bunch of time-wasting-stops when I went from pymc2 to pymc3. The problem, I think, is that the doc is quite bad. I suspect they neglect the doc as far as the code is still evolving. 3 comments/advises:
I wish you could find some help using '#theano.compile.ops.as_op' here: failure to adapt pymc2 into pymc3 or here how to fit a method belonging to an instance with pymc3?
The drawback of '#theano.compile.ops.as_op' is that you implicitly exclude any analysis related to the gradient of your function. To have access to the gradient, I think you need to define your function in a more complex way presented here how to fit a method belonging to an instance with pymc3?
warning: for the moment, using theano seems to be a source of problem if you want to distribute your code under Windows. See build a .exe for Windows from a python 3 script importing theano with pyinstaller, but I am not sure whether it is just a personal clumsiness or really a problem. Personally I had to give up theano to be able to distribute my code...

tf.scatter_nd_update Variable Requirement vs RNN.__call__ method

I am developing a RNN and am using Tensorflow 1.1. I got the following error:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: The node 'model/att_seq2seq/encode/pocmru_rnn_encoder/rnn/while/Variable/Assign' has inputs from different frames. The input 'model/att_seq2seq/encode/pocmru_rnn_encoder/rnn/while/Identity_3' is in frame 'model/att_seq2seq/encode/pocmru_rnn_encoder/rnn/while/model/att_seq2seq/encode/pocmru_rnn_encoder/rnn/while/'. The input 'model/att_seq2seq/encode/pocmru_rnn_encoder/rnn/while/Variable' is in frame ''.
The error is caused by the lambda function in dynamic rnn method and a piece of code in my RNN.
tensorflow "dynamic_rnn / _dynamic_rnn_loop / _time_step" that using a lambda function to call method to loop through all inputs.
my code :
if type(myObject) != tf.Variable:
tp = tf.Variable(myObject, validate_shape=False)
tp = myObject
Logically, i repeatedly use tf.scatter_nd_update to update myObject. The pseudo code would be like myObject = scatter_nd_update(myObject, indices, updates). Since tf.scatter_nd_update requires Variable as argument and returns tensor, I need to wrap tensor into Variable. Hence the code above (test variable and then wrap). How should I modify my code to make it work? Thanks!